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What fanfictions/headcanons annoy you?


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Not that it is a dedicated clopfic per say, but have you read the hidden chapter in University Days? It is pure, unadulterated love with only a touch or two of physicality. It actually adds another small layer to the story with their passion, rather than just capitalizing on an opportunity to throw in some erotica. It is well done in that the sex retains an innocence about itself, as well. I have not read any other material designated as "clopfic", but that is honestly how it should be done throughout the genre. Props to DawnFade; I almost forgot that I was reading about ponies.

Can't say that I have. I have heard of University Days before, but I never read it.


As for the chapter itself, it certainly sounds like the author knows what he/she is doing. If an author can capture emotion in an act and display in such a way that it is intimate yet beautiful to the point that it is more about love than sex, than I have respect for it. I may not have read it, but I do respect it for what it is, especially if it can have that kind of effect on the reader.


As for me, I don't really read romance for the romance itself, rather I read it for the emotional turmoil and thought processes that it may reveal about a character. I really like psychology and learning about human behavior, the reasoning behind things and why we do what we do, and romance tends to lend itself to that rather well. I'm not saying that other genres don't do that as well, I'm saying that romance tends to have "higher stakes," I suppose, since it deals with relationships among others and can really tear people apart if not handled correctly.


In other words, I might not appreciate it the way you do. You have me interested though, maybe I'll look into it.

Edited by AnotherTigerGeekGuy


"The place where you made your stand never mattered. Only that you were there...and still on your feet." - Stephen King


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Name a ship and it will annoy me, especially when the shipper is so adamant on shipping that they get pissy when that ship is challenged. Also worse when they are background ponies with forced personalities then arbitrarily shipped because of reasons. Ie Doctor x Derpy

Indeed. Stories entirely about a relationship tend to annoy me. 


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I tend to dodge anything gorey or superdark. I've kept away from Cupcakes and try to avoid any fics like it.
I've read Rainbow Factory and part of Pegasus Device, the latter being more story driven and not a quick songfic. I'm also in the middle of reading FO:E. However both of these were kind of given a sense of agency. It's easy to forget that RF or PD take place in the Equestria that we know and love. FO:E's subtle nods to the Equestria-that-was, and how it became what it is post-apocalypse, really add to the world-building.

I think almost anything can be written well if the author knows what they're doing, I mean I've seen pretty much everything on this thread done well. Human in Equestria stories, Shipfics, even Clopfics. In the end though, it's all subjective. For that reason I generally refrain from criticizing entire genres. In my eyes, until you've seen everything from a group, you can't wholly judge the group.

This is a beautiful post. :grin2: :grin2: :grin2:

  • Brohoof 1


"My past does not define me
'Cause my past is not today."

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Most human-in-Equestria stories aren't well-written, too. 


Well, I hope to break this chain of bad reputation, because that's kind of what I have going at the moment. lol



I dislike a vast majority of the shipping fics, because they just make no sense and most of the time they are badly written and characters are out of character.


I do like the romantic clop fics, but the other ones that go overboard I can't find the will to keep reading. There are some that make me laugh, but again there are limits. I did have to write a clop fic due to a bet loss, but it was to my preference.


A lot of the cross-over fics I see, I just can't get get behind them. Not sure if it is because they don't mix well, or they don't mix well to me. It could be just a personal issue I have. lol




I tend to dodge anything gorey or superdark. I've kept away from Cupcakes and try to avoid any fics like it.


Yeah this is definitely on the list of no-goes for me. I just can't stand to see the ponies getting brutalized to death in any way.


But I will say there are some gore fics I can enjoy reading so long as there isn't mindless torture involved. Equus Mortis is a good example, along with works by Kildeez.

Edited by IJoinedForPonies

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dinky being Derpy's daughter. I don't have any problems with headcanons but this one just makes no sense at all. Just because they have the same hair colour they're related?


It's like saying that Vinyl Scratch is secretly Shining Armour's long lost sister because they both have a white coat and blue stripes in their mane.

Friendship isn't always easy. But it's definitely worth fighting for.


Twilight Sparkle is Best Pony!

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Clopfics, grimdark, Pinkie being a murderous psychopath, Dinky being Derpy's illegitimate child.

This I completely agree with. Sure, Pinkie being a psycopath is something I like to poke fun at, but I would never consider it canon.


Character in profile picture is Pearl from Steven Universe.

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  • 2 years later...

human-in-a-world-filled-with-ponies are my most hated Fan fiction, the vast majority are poorly written and don't "capture" the MLP world. some i have come across have been 50/50, often just lacking emotion or main character personality, like making Twilight this star-struck lovey-dovey pony who falls for the main charater.:please:

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