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What would happen if all the villains became friends?


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What if all the villains so far became friends? I'm talking about:


1. Starlight Glimmer

2. Changling Queen

3. King Sombra

4. Tirek

5. Owiezodle (Daring Do's enemy :P)


What then? Would the Mane 6 be defeated?


Or manage to tear the friendship apart by using the villains common trait of arrogance?


Does friendship only work as magic with the elements of harmony around at some point in time?


So many questions... I'd like to see everyponies opinion! :D

  • Brohoof 1
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Do you mean if they would team up together? Well, I would then consider the Mane 6 pretty much defeated, unless they could get others to help them :T. 

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3. King Sombra

But he's dead. :/


Anyway I can't see how that could happen, they all have their own intention, they all want Equestria for themselves (that's why Tirek betrayed Discord, he wanted Equestria just for himself). I don't see how they could team up.

And if they do, they would be disorganized. :P

Edited by Blobulle
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Well then, who said the Mane 6 can not get a little help as well? If things get really tough, there are so many side-characters who could help out the Mane 6 in defeating a league of villains.


Cadence and Blueblood as well as Discord would be enough.

  • Brohoof 1
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But he's dead. :/


Anyway I can't see how that could happen, they all have their own intention, they all want Equestria for themselves (that's why Tirek betrayed Discord, he wanted Equestria just for himself). I don't see how they could team up.

Enemy of my enemy, until defeated they could be friends. They all have some things in common.


And you really think he's dead? I would think that he was just pushed away. MLP isn't really a show that shows that sort of thing. It's only minds that are mature that would think that sort of stuff.

Well then, who said the Mane 6 can not get a little help as well? If things get really tough, there are so many side-characters who could help out the Mane 6 in defeating a league of villains.


Cadence and Blueblood as well as Discord would be enough.

I thought about that myself. ;) You're probably right.

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I don't see how that would be possible. Their interests hardly align.


Nightmare Moon wants everyone to appreciate the night, but the changelings want to feed off everyone. King Sombra wants to enslave everyone (I think), but Tirek wants to rule Equestria as well, and views any form of camaraderie as a means to an end. Discord (pre-season 3) wants to have anything but order in the world. Starlight Glimmer wouldn't want any of this. She believes her plans are in the world's best interest.


I don't see how they won't be at odds. They'll be too trying to eliminate each other to deal with the main six.

Edited by SpaceOnion
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While I would love to say that the Mane 6 would get through all that just fine, I am not seeing it in this case.  That's just too much combined mojo.


Ya know what, I forgot all about Discord.  I think he'd be the wild card that could decide it.  Pretty sure he wouldn't be fooled by Tirek a second time.  With outside help, and  helping to pit the villains against each other (having different goals means they would want different things after taking them out after all) I would say they have a real shot at this.

  • Brohoof 1
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Here is another thought. All the villains decide that alone, they are not powerful enough. So what they do is that they use dark magic to combine their physical forms together to create a Super Mega Villain that can withstand a full blast from the Elements of Harmony and has the traits of all the villains.

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I assume with a plot like that, they'd either go with doing the same (Super Mega Hero Pony) or even better, go full on Voltron (Mecha-Alicorn, GO!)  Wow... I kinda want to see this episode now...

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Nightmare Moon turned good (now Luna)


Discord also turned good 


Chrysalis is possible. 


Sombra is dead. (I hate how bronies think he's not dead when he clearly exploded into pieces.) 


Tirek is also possible. 


So is ahuizotl. 


So basically it's the Mane Six maybe including Discord vs Chrysalis, Tirek, and Ahizotl. 


So the Mane Six still stand a chance. Besides, they always figure out a way. 

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They will learn about friendship and stop being villains :)

It's so true. XD

I can see it now: all holding hands/hooves/various limbs, crying, "Friendship is magic!"

Okay, I'm done with headcannon now.

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