spas-ticShotty 3,584 August 11, 2012 Share August 11, 2012 I'm not sure if I said it, but a few nights ago, I had this dream that I had just recently rented (Or bought) the supposed MLP:FiM film . The film was literally over 3 hours long. It was at Titanic-levels when in came to length . Anyways, I have a tendency the spoil a movie, since spoilers don't exactly affect me, so I decided to skip to the near end. Well....Applejack, RD, and Fluttershy had all died . Apparently, this had to do with the villain (I forget what the villain was like, but it was probably super evil to kill 3 of the Mane 6 ). Twi, Pinkie, and Rarity sacrifice themselves to defeat this villain (I forget how they did it), and the movie ends with Spike saying to Celestia how the Mane 6 were in a better place (Heaven), while Celestia sadly agrees. It was a pretty sad dream, nonetheless, because the Mane 6 died (And no, they weren't resurrected), so yah, of course the first MLP:FiM in a long time, and Applejack dies x20 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cherry Blossom 864 August 11, 2012 Share August 11, 2012 I don't think I remember any of my dreams anymore. Though it would be very nice to be able to see Ponyville at least in a dream. I'd be all like dancing and jumping around in my own head. Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint."It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FoxyCryptid 4,330 August 11, 2012 Share August 11, 2012 I think I vaguely remember hugging Fluttershy in a dream once. I don't remember the context though, that part just sticks because it's the only time I've had a pony in a dream. I have interesting dreams, it's just that my mind pull them from God know what. I very rarely dream about something outside of what my mind creates. My mind likes to screw me sometimes and withhold ideas all day than show me an epic adventure unfolding while I sleep. "You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that." -Duncan McLeod. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dice The Titanic Brony 68 August 11, 2012 Share August 11, 2012 (edited) Here it goes. this is really long but i must tell what i dream. This could be quite possibly the dream of a lifetime. I had my wisdom teeth removed today and while i was under i had a dream. Note that this is probably due to my obsession but i couldnt help it. Ive never had this happen to me before. Anyways, I woke up on the floor feeling ice cold water running around my face. my eyes shot open and i got up instantly. i tried to stand up like a human but when i fell i noticed i had hooves. I obviously screamed and looked behind me. sure enough i was the pony you see in the corner. I then tried to figure out what was going on but i soon realized i was in a third class hallway on the titanic itself. i could tell this by the pipes running along the ceiling and the simplicity of it, I could even see he cone shaped fire extinguishers along the white walls. I realized i had to get out. it was listing badly and the water (which was numbingly cold) was now up to the bottom of my belly, I arched my back as i sloshed my way through the hallway looking for a sign which pionted uptop. then the ship screeched and tilted some more. i then did the only thing i could think of doing. I sat my flank down in the water and screamed as loud as i could. a few moments later a saw a blue alicorn appear from around a corner.. before i could even register what i was seeing princess luna ran up to me and told me she was so glad i was ok. I could guess that she knew me one way or another. All i could do was stare dumbfoundledly as i sprinted down the passegway behind her i took the time to notice how her mane was semi transparent as it glistened in front the flickering lights as we went by them. i could even hear her panting as she stpped at a crossroads, glanced down one then another, then bolted off with me a her side. now becoming concious of what i could only hope was a dream i asked her how she knew me. what happens next makes me giggle as i type. she told me my mind was groggy from the cold and i would remember when i got warmed up. she then kissed me. we both stopped dead as the water surged by us. soon i opened my eyes and noticing that the water was at our cutie marks (or hers at least) i nudged her to continue and before long we spotted a stairwell. We laughed togeher as we hauled oursellved up out the water and up the stairs, But nothing could prepare me for what was at the top.) A dark iron gate just like the one in the movie blocked us. (PREDICTABLE MUCH?????) SHIT!!!!!! i remember screaming. there was nopony else to unlock the gate around so i took matters into my own hooves. I told her to stand back as i put my hind legs to the gate and bucked i as hard as i could. it diddnt give way an inch. She then told me she would try her magic but i knew being in this water for too long would have an effect. A burst of sparks came forth and nothing more. she then said we should find an alernative route. i knew his was the only way and i told her so. she asked how i knew and i said i knew this ship well. to convince her i added that ive been exploring the ship the four previous days and i knew what i was talking about. she got Tears in her eyes she asked me what to do. i then got an idea. I told her use what bit of her magic she had left to hold my forehooves in place. she nodded and soon my front feet was secured beneath her funny feeling blue aura. I started