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The rainbow dash comic book.. way to arrogant, stuck up, self centered, and so far beyond character its not even close to her true self.

Excessive over use of the "20%"

line and deliberate ripoff of the double rainboom concept (tbh have yet to actually dig that fan ep up...)

At least the Twilight one kept her intelligence and curiosity/love of books in mind and rolled with her character traits. But the RD one... ugh.... Even the snub nosed art style they used was off putting img-1358452-1-sad.png

Even had narrator moments out of the blue entirely.. why?! and where from?!


Oh and Rarity's cutie mark and job then crossed with what they portrayed in the S3 finale..

Her actual talent is finding gemstones, and her wanted talent was fashion, so why was AJ trying to make clothes when the cutie mark was about the stones?! And why no stones in use....?


It never really makes sense in either regard for Rarity or AppleJack mixed up mark....

Kinda confusing IMO. Cause no matter how i look at it those funky costumes she made as a filly were better off before the insane amount of glued on gems..


I don't like how in Secret of My Excess, Rarity got Spike to give her his gem. I mean, she's the Element of Generosity, and that was pretty selfish imo.

That's all I can think of atm. img-1357239-1-derpy_emoticon1.png

TBH i always got a kick out of that, Rarity is usually barely above as generous as most with her high fashionista i'm better than you characterization.

Never understood how she got generosity....

She has moments, but most of the time, she's as selfish as rainbow is arrogant and self promoting.




On an opposing note, love the trolling that RD gets from AJ in the main comic series so far img-1358452-3-smile.png

Edited by GrimCW
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I don't like how in Secret of My Excess, Rarity got Spike to give her his gem. I mean, she's the Element of Generosity, and that was pretty selfish imo. 

That's all I can think of atm. img-1357239-1-derpy_emoticon1.png

Yeah, that bothered me too. And it's not just then, she's just generally quite selfish. I hope there'll be some episodes in Season 4 that let her act according to her Element a little better. :)

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On an opposing note, love the trolling that RD gets from AJ in the main comic series so far img-1358452-3-smile.png


I REALLY want to read the MLP comic books but I have not yet. Please fill me in on how Applejack trolls Rainbow Dash. I simply have to know, if you don't mind. img-1363178-2-smile.png


As for what I dislike? Hmm, I don't know if there is anything truly worth mentioning. I guess I have to agree that Rarity giving Spike the smallest gem of anypony in Just For Sidekicks was wrong. It doesn't make sense given she's the pony of generosity. And doesn't she recall Spike giving her that awesome fire ruby? Yeah, so not fair.

Edited by Sugar Cube
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I really don't care for the Spike episodes. He would be a great character to build on but it would be nicer to see him grow in a more meaningful way :/ I'm also not too big of a fan of the CMC episodes. Like really, how long can you drag that out?

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  • 2 months later...

The ending to "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" was really cheesy. This the worst moment in the series IMO. Actually, the whole letter-to-Celestia is probably the most annoying and preachy part of the series.

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I didn't like how Chrysalis was defeated in the season 2 finale. It just felt so lame that she was defeated by the power of love. Her primary source of food, love.sleep.png


I dislike the crystal ponies.


I don't like Twilight Sparkle becoming a princess. She is not fit to be one judging from all the times she went crazy and lost it.





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I didn't like Rarity in Sonic Rainboom. I like her as a character but I just really couldn't stand her attitude. She showed her generosity by volunteering to test out the wings, but that was basically it for her. 

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I don't like the fact that Twilight KILLED the Pinkie clones.  Too many Parasprites?  Sure they're flying tribbles bugs, but they're cute so instead of quickly exterminating them...let's lure them away so they'll lay waste to someplace else.1  Too many Pinkie Pies--fully sapient versions of one of her best friends?  *PEWPEWPEWPEWPEW* and lets hope we like the last one best.  They could have done the episode the exact same way, just had Twilight's spell send each Pinkie to a random distant location.  They would have brought laughter and fun to their new homes, and could have been held in reserve as future episode fodder.  Instead, she massacres them and nopony, not even Fluttershy questions it the way they would have if Twilight had proposed doing the exact same thing to a swarm of pestilent insects.  In fact, the main obstacle in the Parasprite episode was that she couldn't Just Shoot Them.


