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Which Pony Would You Live With?


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I would probably live with Twilight... if that wasn't obvious. I think that she would be a great room mate though I would be open to living with AJ or RD. I kind of like the idea of having a castle to myself though.

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I would definitely want to live with Twilight! We could so much fun in the library! :yay: Maybe she can turn me into my OC so I can live in Equestria! :pinkie: I would gladly be her student ^_^ I can see us getting along well :squee: But I will have to get used to living in a castle :o:blink:

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I would live with Applejack because I would be able to work out and exercise and help out in general I would also like to interact with the other members of the apple family

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Probably Applejack. I respect her hardworking nature, plus helping out at the farm would be a good way to earn my keep. In addition, her honesty would ensure that any conflict we might have end up in the open quickly without unnecessary BS.


The only downside that I can think of is that I can't relate to the whole caring about family thing, but since that's based more on a lack of empathy than disagreement, it probably wouldn't be a problem.

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Hands down it has to be Sunset Shimmer.


I can really relate to her on a very deep level. I tend to be quick to trust someone on the surface, but not to open up to them. For the longest time, I felt the need to assert myself to the point of imposing and driving others away. I'm slowly learning how to interact like a decent human being. I'm still slightly unsure some of the time on who I am, versus who I was, from time to time. :sunny:


I'm joined the forums because of Sunset, inspiring me to reach out, make mistakes and learn about friendship. :pinkie:


She's very close to my heart, and I would love to live with her, share our experiences and such. :squee:

Edited by Shimmerlicious
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