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S02:E25+E26 - A Canterlot Wedding



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This is a bad finale. The story is full of holes, the songs are average at best, and it's mostly really boring. Aside from a few good jokes and the changeling fight, there's not much that I like.

Score: 3/10

  • Shocked 1
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  • 4 weeks later...

There are many problems here. Shining Armor comes out of nowhere, Luna disappears during an invasion, and, the biggest problem for me, Chrysalis is incompetent. She apparently did no research on the pony she's impersonating and she reveals herself for no reason. She also sends Twilight and Cadence into a place that they're able to escape from fairly easily. Yeah, she puts her bridesmaids down there, but did she really think that's enough? I'm also not a big fan This Day Aria. It feels like it's trying too hard to be big and epic with fake Cadence's vocals really having to reach for some of the high notes.

Despite all of that, the episode is a ton of fun. Twilight's conflict is really engaging and I like that the writers didn't drag out the idea that Twilight may just be overprotective. It doesn't feel like the episode completely changes focus at the end of part 1 since it was revealed that the Cadence was a fake once she put her spell on Shining Armor.

The scene with Twilight interrupting the wedding is one of the best scenes of the show up to this point. It takes the stakes of the show up to a point they've never been before before to great effect. The special does a great job at making the sense of scale even bigger than anything before (except for This Day Aria). 

This is definitely the best two parter so far, even if it is still pretty flawed. Similarly to Return of Harmony, this episode feels like style over substance, but unlike Return of Harmony, this episode does it well and doesn't completely skip out on substance since the core of the episode is Twilight's conflict, which is executed really well.

Score: 9/10


  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 months later...

My favorite finale so far. Sure the episode had some problems like introducing twi's brother and another princess out of nowhere, however, it felt like I was watching a disney movie, it was so much fun! chrysalis was a great villain with one of the best songs in the whole series. The plot was interesting, and the motives for everyone not believing twilight  was, in my opinion realistic. The resolution felt rushed and kind of disappointing though.  9\10 

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 months later...

Season 2 finale. Introduction of Twilight's brother Shinning Armor & her foal sitter Cadence. Loved the slight cameo they had, but seeing how they reveal the villain Chrysalis hoo-boy, I thought Celestia met her match, but turns out the power of love is stronger than anything, but friendship as well no doubt.


Also, Twilly is a thing now :D

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Definitely a great, solid two-parter.  One of the classics, for sure.  The most memorable part for me was the heart-tearing, soul-destroying look on Twilight's face when Tia scolded her.  :(

Good songs.  The changeling battle was one of the best action sequences of the entire show.  The only thing I didn't care for was the fact that they had never mentioned Shining Armor before this episode.  They pulled that old FIM hat trick of pulling a character out their ass and just going, "oh yeah, they were there all along, didn't you know, you silly filly?"  You gotta at least plan characters' nuclear families ahead of time so you're not pulling siblings out of thin air.  It was excusable in the S2 finale because it was still just barely early enough, but it was f*cking beyond the pale by Flutter Brutter.  I'll never let that one go.  Fluttershy has no brother:Cozy:

Anyway, Canterlot Wedding was a smash hit.


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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/12/2021 at 1:04 AM, abrony-mouse said:

*chills when This Day Aria starts playing* a pony show has no business being so good! :Thorax:

also I wonder if Twinkleshine and Minuette remember trying to stop Twi escaping from the crystal caves?

I totaly agree with you. I never expected such a good song in this show and I'm impressed by the talent of singer/actress

  • Brohoof 2


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  • 2 months later...

Canterlot Wedding is my favorite episode of Season 2.:mlp_yeehaa: The songs are awesome, great action sequences, great villain like Chrysalis, and a really good conflict.

Edited by JMTV99
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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...

One thing I still don't get about these episodes is where Chrysalis got all her information from on how to plan the perfect sneak attack on canterlot, sneak Cadence out, replace her etc.

Think about she'd have to know where the elements are, when she could grab Princess Cadence without being caught, the story of the elements and how they work, how to not alert Luna to her plans while the attack was ongoing etc etc.


I mean does it seem to anyone else here that she was a bit too well prepared for all this?



pegasus trial.jpg

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  • 4 months later...

Firstly, these two episodes excel in the music department. "This Day Aria" is incredible, but all the other songs are great stuff as well.

This is a very strong finale. I like Shining Armour and Cadance a lot as characters. I know it's weird that Twilight never mentioned a brother prior to this, but I honestly don't even see that as an issue.

I loved watching everything unfold. This has to be most dramatic episode so far and I think it really works. Watching the Mane 6 fight the changelings was great and the wedding at the end did tug on my heartstrings.

I think the second half is better, but that also is where all the action happens. I think the first half being dedicated to Twi snooping around is an interesting way of building up drama and suspense.

Chrysalis is a cool villain, but my main issue with this episode is that she really doesn't do much. I mean she took down Celestia! I honestly wanted to see more! The changelings are really neat too, but I wanted to see them do more as well. :p

Amazing finale. They really went above and beyond with this. :)

  • Brohoof 1

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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  • 2 months later...

Aaaaaaah, the end of S2, one of the best finale of the serie (my fav would be S5, but we'll get to that eventually).

These episodes were pretty good, setting up a new villain (finally), but one that's not really scary. Yes she's a big manipulator and works by setting you up against other people, but her, nothing a little hoof on neck action can't solve. Twilight just needed to try and keep a low profile while searching for the real Cadence instead of barging in and announcing "EVILLLLLL". She knows Shining Armor is under her spell (yes reference intended, sue me). Celestia could've at least listened to Twilight, her most faithful student, and not dismiss her on the spot. Again, her beloved Sunbutt shows that she doesn't really pay attention to what's going on around her. But hey, it beats not even being *present* for most of it (looking at you LUNA !)

Chrysalis and the changeling were a nice change of pace from the usual villains we had, trying to undermine and infiltrate instead of powering through everything. The fight at the end, with the Twilight Laser Gatling Gun, was pretty entertaining, and really put the Swarm of the century to shame.

The songs where pretty good, "This Day Aria" being one of the best in the season. I still song the colt version someone posted years ago in my car, just because my voice can'T reach as high as Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. If I ever got to Equestria before the event of this finale, I would've definitely sing "I'm a Believer" at that wedding.

Overall, this is a great way to end a season. 9/10, Fake Cadence is an idiot !

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  • 3 months later...

Just rewatched these episodes after having them recommended to me on youtube!! They hold up just as well after all these years, the pacing is so good for how much they had to fit in there. This Day Aria is still probably one of the top songs of the whole show! And the nostalgia from Big Brother Best Friend and Love is in Bloom was so strong. Gonna have to go listen to my favorite remixes now haha! It was fun to see Chrysalis's first introduction again with the knowledge of where her character will go in the future as well! Just a great finale all around  :eager:


also rarity losing it over the bouquet toss lmao

Edited by TheSupremeLeaderOfChaos


Signature made by- Kyoshi

Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? -Discord

I'm So Excited! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm so scared. -Rarity & Spike

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  • 7 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Considering that Princesses Celestia and Luna were very much aware that there was a real threat against Canterlot, it seemed like a very improbable time to throw a royal wedding. Especially when the groom was in charge of the Royal Guard and should have been too busy. 

Not that it mattered. I guess I'm just a little bit disappointed in everypony. Queen Chrysalis was right there under their noses and when Twi raised the alarm, not even Princess Celestia wanted to hear her out. 

The Royal Guard was ineffectual, Princess Celestia was caught entirely off balance and Equestria almost fell forever in less than a single hour. 

Were some policies and proceedures subjected to any revision in the wake of this catastrophe?



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