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@@captainborgue, @@Samurai Equine


Senlin didn't seem to mind having his wounds treated as even with the disturbance, he didn't break concentration on this meditative state and only came to when Valence asked him about his injuries. He woke to seeing even more ponies within close proximity to him, including the vendor he passed earlier in the day.


"I am fine, Valence, although I could now feel the sting of the medicines applied on the wounds. And it seems I drifted off into meditation so much I didn't notice the company we now have. Is this recent?"


Night Eyes had just finished wrapping the last of the bandages on Senlin's hind leg when Senlin began speaking but withdrew any intention to speak until he finished cleaning up. Samurai had come up to ask him about the culture of Equestria as well but he wouldn't speak out of turn and waited for Senlin to finish.



Senlin turned to the red pony who was present with them as well. 

"My name is Senlin, a longma from the eastern reaches of Eqeustria past griffon territory. My kind are a sedentary group who made a home in a forest first founded by our precursors, though I say they are much different from the longma you see today."

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"Oh yes, they came over while you were in the trance thing. We were talking about different cultures. I had no idea that Japon was part of Equestria, for instance. It has been a long time since I did any travelling. I'm glad you are alright, I was actually starting to worry about you," Valence said, relieved to hear Senlin was OK. "It didn't look to me like you had been injured all that badly, but I don't know your physiology and everypony was quite agitated, so I started thinking that maybe my initial observation was in error. I'm glad to see we were all just over reacting. You're sure that you are ok though?"

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@@captainborgue, @@Samurai Equine


Senlin nodded to Valence and examined the bandages over his forelimbs though the stinging intensified as he moved his leg around. It hurt quite a bit but he decided to weather the pain while it was there. Better to get used to it now than sitting around and waiting for it to heal completely.

"I guess now would be a good time to say that I really am okay, maybe a little better than okay. For a pegasus who doesn't know of my kind, he was quick enough to help without asking too much. I guess it might be because of my dragon-like face that spurred him to act if he acted upon fear."


He then continued with Samurai. "Legendary creatures, you say? Can you tell me more about them?" 

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Samurai nods and gives Valence a pamphlete. It's mostly a map to Japon, with some major train and travel routes on how to get there. But there is some general tourist information too. "If you ever want to visit, feel free to do so. I am willing to show new friends around. You might like our karaoke bars. I hear singing activities are popular in the western half of Equestria as well."


Samurai goes back to listening to Senlin. "Logma... Fascinating." Samurai makes a note of all this in how own notepad. "The creatures from my home land? You might be familiar with some of them. I've often had to scare diamond dogs away from the populated areas. I've ran side-by-side with manticore, befriended a few yokai, and I helped defend Japon during the massive Changeling attack. But my constant enemy has always been the snow leopards. Their snow magic has always been a foil for my fire magic." Samurai explains.


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"Oh, that' doesn't seem very nice, scaring away Diamond Dogs. I've known quite a few in my life, and they were quite lovely, once you get to know them. They just... don't quite understand how ponies interact. They can be quite helpful, though, if you know how to deal with them. See, they'll do anything for something shiny, and I'm lucky enough to know how to recombine carbon atomic lattice structures, which is essentially the same processes that turn coal into diamond. I just figured out how to use my magic to do the same kind of thing. Diamond is easiest, since carbon is so readily available. And diamond dogs love diamonds," Val said, happily chattering away. She had never been much for karaoke- her singing voice was not anything she was particularly proud of.


Some of the other creatures, however, sounded completely foreign to her. Although innately curious, Valence didn't want to distract from the present task at hoof, which was finding out any leads on Longma sightings. She jotted down a few questions for the Japon pony merchant in her little notebook, hoping that at some point she would get a chance to ask.

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@@Samurai Equine, @@captainborgue


Among the creatures mentioned by Samurai, one of them caught Senlin's interest.


"The snow leopard? The longma consider them a myth. We called them Xuebao, but we don't have a word for leopards so when translated backwards, it sometimes mistaken as a panther. Magic wasn't on the list of things they were known for, however, but this is fascinating nonetheless!" 


Night Eyes was enjoying himself too much, immersing his mind with the thoughts of strange creatures that he remained silent and simply listened to the conversation before him. Though he was imagining what creatures he might have encountered, the simple pony was all that came to mind, aside from the longma before him. And then he remembered someone else.


