Chaton 3,766 November 6, 2015 Share November 6, 2015 Most people were a bit surprised by the similarities of the marks.. but I like them, and there is a lot going on within them.. I'll break it down a bit. First off, Shield: While the first aspect of a shield is that of a protection, gaining one's shield is also sort of a mark of moving from squire to knight... so our crusaders are knights and protectors.. fitting. Secondly: A shield is also the heart of a coat of arms, and each color has symbolic meaning Orange: Worthy Ambition Silver or White: Peace & Sincerity Red: Warrior or martyr; Military strength and magnanimity Purple: Royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice Now the individuality of each mark Apple Bloom Apple: Represents generosity, happiness, peace and salvation Heart: Represents sincerity (aka, honesty), also a symbol of goodness and charity ScootalooWing: Represents swiftness and protection (generally 2 wings, but as Scootaloo already has two wings, I think it fits just fine) Lightning: Putting clarity and force into matters of importance Sweetie BellStar: Represents celestial goodness, a good person [Edited in: Also, it seems to mean magic in Equestria] Note: This one is harder, there is no specific heraldic symbol that uses a note, but there are several objects that make use of music, so I take this to imply music in general, but considering her name includes a Bell...I will go with that first, a bell, which indicates power to disperse evil.. but some other musical instruments indicate festivity and rejoicing. Now, this is likely reading a lot more into then perhaps I should, but it fits so very well all of them.. together and individually. Edited in: Also, clearly signs that the girls are spending entirely too much time with their sisters and their friends, the virtues of the main six are seen all over the place here This may just be the best description and analysis of the cutie marks that I've seen. Bravo. Art by DoeKitty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lemondrops 3 November 12, 2015 Share November 12, 2015 i think the episode was awsome i cant belive they finally got there cutiemarcs 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gearbox10mm 794 November 12, 2015 Share November 12, 2015 The new Bronies React video is out on YouTube for this episode. They actually got all three of the CMC voice actors to participate. Look it up, it's well worth the watch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiz Flight 277 November 12, 2015 Share November 12, 2015 (edited) your princess of slumber, Princess Nidra Edited November 12, 2015 by Princess Nidra 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gold3 36 November 18, 2015 Share November 18, 2015 WOW! A song BEFORE the theme song! That's a first! What about s04e14? Fluttershy sings "Music in the Treetops" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Guide 21,362 November 18, 2015 Share November 18, 2015 What about s04e14? Fluttershy sings "Music in the Treetops" Oops, forgot about that and "Morning in Ponyville" before the opening for S3e13, as well. My mistake A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gold3 36 November 18, 2015 Share November 18, 2015 Why are the CMC's still blank flanks in the theme song? but anyway this episode was the best! they FINALLY got their cutie marks after 5 seasons! they should so make a spin off of MLP & make it about the CMC's ongoing story from when the got the marks & I'm so glad Diamond Tiara got a slap (not literally) from her own friend but I'm also glad shes a nice character now because I really like her. Oops, forgot about that and "Morning in Ponyville" before the opening for S3e13, as well. My mistake Oh I forgot about that episode too! gee this episode was like a musical! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EverEverOn 346 November 19, 2015 Share November 19, 2015 This episode is definitely my favorite of the whole show. I knew Diamond Tiara would one day get some good character development. I knew it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LunaDream 331 November 22, 2015 Share November 22, 2015 I really loved this episode. Diamond Tiara had a great reformation, and the songs were great. The Cutie Mark Crusaders got their cutie marks, which was exciting, as we have been waiting five years. I honestly thought that they weren't going to get their cutie marks. 2 Signature made by Odyssey (Sawk) LunaDream Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tails_155 68 November 29, 2015 Share November 29, 2015 This episode was so good I had to rewrite two and a half parts of my fanfic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shiny 54 November 29, 2015 Share November 29, 2015 (edited) Thinks that she's a celebirty Gets rekt by the CMCs Edited November 29, 2015 by Shiny "If things go wrong, get back on your hooves and try again!" -Shiny Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ed Lyons 105 November 30, 2015 Share November 30, 2015 This is the fastest I ever remember a song coming up in an episode and Pipsqueak is as adorable as ever. one of the best episodes ever. Pip is cute and British so I can relate to him (mainly British) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prophet 672 December 2, 2015 Share December 2, 2015 Silver Spoon come back was.. amazing "You want to know how?...Sorry~I'm not aloud to Speak~" 4 Salon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sketches_The_Unicorn 10 December 5, 2015 Share December 5, 2015 I loved this one! My friends where over and when we saw there cutie marks we screamed! We where happy that they got them ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dlw 11 December 13, 2015 Share December 13, 2015 Looking forward to future CMC 'missions'. