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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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Copper couldn't help but grin at Luna's remark.  He said looking straight at the moon princess, "That's good.  I wanna know what it's like to be in your domain.  To be honest, I actually prefer the night over the day, and I don't want to offend your sister, but I pray to you before I go to bed.  I wanna thank you for giving me this time to know your potential, but now, it's time for this battle to end."


He decided to try out a technique of seeing with his body.  He closed his eyes, focusing and letting his body take over the vision.  when he opened his eyes, he could be able to see Luna and the attack, then he shot dozens upon dozens of magic blasts at the tendrils before looking at Luna, teleporting above her back and delivering a drop-kick to her.



(EDIT: Yay, 1000th post! :D)

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​Ice nodded. ​"Yup. It's gonna sound cheesy as hell, but..." ​he smiled at her, ​"As long as I've been able to spend time with my friends, and uh...you....I-I don't really need any presents and stuff. It​'s already been so much fun to enjoy time with everyone." ​A faint blush appeared on his cheeks, ​"So, yeah. Um....thank you, Rarity."

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Anette put a single hoof on Wilhelm's shoulder, and smiled at him. "Wilhelm... I love it." She leaned over, planting a single kiss on his cheek. "And i'm really grateful that you did this for me." She looked around, soaking up the atmosphere, smiling at a few ponies as they passed her. "I just wish I were more dressed up. But, while we're here..." She broke into a goofy grin. "Let's have some fun."

Wilhelm tentatively looked around as the blush from Anette's kiss faded. "Are we talking chess? ...Or are you a checkers mare?" As he pulled out a seat for Anette and sat down himself, it finally hit him. "Oh. You mean the more dangerous, probably scandalous kind of fun which is encapsulated in a word that begins with the letter P?" He ran a hoof through his mane. "...I can't believe I didn't get that earlier."


He looked out the window to the continuing duel with Luna and Copper far below. "I wish Lavender was here." When Wilhelm realized Anette probably wouldn't know whom he meant, he added "A filly I teach. Once, in the name of such fun, she tried to raid the janitorial closet for supplies and got herself locked in for two hours." He smiled. "She still got out of class, though." 


Wilhelm's gaze returned to Anette, and he reached a hoof across the table. "But I wish you were here most... which you are! Everypony's happy." His smile reached positively dangerous levels before he self-consciously moderated it.

Edited by Orion Caelum
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Luna watched calmly as the tendrils around her were destroyed, then flashed into action when Copper blinked out of existence. She folded her wings up above her, blocking the oncoming attack. Crystal fractured and shattered underneath from the resulting force, sinking her at least a foot into the floor. She looked up through the feathers, at Copper, still holding the force of the attack.


"Well, it seems you've done well for yourself. At the very least, physical ability would see you a fair match for Twilight Sparkle." She teleported away, as the darkness began to fade, restoring the room back to its dimly lit setting. She re-appeared on the other side, regarding him calmly "No small feat for your average pony, in truth. Though it hastens me to question where such power came from..."




"Oh, but i've already gotten you something." She reached over, and began to rustle around in her bag, searching for the item. The one she knew was there, right? She frowned after a moment of searching, thinking it was lost, before she finally discovered it, buried bottom deep at the end of the bag. She pulled it out, a tiny, elegantly done yellow and blue wrapped box, and laid it out on the table in front of her.


"Everypony deserves to feel special on their birthday. Not to mention, I thought you could use it." She shot him a sly wink. "Go on, open it."


(The inside of the box contains a La Clochette. It's a bit smaller and less energy efficient than the other ones- about 15%- but that's because she spent a bit redesigning it, which makes the gem smaller, since she has to cut it. It's emblazoned with Ice Blizzard's cutie mark, and has been tinted light blue, so it doesn't look awkward around his neck. It's still a bit of a necklace, though. )





@Orion Caelum

Anette grinned deviously as Wilhelm caught her implication, then gave a small laugh at his story, as she sat down, facing him. "That's hilarious. And strangely, adorable." She gave a bemused grin. "I didn't know that you taught students, though. And to be honest, I don't have much contact with foals, outside the occasional puppet show." She leaned forward, two hooves under chin, looking over at him. Her eyes sparked with curiosity. "Tell me; what's it like?"

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Zenru had been heading towards the front desk, to document the number of fights that had been fought, today. He was writing down the results of the last two fights, as well as noting the challenges that have been issued, today. He raised an eyebrow. Three new combatants, in one day...One of which was Copper, the fellow he met today. Placing the papers in his bag, he heard the mission bell ring. Odd. Recalling a few rules about that bell in particular, he decided to go pay whoever rung it a visit...But not before telling Yrel to wait at the arena's office. Making his way over to the room (which I'm assuming is like, maybe one or two floors higher then ground level in the arena-building's structure, idk), he blinked at Diamond. "...Excuse me, sir, but the bell is meant for decoration, not for show..." He said quietly, "and I don't think I've seen you around before; new combatant...?"