"Wait a second! Longma, you say? I remember seeing a longma outside the city limits a few days ago. She was walking into Canterlot when some hooded earth ponies stopped her from coming in saying she needed some sort of 'payment' to enter. It was strange and they were threatening to take whatever she had as payment. It was really scary." 

Night Eyes didn't know what to do at the time so he tried to look for some guards to help when it happened. By the time he got back, they weren't there anymore. The guards he called scolded him for a supposed prank but he knew what he saw. Now that he thought of it, he regret not being able to do anything active. 


Senlin quickly jumped at the pegasus once he heard about his sister, and his involvement, or lack of in it. He was infuriated and while he was known for his composure but very few things would spur him to movement more than hearing news of his sister. He stood up and grabbed Night Eyes by the neck and held his claws close to the throat, just by sides where he can dig them in easily.


"And you didn't do anything!?" The longma was furious, breaking his near-stoic composure. "Why? Didn't you see that she needed help?! Or has Canterlot's teachers taught you that your behavior was acceptable? That you'd seek the authorities to act for you when you yourself had that chance to do something?!"

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To say that Val was surprised by Senlin's dramatic personality shift was an understatement. But she had seen enough tantrums to recognize it for what it was, and quickly stepped in to intervene."That's enough, Senlin," Val said, in her best Decisive Mom voice.


((Having issues posting with my phone, sorry for the short response))

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Samurai waves his hoof. "Oh no! You misunderstood. It wasn't an attack on the diamond dogs. It was simply about defending others. Sometimes the dogs would come out of hiding, run into populated cities, and harass the citizens that cannot defend themselves. Yes, they want jewels and gems, but they often act like brutes to get it. When that happens, my only goal is to scare them back to their homes, but not to harm them. My people have tried to bargain with them, but they... they..." Samurai can feel his head spin when he hears Valance talk about science stuff. "Wow. Haven't heard a pony talk like that since I was attending my local university." Samurai rubs the back of his head.


Samurai was about to tell Senlin more about the snow leopards, but then he noticed the little exchange between him and Night Eyes. "...Have I interrupted something important?"


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@@captainborgue, @@Samurai Equine


Night Eyes could hardly speak with a clawed hand holding his throat tight. What's worse was that he felt the claws already digging into his skin but he could tell Senlin was restraining himself but only barely.

"I didn't... know what else to do. I... was scared. I'm sorry!"

Senlin loosed his grip but he had his angry gaze trained on the pegasus. He didn't let him go just yet. 


"If you are sorry, then find her. Pray to Celestia or whoever you worship that she is still around and well." The longma heard Samurai and replied to him but didn't look at him. "No, we are about to finish discussing our terms of agreement." His voice was calmer but the sound of anger still permeated and hoped that he got his point across to the pegasus. 

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@@captainborgue, @@Samurai Equine


Night Eyes could hardly speak with a clawed hand holding his throat tight. What's worse was that he felt the claws already digging into his skin but he could tell Senlin was restraining himself but only barely.


"I didn't... know what else to do. I... was scared. I'm sorry!"


Senlin loosed his grip but he had his angry gaze trained on the pegasus. He didn't let him go just yet.


"If you are sorry, then find her. Pray to Celestia or whoever you worship that she is still around and well." The longma heard Samurai and replied to him but didn't look at him. "No, we are discussing our terms of agreement." His voice was calmer but the sound of anger still permeated and hoped that he got his point across to the pegasus.


Valence had seen bullies before. She'd gotten her fair share of bullying in school, again in university, again in the labs, again for being a single mom. It was always the same- somepony wanted to feel like they were in control, and the only way they knew how was to be a jerk to somepony else. "Senlin! That's enough! How dare you presume to judge anypony else when you were not there and could not possibly know how anypony would react! What would have happened if Night eyes tried to intervene and disappeared too? Then you would have no leads whatsoever. Is that what you want?" Val said, her horn glowing furiously as wisps of vaporous nitrous oxide coalesced around her horn. "You have every right to be upset, but Night eyes did not kidnap your sister, nor did he drive you from your home in the first place. He has been nothing but helpful and kind, and I will not stand idly by and see you repay kindness with cruelty. Now LET. HIM. GO," Val said, in her most stern voice.

