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open [RP] The Blackwater Quarry


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This colt was something else. It wouldn't be impossible for a colt that age to know that kind of terminology but that begged to question as to why something so dry and abstract would get his attention. What was most likely, Gold deduced was that the colt was just reciting what his mother told him without full context. What solidified Golds conclusion was that his story wasn't actually that impressive. Big profits were expected from a big ticket company like PegAir, and spotting something like as flashy as embezzlement is something he could see himself doing as new as he was to accounting. He smiled at his own reassurance, even though he didn't remember when he started frowning. Remembering his predicament and the tension, Gold's tried to make his smile seem forced. There was no need to show his hoof yet.

"Hehe, w-well," Gold acted as he tried to walk past the troublesome colt, "I --um-- have to go, away."

Gold's patience was running thin. That 'Redd' was going to have some hell to pay if Gold had any say on the matter.

  • Brohoof 2

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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 Clod Hopper turned to meet the new mare and slowly batted his eyes at her. "Oh, um... Howdy Miss Meeks.

 Just helped a mare take a bunch ah stuff and she done ran down thisaway right fast. Reckon she was in a right way to need more help on account of the hurry she done put herself into it.

 But I don't need to bother nopony about no nothing. Reckon yer boss already knows me since I came here to be workin' with the Blackwaters."

 Clod gave her a rather matter-of-fact, taciturn  rundown of what had happened so far this way. That a mare she very likely knew of was off stealing from the competition again, that a stranger from the nearby mining facilities just walked right in to notice that there were very much likely operating there illegaly and moreover... that the large, muscular stallion in front of her saw no reason at all to be worried in the slightest of any of the preceeding.

 Hopper, after talking, took heed and shifted his weight to one side and inclined his head a little towards the mare in greeting to show that, if he had a hat on, he would tip it to her. "Pleased tah meetcha. Ah'm Hopper. Clod Hopper."

  • Brohoof 3

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Illiad Easle - @Flow

Pitch Point was far enough removed from the quarry proper to be a bit of a walk, but it wasn't so far that it was deemed 'off limits' to the house staff.  Though it was dirty, smelled like sulfur and had a tendancy for things to explode within it, Pitch Point had been a part of Blackwater history, and therefre was accepted as part of the quarry itself.

Love Bloom wouldn't get in trouble for going there (unless Vylia felt like giving her a hard time, which was possible), but the trip would most certainly take a little time.




On 3/22/2020 at 12:21 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Hehehe, I hope to meet your very special somepony one day, Silver. He sounds like a fun one."

Silver gave a shy grin at that, putting on a smile that looked... distant.  Yearning.  But not sad, thankfully. 

"I hope so too, Blitz; I miss him - besides, if he liked my inventions, I'm SURE he'll like what you've got!  He'll flip over your explosive abilities!  Well, maybe not actually turn a flip, but more like he'll be absolutely stunned by the sheer POWER you can produce!"


On 3/22/2020 at 12:21 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"And I don't think Dax-Dad's bad. He looks a little grumpy, but lots of ponies have lots of looks. I dunno why anypony would judge you just on that, when there might be a happy, friendly pony behind the grump. Like he is. He's a really nice pony, just like you are.

But what's wrong with your little brother? Everypony's acting funny when talking about him. Is he a bully? I like to mess with bullies."

Dax gave a slight chuckle. 

"Well, yeah - Father may not be a very sociable stallion, but he works hard, judges fairly, and provides for all of us.  No one really looks at that very often; most of the time, they take one look at his scowl, and decide right there that he's going to be awful to deal with.  I'm glad you saw past that, Blitz... though it doesn't surprise me that you did.  YOU take more through what actually happens than what might happen, and that woudn't at all be lost on him."

When she mentioned the words 'little brother', Dax gave a large and exasperated sigh.

"Oglevy kinda IS a bully; he's annoying, sneaky, underhooved, conniving and manipulative.  AND, he's a genius, on top of all that.  He likes to 'play' with other folks, since they always underestimate him - he's responsible for Mother having to hire twenty-seven different tutors for me, because he keeps running them off.  And you don't even wanna know how many tutors Mother's been through for him..."

He shook his head.  "Worst part is?  When he's not being a brat, Oggie can be really thoughtful and nice; he gets so caught up in 'playing' with others, it's hard to keep in mind that he's still just a kid, and that he may be ultra-smart... but he still has a lot of growing up to do."

Dax then looked very intently at Blitz, with a small smile growing as he did.

"Y'know... come to think of it... Blitz, I think you have a potential to actually be a friend to him, too.  I mean, if you charmed Father the way you did, and you dealt with living in the Everfree for so long... well, you might be the shock to the system that Oglevy's been needing for years now!  I'll bet he wouldn't be able to pull much wool over your eyes, right?  Maybe, if we run across him, you could look him over & tell me if you think you could do it or not?  Would you even want to try that?"

Dax smiled.  "It'd be like putting a long-standing bully in his place; after all, you don't know what sort of terror he can be..."




On 3/29/2020 at 11:16 PM, Loud Opinion said:

"Hehe, w-well... I --um-- have to go, away."

Oglevy followed, keeping at least two steps behind him.

"But I thought you wanted to talk about thread counts?  What with the Maretese Carpet in Father's study seated at five-hundred count, and Mother's own sunroom circular mat standing at an even two-hundred, you sounded like you knew a LOT about thread counts!  Did you really come here to see if you could get a job because you know your thread counts?  I'm pretty sure Mother already has a tailor, but there still might be some room on staff for someone who's so very, very knowledgible about thread counts!"

He now wore a tiny smile as he walked along behind Gold; this is today's Special Friend, he mused happily.

"Would you be willing to put your amazing thread count skills to the test in front of Mother?  Because I'm pretty sure that she'd be SUPER impressed with them!  All those facts and figures in accounting... why, they must be small fries against your mighty, encompassing and all-too-complete knowledge of those little thread counts, right?  I mean, really, Celestia herself might truly have met her match when it comes to thread counts, and it's possible even she would say that your amazing capabilities are even beyond her own abilities, and then she'd have to crown you as the Prince of Thread Counts, and she might even give you a section of Equestria to rule on your own!  Wow, I had no idea that all those nifty little thread counts were sooooooooooo important to the hinge of Equestrian society!"

And this was only the beginning for Oglevy's newest 'Special Friend'..



On 4/3/2020 at 12:13 AM, Widdershins said:

"Oh, um... Howdy Miss Meeks.

 Just helped a mare take a bunch ah stuff and she done ran down thisaway right fast. Reckon she was in a right way to need more help on account of the hurry she done put herself into it.

Pansy looked at Clod with a raised eyebrow.  "A mare, you say?  Was running here?  Well, we do have a number of busy individuals here, so it doesn't surprise me... b-but I will take a moment to thank you for your help, good sir.  I can't offer anything in the way of compensation, unfortunately, but with a build like yours, I'm certain we would happily look over your resume, if you would be so kind as to send one?"


On 4/3/2020 at 12:13 AM, Widdershins said:

But I don't need to bother nopony about no nothing. Reckon yer boss already knows me since I came here to be workin' with the Blackwaters."

Pansy froze.  She looked very carefully at Clod, even adjusting her glasses to make sure she was seeing things correctly.

"You're... working... for the Blackwaters?"

She seemed to be having a mental argument for a moment, trying to figure out what this could possibly mean in her head.  As she thought, she looked around the smaller quarry, seemingly trying to find someone...


On 4/3/2020 at 12:13 AM, Widdershins said:

"Pleased tah meetcha. Ah'm Hopper. Clod Hopper."

She looked back at him when he spoke, and she gave a nervous smile.  "It's... a pleasure to meet you, Mister Hopper.  I think I should probably inform you that this-"

"IS your lucky day, my friend!"  The voice came from behind Pansy, and she jumped as she heard it, then seemed to straighten her posture and simply wait.

