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That sounds nice. Well, It sounds better than sleeping all day at least xD!


Yeah...heh...about that.




Hello there Dash, Bass or Treble?


Bass, duh.




What's so great being the element of loyalty?


Get that one a lot, you know. I mean, the necklace thingy looks cool and all, and it's awesome to know you've got super-cool powers. But really, the coolest thing about it is knowing who you are.

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So, Dashie... got your eye on any great stallions lately?


Err...no, really.






What you usually do on Hearts and Hooves day?


Set up for the party Pinkie Pie always throws! Duh, those streamers aren't going to hang themselves.




There's... mud... in the clouds?


Sure hope not, unless you get your mangy hooves muddy on the ground, and then fly up to Cloudsdale.




I have a couple questions for you.... Is it true.... You know... What happened in the rainbow factory, and cupcakes?...



You do know. I *die* in one of them, right?  -_- 




Where did that rainbow spool come from in that earlier episode about Rarity? Did that come from your mane? O.o


Nah. No idea where that came from.  >_> 

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Does Spike help you with somethings around Ponyville?


Yeah, he grabs ice cream over at Sugarcube for me when I'm taking a nap. He's awesome that way. 



One day, I'm gonna travel to Equestria with my determination. What your opinion on this, Rainbow Dash?


Where do you live right now, Pegasopolis or something? It's just a quick train ride over.




What's your Worst Moment Ever?


*winces* A lot of things kinda come to mind.


...most involving crashing.




Hey Dash, um I am well, new, and I wondering if you could friend me? I know you'll say no, but its worth a shot


Ehh, why not?

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  • Brohoof 1
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Um....Oh oh I have a question! Do you prefer Daring Do or the Wonderbolts?!

Also, who have you known for the longest out of Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight, The Pink Menace and AJ? And who is your best friend?! Aaaaah omg rainbow dash you are awesome...but not as awesome as Fluttershy! :P


/)o3o(\   < That's a face...

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Where do I live? Just on the other side of the 4th wall :


The what now? Where's the other three?






Do you accept the almighty Lord Helix as your savior?






Um....Oh oh I have a question! Do you prefer Daring Do or the Wonderbolts?!

Also, who have you known for the longest out of Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight, The Pink Menace and AJ? And who is your best friend?! Aaaaah omg rainbow dash you are awesome...but not as awesome as Fluttershy! :P


/)o3o(   < That's a face...


Gee, that's hard...like, really hard to decide. I guess I'd have to give it to the Wonderbolts, though, since I've been their fan longer. But still. REALLY hard to make that choice.


And I've known Fluttershy the longest. Duh. Even went to flight school together. Don't think I really talked much with the others back then. Even still, I consider 'emm all to be my besties.

Edited by Aureity
  • Brohoof 2
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Hey Rainbow. Been a while. Whatsup?


So apparently Pinkie tried making cotton candy with chocolate ice-cream. Wasn't too bad, except we had to clean it up off the walls.




No, what I mean is I live in another dimension.


Oh cool...wait, what?

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So apparently Pinkie tried making cotton candy with chocolate ice-cream. Wasn't too bad, except we had to clean it up off the walls.





Oh cool...wait, what?


Oh cool. Been...arounf myself.

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