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The kind of voice Valence had put forth, the tone, the sternness that accompanied her words had reminded him much about the same way he was scolded long before. No one was to go and look for Lin and everyone presumed the worst. He couldn't bear it but at the same time, he had to concede. The elderly longma of his tribe had done that once and he knew they had a point: his emotions cloud his judgment and he couldn't make any rational decisions once he let his emotions direct his actions. 


He slowly put the scared pegasus down and Night Eyes checked where the claws dug in. They wound only showed a pinprick-sized hole but nothing else dripped out of it. 


"There is no question that you saw and experienced my worst, and there is no question that what I did was wrong. But I only want to see her safe. I want your word that you will show me where you last saw her. Would you... kindly take me there?"


His voice remained composed as did his behavoir but he knew he already strained whatever chance he had at finding Lin. Perhaps he is not meant to find her after all.



"Well good luck with that," Night Eyes replied, wrapping some spare cloth he had in his pack around his neck to conceal his minor injuries. "Because I can only take you so far. But you're in luck; as much as I want to run from you right now, you still had a point. I could've done more so let me make it up to you and to your sister. I will not only take you to the gates but I will join you in your search." 


There was a reason he would be comfortable leaving the observatory for a while and even though bullies were abound, at least Senlin was a bully that makes a point. Besides, he stayed within his presence long enough to know he is decent enough, or better than even the the observatory employees. He turned to Valence. "I apologize for you seeing all of that. You weren't put off by it, were you?" 

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"Good, that's better," Valence said, quickly trotting over to Night Eyes and checking him over. Unless Longma had venomous talons- and even a cursory observation ruled that out- Night Eyes would be just fine, if a little rattled. "Don't you worry about me, Night Eyes, I'm just dandy," Valence said, giving him a smile. "So. I believe we have a cursory plan, then?" she said, looking from Night Eyes to Senlin. Poor Samurai was looking confused by the entire exchange, and Valence wasn't sure she could explain things in a way that made any sense.


She decided to change the subject, to the last thing she and Samurai had talked about. "It's true, they can be a little gruff and overly enthusiastic. They don't intend to be scary as far as I have seen, though like any sentient creature I'm sure there are unscrupulous sorts among them. But all the Diamond Dogs I've ever known myself have been wonderful, if overly energetic. Like enormous puppies, really. Poor things, I imagine living close to urban areas with all the noise of traffic and construction and all that would be very stressful," Val said.

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Samurai was speechless. He's fought in battles and wars, and seeing Senlin change like that made him battle-ready. He was more than ready to leap in and keep this peaceful cultural exchange from going off the deep end. But seeing Valence turn on that mother-like defensiveness was something he wasn't expecting. It definitely made his job much easier. He didn't have to engage in a possible fight after all.


"Well, perhaps we could use a peaceful ambassador to help us out. That was amazing!" Samurai says. He then turns to Night Eyes. "Are you okay? Your health is most important right now." Samurai also looks at Senlin, not sure what to say. He came here hoping to make a friend, not to see someone possibly turn into a monster. "You said something about a sister? I'm sorry she is missing, but I can't say I fully understand either... I'm an only child. From the friends I've made on the battlefield, to the friends I've made at the university, all of them could carry their own weight. None of them needed me to protect them. But I am sworn to protect the innocent and uphold justice because I truly believe it's the right thing to do. I come from a warrior class, and if Valence hadn't stepped in when she did..." Samurai stops. That's enough.


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@@Samurai Equine, @@captainborgue


"I was afraid for her." Senlin began, slowly allowing his calm demeanor to return, hopefully not upsetting Valence or Samurai. "We were separated when we were young and without any way of assessing what happened that fateful night, I had myself to blame. I should've been the one to make sure she got back to our home safe and sound. That's why I'm out here, to find out if she is alive."

He wanted to tell more but any additional details would make a terrible sob story. He was still open to further questioning but he was more concerned about finding something more tangible. He had keepsakes of Lin in his pack and that was all he had to remember her by, other than her name affixed to his flank right next to his birth name.


Night Eyes sustained minor wounds but he was astounded by just how controlled Senlin was even as he was infuriated not too long ago. Most would lose control but Senlin was the opposite. He imagined him to be the kind that would be angry so often that he could channel anger and restraint at the same time, not that he would know what that was like. He touched the wound and was relieved that his injuries weren't serious. A minor flesh would.