Slowly coming into view was a LARGE zebra, decked out with a security vest and a pair of smart shades that covered his eyes from view.  He was almost a dead-match for Clod in muscles, though the zebra's frame looked a bit smaller than the farmpone - more compact.  But he was a walking representation of power, and he now walked up to Clod and looked him right in the eyes... or at least, Clod might assume that, because the shades were as dark as a moonless night.

From Pansy's other side came another stallion, a unicorn.  He was wearing an affable smile, but he looked greasy; his coat had weird dapples and spots in it that made it look like it would have been dirty, even right after a bath.  He wore a shirt and striped vest combo that gave him a sophisticated look, but the gleam in his eyes told the story of someone who was looking to get as much advantage over others as possible.

"Did I hear you right, that you just assisted one of my workers with, if I'm right, 'taking a bunch of stuff', and that such a fine, hard-working stallion as yourself is working for the Blackwaters?"

The zebra was expressionless, and just stood there like a statue as the smaller, skinner, greasier stallion began to walk a circle around Clod.

"You certainly have the muscle for the job, I'll grant that.  My name, good sir, is Jasper Cragg... and, if I may ask, did you happen to catch the name of the employee you were assisting?  I mean," he added with a smile, "if you really did such an excellent job, then I would want to hear how good you did straight from the employee's mouth!"

Pansy gave Jasper a bit of a skeptical stare, but she said nothng.

  • Brohoof 3

=====  ( 0=====


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@Randimaxis @Flow

On 3/16/2020 at 10:09 PM, Flow said:

"Mystic Glow, a very nice name indeed. My name is Love Bloom, one of many who serve the Blackwater Manor, and it's patrons, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Mystic smiled amicably as she moved to follow behind Love Bloom, "It's good to meet you, I don't know to what degree Lady Blackwater informs the staff of their guests, but I just moved in today, and I hope to be here for some time. Have you been here long? What's it like to live and work here?"

Mystic figured that one of the house staff would be the most able to give n accurate depiction of what life in the manor was like, Illiad having been an honored guest and Dax being family could hardly be expected to give a realistic representation of the sort of treatment she herself would receive, being an employee under Madam Blackwater's direct scrutiny. "I hope you don't mind my asking of course, and you don't have to answer if it troubles you." Your emotions will speak louder than your words anyway, especially in silence.

Mystic hadn't picked up much discontent from the staff yet, it seemed that while the Blackwaters were stern they were not abusive towards their staff, at least so far.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gold Dust stewed as his unwilling companion droned on and on. At first, he was worried that the colt didn't believe his story, but when started questioning his competence instead of his honesty, Gold just tuned him out. It probably wasn't smart to ignore him if he was a Blackwater, the keyword being 'if', but listening on couldn't be good for his heart-rate. Besides, a child's opinion on competence doesn't go nearly as far as their opinion on honesty. Gold could prove his worth through his work, but if he got a reputation for being dishonest then he might never get that opportunity.
Gold started to wonder if he had done anything to deserve this. 'Let's see,' Gold thought, 'I show up, ask for directions, and take a brief sit down on a couch. I think I'm pretty justified here.' With that thought out of the way, Gold was about to tune back into whatever the colt was saying only to hear 'Prince of Thread Counts' and tune right back out. The only indicator that Gold was even awake was the fact that he kept walking. Even that wasn't too convincing with his heavy movements and the occasional tremor of fatigue. Thankfully the front door was in sight. As garish as the paintings were, they at least made it easy to tell unfamiliar hallways from familiar ones.

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Illiad Easle

"Ah yes, Mystic Glow. I remember Madam Vylia informing, and instructing us what to do upon the new one's arrival, I must've forgotten because I had a lot of things to take care of at that time. Though, it truly is beneficial that there's a number of us around to take care of such matters."  Love Bloom thought, as they made their way towards the path to Pitch Point. And along the way, they both exchanged words, in form of questions, and answers.

On 4/6/2020 at 9:06 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"It's good to meet you, I don't know to what degree Lady Blackwater informs the staff of their guests, but I just moved in today, and I hope to be here for some time. 

Upon hearing that, Love Bloom felt more that happy to answer. "Oh yes, Madam Vylia did inform us of your impending arrival the day before, in such a timely manner. In fact, we do keep a log to keep track of arrivals to the manor, we all take care of those in order to ensure the most efficient planning, and service for our guests. If you're staying here for sometime, I do hope you will enjoy it, as we work to make your stay, a comfortable one."

On 4/6/2020 at 9:06 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Have you been here long? What's it like to live and work here?  I hope you don't mind my asking of course, and you don't have to answer if it troubles you.

When she heard that, Love Bloom replied "Nonsense, it's not a problem at all if you ask me that. You see, I've been here for two years already, but it's a long story on how I actually got here. Speaking of working and living here, the conditions are adequate, and we are paid quite nicely, and treated well. Compared to the past, where it was the complete opposite. From what I know, it was a dark time for the company back then, employees were treated poorly, often living in sub-humane conditions, and often did not receive payment on time. The quarry also lacked safety measures, and it all damaged the reputation of the Blackwater name. Thankfully, the current head of this company, Luther Blackwater, along with his wife Vylia, worked tirelessly to turn things around to what we have here today." 

"Oh yes, if you thought that we maids, and butlers are treated poorly, that's not exactly true, mostly because Madam Vylia herself has two personal butlers at her side, I'm not sure if you met them, but their names are Beck, and Call. They both happen to get the harshest treatment out of everyone in the manor. It's a complicated story, but I think it's best to ask the lady herself on why. As for the others like me, she rarely ever does that, unless she loses her temper because we made a mistake or something. Also, If the lady is not in the mood, you do not want to speak with her. Truth be told, it has happened to me once, and...well, it was quite the experience." She then giggled a bit, before she continued with a different subject.

"So, when you get to Pitch Point, I will warn you that it will smell like rotting eggs, due to the presence of sulfur, and that the air is quite flammable, resulting in explosions likely to happen. Do take great caution when you get there." She warned as they continued on.

Edited by Flow
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On 4/6/2020 at 12:04 AM, Randimaxis said:

"I hope so too, Blitz; I miss him - besides, if he liked my inventions, I'm SURE he'll like what you've got!  He'll flip over your explosive abilities!  Well, maybe not actually turn a flip, but more like he'll be absolutely stunned by the sheer POWER you can produce!"

"I'll make him an extra special kaboomie then! One with a lotta sparkles, and zappy noises. Oooh, perhaps I can make a fun display like with Dax, just where it looks like you?"

Blitz's eyes lighted up like it were Hearth's Warming Eve. Making the fireworks display with Dax had been a tough one to get through, but now that she had figured out how to combine things right, she could do the same with Silver in far les time. A week, two at most, whilst she were mapping out where to put the varied things to make sure it all came together right. If she used the same stance in the display that she did for Dax it could be a matter of a few days actually... But Silver should have something unique, right? Hmm, she'd have to think about this. It would sorta depend on how quickly her coltfriend were gonna come around. Would be good to have one ready for him right as he'd come around the first time. Perhaps make a quick one, then work on the better one would work? Hehe, that'd do, but she needed her stuff from the forest first then. It were all prepped and ready to go. Maybe Silver would be okay with a field trip one of these days to empty her workshop, so that she could get everything here?

She were about to ask when Dax started, and her attention were drawn his way like a magnet. Why, she almost got clued to his leg as if he were one too, as he started talking and she seemingly tried to fuse her side to his leg.

Granted, he had started talking for a time before she got close, but the closing argument were what brought her real close. The other stuff she had listened in on and absorbed whilst thinking over the Silver part. She'd get around to fully digesting things about Oglevy later, but she got the gist: He were a terror, and real smart. Chased of some ponies by being like that too. Heh, good luck for him to try that on her though. She were harder to get rid off than cave spiders, and quite willing to give off a *bite* of her own too. Not literally though. Biting others were yucky.