pounding the bottom of the gate (where it was weakest) with my hind legs at last it gave way just as the water was up to our my stomachs (or in her case a bit lower) There was only a small hole big enough for her slender build to squeeze through. I gave her a shove and she got down on her knees and proceeded to squeze through. the water was up to her neck as she slipped her shoulders through. she then stopped as her rump became wedged. i sighed and dove down behind her and pushed. might i note that i could feel flesh and bone benath her skin. I remember thinking omgoshimtouchingluna. but i then felt water on my back, she was begging me to hurry so i summoned all my strength i had and and propped myself on my forehooves wih my hind legs facing her and giving her the biggest slam in the rear as i could. she finally went through, she leapt up and turned to me and said it was my turn. I leaned through the bars, nuzzled her and told her i couldnt. the water had me floating and she had to crane her neck upwards at the ever approaching ceiling. tears erupted from her eyes as she begged me to try. tears flowing from my eyes now, i told her to head towards that sign that said boat deck. she said not without me. we were now inches away from the ceiling. if i tried without somepony pushing me i would drown. simple. i shouted at her do it for me. she opened her mouth to respond, but then turned from me and started swimming towards the exit looking back over shoulder saying she loved me since trottingham. I responded the only way i knew how. i said "dont stop after tonight" I sighed as i let go of the bars and floated up only to smack my head against the ceiling. i knew i had seconds left and decided to accept it. I took one last breath and forced myself underwater into the green murk. I remember feeling calm for some reason. then i looked at the ceiling, watching my last breaths escape from me and collect on the roof. but then i saw another bubble stream. i turned around to find luna floating up towards me, she steadied herself against the celing as i gave her a look of WHAT ARE YOU DOING?????? I instantly knew the answer as she leaned in and placed her mouth on mine. We slowly parted the corners of our lips to let the air out i felt the my last bits of air slide up my cheek as she looked into my eyes. They said "im never leaving you" I just knew it. we embraced and floated up to lay on the ceiling, lips sill locked. The last thing i felt was our hearts slowing inside our chests as her mane slid around my lower back, the next thing i knew, i woke up in the recovery room gasping for air with the nurse and my mother asking me what i was crying about, i felt my soaked cheeks and As the nurse removed my I.V i told them i was just glad it was over with. i knew i was crying really because i actualy thought i was going to die in that dream. I remained silent the entire ride home. I had to tell somepony as soon as possible. I figured you guys would like to hear it. Besdies.......parents would just threaten me with therapy again. I swear on my uncles grave that this is 100% legitimate. I hope you guys believe me. has this ever happened to anypony else before? This was the most terrifying but amazing thing thats ever happened to me. Anyways if you think im full of it thats ok.... just dont call me insane. (Yes this was the first time i was ever sedated in my life before) until next time. Regards, Dice Edited August 11, 2012 by Dice 2 THERE'S STILL NO SNOW IN EASTERN CANADA.........GLOBAL WARMING ANYPONY? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Acoustic Cloud 2,202 August 11, 2012 Share August 11, 2012 I only remember one,though have had many, i was sitting around playing some xbox and got really bored .... looked outside and bam i saw rainbow dash... then i woke up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gone Airbourne 21,977 August 11, 2012 Share August 11, 2012 Sometimes I wish dreams could be like a portal to other worlds.... Like when your asleep you can decide if you wanted to or not. That would be pretty awesome to be able to join in other worlds of your favorite cartoons etc. Actually that would be so cool . Let your imagination run wild and have the time of your life! Sadly we are stuck to this place called earth that limits us in many ways :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dice The Titanic Brony 68 August 11, 2012 Share August 11, 2012 For now perhaps....... I often like to consider the mind one of the final frontiers. there is (in a way) an alternate world that if were lucky, we can acess. My dream took place over the course of half an hour yet it seemed like only 15 minutes. I felt the ice cold water on my body. I felt luna brush up against me. I felt my lungs burn as i held my breath. I saw a solid steel passegway that when i ran upon, i did not fall through. It just goes to show that the mind is more than capable of conjuring your dreams in front of you........And being a dick by killing you too. I need to stop watching diaster movies. ESPECIALY where the hero dies. Regards, Dice THERE'S STILL NO SNOW IN EASTERN CANADA.........GLOBAL WARMING ANYPONY? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tm2dragon 12 August 16, 2012 Share August 16, 2012 Okay, be warned, I wrote this entire post in under an hour. I had to go to work soon, so I just let my feelings flow as uninterrupted as expect errors! I'll probably go back in and edit it later, when my inner Grammar Nazi rears it's head. XD Anyways, here' what I wrote, copied straight from where I typed it in and posted it on Facebook. Hope some of you enjoy! I had the STRANGEST dream the other night. It was SUPER violent.......but in an AWESOME way, not a scary way. Be forewarned, ponies were involved. Yes, ponies, in a bloody violent dream. Go figure? Okay, so the night before I'd finished one fanfic (a story written be a fan of this case My Little Pony........shut up, they're well written, creative, and FREE!) in which it was r evealed that there was once four other Alicorns besides Princess Luna and Celestia, but they were killed long ago. Then I STARTED another fanfic that detailed the battle between Celestia and Nightmare Moon, and it was VIOLENT AS HECK, though a lot of fun. Anyways, somehow those two bits of stories, the end of one and the start of another, blended together in my sleeping mind into something GLORIOUS, and actually pretty clever! And here it is! While their two armies waged war on the ground, in the sky above Celestia and Nightmare Moon battled. It was BRUTAL, and even though Celestia was more skilled and fought fiercely to protect her kingdom, she was loosing before Nightmare Moon's raw power. The dream that I found myself in took place on the clouds, the two Alicorns standing on a great field of white stained bloody from their hours of clashing. Nightmare Moon, obviously in better shape, stood gloating, as Celestia, shaking with anger and obviously the worse for wear, stood recovering her breath. Then, four Alicorns appeared. Celestia wheeled upon them, and shouted at them for aid. I got the feeling that this had happened before...that Celestia had pleaded with them for help, to stop the rampaging Alicorn and prevent the genocide she would bring with her plans to forever banish the sun from the sky. The four Alicorns, however, had refused.......and still refused. Whether they were they were too frightened to help, knew that even working together they would still have no chance, or simply DIDN'T CARE, I wasn't quite sure. I got the feeling it was mostly the latter, as they seemed almost apathetic to the plight of the lands below. Let the Nightmare do what she was no problem of theirs. They were immortal, after all, and the lives of short lived INSECTS was not their concern. Celestia asked one final time, her eyes narrowed, as Nightmare Moon looked on with amusement. Again, they refused. The Goddess of the Sun closed her eyes, sighed, and said " be it". Then her eyes flew open, and with a flash of movement, CHARGED.....not at Nightmare Moon, but at the four startled Alicorns. Before they even knew what was happening, she'd already zipped past......and with a fountain of blood, the entire foreleg and much of the chest of one VERY shocked Alicorn was ripped viciously away. Celestia turned on a heel, and charged again, and a second Alicorn was nearly ripped in two. By now, the four Alicorns (the two injured ones miraculously still alive, though seems Gods are not so easily killed), began to fight back. Celestia, however, had the advantage of surprise, and though she was impaled, kicked, and her flesh torn from her body by might swings of their horns, still she whipped and tore through them. A head was severed from one Alicron, and it died. Another's chest and body practically EXPLODED as Celestia charged through it with unstoppable force. In seconds, the battle was over, and the four Alicorns were slain......messily. Legs, wings, and chunks of flesh......along with BUCKETS of blood, were all that remained of the four apathetic Alicorns. Before them, barely standing, was a gravely injured and panting Celestia, covered in the blood of her fellow Alicorns, and much of her own. Nightmare Moon stood looking on in shock, completely caught off guard by her sister's actions. Had the Solar Goddess finally cracked? Had she lashed out at their brothers and sisters, knowing that she had no chance of victory against the evil Nightmare, as one final act of vengeance against those who refused to help save the planet she loved. It didn't matter. Nightmare Moon knew that she had already won.....Celestia was now FAR too injured to have any chance of victory......not that she ever had one to begin with. Celestia, however, had NOT gone mad. She turned to face her dark sister, her horn glowing in power. The chunks of Alicorn, the torn and sundered bodies of those she had just slaughtered, rose into the air, and with a roar of power and effort, Celestia CRUSHED the remains of her brothers and sisters.......condensing them into six separate pieces. The Alicorn flesh compressed, fused, and the raw magic that the four gods and Godessess.....which even upon their deaths had yet to leave what remained of their bodies, shone brightly as their very flesh and bones were compressed with the force of a desperate Goddess......and as the blood dripped away from the 6 small spheres of what had ONCE been the flesh of gods, in their place was revealed 6 SHINING orbs........the Elements of Harmony! Celestia had sacrificed her fellow Alicorns, and used their remains to forge six artifacts of PURE MAGIC. The Power of the Gods, compressed into six shining beacons........and the last hope for Equestria. All of this, her attack on her brothers and sisters, their violent deaths, and the creation of the Elements, had taken less than a minute. Nightmare Moon, frozen in shock and HORROR, stared wide eyed as her sister, injured and bleeding, began to glow. Shining