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spoiler What Are your expectations for Season 6


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I don't know what to say... But the way these kinda posts go. You don't think that the show will start to look like what the fans wanna see. We already saw that the show is aware and knows what the fans wanna see. However "pandering" that may be. One could argue it takes on a "let the fans write our show for us" I don't think we'd want to get to the point when the show gets like that. I fear if it does they might run out of ideas themselves and we've lost writers right? Far be it for me to think the show could be on it's last legs I hope it's not honestly. I heard that show Supernatural is mostly fans based the writers taking ideas from it's audience... Now I never watched Supernatural myself, it's just what I heard... Plus I live with people that do. Now FiM has some new writers right? Wouldn't it be interesting to see what comes from these new writers? I say it's in Hasbro's hands what happens. If we see episodes with feels of what you might have thought in a fanfic or something. (Is it wrong to hope that the show doesn't go with fanfics?) I mean a lot center around mares getting with mares. Everyone seems set on that Lyra and BonBon being like "more than best friends". Just saying plus it's still kinda a kids' show so that's silly to think I admit. I say let's wait and see what unfolds...


    The obvious ideas is that most certainly, we can expect a new character (if she has not been totally spoiled already) is Princess Cadence and Shining Armor's baby. Twilight plays babysitter maybe and Rarity still has episodes that's all I'd ask for is more Rarity. Less making poor use of her as when Rarity has issues it rubs off on us who already know what she's about... However, like all mortals, she's flawed but who isn't? as for the royal baby; What's all this about making her evil? It is beyond my reason? It's cruel to decide something like that right off the bat... Evil isn't born it is taught. I believe I mentioned something like this before... After all, what would that accomplish? Maybe she's got another role anything is possible even corruption, which could turn her darkside.

    I also imagine that Starlight Glimmer will have more to do in the show being how we left off last season. Ya know what I'd like to see Rarity do??? Imagine she likes someone who you'd never see coming. I know romance is kinda a non issue with a show based on "friendship". But she's been attracted to these vain, pompous dudes and Idk what she saw in Trenderhoof. However, imagine Beauty and The Geek but with ponies. It would show Rarity isn't a one note girl. Someone who's high maintenance or shallow as to go simply of attraction. Heck it has been said but why not explore "SpaRity"? Because Spike is still sort of always stuck as a baby dragon? Is it because they're different species maybe that's the issue not that it's a older person younger person relationship. They live in a world where there's Gryphon, Cockatreise, Chimera, Tirek is a Centaur right? but his body have looks like a monkey or a baboon and there's Minotaur and lots of greek mythology here. At least 3 of those being are already two kinds of animals. Most of that will need to be kept out of kids heads though.

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I'm not sure what to expect, but I still want to see a Celestia episode, she's long overdue one.  I'd like to see the CMC adjusting to their new role in life, as we haven't seen much of them since they got their marks.


What I don't want to see:


Discord.  His last couple of outings were lackluster, I'd rather not see him again unless they can do it without it feeling forced.

Starlight Glimmer.  Yes, she's reformed, now let her disappear into the background with all the others.

Flurry Heart becoming a prominent fixture.  She's going to get an episode, I accept that, but let's just make it the one.


Other than those, it might be nice to see some new races, like Deer (they do have them in the comics).  Maybe see more Zebras and find out why Zecora has distanced herself from them, they are herd animals after all, rather unusual for one to live in isolation..

Edited by Concerned Bystander
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Other than those, it might be nice to see some new races, like Deer (they do have them in the comics).



I honestly hope they only show us the deer if they get shown a comeuppance or humiliated, because the deer in the comics were the absolute SMUGGEST example of why people hate elves in fantasy EVER.

it was only really saved by King aspen being utterly humiliated.


I WOULD love to see the yaks and the deer meet though, because the yaks constantly going on rampages against the deer would be HILARIOUS


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I don't have very high hopes for S6 from what we know so far.


The theme is "Explore Equestria". I know I already said this, but after the map episodes, I'd rather the show stick to what it's good at, and that's slice of life, because it's not that good at adventure episodes.


It looks like they're going to waste an "Explore Equestria" episode on Manehattan. Did we NEED a third episode taking place in Manehattan? They already wasted a map episode on Manehattan. There's really not much you can do with a location that's just New York, but with ponies.

Edited by VG_Addict
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  • One least CMC episode

Season-long story arc

Starlight reverting back to her evil ways (HECK YES!)

Celestia/Luna episode

More Flurry Heart

Twilight/Starlight final fight

Origin of Starswirl/Discord

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I hope for a surprise. I don't know what Season Six has in store, but I hope it's not what I'm expecting (I have very low expectations, involving pandering, lazy character arcs and the sort). I want to be enchanted by this cartoon like I was in the beginning, because I liked it's ideas, I liked it's characters and the world that it showed. When everything was fresh. Of course, there are things I want. Like Celestia being treated with some respect. Perhaps an episode for her. New, creative scenarios that fit a magical world. Less Luna feeling sorry for herself, less Twilight saving the world while everyone is useless... But I try to keep an open mind.

  • Brohoof 2


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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Exploring Equestria for real, as in exploring parts of the map that we've never seen before like the undiscovered west.

Those are the places that are ripe for exploring and meeting new races, though I'm cool with an episode featuring the deer as well.

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I am expecting something to come out of the whole Explore Equestria theme and for that Starlight Glimmer to become a recurring character and make a few appearances throughout the season.