On 4/6/2020 at 12:04 AM, Randimaxis said:

"Y'know... come to think of it... Blitz, I think you have a potential to actually be a friend to him, too.  I mean, if you charmed Father the way you did, and you dealt with living in the Everfree for so long... well, you might be the shock to the system that Oglevy's been needing for years now!  I'll bet he wouldn't be able to pull much wool over your eyes, right?  Maybe, if we run across him, you could look him over & tell me if you think you could do it or not?  Would you even want to try that?"

Dax smiled.  "It'd be like putting a long-standing bully in his place; after all, you don't know what sort of terror he can be..."

"Maybe he's bored and alone? Not a lotta foals goes into the Everfree Forest, so it gets kinda lonely there at times, and adults never goes there just to play. Here I've only seen grown ups, and I didn't see any foals for a loooooong time when I went here. Maybe he's real lonely too, and doesn't have anypony he can just go play with? I dunno, I get kinda bored when there's no foals around anyway.

Heh, or maybe he's just a meaniepants, but then I'll just prank him right into place. Kinda sad I didn't bring my dummy hoofgrenade for this. It could've been funny chasing him with that one, and when he told somepony, I could just open it and show that it were completely full of sand."

Blitz giggled at this. Been one of the ways she had been after Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara in Ponyville, both for them being mean to her, as well as other foals. Far as she were concerned, that were the sort of thing you had to do to bullies. Show them you weren't afraid, and retaliate. Just, y'know, without Actually hurting them. Then You would be a bad pony, not them, and that would kinda defeat the whole purpose, right?

As for the deal with Oglevy, it might really be that he were just mean and liked toying with others, but you didn't go through life by thinking the worst about somepony. You had to try and think that everypony weren't all bad, and then focus on the good things, unless they kept being mean. In which case, you showed them that you weren't a pushover, and worked from there. She were kinda still working on her whole approach to others, but the baseline were that she wanted to think the nicest things she could about others, even if they seemed grumpy, or were little bullies. She just also wasn't gonna be a pushover, so if something happened, she'd retaliate in her own, fun little way. It were just that her version of fun could be... Scorching, at times.

"Anyway, if me see him, then sure, I'll go over and offer him a great big friend hug. And if he gets mean, I'll have some fuuuuuuuun."

She said the last word musically, whilst levitating the bag of itching powder out from her tail, and shook it around in the air with a mischievous grin on her little face. One way or another, Oglevy would either become her friend, or she'd become his nemesis. Either way, it'd probably be fun.

  • Brohoof 3


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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  • 2 weeks later...


 Clod Hopper was big, but there was a difference in being born into a life of steady, reliable work and the sort like the zebra that very likely measured his strength against others in a more... competitive of circumstances. Clod might not have been the fastest to catch on to a social situation, but the slow, steady of approach did seem strong enough to get him doubting the intentions. Especially the more ponies that got around him, the more nervous he got. As a slow country colt who typically had, at most, only his father around for most of his life he wasn't sure how to handle himself when attention was drawn to him.

 Darting his eyes from these newcomers, the workhorse stuttered in response. "Eee-Yes?" Turning his head to catch up with the unicorn and failing to do so, Clod continued. "Beg mah pardon, Mister Cragg. But I don' reckon there nothin out of the usual about helpin' a mare git her stuff. Suppose she called herself a Tart; Miss Tart Dewdrop. Hope it ain't no hassle to any of ya; I don't want to get give nopony no bother."

  • Brohoof 2

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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On 4/5/2020 at 7:06 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"It's good to meet you, I don't know to what degree Lady Blackwater informs the staff of their guests, but I just moved in today, and I hope to be here for some time; have you been here long?  What's it like to live and work here?  I hope you don't mind my asking of course, and you don't have to answer if it troubles you."


On 4/6/2020 at 10:16 AM, Flow said:

"Oh yes, Madam Vylia did inform us of your impending arrival the day before, in such a timely manner. In fact, we do keep a log to keep track of arrivals to the manor, we all take care of those in order to ensure the most efficient planning, and service for our guests. If you're staying here for sometime, I do hope you will enjoy it, as we work to make your stay, a comfortable one."


On 4/6/2020 at 10:16 AM, Flow said:

"Nonsense, it's not a problem at all if you ask me that..."

As they continued along, Mystic was treated to a sight she might not have had the chance to truly see before; the path wound through a thicket of tall brambles (with spines; the path was the ONLY safe place to walk) and up and down a few embankments, until she rounded an ivy-covered corner, and...

She was on the open side of the mountain, and she could almost see forever from here.

They were very far up - so high, there were clouds beneath them.  The view spanned miles and miles below; a quaint little town in the distance looking like a filly's playset, a farm in the far distance, with groves of some unidentifiable fruit trees, valleys and hills covered with grass and flowers, forests both thick and sparse... it was a breathtaking view, even for the most hardened and seasoned of travellers.

Of course, Bloom had seen it many times already; Master Dax had a tendancy to hide in Blackwater Ridge at times, which was on a split-off path, further up.  Still, it was always a lovely sight to behold... as long as you minded your steps, as there was no railing between the somewhat narrow path and the sheer drop of what may have been hundreds of meters or more.  Yet another reason for it to be so breathtaking.


@Loud Opinion

"Y'know, Mother says that you can take a good measure of someone based sheerly on what they say and how they say it - and frankly?  I don't know of you'll make the cut, mister.  I mean, I've been doing all the talking so far, and you've barely said even a hoofful of words at all.  I'm starting to wonder if you have a learning disability, as some of my tutors referred to their other students - well, in comparison to ME, anyway - when they spoke of how far behind they were.  But I've always been like that, so I suppose it's okay.  Hey, are you even listening to me?  If not, it's fine - I can keep talking for as LONG as it takes for me to get through to you, mister, because I would REEEEEEEEALLY like a friend... and since there's nobody else around who wants to be my friend (except Dax, who's a dork), then I guess I'm kinda stuck with you, so I gotta make the most out of it.  So now, I gotta ask about your credentials, because I promise you, though you might actually have thoughts otherwise on the subject, your mastery of thread counts aren't gonna mean diddly-squat to the Blackwater Quarry; in fact, we just today got a zebra in to work on some of the records and stuff - say, you don't think she's gonna take the job YOU'RE here for, do ya?  I mean, maybe you just got here a day late and a bit short - jeez, that would really BITE, wouldn't it?  If you came all the way here from Thread Count City to try to find a decent job here, and then only coming to find out that someone else beat you to the punch?  But I don't know if that matters to you or not, but it's still something you should know about, I mean, if you DO wanna work here.  Hey, look at that - you have a cutie mark; I don't have one yet, but when I get one, it'll be perfect for me, and easy to understand; yours looks... well, at least I'll bet you're proud of yourself, right?  Hey, good job, champ!  You managed to muddle through your 'Special' moment, and got rewarded with a picture of... that... for everyone to see and think whatever they think about you.  DO they think about you?  I mean, if you were the kind of pony others would think about, what do you think they'd think of you?" 




On 4/12/2020 at 1:55 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Anyway, if me see him, then sure, I'll go over and offer him a great big friend hug.  And if he gets mean, I'll have some fuuuuuuuun."

Dax gave what looked to be a mischevious grin as he saw the packet; a rarity for the Blackwater.

"Y'know what?  It would be fun to see him finally get his.  I mean, it's been a long time coming, and if there's any way to get at him, you'll blast your way to it, no doubt!"

He pulled the filly off his leg and gave her a proper hug.  "You're gonna be great to have here, Blitzy.  Thanks for working so hard to find me, and thanks for the thoughtfulness of the fireworks; you're a fantastic friend, and I only hope I can do something like that for you too, someday."

Silver grinned, then glanced up into the sky.  "Maybe we should head back; I have a feeling you'll be wanted for lunch soon, and if you don't show up, Mrs. Blackwater will worry."

Dax nodded, then looked at Blitz.  "Hey... you wanna see if you can join us for lunch?  I wanna gather up Mystic too; we can go by the manor and see if she's finished with what she had to do.  I know the back path, and we can reach the front yard in no time!"