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shoobedoo 44 December 27, 2015 Share December 27, 2015 OMG! The feels!!! I never realized how emotionally involved I was in the CMC's story arc. I've always loved the CMC and this was very satisfying. :scoots: Praise Lord Smooze! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurora Rains 164 January 3, 2016 Share January 3, 2016 After seeing Diamond Tiara's father trying to teach her better in the zap apple episode then seeing how her mother was being controlling and hating on her own daughter for not winning the election, well is anyone else here seeing Filthy Rich's constant tired look as a precursor to the first ever Ponyville divorce? In Do Princesses Dream of Magical Sheep we see Filthy but not his wife or filly. Sometimes teasers can also be about what is left out. You never see this family together. Are her mom and dad married or is she being pushed back and forth between the two? I love her redemption. She needed it. And where the story line may have lost her as a villain it gained her mother at the same time. Mom made it clear her disdain for anyone lower than her. And in her funky nose world of one everyone is lower than her. I could even see her going after the mayors office for herself! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vampireponyprince 184 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 Alot happened in this episode my initial worries (because I knew that this was going down in the episode before hand) was that it would be moving too fast but I absolutely adored it they managed to pull a lot off without making it seemed rushed i especially loved Diamond Tiara's redemption it was sweet 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KittenTale15 26 January 11, 2016 Share January 11, 2016 FINALLYYYYY They got their flipping cutie marks. Diamond Tiara got some character development. And the song "Light of your cutie mark" was my favorite. And feels. So much feelss 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crusaders Forever 88 January 22, 2016 Share January 22, 2016 (edited) This is a wonderful episode, and have to say my favorite of all the season. I loved how the CMC sound when they sing together, and the song "Light of your Cutie Mark" was AMAZING!!! I also enjoyed how Diamond Tiara flipped from being mean to being good in this episode. I never really liked her in the older seasons because of her being mean to the CMC, but now in this episode. It made me respect her more. Overall this is my favorite episode ever from all the seasons. Edited January 22, 2016 by Crusaders Forever 3 Made by Emerald Bolt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
n00bUltima 58 February 7, 2016 Share February 7, 2016 I actually wanted them to get it later, I think the redemption and the cutie-mark earning should've been next season or Season 7. Aside from that, it was a great episode. Friendship Is Magic! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinky_Music 66 February 29, 2016 Share February 29, 2016 (edited) I loved this episode. I wasn't expecting them getting their marks and it moved me to tears, much like Ra-Ra's song in 'The Mane Attraction' near the end. I think it was at this point that I completely realized I was a brony and ready to admit it to myself, even though I had watched through the first 4 seasons through Netflix. I would like to see Scootaloo be able to fly someday, but I still love her zipping through Ponyville on her scooter. Edited February 29, 2016 by Pinky_Music Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ggg-2 3,553 February 29, 2016 Share February 29, 2016 One of the biggest reasons this episode failed for me was the fact that it thought it could reform DIAMOND TIARA of all ponies. I'm not saying she can't have good in her, but her bad qualities heavily and i mean HEAVILY outweigh the good. Her reason for being a bully has been cliche for decades, and look at Flight To The Finish, where she makes fun of Scootaloo for essentially being handicapped. No matter who you are, doing something like that is pretty goddamn low. I'm sorry, but for me, Amy's final episode for FIM was a dud. Don't be a nerd. Join the herd! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
USGC 16 March 1, 2016 Share March 1, 2016 This episode is awesome because the CMC get their butt tattoos and DT and SS are no longer annoying brats. :okiedokielokie: :comeatus: 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MovieLord101 140 March 1, 2016 Share March 1, 2016 (edited) This episode is awesome because the CMC get their butt tattoos and DT and SS are no longer annoying brats. :okiedokielokie: :comeatus: HOW THE HAY AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO AGREES WITH THIS STATEMENT?? Edited March 1, 2016 by MovieLord101 4 Luna needs hugs. And therapy. LOTS OF IT. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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