Diamond Rustscythe
​ stood up and slowly walked to Zenru with a scouting expression on his face. He looked over the pony and was surprised to say the least that the bell was not for use. "Well, that's a small mistake. l am Diamond Rustscythe, high captain of the royal guard and honorary advisor of the princesses and l came here to get intel on what happens around here. Reports have shown that ponies were being seriously injured and, in name of the royal princess, l am here to find answer to said reports". Rustscythe made a point to remain calm in his voice, but he did sound his authority, as befitting his rank and station.
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Anette grinned deviously as Wilhelm caught her implication, then gave a small laugh at his story, as she sat down, facing him. "That's hilarious. And strangely, adorable." She gave a bemused grin. "I didn't know that you taught students, though. And to be honest, I don't have much contact with foals, outside the occasional puppet show." She leaned forward, two hooves under chin, looking over at him. Her eyes sparked with curiosity. "Tell me; what's it like?"


"Well..." Wilhelm paused to think. "Imagine trying to corral a stampede of cows with nothing but your hooves. When said cows are screaming at the top of their lungs and one of them just rammed head-first into the chalkboard and is crying for their mother." He chuckled lightly.

"It's not that bad all the time, and I thank the Primordial Harmony I'm just a guest lecturer, but they'll certainly ride all over you if you let them. Nevertheless, I can't say I don't enjoy it, at least if the foals are behaving properly. There's a certain... altruistic enjoyment? Or is it paternal instinct?" He shrugged. "Can't say I know."

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Copper shrugged at Luna after she finished with her response, after seeing that the room was lit back to the way it was.  "It's a rather weird story.  I'll tell you after this."


He then looked at his golden aura, it looked to be fading, meaning his form was about to end.  He said,  "I don't have much longer in this form.  I'm in big trouble if it goes out.  It's time we finished this!"





He shot after Luna at bewildering speed, delivering a barrage of punches and kicks before ending with a kick that could send an average pony flying.

Edited by Unstoppable Luck
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Ice accepted the box, and started unwrapping it. ​"Aw, thanks, Rarity, I--" ​he fully ripped it open, and saw the La Clochette of his own that stared him right in the face. ​"W...woah...it's just like yours." ​He quickly put it around his neck, and felt a few tears come to his eyes that he wiped away. ​"Um...Thanks, Rarity. This is...this is just so....." His eyes began to water heavily. For the first time in a long time, he was actually crying out of pure joy and happiness. He couldn't find any words to describe how happy he was feeling.

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"Oh, yes, right!" Forward into the past! 


He followed both trixie and Terra , and Starlight, merely a tag along at this point. He kept hoping that eventually he would be useful, being the only earth pony on this magical journey was more awkward then he cared to admit


we're all magical Rhetoric.... yeah ok, sure.  

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As the time portals began to slow, guided by Starlight's magic, Terra could see. A tiny, near barren place of stone huts and a drifting winter. Much different than she remembered it, but still... home. She floated closer to the star that contained it. "Everyone; here!" Without waiting, she reached out a single hoof, and touched it. The world began to spin...


"Oh, yes, right!" Forward into the past! 


He followed both trixie and Terra , and Starlight, merely a tag along at this point. He kept hoping that eventually he would be useful, being the only earth pony on this magical journey was more awkward then he cared to admit


we're all magical Rhetoric.... yeah ok, sure.  


Starlight followed Terra top the star and stayed close to her, making sure Rhetoric and Trixie were close.


"Agh!" She grunted, scrunching her eyes shut as the pressure grew on her horn. With the correct time period chosen, she felt it safe to release the slowing spell, and allow the time vortex to return its regular motion.


The stars spun around, creating a blur of silver among the mystic surroundings. The ticking of clocks sounding in the air gained more and more tempo, until another vortex emerged beneath the ponies. A force began gently pushing them toward it, symbolising they had arrived at their destination and it was time to leave.

"Oh, yes, right!" Forward into the past! 


He followed both trixie and Terra , and Starlight, merely a tag along at this point. He kept hoping that eventually he would be useful, being the only earth pony on this magical journey was more awkward then he cared to admit


we're all magical Rhetoric.... yeah ok, sure.  

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Embarassed, her cheeks flooded with a light rosy red, and she rubbed the nape of her neck. "Uh, sorry. I'm just a little excited." she lied. There was nothing little about Reader's Rally, it was important, and she couldn't wait. If she hadn't observed Rarity's acting so often, she wouldn't have been able to mask her enthusiasm. "I really appreciate it," she chirped, "I guess on my way." She turned a 180 degrees and prepped herself for an earthward nose dive. The less time she spent off the ground, the better.