"Besides, I'd like to start really getting a good look at those wings of yours; by the time you two are finished with lunch, I should have a rather complete schematic to work with - and we can start work on the Blitzwing, Model Two!"

She gave a shy smile and a blush.  "I-if you don't mind me calling it that, Blitz."

Little did they realize, it was the same path that Mystic and Bloom were already taking, and that they would meet sooner than they thought.




6 hours ago, Widdershins said:

"Beg mah pardon, Mister Cragg. But I don' reckon there nothin out of the usual about helpin' a mare git her stuff. Suppose she called herself a Tart; Miss Tart Dewdrop. Hope it ain't no hassle to any of ya; I don't want to get give nopony no bother."

Cragg smiled wider as Clod revealed the name of the employee.

"Excellent.  WonderfulGood."  He stepped closer to the farmpone, and put a sympathetic hoof on his shoulder.

"A million thank yous, for assisting my assistant with gathering, er... supplies.  Yes, gathering supplies.  With such a gracious and gentlecoltly gesture, I dare say that you've earned a bit of a bonus, my good stallion.  Here, have this..."

He looked back at the zebra and gave a nod of his head towards Hopper; the shade-wearing stallion, without any change of expression, reached into his vest and produced a grapefruit-sized diamond, rather well-cut and pure, and gave it to Cragg, who in turn held it out to the farmpone.

"Here - take it.  It's yours, for doing such a fine job with your helping hooves.  And if you're interested, there are plenty more where this one came from... IF you're willing to help me out with a few other... eh, 'chores'... that have to be completed?  Are you interested?"

Pansy looked at Clod with an expression on her muzzle that said she hoped Clod wasn't considering it.

  • Brohoof 1

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Gold simply sat at the front porch watching the clouds go by and waiting for his mussels to relax. Gold did tune in a few times, but not for long enough to gather enough context to jump in. He did pick up the fact that they apparently hired someone to keep a direct count of their stock which was a little odd. Gold just made that story up. He didn't know ponies actually got hired for that. Wouldn't they be able to higher a statistician for that? A single professional working for an hour a week would be a lot more cost-effective than a dedicated worker counting warehouses endlessly. Maybe Gold was selling them short. Professionals like that aren't exactly flooding the market after all. Still, when dealing with raw recourse that could go a long way. Maybe there was a reason the Blackwaters would avoid professionals.

Then there was something about biting. Maybe he was talking about a sales pitch with a lot of bite. 'Maybe I should pay more attention,' Gold thought again.

The world around him seemed to get a little duller. Like the color was being drained out everything. His ring hoof was warm too. Being both weak in body and heart was no condition to be in now. Something had to change, but his thoughts seemed so far away.

Then he heard him talking about his cutie mark. His comments struck Gold as weird though. 'Easy to understand?' 'Do they even think of you?' These don't sound at all like something a child would come up with. It's almost like he was fed those words. He's been talking a lot about his mother, maybe he should expect the same kind of thing from her. That reminded him, maybe he should come up with an excuse for waiting outside in case 'Redd' was being genuine.

Of course, there was still something bothering him about the colt next to him, besides the constant noise. Why me? maybe he is talking so much because he doesn't get a lot of opportunities. Sometimes his old school friends were like that. That part made him laugh a little bit. His latest annoyance had problems of his own too.

"You know what," Gold said, regaining some of his color, "at first I was just trying to get you to leave me alone, but I like your persistence. I know what you're getting at though. So, no I don't actually do thread counts. How about I give you a real pitch, and you tell me if that's impressive."

Edited by Loud Opinion
  • Brohoof 2

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Randimaxis @Flow

13 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

They were very far up - so high, there were clouds beneath them.  The view spanned miles and miles below; a quaint little town in the distance looking like a filly's playset, a farm in the far distance, with groves of some unidentifiable fruit trees, valleys and hills covered with grass and flowers, forests both thick and sparse... it was a breathtaking view, even for the most hardened and seasoned of travellers.

Mystic was anything but a seasoned traveler, this was the furthest she'd ever been from her home by a factor of hundreds of miles, the highest she'd ever been had been the top of her mother's tower, and that was only a few stories off the ground. She hadn't known, mostly due to a lack of experience on her part, but being up here, looking out at the view, had made her realize:

Mystic was TERRIFIED of heights.

Once the panic had set in she scrambled backwards, both distancing herself from the edge as much as possible while also not letting it leave her sight. She wasn't blinking either, as her breathing grew more ragged and the fear further immobilized her. She'd slip a little in her haste to retreat, and as such immediately drop to the ground, gripping whatever secure thing she could grasp. Only once she found something to grip could she finally close her eyes, and she closed them harder than she ever had before. The fear was worse than when she had been captured, when she was about to be sold into slavery.

She had been silent up to this point, so Bloom may not have noticed her sudden panic induced breakdown, but she then began to cry, hoping beyond hope that Dax, her savior before, would come to rescue her again.

If Bloom noticed and came to help, Mystic would initially lash out, but if she were calm and soothing Mystic would eventually calm down, especially if she were moved out of sight of the height.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

As the two continued on the path to Pitch Point, they would pay their attention to the view that presented itself as they passed by. It was a magnificent sight to see, at least for those who see it for the first time, but Love Bloom, like the others who live and work here, would not be thrilled at such view, mostly because it becomes such a mundane thing to see in everyday life at Blackwater. Although, the views on the mountainside was picturesque, she still did not like coming here, because the smell of sulfur would get onto her uniform, and it would take her quite the time to wash it at night, when she should be sleeping soundly after a tiring job. Even though she hated coming here, she would put up with it, only because it was part of her job. Still, this sight would make it worthwhile.

When she noticed that the only hoofsteps being made were her own, she realized that Mystic was missing. "Oh dear, did I lose her? I better check back," She thought before she turned around and trotted on her way back, and it wasn't long till she found Mystic, who was on the ground sobbing. Bloom seemed confused at first, then she noticed how high on the mountain side they were, and in the distance, a town, and a farm that all resembled a foal's playset, she then glanced back at Mystic. At first, she thought that she was starting to feel sick from the smell of sulfur, or whatever illness Celestia knows, but then realized that Mystic was terrified of heights. And Bloom only thought that was the case, simply because she did not hear any grunting, or pains, which would signal injury, or illness. "Panic attack, acrophobia I guess..." Was all she thought. 

After confirming what was going on, her bedside manner style of approach kicked in. It was something that she trained herself in the past, and she knew that it would always come in handy on the job. Slowly, she approached her, before she began in a calm tone, "Lady Mystic? It's me, Love Bloom. It's okay, I'm here. I see that you're afraid of the heights, if that's the case, then I'd like you to breathe in, and out...then once you've calmed down,  I would like you to keep your eyes closed, and that you hold on to my hoof, as we move away from the edge. If it helps, I may offer you my handkerchief as a blindfold. What would you say?"

Edited by Flow
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On 4/25/2020 at 5:14 PM, Randimaxis said:

"Y'know what?  It would be fun to see him finally get his.  I mean, it's been a long time coming, and if there's any way to get at him, you'll blast your way to it, no doubt!"

"One time, I drizzled some fun dust on some mean bullies at school who said I were crazy. They sneezed bubbles for an hour."

Blitz had to stop up as she remembered that again, so that she could laugh heartily at the fun memory. Well, fun for her, and several other onlookers. Not so much for Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara though. But they had been warned that she didn't like bullies, and she wasn't as passive about that demeaning warfare as most they went after. Nope, she retaliated, even long after she had been kicked out of school. Mostly because she kept hearing they were being naughty, and needed a lesson.

"I'd totally prank Oglevy too, if I saw him being a meanie. I didn't bring anything, but I can make fun stuff's real fast. And then when I get my things from the Everfree, I can start making all kinds of real nifty fun stuff! Like rainbow sneeze powder. It's real pretty."

Granted, a lot of her low rank pranks were sneeze of itching related, but considering her profession, it were better than going towards her usual comfort zone, and roll something packed in grenades towards her targets.