"I'm fine, really. No need to worry about it. We have a plan; I can take you all to the city gates and we can start searching there but if you need some time to gather supplies or whatnot, I can wait. I don't know where this search could lead us."

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Samurai thinks about it. "I want to help, but I fear I might not be able to. As a member of the samurai warrior class, my loyalty is to Princess Celestia first. If she calls on my warrior class, then we would act like another division of the royal guard. I cannot interfere in international Equestrian business unless I have her permission to do so. If she is not available, then I'd need Princess Luna's permission, since she shares equal authority with her sister." Samurai looks at Night Eyes, a little bothered. "Even in a city like this, it would still take too long to get to her castle. If only I had wings like a pegasus..."


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Samurai thinks about it. "I want to help, but I fear I might not be able to. As a member of the samurai warrior class, my loyalty is to Princess Celestia first. If she calls on my warrior class, then we would act like another division of the royal guard. I cannot interfere in international Equestrian business unless I have her permission to do so. If she is not available, then I'd need Princess Luna's permission, since she shares equal authority with her sister." Samurai looks at Night Eyes, a little bothered. "Even in a city like this, it would still take too long to get to her castle. If only I had wings like a pegasus..."

"That's quite a handful but I might be able to get you an audience with either of them." Night Eyes dusted himself and helped Senlin up.


"I don't know how long we have to wait though since Celestia is busy with whother knows what. Interesting how far Celestia's influence reaches."


(Sorry for the short reply. I'm typing this on mobile)

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Valence listened somewhat absently to the discussions of the princesses. It didn't seem relevant to the current objective. She was also starting to worry about Nova- she didn't want to go traipsing about on a long, vague quest unless either she could find a sitter, or Nova could come along. Teleporting all the way home was out of the question- teleporting anywhere without a clear line of sight to it was dangerous, as one could teleport themselves into a fence or post or into the same space as a passing goose or something. Teleport injuries were gruesome and painful, and not something she wanted to ever actually experience.


"I'm sorry, what?" Val said, coming back to the conversation. "If it's somewhere within a line of sight, we could just teleport there. How far is it, anyway?"

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"It's not too far away from here. The whole mess happened near the main gate. We could move to a higher building to get the gate into view."


There's the issue with the rest of those present with everyone except Senlin lacking wings. Or if there was a way to circumvent the problem, there might be one. Senlin looked liked he could provide the extra lift needed. And then there was Samurai's issue of permission from the Princess...


"How about we give you a boost, Valence?" The pegasus replied. "Senlin and I could carry you up high enough for you to see what you need."

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Samurai appreciates Night Eyes' offer. "This is why I admire those with flight." Still, it seemed like everyone else was all ready making a plan. "Please, feel free to start the search without me. I always go through official channels before I go on a quest of any kind. If that means I'll just slow you down, then go on ahead. I'll catch up eventually."


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@@Samurai Equine


"I suppose we could split up. I mean, the party, not... well, ugh I really am terrible with talking when taking charge. Is this what it's like to lead?"


Night Eyes was more or less unsure of what he is going through but a childhood of being reserved and quiet led to him being more of a passive follower who only thought and acted truly free when alone. No mask to hide behind when he was sure no one else could see through it. This time was much different, more uncertain but somehow he wondered if this could have been him if he stayed in Cloudsdale. Well, minus the awkward bits, that is. 


"I could take you to the Castle and Senlin and Valence could go ahead to the city gates, and we'll all see where that goes?"

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"Well, I suppose that would work. I've never tried teleporting to ground level while in the air before, but provided my acceleration due to gravity is at or near zero there'd be little risk of collision injury at the destination," Valence said, as she used her magic to pull out her little notebook and dutifully ran through the calculations. "Now, for every kilometer transported, I will need.... let's see... a minimum safe time frame of 6 seconds, provided there is light to no wind, which if we translate to vertical distance.... okay. So here's what I can do- if you guys lift me 240 ft in the air, I can teleport us all to the main city gates 12 km away, so long as we teleport at the apex of our ascent and there is no chance to build gravitational momentum. I mean, the other possibility is that we drop from 1600 feet and teleport 50 feet from the surface, using a 90 degree ascent so that our momentum shifts from vertical to horizontal, in which case when we emerge from the teleport we'll be traveling at roughly.... 80km per hour, which while more efficient could also cause more injury if some unlucky pony happens to be standing in front of us as we emerge," Valence said, furiously scribbling more equations.


