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Is your OC considered attractive?


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Mine is not attractive but it is impossible  not to be jealous of him he lives in a magical world with magic and wings! its the best life ever!


Um, my main OC (Meson Bolt) isn't particularly attractive, though he doesn't look much better or worse than any other pony. Some ponies find him cute, but he's not always portrayed as the "tall and handsome" stereotype.


As for my other OC (Wind "Spits" Cycler), I'd like to think of her as attractive. I think I struck gold with her design, but I'm not sure how others think. As for her portrayal in stories and roleplay... I think she's cute.

so he is cute, but not like handsome? 

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It's all subjective, isn't it? But taking the word attractive to be one that attracts (the action of attracting, rather than a comment on their looks), then yes. I have had some tell me she is attractive.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'd like to think Nit's attractive. But he's really me in a shellnut. Pudgy, nit-picky, lazy and nerdy. But he's one of few lower-middle class colts in Canterlot that's 4'5" tall, broad features and a nice rump. So some fillies find that attractive. His (blood related) Dad is a Clydesdale horse so he has those handsome big horse attributes for a pony of his size.

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Nah. My OCs are more cute than attractive. Thanks to you, I think of making a stallion/ male OC for my fav OC




I dunno, you decide if he is or not. :love:

Oh,I think he's attractive
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I'd like to think so. 


My OC silhouette Dusk I'd imagine to be attractive. 




Proxy could be attractive, depending upon who he's with. He's a pretty buff Changeling/Centaur hybrid. Bat pony Chaly could be attractive as well, though she usually doesn't think of herself that way, and denies it, thinking that being a beautiful mare clashes with being a hardened soldier. 

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Well when I designed my Oc i wouldn't say he was attractive ( i used purple and green as his colors)

but how he grew and how ponies treat him I'm guessing he is. Now he owns a small salon so he can mess with other ponies hair.


 Hes girly with longish fluffy hair and a warm looking sweater












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Honestly, I have made my oc like me IRL. He is a sort of extension of myself. IRL, I practise very intensivse sports, take care of me and stuff like that. Black hairs / middle long hairs, blue eyes, exactly like my oc.

After, I dunno if he is attractive or not XD. He is very young but here, I have made him older, like my age actually.


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Kivil is supposed to be attractive but she's a pony so I don't expect anyone to find her attractive 8/10


Echo is blind so she doesn't know if she is cute or not but I say she is 100% cuteness




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Considering my Oc had an Ask Blog in which People more than once mentioned, that my Character was Sexy and that they love her, means that more than 100 People found her attractive. Because thats the Number of Follower i had.


One of the nicest comments i got, was from one Follower, calling my Oc a Gift. 

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