On 4/25/2020 at 5:14 PM, Randimaxis said:

He pulled the filly off his leg and gave her a proper hug.  "You're gonna be great to have here, Blitzy.  Thanks for working so hard to find me, and thanks for the thoughtfulness of the fireworks; you're a fantastic friend, and I only hope I can do something like that for you too, someday."

Any thoughts on that vanished into thin air soon as Dax took her in though. The hug were in itself great enough, but then he started to compliment her too? Yeeey! She'd definitely hug him back and cling on like a leech. Just you know, with more hoof powers, and not from biting into his skin. That sounded yucky, and not friendly at all.

"Of course I worked real hard for you, Dax! We're the bestest friends, and I promised you that I'd make you a fun explosive so you'd get all smiley again. Just had to find you then, and the trip were fun! I met lots of new ponies, and a bear. Big things don't wanna go near me in the Everfree anymore, so that was real special."

She neglected to mention that had something to do with her tendency to play with said beast with her explosives, causing her to get a really bad reputation with most carnivores in the forest, and a good deal of the prey too. Only the squirrels didn't seem to be bothered with her that much, and only got annoyed when she accidentally torched one of their trees.

On 4/25/2020 at 5:14 PM, Randimaxis said:

tz.  "Hey... you wanna see if you can join us for lunch?  I wanna gather up Mystic too; we can go by the manor and see if she's finished with what she had to do.  I know the back path, and we can reach the front yard in no time!"

This certainly didn't make Blitz let go of Dax any more, as her happy hug intensified to a point where if his marefriend had been here, the pure joy would likely make her feel queasy again.

"Yeeeey! Then I can meet Dax-Mom too, and Oglevy! All the family in one fun spot filled with delicious f-"

On 4/25/2020 at 5:14 PM, Randimaxis said:

"Besides, I'd like to start really getting a good look at those wings of yours; by the time you two are finished with lunch, I should have a rather complete schematic to work with - and we can start work on the Blitzwing, Model Two!"

She gave a shy smile and a blush.  "I-if you don't mind me calling it that, Blitz."

That joy didn't stand a chance as Silver started talking, and completely shattered her joy-ometer. You could literally see the glee making Blitz look like a complete crazed lunatic as she let go and jerked around to face Silver with a smile so big it threatened to pop the top of her head off.


She'd jump right at Silver, which wouldn't feel as much of an impact as Dax had before, as there simply wasn't the time for her to gain the sort of momentum she had thrown herself at him with. For thew short distance though, she'd sure still hit as hard as she could, as she with no restrictions or inhibitions latched on like a koala to however high up Silver's chest she might've been able to reach. Unless Silver had used magic to stop Blitz from impact her - which would make the filly just wriggle around the air, clearly still trying to get to her target - she'd find that she pretty much needed to exert magical force to get this little glue-stick of joy off of her.

If it were not apparent, Blitz approved highly of the suggested name, and considering how close they were getting to the other group, would likely every soon present quite a show for the others. One of which might be surprised to see that a filly were actively allowed in the quarry, which surely must be a dangerous place to have somepony's foal hanging around.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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 Hopper looked down at Cragg's outheld offer and a worried expression crossed his face as he took no motion to take it. After a thoughtful pause, he responded.

"Nice rock. ...What am I supposed to do with it?"

"Reckon I came here to work, Sir. Not get paid. Ah'm here to settle debts from muh family and you'd know that. If you was part of the Blackwaters. Don't seem right, Mister Crag...

 How could you not? Bein' this close, doin' the same thing. Why, I reckon it'd make you a might bit useless. Don' see how ya could be anythin' but.

 if y'all could help a poor country boy out."

 Clod Hopper spoke quietly, his voice filled with trepidation and eyes downcast not meeting their gazes.



(Running into minor issues posting this in character threshold...........)

  • Brohoof 2

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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On 4/25/2020 at 8:18 PM, Loud Opinion said:

"You know what... at first I was just trying to get you to leave me alone, but I like your persistence. I know what you're getting at though. So, no I don't actually do thread counts. How about I give you a real pitch, and you tell me if that's impressive."

The pegasus colt went quiet for a moment, seeming to shrewdly gauge if the offer was real or not... then, apparently deciding it was, he gave a short nod.

"If you can talk a good game... then okay, we'll see what you have to offer Mother.  Go right ahead."

He actually took a seat on one of the expensive (and tasteless-looking) divans, and crossed his forelegs, giving the stallion his full attention... an attention, Gold got the impression, that went further than surface impressions might allow.




On 4/26/2020 at 12:36 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Mystic was TERRIFIED of heights.


On 4/26/2020 at 7:28 AM, Flow said:

"Lady Mystic? It's me, Love Bloom. It's okay, I'm here. I see that you're afraid of the heights, if that's the case, then I'd like you to breathe in, and out...then once you've calmed down,  I would like you to keep your eyes closed, and that you hold on to my hoof, as we move away from the edge. If it helps, I may offer you my handkerchief as a blindfold. What would you say?"


On 4/26/2020 at 12:36 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Mystic would initially lash out, but if she were calm and soothing Mystic would eventually calm down, especially if she were moved out of sight of the height.

(If you two wanna RP that out in-play, go right ahead; otherwise, move along to the next scene as you wish.)



On 5/1/2020 at 4:55 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"One time, I drizzled some fun dust on some mean bullies at school who said I were crazy. They sneezed bubbles for an hour.  I'd totally prank Oglevy too, if I saw him being a meanie. I didn't bring anything, but I can make fun stuff's real fast. And then when I get my things from the Everfree, I can start making all kinds of real nifty fun stuff! Like rainbow sneeze powder. It's real pretty."

Dax gave a light chuckle, then a grinning sigh.

"Actually, there's a few times he's not all that bad, honestly; he gets out less than I do, so he kinda acts out a bit.  I think he'll grow out of it, but he'll have to get some more experience with others before he can just go doing whatever he feels like doing... well, the bad stuff, anyway.  I mean, he wants to grow up to be a Wonderbolt; he's gonna have to work at it, because they work as a TEAM... and he can be a team player, but he likes to think of himself as the star too much."


On 5/1/2020 at 4:55 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Of course I worked real hard for you, Dax! We're the bestest friends, and I promised you that I'd make you a fun explosive so you'd get all smiley again. Just had to find you then, and the trip were fun! I met lots of new ponies, and a bear. Big things don't wanna go near me in the Everfree anymore, so that was real special."

He gave an impressed grin.  "Blitzy, you'll have to tell me about your adventures in more detail sometime... it sounds like you've had quite a journey between then and now!  Of course, to be honest, we both have... and what a long, strange trip it's been, hunh?"


On 5/1/2020 at 4:55 PM, Blitz Boom said:


And the unicorn handimare would laugh, catching Blitz in her forehooves and spinning her around, being just as excited as the little dynamo was.

Dax smiled at the sight; he'd seen Silver open her heart to romantic love, and it was now his treat to see it happening with a different kind of love - almost like siblings.  He hoped they'd stay as good of friends, and he hoped the explosive little mare would remain his friend for just as long.  Seeing them like that, it warmed Dax's heart.

"HAAA ha ha haa!  Whew Okay, now..."

She gave Blitz a firm, warm hug and put her down next to Dax.  "Blitz, you go with Dax to have lunch, and I'll probably still be in my shed when you're done; it's the one with the big number '7' on the side of it, don't forget now!  I mean, I sometimes do, but it doen't happen very often, I swear!  Enjoy meeting Mrs. Blackwater - and remember to be very polite; she likes that!"

With that, the handimare went merrily, honest-to-goodnessly skipping along the path towards the quarry proper, headed for the site of a heinous crime, where - as of yet - only ONE Blackwater employee knows anything about...

Meanwhile, Daxter Blackwater and Blitz Boom made their way down the branching path, which would lead them directly to the Blackwater Manor's front yard - the same path that Mystic and Bloom were currently travelling right now.  Eventually, the two would meet, yet the excitement and conversation between Dax and Blitz would probably be easily heard by the two mares before they were seen themselves.  (Gives a chance for RP between you two, as stated earlier, before they show up.)