as bright as the sun, she merged her magic with that of the elements, and with a great FLASH of light, color, and power, a rainbow of pure magic, the combined strength of FIVE Deities, shot forth towards the now terrified and screaming Nightmare Moon. Even with all her power, with all the dark magic she had gained, she was no match for THIS.......a power like none had seen since the very creation of the world who's balance now rested on the outcome of this last clash. The magic struck the Dark Goddess........and the force blasted her away......up, up, up into the sky. Up to the very moon itself! And there it BOUND her, sealed her very essance within the orb that had, since the dawn of the world, been her responsibility. As the lights of the elements faded, and Celestia, utterly drained but still miraculously standing, looked up to the sky.......the full moon was revealed.......the silhouette of an Alicorn's head now etched into it's surface. Celetstia had one.......she had sacrificed her fellow Alicrons, and sealed away the dark being that had once been her dear sister. Equestria and her subjects had been saved........and Celestia wept. ............intense, huh? Yeah, I embellished a LITTLE, but I kid you not, that was nearly image for image the dream I had. The mind is an amazing thing, and I will TREASURE the vision it gave me just two nights ago for as long as I live......for even in all the brutality and violence I saw, the story itself, and the ideas it imparted, were beautiful. I can only hope you enjoyed reading about it nearly half as much as I enjoyed WITNESSING it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WhiteLightning 339 August 16, 2012 Share August 16, 2012 ....whoa, that was a rather peculiar dream. A bit gory, but kinda cool I guess. Oh, and there's no shame in reading fanfics of My Little Pony or any other show. "The quantity of your friends doesn't matter, it's the quality of each one." - Unknown My OC and ponysona: (Yes, that was made in MS Paint. Deal with it.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
False Perception 482 August 16, 2012 Share August 16, 2012 Honestly, I didn't read it all. This sounds like a story from the beginning of it though. In any case, you're on an MLP forum. We have an entire sub-forum dedicated to fanfiction. I believe that if you had become acquanted with the site you would have know this...-_-... Swoop said: If something does happen to go horribly wrong, please, blame Zoop. Frenzyhero: Lurking extraordinaire, brony impersonator. Have a question? Mail me at! It's just for you guys! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retden 19 August 16, 2012 Share August 16, 2012 Nope. I haven't. Even if I had, I'd probably forget about it. Why can't I have an awesome pony dream??? Why??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WhiteLightning 339 August 16, 2012 Share August 16, 2012 I can lucid dream some of the time but one dream really weirded me out... I was at this park where I used to go when I was little. Fluttershy came and we played for what seemed like hours even thinking about it it feels like a long time. Anyway once we had finished racing and what not. We sat down in some flowers and started talking. She said she wanted me to come visit her and I said I didnt know how to get there... Then just when she was about to tell me how I woke up. I have never been in a better/worse mood in my life. But something happened in the dream I wasnt me I was my handsome OC SolarWind.... And now I start to think equestria is real scariest part is there is an actuall possibility that it is. I would explain but thats only if somepony wants to hear my theory... quote me if you do! I'm late, but whatever. Explain your theory to me, as I'm quite interested in such a subject myself. /ontopic Never had one. But I want one! "The quantity of your friends doesn't matter, it's the quality of each one." - Unknown My OC and ponysona: (Yes, that was made in MS Paint. Deal with it.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluttershy05 17 August 16, 2012 Share August 16, 2012 Iv'e never had one. An olympic dream like cupcake ice cream would be awesome! I would so pick Fluttershy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,612 August 16, 2012 Share August 16, 2012 I do have pony dreams only I don't remember them. It happens then I forget all of it. I know they were there though. Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alleviate 342 August 16, 2012 Share August 16, 2012 Eh, I've had a few pony-related dreams, some odder than others. I don't often dream though.... I do however, keep a dream journal it's supposed to help your recall so you can remember if you dreamed or not. Complexness.# Anyway, Best noted one: Notes: Reading some Fic, found myself in school with my old friends that moved to different school on the upmove. Add Celestia and Luna to the school. Luna trusted the moon to me for an unknown reason, I was an Alicorn. Chrysalis didn't like how much the others liked me (Jealous!) Wonderbolts doing something awesome. That's as best I can remember from my notes. ^-^ Have fun making sense of my mind (It's impossible!) -Joe- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cjero 49 August 16, 2012 Share August 16, 2012 Not really. Trying to lucid dream though! Well uhm. I guess i'd dream about trolling with discord.. Me gusta. 