PE Brony 1,712 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 I'm the one "other" so I have to explain (though it's not hard to explain anyway). It really simply depends on which name(s) you're looking to use. A few names could be acceptable and are already legitimate names. However, most of the the names on the show really only fit for the show (or, like has been said, strippers *ahem* I mean, Adult Entertainers... haha). AJ Dash (the Incredibles used Dashall as their son's full first name, though I've not met or heard of any IRL; what if they're super slow?) Belle Luna Cadance Maud Sunny Aria Sonata Adagio Trixie Suri Gilda Spike Prim Soarin (though it's usually seen as Sorin or Soren) Misty Joe Fleur Coco Randolph Claude Tom Clover (the Clever) Zecora Matilda Steve Will Gustave Violet Angel Winona Tiberius Ace Bill Mac Jona (Jonagold) Lily Octavia Rose Walter Wensley Each name above is either the direct name of a pony or other character, or in the case of Jona a derivation of the name beside it, that I probably wouldn't bat an eye at) 2 Apple Fritter Blog! *New Ava by @MooCowing!* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
countryman 193 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 I don't think I would name my kids after MLP. But this is my Border Coli, Luna Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Black Sabbath 2,486 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 No, I wouldn't want my children to be bullied. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
[NULL] 906 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 (edited) And why is it depressing? What are you expecting on a brony site? Tolerance? **Gasp**, we can't have that! You know tolerance works both ways, right? Having intercourse with multiple random people? Oh sure, fine. Giving your child a name that is also the name of a fictional character? Nope, we're taking your kid away now and sending them to a concentration camp. Because this is a dictatorship, and we decide what your kids can be named. I don't see what polygamy has to do with anything, nor do I see why me being depressed by people naming their child Rainbow Dash warrants a dictatorship analogy. But apparently I condone death camps now, so I can't argue with that logic. You got me. Anyway, I think giving your child a ridiculous name is wrong. Your kid will be mocked growing up with it, s/he'll hate you for it, (and probably get a name change if s/he doesn't become suicidal,) people will wonder what kind of sadist would name their kid Twilight Sparkle, and you'll regret naming your kid that. Oh who am I kidding? You won't regret it. You'll just blame everyone but yourself. In that case, if you're still living in your "MLP is the greatest thing ever, and everyone who disagrees is a bigot!" bubble by then, and you want your child to end up like Jake Lloyd, fine. It's not like I can stop you, and your child's well-being isn't my responsibility. But don't say I didn't warn you. Good luck. Edited January 21, 2016 by SpaceOnion 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SynBassilicious Pony 322 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 (edited) .................... Edited January 30, 2023 by SynBassilicious Pony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roketsune 388 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 I won't have children since I believe in eugenics laws and am disabled. However, disregarding that one... Maybe, I don't know, It would depend on the name and my mood. I do know I'd be pissed off if my theoretical daughter was named Twilight Sparkle and she wasn't interested in knowledge acquisition. I also know you had better live in a liberal area or a brony commune if you're going to name a child that, or they will be in for a world of hurt. Also, seeing the argument that has broken out here has reinforced my belief that there will always be a need for people to factionalize and divide into like-minded camps. I believe this is needed for furries, and it's also needed for bronies. There is too much friction otherwise. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Star Saber 114 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 I wouldn't my kid something obviously pony, but if really wanted to go that route I'd find a way to subtly reference it. Like naming them Jack to reference Applejack. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurora Storm 83 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 My co worker has a daughter named Cadence. I'm not sure if it was inspired by the show or not. It's not a name that really stands out as being odd though. It just sounds like a variation on Candace to me. I've been meaning to ask but don't know if it's weird to do so. I wouldn't give my kid a legal pony name but I could see doing so as a nickname if it fit the personality. I think Rarity is pretty, as is Pinkie. Pinkie could make a cute nickname if it fit the child's personality. I also like Luna but that seems to be a very common choice for people with pet cats. Maude is a real person name and I love the character but I'm not sure how she'd be perceived in this day and age. I'm not even crazy abut the name. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SteveMorison 404 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 Acceptable MLP names: Trixie Gilda Lyra Maud Sonata Rarity Celestia Luna Cadance Octavia Vinyl nicknames: Applejack Dash Spike Snips Flash It's reslly stupid to name your kid based off MLP. Incidentally, there is actually a good family friend who's nicknamed Spike, his real name is Gary however. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin_Case001 4,907 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 Most pony names would be a bit silly to name your child, and would surely get them bullied to no end. There are a couple that are acceptable, however. Rarity and Octavia in particular. Nothing wrong with those names. Beautiful, normal names, yet different and unique. And Cadence, of course. That's a real name. Perhaps not Mi Amora Cadenza, but of course Cadence. Tiny tangent, but this reminds me--there's a school in my area with two janitors who are actually named Anna and Elsa. Complete coincidence. The kids must love it. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulcan 3,255 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 Perhaps Cadence or Luna , though to be honest, My on and off girlfriend and I have already decided the names for our future children long ago, I doubt she'd let me change it X3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cider float 2,538 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 Twilight Sparkle to me does sound like a stripper name..... just saying. and i have thought of this before. Some of the names would be neat. Lyra (Also in one of my favorite book series. The Golden Compass) Octavia (Tavi) They all sound like pornstar names 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alphys Hedge 671 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 (edited) Nope. My child should not have to go through utter hell just for me to say "lol i named my kid after a pony". Some names are okay, two I'm fond of are "Lyra" and "Luna". It sounds like it could actually be a human name. "Rainbow Dash" on the other hand... Edited January 21, 2016 by Alpha Hedge 2 Character in profile picture is Pearl from Steven Universe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cider float 2,538 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 (edited) I'm sick of people using their children as an accessory, a reason they do the dumbest things, an excuse or a means to gain fame. I just don't like parents that use their children as their identity. Edited January 21, 2016 by cider float 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alphys Hedge 671 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 This isn't in the debate pit for some reason. Bronies (or non-bronies, or whatever) are unable to handle others' opinions. Bronies themselves are literally the anti-bronies. Probably because this isn't a debate. He was simply asking "Would you name your children after an MLP character?" >"Bronies themselves are literally the anti-bronies." Ok, I'm sorry, but that literally doesn't make any sense at all. Character in profile picture is Pearl from Steven Universe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SynBassilicious Pony 322 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 (edited) .................... Edited January 30, 2023 by SynBassilicious Pony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alphys Hedge 671 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 They do the same things that "anti-bronies" do; hating different opinions, and hating others who like MLP too much. So you're saying...All bronies hate other's opinions? 2 Character in profile picture is Pearl from Steven Universe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulcan 3,255 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 They all sound like pornstar names That got me thinking about the other cast... Oh my o_o Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SynBassilicious Pony 322 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 (edited) .................... Edited January 30, 2023 by SynBassilicious Pony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cider float 2,538 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 That got me thinking about the other cast... Oh my o_o Their names are given by their specialty. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeekySonic 1,150 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 Sure. Why not? Parents decide on the names for their children, and sometimes they choose unique things. Nothing bad about that. I would actually prefer if my name was a little less bland. I would rather be named Braeburn or Flash than Gaylord or Dick (neither are my real name). My brother was named Logan after Wolverine. Is that so bad? I was named Garrett after Pat Garrett. Should I hate my name? No. Parents choose names for their children based on what has meaning to them. If the kid doesn't like it, they can have it changed eventually. Besides, anyone that bullies someone for having a beautiful name like Lyra or Octavia is just plain stupid. Of course, I don't see myself having children in the foreseeable future. But then again, I'm only 16, what do I know about my future? 4 Check out my voice-acting demo reels on Casting Call Club, if you'd like. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 Harsh. People have given stranger names to their kids. I can be a pompous moralist too and say that people who smoke should not be allowed to have kids. Yes, let's blame the victims instead of the intolerant bigots who don't like things that are "strange". Got bullied for having a silly name like Richard Butt? Parents' fault; shame on them for giving their kid a name like that. And why is it depressing? What are you expecting on a brony site? Tolerance? **Gasp**, we can't have that! Having intercourse with multiple random people? Oh sure, fine. Giving your child a name that is also the name of a fictional character? Nope, we're taking your kid away now and sending them to a concentration camp. Because this is a dictatorship, and we decide what your kids can be named. Okay can we stop pretending that this is some kind of intolerant injustice? You are comparing things that are COMPLETELY unfair examples. There is a difference between oversight in giving you kid a bad name on accident, and giving your kid a name that HAPPENS to be that of a fictional character and treating your child like they are some kind of pet and you can just do willy nilly with them and name them whatever without even thinking of how it affects the kid. It's not harsh, it's the truth: Children are not pets or toys. Do not name them as such. You are not only setting a kid up to be bullied, you are DEMEANING THEM. You are treating them like a pet. We aren't talking about giving your kid a name from the show that happens to be a real name such as "AJ" which is a real name. We're talking about shit like LITERALLY naming your kid something like Rainbow Dash. And please do not instantly defend the name by telling us that other kids should learn to be more tolerant because you're expecting maturity out of children then. If this is an injustice to be told you shouldn't name your child Rainbow Dash because it's demeaning to the child then I guess it's okay to name your kid "Shitface McShouty", or "Bumpfuck Asswipe", to hell with it, let's do like this fine gentleman and name our kid Adolf Hitler and ask people to make cakes with swastikas just to prove we can: My brother was named Logan after Wolverine. Is that so bad? I was named Garrett after Pat Garrett. Should I hate my name? No. The difference is that those people have real names. Rainbow Dash is like a name you give your dog, not a human being. I don't think I would name my kids after MLP. But this is my Border Coli, Luna Exactly! My dog is named Luna too. Name your pet whatever you want, pets are not going to be harassed and picked on for their names and they do not have the same understanding as human beings do about these kinds of things. Pets will love you no matter what name you give them. Besides I've already picked out names for my kids: Chandler Heath Axel Sky Melody LeanneEvelyn SnowGaige Aria I only plan on having 2 kids, so I am set for names. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Envy 6,200 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 I would never name a child after a MLP character. I mean, that's a person you're naming. A person who would be looked at strange, made fun of, etc. because their name is different. My Little Pony names are decisively childish. Sorry, but I most certainly don't want to be called Twilight Sparkle. 4 Everything needs more woodwind! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeekySonic 1,150 January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 (edited) *sigh* Okay, let me emphasize my opinions. Good names: Lyra Octavia Twilight AJ Rarity Cadence Luna Maud Marble Good nicknames: Dashie/Dash Pinkie Spike Flash Big Mac Sweetie Belle And those are just off the top of my head. Some of y'all need to chill out. A name is a name. It isn't going to hurt anyone. Edited January 21, 2016 by GeekySonic Check out my voice-acting demo reels on Casting Call Club, if you'd like. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest January 21, 2016 Share January 21, 2016 *sigh* Okay, let me emphasize my opinions. Good names: Lyra Octavia Twilight AJ Rarity Cadence Luna Maud Marble Good nicknames: Dashie/Dash Pinkie Spike Flash Big Mac Sweetie Belle And those are just off the top of my head. Some of y'all need to chill out. A name is a name. It isn't going to hurt anyone. Are you confident in that statement? That a name isn't going to hurt anyone?: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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