On 5/2/2020 at 1:57 AM, Widdershins said:

"Nice rock. ...What am I supposed to do with it?"

Cragg's smile faltered for all of a second, then he said, "Consider it payment for, eh... services rendered, shall we say?"


On 5/2/2020 at 1:57 AM, Widdershins said:

"Reckon I came here to work, Sir. Not get paid. Ah'm here to settle debts from muh family and you'd know that. If you was part of the Blackwaters. Don't seem right, Mister Crag...

 How could you not? Bein' this close, doin' the same thing. Why, I reckon it'd make you a might bit useless. Don' see how ya could be anythin' but.

Cragg slowly closed his eyes, and a small smile spread across his features like a stormcloud on a windy day.  As Clod went on, however, that smile became strained, and it seemed more like Cragg was holding himself back from responding, possibly angrily.  However, with the words:

On 5/2/2020 at 1:57 AM, Widdershins said:

 if y'all could help a poor country boy out.

... Cragg's eyes opened, and held a far different look than they'd had before - one of kind reflection.

"Ah, yes... I remember the country well, sir; Mother always up before dawn, Father just moments before her... having to make sure the animals were watered and fed properly... shearing wool... caring for the property in the best way possible... and especially ensuring that the fields were plowed!  That right there?  Only a true farmhoof can claim to even know what they're looking at, much less doing, when it comes to being raised in the heart of a farm, right?"

He glanced at the zebra bodyguard still holding out the diamond, and he made a quick nod of his head away from Clod.  The stoic zebra slowly put the gem back into his vest, giving the workhorse a raised eyebrow... but no other expression.

"We weren't a very big farm, granted... but that was because we shared land with the larger farm, tending some of their crops as a means of thanking them while adding to our own.  I'm certain you understand the idea, yes?  I mean, you have done farmwork, right?  Strapping lad such as yourself, you just HAVE to be a farmer's son, aren't you?"

DID Cragg look like a country buck?  Not exactly... but he seemed to know what went on at a farm, well enough at least.  Maybe he was like Clod, only he'd worked his way to the top of his job?

"Now, if you're talking about finding a way to repay the Blackwaters, then perhaps I can offer a solution or two?  I mean, they ARE my neighbors..."

He smiled kindly, not a hint of deception on his muzzle.  "Would you be willing to help me to be more... neighborly... Mister Hopper?"

Pansy looked embarrassed to be there, but stayed put all the same, slightly squirming in place as her boss spoke.



  • Brohoof 3

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@Randimaxis @Flow

On 4/26/2020 at 5:28 AM, Flow said:

It's okay, I'm here. I see that you're afraid of the heights, if that's the case, then I'd like you to breathe in, and out...then once you've calmed down,  I would like you to keep your eyes closed, and that you hold on to my hoof, as we move away from the edge. If it helps, I may offer you my handkerchief as a blindfold. What would you say?

Mystic would grip the offered hoof tightly, following quickly as Bloom led her away from the edge and out of sight of the height. She would refuse the blindfold however, her eyes were closed tight enough as it was. She would continue hyperventilating, though the longer she listened to Bloom's calming words the calmer she became.

12 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

Meanwhile, Daxter Blackwater and Blitz Boom made their way down the branching path, which would lead them directly to the Blackwater Manor's front yard - the same path that Mystic and Bloom were currently travelling right now.  Eventually, the two would meet, yet the excitement and conversation between Dax and Blitz would probably be easily heard by the two mares before they were seen themselves.

Mystic would be able to feel Dax and Blitz approaching even before she'd be able to hear them, and simply knowing that Dax was near, and growing closer, did wonders for her nerves. Only then would she risk opening her eyes again.

If she could still see the edge she'd go back to having her eyes closed and her nerves would flare again, but not as strongly.

If she couldn't see the edge anymore however, she'd take a number of steadying breaths before finally turning her attention to Bloom, "I... I, I'm m  s-sorry a about th-that. I... d-don't know wa-what c-came over me."

She'd brush herself off, releasing her titanium grip on Bloom, for such a small mare Mystic had some serious hoof strength as her grip had likely left some sort of mark on Bloom.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle @Randimaxis @Blitz Boom

Love Bloom felt an unusually tight grasp on her hoof, as Mystic held onto it. She then continued to breathe irregularly for a while, but gradually calmed down to pull herself together. Bloom had expected such reaction, knowing that Mystic was fighting her acrophobia, and knew that her calming down was a welcoming sign that signaled willingness to be helped. Together, the two slowly moved away from the edge. 

On 5/6/2020 at 12:58 PM, Illiad Easle said:

If she couldn't see the edge anymore however, she'd take a number of steadying breaths before finally turning her attention to Bloom, "I... I, I'm m  s-sorry a about th-that. I... d-don't know wa-what c-came over me."

She'd brush herself off, releasing her titanium grip on Bloom, for such a small mare Mystic had some serious hoof strength as her grip had likely left some sort of mark on Bloom.

After hearing her apologize, Bloom shooked her head in response and replied "There is no need for apologies, and that's why we're all here, we serve and help those who stay in the company of the Blackwaters. I am just doing my job after all, and I am content that you have calmed down, all is well." She then glanced at the hoof that Mystic held onto, slightly red from her tight grip. She then smiled, knowing that she was successful in fulfilling one of her many duties as a maid. 

She then heard the voices of two ponies in the distance, one of them was that of a young filly, and the other sounds familiar to the maid "Is that- Could it be? Master Daxter?" She thought.

Edited by Flow
  • Brohoof 2
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Gold paused for a second expecting the colt to make a cheep jab at his optimism. When none come, he doped his tension and cleared his throat, "Well, without looking at your books I can't offer too much insight. However, with that being said, I can make some financial recommendations even in my short time here. For starters, an inventory counter at this stage is not a step in the right direction. It makes it harder to expand your company and runs some security risks. As your company grows you'll end up having to hire a new counter for every expansion. That's more ponies that expect a certain standard and more ponies that need to be watched to make sure they are doing their job and not taking actions detrimental to the company. A statistician can make a 95% accurate estimate in a fraction of the time allowing informed decisions to happen sooner. It scales well, keeps low-wage, overworked ponies away from your high value product, and looks nicer for visiting investors. On to the topic of investors..." Gold continued on, gauging his audience of one to determine the pace and when to allow for interjection.

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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On 5/5/2020 at 4:10 PM, Randimaxis said:

"HAAA ha ha haa!  Whew Okay, now..."

She gave Blitz a firm, warm hug and put her down next to Dax.  "Blitz, you go with Dax to have lunch, and I'll probably still be in my shed when you're done; it's the one with the big number '7' on the side of it, don't forget now!  I mean, I sometimes do, but it doen't happen very often, I swear!  Enjoy meeting Mrs. Blackwater - and remember to be very polite; she likes that!"

So much happy! Blitz couldn't even stay on her hooves after being put down from pure joy. Or maybe it was the twirling. Whatever, everything was awesome!

"Happy food times, drizzle Oggy, meet Dax-Mom, back to thunder shed, fun times?"

Blitz were still not back on her hooves and just sat there on her rump, clapping her little front hooves together like a wind up monkey toy, whilst giving the broad, raw idea of what were gonna happen. Silver didn't have to think that Blitz would rely on a number to find the shed though. The funny zap things had drawn her there in the first place, and they made for fantastic things to go by. Way better than a number, which could be obscured with like, mud or something Pretty sure it would be really hard to cover up those things without it being noticed though.

"And I'll be super nice to Dax-Mom! only the biggest hugs and nicest compliments I know. Yesyesyes!"