2007 hamann porsche cayenne cyclone 2007 hamann bmw x5 e70 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tm2dragon 12 August 16, 2012 Share August 16, 2012 (edited) Honestly, I didn't read it all. This sounds like a story from the beginning of it though. In any case, you're on an MLP forum. We have an entire sub-forum dedicated to fanfiction. I believe that if you had become acquanted with the site you would have know this... -_-... Well..........that was actually kinda of mean. O_O That's a first for me around here! No, this is NOT a fanfic, I AM acquainted enough with the site to know of the fanfic section, and this WAS an actual dream I had. My natural writing style just sort of found it's way into the description. I promise, I started out just wanting to share the dream I'd had......this is just how it ended up coming out. I tend to be a bit long-winded I'm afraid, and when I get REALLY into writing something out, my my writing tends to pick up this odd style I have trouble describing. ; Sorry if you got the wrong idea, I suppose I could have been more clear. THIS thread I've been moved to, however, I did NOT know about. Interesting! I'll have to remember this one. ....whoa, that was a rather peculiar dream. A bit gory, but kinda cool I guess. Oh, and there's no shame in reading fanfics of My Little Pony or any other show. I feel no shame for reading fanfics, OR for my love of ponies, no worries. ( ; This was just posted on my wall on Facebook first, and a lot of my family is......well.......kinda CLUELESS when it comes to the newer generations. Those comments were for their benefit. XD Thanks though! Edited August 16, 2012 by tm2dragon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChaoticBrony 8 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 Ever since I became a brony 8 months ago, I've had dreams about mlp off and on. My favorite dream that comes right to mind was fairly short, but I still find it a bit on the hilarious side. So I'm in my actual hometown, real life not cartoony, and I'm me as a human, not a pony. Anyway, off in the distance I can see this HUGE, we're talking hotdiggetydemon sized, Discord coming towards my town. I'm stuck frozen in my tracks just watching as he nears closer, when suddenly out of nowhere, Pinkie Pie and Applejack zoom up in go karts! Pinkie Pie hollers "Quick! Get on!". I hop onto the back and we take off towards an old, abandoned toy factory that doesn't even exist. That's when my alarm clock woke me up D= Still one of my favorite dreams involving ponies though Feel free to share yours if you find them funny or amazing! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnonBrony 1,468 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 I wish i had dreams about ponies or at least ones i can remember But unfortunatly my subconcious has other plans, even though i'm exposed to ponies almost everyday, i still don't dream about them. or at least have dreams about them i can remember, cuz i can't remember 95% of my dreams. Sometimes i don't even think i have dreams... ... My head is weird Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Purple Moon 14 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 i had this dream about a light grey pony with a ice blue bow galloping around town singing twinkle twinkle little star and a cloud floats down to the pony and started raining on her 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
notdog1996 315 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 The only I had was a dream about me watching two MLP:FIM movies. Both involving Discord getting his revenge against the mane 6. They were fairly short movies. I don't really remember the story line but I know one was about Apple Bloom getting kidnapped and the other was Rainbow and Fluttershy as fillies in Cloudsdale, basically Discord got back in the past to get his revenge before the two became elements of harmony. It was the only pony dream I had. INTJ Introvert(56%) iNtuitive(12%) Thinking(75%) Judging(1%) You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (56%) You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%) You have distinctive preference of Thinking over Feeling (75%) You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akemi Homura 7,680 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 We already had a thread for discussing pony dreams, so they have been merged. Please use the search function next time in order to avoid making duplicate threads. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Muffin of Chaos~ 184 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 I've been trying to have a lucid dream for a while now. (LOOK It UP) And as soon as I have one, It will be SO AWESOME! I Just cannot wait! Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 August 31, 2012 Share August 31, 2012 I can't say I've ever dreamnt of any ponys, but i hardly ever remember my dreams anyways so I guess thats not saying much. Maybe I have or maybe its only a matter of time before I have one ;p Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silvadel 1,393 August 31, 2012 Share August 31, 2012 Just remember to try to see your cutie mark if you do manage to dream of being in equestria. It can tell you quite a bit about yourself and if you reveal it to the community they can watch out to see if you appear in their dreams. Would sort of make for an interesting dream then if both remembered talking to each other. Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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