"Hmm... okay guys, we can do this the fast and exciting way, or the slower but safer way. Which would you prefer?"

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The previous altercation with Night Eyes seemingly left Senlin without the urge to speak at all. He knew he was wrong and knowing his emotions gets the best of him, he would rather remain quiet. Unfortunately, the pegasus's suggestion on lifting Valence up had two small problems: he was a weak flier and Night Eye's scrawny physique wasn't built to lift others with ease. Technically, either of them could fly but lifting something, or someone, proved to be quite risky. Sure, the longma has an advantage on strength but could the two of them pose a risk far bigger than the benefit? This gave him some confidence to speak again.


"I'm up for a safer approach," Night Eyes replied. "But only because I don't know what to expect. I'll still stay behind to accompany Samurai and won't mind catching up if you leave something for me to follow."


Senlin thought on this and spoke up. "If you won't mind taking a risk, Valence, I'll go with the faster approach. A drop from a sufficient height will still keep Night Eyes in the sky and he will remain here so he can go with Samurai while I would be teleported with you to the gates. The result would very much be favorable to all of us."

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Samurai nods. "Good luck, friends. May we meet again as soon as possible." Samurai leaves to take care of things here. Before he can leave to go have an audience with Princess Celestia, he needs to close up his booth and relocate his merchandise. He won't be needing it where he is going.


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@@Samurai Equine, @@captainborgue


With Samurai ready to take his leave, Night Eyes and Senlin agreed to begin. The two lifted Valence up into the air, high enough to see the city gates. When she was ready, Night Eyes would let go and leave Senlin and Valence to fall back down. While the longma wouldn't mind, he would need to fly fast enough to catch up to her when she teleports to make to the gates. 


"Waiting on your go, Valence," the pegasus said. "Once I let go, we part ways until later. Don't make a mess down there!"

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@@Samurai Equine, @@captainborgue


With Samurai ready to take his leave, Night Eyes and Senlin agreed to begin. The two lifted Valence up into the air, high enough to see the city gates. When she was ready, Night Eyes would let go and leave Senlin and Valence to fall back down. While the longma wouldn't mind, he would need to fly fast enough to catch up to her when she teleports to make to the gates. 


"Waiting on your go, Valence," the pegasus said. "Once I let go, we part ways until later. Don't make a mess down there!"


"Well, in that case EEP!" Valence said, letting out a squeak of surprise as she found herself being lifted into the air. "Oh, well, alright then. Ok, so we need at least 600 feet of acceleration, and about six seconds for teleport to be on the safe side, which at 9.8m/s^2 times terminal velocity of a unicorn.... okay, so we'll fall for about 9 seconds, then you grab onto me and I'll teleport us both at an inclination of 23 degrees, so our momentum should carry us to within 10 meters of the gate. Now, since we will be on a slight upwards trajectory when we emerge from the teleport, gravity and momentum should] slow us down to the point that we don't need to tuck and roll too much, though it would still be a good idea to tuck and roll anyway," Valence said, happily chattering away.


A second later, Valence found herself plummeting towards the ground, as per the plan. she counted to herself as she fell. It occurred to her that since she lacked a precision chronometer, it was possible her estimation may be inaccurate, which could be dangerous given the endeavor she was undertaking. Even still, Valence was confident in her calculations, and as the moment approached, she took a deep breath, and in a flash of pink light, vanished.


The tricky part about teleporting, was the simple fact that energy- in this case, kinetic energy- cannot be destroyed, so wherever she teleported to, she'd still have all the momentum she was traveling at- however, if she turned herself around at emergence, that momentum would redirect as well- so instead of traveling at high speed downward, she'd pop out moving horizontally, with a slight upward trajectory. It was all simple physics in theory.


In theory.


Luckily for Valence, her calculations were spot on, and her emergence was almost exactly as intended. A couple more minor teleports to adjust her trajectory and landing, and she stood about a dozen yards to one side of the city gate, disheveled but otherwise just fine. "And they say unicorns can't fly," Valence said out loud, to nopony in particular, before giggling like a school filly.

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