I could say that it contributes to the show's Creepy Vibe--all those little things that tell us Equestria isn't quite the bright, shining happy-place utopia it looks like on the surface3--but it's still a major inconsistency, IMO.  Especially since the clones get killed for being hilarious.  And the disturbing, very grimdark way they inflated and exploded.  That looks painful




1.  Seriously.  They eat everything in their path.  They can fly.  And they double their population every few seconds.  The inevitable mathematics of exponential growth makes them the most dangerous creatures in all of Equestria.  Worse than Evil!Discord.  Worse than the Changelings.  They're the only creatures we've seen who can actually Destroy. The. World.  But nooo, let's not kill them


2. The Iron Will episode.


3.  I'm looking at you, Pinkamena, and you, Fluttershy with the mind control power and hidden angry megalomania2 and you, Celestia...etc.

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I don't like "lel so random xD" Pinkie Pie.  She's more annoying than entertaining

I don't like how the Discord story arc got rushed through, it would have been better being spread out over the length of a feature length movie


I don't like how Sombra was just made "generic evil guy" in the Crystal Empire episode.  They didn't even bother trying to develop him or even give him the slightest hint of depth


Also, this is more fandom related, but I dislike the fandom obsession with minor characters that have little to no role.  I remember there was a person on an imageboard I used to frequent that said he posted Octavia because "I really identify with her personality".  She's had like a total of 5 seconds of screen time and has never spoken a word, how can she possibly have a personality?  Same thing went with Vinyl when she appeared for all of 3 seconds to bob her head and suddenly the fandom was flooded with Vinyl fan art, fanfics and endless dubstep remixes with a loop of her bobbing her head.  I could go on, but now I'm just ranting

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The only thing I don't like is there not being a Celestia based episode. Luna got one but Celestia hasn't gotten one why's that? I would like another Luna Episode, I won't be upset if she doesn't get another. I also don't like the Spike centered episodes they really serve no purpose in my opinion.

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I hated Spike At Your Service. It made Spike seem so damn annoying I wanted to scream at my iPad. I hated that CMC song in one of those episodes(the one that Scootaloo sang). I didn't like the original nor did I like the remix, Scootaloo just can't sing. I dislike it when Pinkie over-does some of her jokes or whatever. I laughed at some(jumping into water quietly, I died) but when it seems she's trying to hard, I kinda get bothered by it.

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Please don't kill me when I say this- I'm not a fan of RD's personality. She's adorable, and I love her hair, but it's her personality that bothers me.


Especially considering the way she acted towards Fluttershy in "Dragonshy". She could've been a lot less harsh on the poor thing. :(

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I'm not a fan of RD's personality. She's adorable, and I love her hair, but it's her personality that bothers me.


I agree completely.


She is a good character but her boastfulness and pride kills her for me and it is really annoying. I never like to hear others boasting so whenever I hear RD try and show off... ugh never-mind.

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I dislike the lack of character development we are seeing from Fluttershy.  Always seems like she goes through the same kind of problems.  It's rather disappointing.  

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I dislike the lack of character development we are seeing from Fluttershy.  Always seems like she goes through the same kind of problems.  It's rather disappointing.  

Actually, she does have a lot of development. The problem is that inconsistent writing renders most developments null by the next episode

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  • 1 month later...

I dislike the lack of character development we are seeing from Fluttershy.  Always seems like she goes through the same kind of problems.  It's rather disappointing.  

Pretty much this. Any development she does get disapears in the next episode, and it's starting to get old. I know the writers are dragging it out for as long as possible, but she needs to become less anti-social sometime soon.

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I've never been one to look for things to be wrong so I can't say anything really bothers me. My main issue (hope) is that the writers pay more attention to backstory, cannon and the little details that drive Bronies mad. I'd also love to have more backstory on history, culture and the main characters in general. If anything annoys me it's ponies who are vocal in their dislike of Princess Twilight. :-) At this point it's time to build that bridge.

Edited by Nature Spell
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Snips and Snails. They are just useless characters. I guess they are supposed to be for comedic relief but they are not funny at all. They are just extremely annoying and I don't like how their bodies are so disproportionate.

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I'm getting a bit sick of the CMC to be honest. I thought they were cute for the first few episodes that I watched but now they're getting annoying to me..


I find it a bit annoying that the writers are trying to make them find their cutie marks by doing all these different schemes and not just by being themselves which is how all the Mane 6 found theirs. /:

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Yes there are things that I dont particularly like about the show but, most of them are nit picky. I never really liked the intro therem song for starters, its the only thing I truly consider to be girly in the show. I also dont like how the CMC have not gotten their cutie marks yet or how we dont have to much background info about Scootaloo. :\ 

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