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Demiro Desertstorm  ​​walked through the town of Bangcolt and searched for somepony to interrogate, as his captain had ordered him to do. He admired the structures powerful aura and had to admit that the city had a sort of authority to itself, even though he didn't come from here, it did give him a sense of calm. He rounded the corner of a street and saw two ponies, one of which he recognised as the close friend of princess Twilight, going by the name Rarity. The white-coated, purplemaned pony visited the castle often and would sometimes walk by the training-grounds to say hi to the hunks of the Equestrian army. He had never seen himself as pretty, but why should he? he was a battler at heart. Decent, yes, but fire roared when somepony engaged him violently or abrasively.

​"Hello there, royal guard duty. lf l could just ask some questions then l'll be out of your hair, Miss Rarity and... if l might ask your name...".

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​Electron watched as Twilight left, and chuckled to himself. ​"Good luck," ​he called out to her as she suddenly decided to get up and go. What was that tripping even about? It was just some reading contest or whatever. Oh well. It wasn't his business nor his problem.

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@J.R.@Silver Snow
Rarity sat back with little more than a smile, letting him get it all out on his own. She had next to no compunctions about stallions crying, and besides, the expression on his face carried one of pure joy. It mean that he was happy. It meant that she had made it a job well done.

She paused and blinked for a moment, as she heard her name called by an unfamiliar voice, addressing themselves as "Royal guard". She turned to shoot a look at the pony in question, while tapping one hoof on the table subtly in order to get Ice Blizzard's attention.





"I see." Luna closed her eyes, breathing out. From the floor, the dark form of the sword she had conjured earlier re-appeared, still in its sheathe. "There is much room for improvement, though ironically I believe it is your power that holds you back." She gripped it, stopping the first strike with the flat of the blade. And the next. And the next. And faster and faster, until she began to blur, moving into a complicated series of movements that seemed almost like dancing, as she parried every strike. She finished the last attack by blocking the kick, with the flat of the blade. She breathed deeply, before pushing back, with enough strength to fell a half a dozen of Equestria's tallest trees, with a stroke. Or enough to launch ten regular ponies into the far wall at the back of the room.




@Unicorncob, @The Down Trotten

Terra took a small breath, before dipping down into the portal.


When she re-emerged, the first thing that tipped at the edges of her realization was how cold it was. It seemed to be in the dead of winter, from what she could tell, as there was already snow littering the ground, at least a half inch deep. With even more, gently falling down from the sky. An almost endless expanse of white, covering the area from the flat field they had emerged in to the horizon, near as far as she could see.


The sole exception seemed to be the splash of brown, off in the distance. A large series of crudely built houses seemed to litter the background, forming what appeared to be a small town. And it was, as she could remember this all. Home. She stared distantly, as she waited for the others to arrive.




When Trixie emerged, the first thing she realized was how blasted cold it was. And that somehow, she had managed to land herself in one of the few snowdrifts in this entire flat, barren area. She sighed, pulling herself out with some difficulty, before conjuring a scarf, to at least bite back some of the cold, though it did little, all things considered. She caught onto the small town a little after Terra did, and stared at it. How far back had they gone, again?



@Orion Caelum

"Probably both." Anette smiled and looked up, as Glory landed in her mane, warily looking about the area. "You stay with someone long enough, you start to care for them. Especially when they can't take care of themselves. It feels almost like a duty, except you don't really quite mind it all that much. Because taking care of them is what makes you happy, in the end." She looked down as Glory did, giving a grin at the dolls seemingly bemused expression. "Though, honestly, with Glory and the rest of them, it's hard to tell." She laughed. "Most days, it feels like they're the ones taking of me!"

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@@Silver Snow, @@Fractured,
​Ice's weeping had softened up, somewhat. Normally, he wouldn't care about crying in public, as he was free to express his feelings. However, he wiped his face when he heard Rarity tap her hoof on the table; the hint was loud and clear. With a sniffle or two, Ice wiped his face clear of tears, and looked up at the "Royal Guard" pony with his classic smirk, and a fake voice of anger. ​"Who am I? Who am ​I?" ​ ​​He chuckled, ​"Nah, I'm not gonna do that. What's up, dude? Icesius Snowfort Avalancus Blizzard. Or, just Ice Blizzard. Former Bangcolt champion, and champion of Tartarus. Everything alright, sir?"

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When Copper was pushed back, he stopped himself midway, looking at Luna calmly. "Correct. I don't know how to fully control my power, but I have trained to control half of it. This is level of strength I didn't reach on my own initially, and I still need to figure out how to extend my time limit, as well as some magic techniques."