Finally getting back on her hooves, she started to skip along with Silver, until she had a light go over her head, and she zoomed back again to start running around Dax for about seven times. Every time she passed the way he looked, she'd either say *Dax-Mom* *Oggy* or *Funfunfun!*. He could try and stop her if he liked, but she had to get this out of her system one way or another, and this were the best way. Why, she even calmed down enough from it to stop up in front of him and say something else! Sure she looked like a chihuahua after ten cans of coffee, but she were calming down, relatively speaking.

"Oggy's gonna be fun time friend, or itchy scratchy, sneezy colty!

Let's go see everypony. Race ya!"

Blitz took off like a rocket, aiming to run along the path, and get to the mansion way before Dax had a chance to get there. And she might have a chance, unless something ended up distracting her.

@Flow @Illiad Easle

Mystic were going to end up being that distraction, as the filly saw her and instantly started to run towards her, full force. Unless somepony stopped her somehow, she were going to do like she had with Dax before, and jump straight into her, hooves extended to give her a massive hug full of love. It'd be like a ramming rod of emotions, along with enough force to likely push her back quite a bit. Shouldn't get her over the edge though. Blitz wouldn't think much right now, but after having hugged somepony a few times into a ditch back near Ponyville, she had eventually started to instinctively aim towards where she could see actual background. Not a huge improvement, but it beat up the other situations, that tended to end up damages, and some really confused ponies.

That being said, it were still a no stops pulled filly, with the intent to more or less torpedo her bestest friend's marefriend. It might end up a little ugly regardless, unless somepony managed to catch her somehow. Or if she were able to move quickly, in which case Blitz would smash forth, miss, and then start rolling about  3-5 meters ahead, before the momentum ended, and she'd lie on her back, head turned towards those, and clearly dizzy.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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 Hopper hadn't the gift for oration that Cragg did, and whether or not the analogy had sunken in was a gamble. But he was catching on enough to read into a situation enough to start feeling like he ought be to be starting to sweat soon. Not that he was aware when a pony was angry, but being around his father taught him well enough when a stallions ire was beginning to kick in.

"Whal, reckon I don't know me much about family or relations, Sir. Might be things be a fair bit more simple out on a Stump Farm.  We did used to get neigh-bors go by that was veggie-table farmers that seemed a bit more, uh, friendly than Pappy Buster was but he didn't let me talk much on account of me muckin' up trade or whatever he done said. As me Pappy used ta say, that work is a measure of one's life. You is or you isn't. Either the crops out there or you do enough of a job clearin' the whole durn thing out. Things is, or they isn't. Much like ma Muther."

 Clod casually hinted at the seemingly very straightforward fact of his mother's nonexistence. Responding back to him, the stallion began to get a bit jittery having not been used to being the center of others attentions for very long, he made eye contact with... Cragg's general chest area, in a bashful attempt to downplay a situation.

"Iffen yah want me to believe you, Sir, then I will. Ah'm here to do a good job; ah'm here ta help."

 Hopper gave an awkward smile as means of letting the other pony know he was willing to listen.

  • Brohoof 3

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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On 5/5/2020 at 10:58 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"I... I, I'm m  s-sorry a about th-that. I... d-don't know wa-what c-came over me."

The spectre of death, mayhaps?


On 5/6/2020 at 5:58 AM, Flow said:

"There is no need for apologies, and that's why we're all here, we serve and help those who stay in the company of the Blackwaters. I am just doing my job after all, and I am content that you have calmed down, all is well."

The wind whistled through the rocky crags as it kicked up a notch, whipping about the mountainside as they stood there.  Luckily, the path was in a pocket close to the side, as the wind might have hauled both of them right off the mountain if it wasn't... a scary concept, indeed.

The path itself was more than adequate to give them plenty of room; they had no way to know it, but they were traversing the same path that had been made hundreds of years ago for the purpose.  Mystic wouldn't have fallen unless she jumped - but there was no way to know that unless you'd been here to see the original path being forged...

Or if you were a Blackwater.




On 5/9/2020 at 5:18 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Oggy's gonna be fun time friend, or itchy scratchy, sneezy colty!

Let's go see everypony. Race ya!"

Dax lifted a hoof, about to speak... then, with a grin on his muzzle, he brought it back down.

Even if it had been a real race, Dax thought, I'd lose by sheer excitement; she'd cross the finish line before I even got off the starting plate.  Still, she deserves it; when I first met her, I hadn't even started writing to Illiad yet.  I'd been aching for someone to talk to, and she most certainly could keep up.  She even showed me her workshop - and the stuff she'd been working on.  She didn't know me from a hole in the ground, but she was friendly all the same... and that's why I'm so glad to see her again.

He gave a light sigh, and began to follow along after the filly.  Chuckling, he broke into a brisk trot as he realized he'd be left behind if he didn't hurry.

"Blitz!  Let me catch up!" he laughed.




On 5/6/2020 at 5:58 AM, Flow said:

"Is that- Could it be? Master Daxter?"

It was... well, him AND a ball of giggling, fiery-hued enthusiasm that sorely needed a distraction from the beeline it was making toward Blackwater Manor.


On 5/9/2020 at 5:18 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Mystic were going to end up being that distraction, as the filly saw her and instantly started to run towards her, full force. Unless somepony stopped her somehow, she were going to do like she had with Dax before, and jump straight into her, hooves extended to give her a massive hug full of love. It'd be like a ramming rod of emotions, along with enough force to likely push her back quite a bit. Shouldn't get her over the edge though.

Dax reached the end of the curve, and came into view.  His smile broadened when he saw Mystic... then became a worried look as he saw her expression.  Of course, there was no way he'd be able to stop Blitz Boom in time to keep her from colliding with her... 

Fate, it seemed, wanted to see this happen.




On 5/15/2020 at 1:36 AM, Widdershins said:

"Whal, reckon I don't know me much about family or relations, Sir. Might be things be a fair bit more simple out on a Stump Farm.  We did used to get neigh-bors go by that was veggie-table farmers that seemed a bit more, uh, friendly than Pappy Buster was but he didn't let me talk much on account of me muckin' up trade or whatever he done said. As me Pappy used ta say, that work is a measure of one's life. You is or you isn't. Either the crops out there or you do enough of a job clearin' the whole durn thing out. Things is, or they isn't. Much like ma Muther."

Pansy smiled at Hopper's words; she seemed to approve of his attitude.

Cragg listened intently as Clod spoke.  As he went on, the stallion seemed to be all smiles and concern... but those shifty eyes of his weren't focused on the workhorse at all; they were darting around as he was plotting.  Those looks were Cragg's 'thoughtful' looks, and when he got those, it usually meant some poor sap was about to be hornswaggled, but good.  

Kho said nothing, and didn't move from his spot behind his boss.


On 5/15/2020 at 1:36 AM, Widdershins said:

"Iffen yah want me to believe you, Sir, then I will. Ah'm here to do a good job; ah'm here ta help."

"Nothing more pure, more honest than someone who has the urge to do good work," Cragg spoke softly, almost reverently, "Celestia bless you, good sir.  Were there more who thought like you do, then I'm certain that many of the world's maladies could be remedied in a jiffy.  You're of good stock, Mister Hopper, and have an honest heart - I can tell, believe me; it takes one to know one, after all."

Pansy rolled her eyes and gave a disapproving smirk... outside of Cragg's view, of course.

"But I digress... er, that is, I'm getting long-winded here," he chuckled, "and you're a stallion of action, am I right?  Well then, as a good neighbor, I have some supplies for the Blackwaters - but I don't have a wagon to cart them over in.  At least, not one that's available, anyway - they're all occupied at the moment.  But YOU, with such a strong back, would be more than able to heft a crate back to that wonderful quarry, wouldn't you?"

Cragg looked at his zebra bodyguard.  "I'll bet he could outlift even you, old chum."

The zebra raised an eyebrow... but nothing more.

"So, if you're game, I'd like to send a crate back with you, for you to put directly into the warehouse... no sense in leaving it where it could be misplaced, correct?  And they would be SO surprised at such a gift - as long as it STAYS a surprise, yes?  I mean, they could always use some more equipment, couldn't they?  Imagine the sheer joy on Luther's muzzle when he sees what goodies are contained within!"