He used his magic to make appear a sword of his own, and unseathed the blade. He smiled as he said, "This is a good excuse for me to use a sword. One of the better ones I found on my journeys."

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She looked the blade over with interest, already making guesses at its size and general make. She kept her own sheathed, as she walked over. "So I see." She pulled it back, holding it outward from herself, as she shifted in her own, unique blade style. The dancing Shadow. "Then let's begin." Without pause, she shifted the blade's position, holding it directly in front of her, then went for straight charge, seeming to move in and out of existence as she rushed at the same ghostlike speed as before.

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Copper waited patiently for Luna to strike, and when she did, he blocked the attack with grace. He had trained intensely in his dreams as well as privately for weeks, and he knew it would be worth it. He struck back with jabs and slashes before flying back, resetting his professional stance.  He said as he watched Luna calmly, "You have the advantage of a thousand years of experience, but I can quickly learn on the fly and had trained intensely for weeks while in my current form.  Sadly, it's the only way for me to learn any magic without actually becoming a real alicorn."

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Raze smiled at Yrel. "Sounds neat! Well, nice to meet you Yrel. I'm Raze." He waved his hoof at her.


"Rainbow Falls, huh? I've never been... and I've been to a lot of places..." He noticed Yrel staring at the weapons he had. He chuckled.


"You like my weapons?" he asked her kindly. "You know, each weapon tells a story... want me to tell you how I got them?"

She hesitated, looking reluctant to say 'yes.' After all, she did just basically say she had a second school, in which her uncle told her nothing BUT history on various weapons...


But she didn't want to seem rude.


"Um...Sure!" She said, sitting up straight to beam at him, "can we start with the sword...?"

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Raze nodded. "Sure, why not?" He noticed the look of reluctance on her face. "Something tells me you're not into long stories, so I'll try and to keep it short and simple." He took the sword out from the sheath and showed her the blade.


"I got this katana from my travels in the Far East," he said to Yrel. "Not many ponies from here really know the place, but it's a pretty nice region. I discovered a dojo who really wanted to pass down their skills to a foreigner, hoping that it would spread to other parts of the world, so they taught me. In two different styles in fact. Kendo and Iaido, they called them. This blade was my reward for mastering both. They told me to pass my knowledge down to someone. Though I haven't found anyone yet..."


He put the sword away, and took out his revolver. He began to twirl it in his hoof.


"This gun came from a vigilante in Apploosa, who taught me the art of gunslinging." He threw the gun in the air and caught it, twirling it again. "It was one of his favorites. Said I deserved it to have it for being one of the best gunslingers he ever saw..." He twirled it one more time, then holstered it.


"And that's pretty much the gist of it. The more detailed version might require you to stick around a while." He smiled. "Any questions?"

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Her eyes flashed with interest, when his sword was brought out. Examining it closely, her gaze remained focused on the sheathed sword, once he put it away. She seemed more naturally drawn towards it, then the gun...Who's mini-story didn't seem that intriguing to her.


"...Damascus steel, or stainless?" She asked, after a moment's hesitation, once he was finished.


She raised herself onto her hind legs, in her seat, to try to get a better look, at it. "And I didn't see if it was folded steel..." 

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Luna quickly parried the techniques thrown at her, before dropping back to a position on the ground. "Is that so?" She folded, taking the same stance again. She charged forward, as before. This time, however, a potential parry wouldn't be made. An instant before blade clash, Luna would now be directly behind Copper Strikes, aiming for his back with the edge of her sheathed blade. Her speed hadn't changed in the slightest; part one of Shadow Dancing had begun.

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Noticing that Yrel was talking about the sword, Raze brought it out again.


"Looks like you know a bit about swords," he said. "It's neither, actually. It's made out of a steel they only produce there, known as Tamahagane steel. And yes, they did fold it, for metal purification purposes."

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Copper braced himself for the charge, but when Luna disappeared in front of him, he immediately felt that she was behind him and brought his sword to his back to parry the blow.  He turned around quickly and grinned at her.  "You're really fast."  He then used his sword in another series of stabs and slashes, but this time he didn't fly back.  Instead, he stayed, continuing the assault.

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With a thud on the ground, Rhetoric dazedly picked himself up off the ground. His landing hadn't been so soft and it took him a moment to remember what exactly they were doing here again, or where exactly they were. Standing up, holding his head with his front hoof he too saw the small hamlet off in the horizon. The site of which recalled their purpose for time travel


"Is that the place?... Where it happened I mean, kinda cold...." he couldn't help but adding as the snow and the wind settled into his senses.  

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