He looked at Clod.  "Okay - are you up for the challenge, my good stallion?"

  • Brohoof 2

=====  ( 0=====


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Gold, having gone through his prepared laymen friendly speech on investments, scale, and useful competition it was time for him to get on with what he was waiting for "... on to a more personal note. I would strongly suggest for your employees to be tested not just for productivity, but also for how they treat guests. If a certain type of employee is the first thing someone sees, then they should reflect the rest of the company. If that employee is dismissive, or even worse: misleading, that can lead to lost opportunities; fewer potential employees to choose from, fewer investors, or even fewer sales." Of course, the colt probably had no say in what 'Redd' could do, but if Gold was going to have his revenge, better for it to be premeditated. He paused there for a moment taking extra care to memorize the colts response. Then it was time to drop the F-bomb. "Well, with that being said, what would an accountant be if he couldn't manage finances? Before making the final decision, I'll throw in a free audit to showcase my capability." 

With a thundering shake in the ground, Gold Dust was interrupted. He followed the gaze of his astray audience to see catastrophe on a scale beyond his precedent. A mountain in mayhem. "Do you think I should mention something about workplace safety?" Gold half-said, half-whispered.

Edited by Loud Opinion
  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Randimaxis @Flow @Blitz Boom

Mystic was about to respond to Bloom's kind words when she noticed that Blitz was barreling right towards her, given all that had just happened to her she was not able to get out of the way, only brace herself for the inevitable impact.

On 5/9/2020 at 3:18 PM, Blitz Boom said:

and jump straight into her, hooves extended to give her a massive hug full of love. It'd be like a ramming rod of emotions, along with enough force to likely push her back quite a bit.

Mystic gasped as the wind was knocked out of her from Blitz's tackle, both from the physical impact as well as the emotional one against her senses. As they traveled backward, tumbling a bit on the dirt path, Mystic briefly lamented that her clothes would be absolutely filthy while she did her best to keep what little she had eaten down, this time due to the physical trauma rather than the over-saturation caused by this same filly before.

Once they stopped moving Mystic would do her best to extract herself from Blitz's grasp, taking a few steadying breaths to calm her nerves and calm her stomach. "You... really shouldn't jump at ponies like that, you or they could get hurt." She started dusting herself off, hoping to be at least somewhat presentable when Dax got close enough to see her.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Randimaxis @Illiad Easle

Mystic was about to make a response to Bloom's words of kindness, but before she said anything, Bloom heard the sounds of galloping. She then observed in what was a red filly tackling Mystic in a seemingly friendly way, then hugging her on the ground. Bloom seemed confused at the unfolding situation, before a gust of wind blew towards them. Though, she held on tight, it flipped her uniform up a bit, but enough to reveal her cutie mark: A heart, with a white cross on it. It symbolizes her talent in being of aid to others, going along the lines of "aiding the needy", rather than straight up nursing others.

On 5/17/2020 at 5:36 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"You... really shouldn't jump at ponies like that, you or they could get hurt."

@Blitz Boom

After straightening out her uniform, she approached the two and began "Judging by that, it seems you two know each other, a friend perhaps? If that's the case, then I'm alright with that." She then turned her attention to the red filly "Ah yes, I kind of recognize you, it seems you were with Lady Silver in the manor the last time." She then paused before continuing "Oh yes, it's not important, but I feel that it'd be rude to not introduce myself, my name is Love Bloom, and I am one of the many maids who serve the Blackwater Manor." With that, she bowed before speaking again "At your service."

Edited by Flow
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@Randimaxis @Flow @Illiad Easle

Poor Mystic hadn't a chance, as the filly made impact and did a critical love strike. Thankfully there were survivors, so one day they could all retell the tale of how Dax's marefriend had gotten a giant friendship hug. Or they'd just think of this as their first encounter with the new demolition expert at the quarry. Considering her age, that one were probably gonna be a sticking point sooner or later.

As for Blitz right now, she felt great. Mystic were cuddly and fuzzy, and despite trying to unglue the filly from herself, she'd find that it weren't that easy, once this little chest-hugger had latched on.

But with enough force (and maybe a crowbar) she'd be able to dislodge herself. Or she could wait the five seconds Blitz needed more after they finally laid still, to get charged up on hug power, and letting go of her naturally. Thankfully in her case, Blitz wouldn't start to jump on her stomach, like she had done with Dax, but instead went to the ground and bounced up and down on the sturdy under layer.

On 5/16/2020 at 9:36 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"You... really shouldn't jump at ponies like that, you or they could get hurt."

"Sorry Dax's marefriend. I was racing Dax, and then I saw you, and then my brain went *Hugs!*. Hehe."

Blitz were mighty dusty herself right now,and as per usual, had debris caught in her bulbous tail. A constant problem considering the size of the puffy thing, but it weren't all bad. She could hide stuff in there too after all, and use it as a pillow. Just had to remember to pull the sticks out first normally, or she'd get poked in the face, and who could sleep then? Not that she slept all that often in the Everfree Forest, but in her defense, there were just so much to do. Hehehe, and now she'd have a lot to do here in the Quarry! Things were gonna be awesome.

Less awesome that the poor mare were looking kinda dusty and disshelved. And with Dax so close? 'gasp* She didn't think of this at all! Poor mare had to have wanted to look real pretty for him. Aaawh... This almost put a damper on her mood, brief as it were, before she figured she'd just do the smart thing and make a promise to not do it again. The right way that were, so Mystic knew she were being real serious.

"Sorry I made you all dusty. I Pinkie Promise that I won't jump you that fast again, okay?

Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

She'd go through the motions, just like she had seen Pinkie Pie do several times, and whilst she sometimes forgot a thing here or there, she never forgot a Pinkie Promise. That sort were sacrilege! Or something. She honestly didn't know what'd happen if you broke that, but it were a promise Pinkie said, so it were obviously too important to ever break anyway, so who cared, right?

On 5/17/2020 at 3:35 PM, Flow said:

"Judging by that, it seems you two know each other, a friend perhaps? If that's the case, then I'm alright with that." She then turned her attention to the red filly "Ah yes, I kind of recognize you, it seems you were with Lady Silver in the manor the last time." She then paused before continuing "Oh yes, it's not important, but I feel that it'd be rude to not introduce myself, my name is Love Bloom, and I am one of the many maids who serve the Blackwater Manor." With that, she bowed before speaking again "At your service."

Oooh, another mare. And this one seemed friendly. Only one thing to do.

Much as she had done with Luther, the bow were something that Blitz would see as her time to go in for the face hug. Or the neck, if she didn't make it in time. If that missed to, she'd go for the leg. The leg mostly worked. Though if that id fail too, she'd just start bouncing up and down whilst looking at the mare, and planning when to give her a big ol' hug later. A sneak attack maybe. Something with a smokebomb even, for the bestest sneak.

"Your last name's Bloom? Hehehehe, that's funny. Mine's Boom. Blitz Boom!"

She'd let go as she said her own name, and spread her front hooves out wide as she tended to do, when mentioning her last name. She managed to keep her balance this time though, so that were some degree of progress, even if she wobbled a bit, and had to go down again quickly.

"I don't remember seeing you Bloom, sorry. I must've missed it when Silver and I were in the biiiig house before, yessire. We went to see Dax-Dad with some fun explosives I made, and then we went to the blasting site and I broke the mountain. Dax-Dad were so impressed, he asked me to make more kaboomies for him, and now Silver's gonna be teaching me loads of new stuff too. Today's been the bestest day I can remember.

You work in the biiiig house then? Is it dirty and needs lots of cleaning? it looked like there were lots of places to go, but I didn't see that many ponies. I think? A lot to look at in the halls that's really distracting, right?"

Since she hadn't been told to keep shush about what went on today, Blitz so no issues sharing her fun experiences of the day, including her mountain wrecking and what had happened with Luther and Silver, however shortened the story were. She skipped some details that didn't seem all that important right now.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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