  • Brohoof 1


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I had that sudden theory that Starlight was pretending to be reformed through the whole time, Which means, she might be an villain again in Season 6 by betraying the Mane Six...right? So yeah, it will happen for sure..A la Revenge Of The Sith reference.

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I don't know if I'm the only one with these thoughts, but I don't think this upcoming season is going to be all that it's being raved up to be. I really hope that I'm wrong of course!

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Honestly, this is a season I'm not really looking forward to after S5. S5 just fell flat and felt like a step back.

Season 4 had a decent metaplot that was intriguing (the box) and was referenced and worked on for the season, even if the payoff in the finale was underwhelming (twilight gets a castle, woohoo). S5 had virtually NO meta-plot, no episodes that tied into starlight and the finale outside of her randomly appearing, and it did NOTHING to justify or explain the map.
Add in the finale being the mother of all Twilight sparkle power hours with the other 5 reduced to CAMEOS, starlight being the worst villain yet in the finale (Note I say the FINALE, she was decent in the premier but the writers defaulted to "Just god mode power her up without explanation!" and made her characterization go into the toilet), plus a horrible redemption and her being seemingly upgraded to seventh member of the group (Which I REALLY don't want)....



Yeah. I haven't felt this turned off from the upcoming season since S3 ended and EQG came out. If I'm lucky it'll turn out like S4 and be a huge jump up in quality from the previous season, but I'm not holding my breath. Josh haber taking over for McCarthy (which seems to be highly probable based on rumors and tweets) isn't filling me with optimism because Friendship games was HORRIBLE, and the finale was a pretty bad finale, which speaks badly of his ability to run things.
Its ironic, I really don't like McCarthy, but josh haber taking over seems like it'll be FAR worse. Damnit, why couldn't LARSON take over instead? the premier, under his guidance, was really good, and I trust him to do a good job.

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Honestly, this is a season I'm not really looking forward to after S5. S5 just fell flat and felt like a step back.


Season 4 had a decent metaplot that was intriguing (the box) and was referenced and worked on for the season, even if the payoff in the finale was underwhelming (twilight gets a castle, woohoo). S5 had virtually NO meta-plot, no episodes that tied into starlight and the finale outside of her randomly appearing, and it did NOTHING to justify or explain the map.

Add in the finale being the mother of all Twilight sparkle power hours with the other 5 reduced to CAMEOS, starlight being the worst villain yet in the finale (Note I say the FINALE, she was decent in the premier but the writers defaulted to "Just god mode power her up without explanation!" and made her characterization go into the toilet), plus a horrible redemption and her being seemingly upgraded to seventh member of the group (Which I REALLY don't want)....



Yeah. I haven't felt this turned off from the upcoming season since S3 ended and EQG came out. If I'm lucky it'll turn out like S4 and be a huge jump up in quality from the previous season, but I'm not holding my breath. Josh haber taking over for McCarthy (which seems to be highly probable based on rumors and tweets) isn't filling me with optimism because Friendship games was HORRIBLE, and the finale was a pretty bad finale, which speaks badly of his ability to run things.

Its ironic, I really don't like McCarthy, but josh haber taking over seems like it'll be FAR worse. Damnit, why couldn't LARSON take over instead? the premier, under his guidance, was really good, and I trust him to do a good job.

Larson is working on his new book.


No AKR either.


I could rant forever about how unnecessary, rushed, and intelligence-insulting Starlight's redemption was.


They could have used the time taken to show off the alternate timelines to show us Starlight's past.

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Larson is working on his new book.


No AKR either.


I could rant forever about how unnecessary, rushed, and intelligence-insulting Starlight's redemption was.


They could have used the time taken to show off the alternate timelines to show us Starlight's past.



The timelines honestly felt like a lot of wasted potential; stopping the sonic rainboom should have had a bigger focus on how it changed the *mane six's* lives individually, not on just a random "Shits fucked up" change.

Like, so HOW did that change the mane six's lives? Show how it made things worse for them, don't just say "And then bad stuff happened that we won't explain". I mean, there's nothing wrong with a "villains win" timeline, but having the rainboom not happened should have been a personal focus type thing, yeah?




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Before i see McCarthy or Larson making another season finale or starter, i want to have Haber having another turn, for Celestia's sake lol.

I'm not sure Haber will do much better given the S5 finale, but then again he doesn't work on the episodes by himself because characters can get screwed over by people other than the writer.

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I'm not sure what to make of Season 6. For the most part, I enjoyed Season 5 and thought it was the show's best season since Season 2,* but the finale and Starlight's rushed "insta-redemption" were a really big letdown for me. My main worry is that the writers will continue to mishandle Starlight Glimmer's redemption and turn Sunburst into a hatesink in order to force the audience to take Glimmer's side; honestly, I'm not all that concerned about Flurry Heart. I think she'll make an appearance in the premiere and perhaps a few cameos here or there, then fade into the background like the Cake Twins did. Besides, even if the premiere is botched, we've still got 22 more episodes and the finale to look forward to!


For now I'm cautiously optimistic, but with more emphasis on the "cautious" than on the "optimistic."


*I personally rank the seasons S2>S5>S4>S1>S3

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I'd be kinda surprised if this didn't happen: Princess Luna visiting Starlight Glimmer's nightmares.

If Starlight Glimmer was a filly now and that whole Starburst leaving her life thing happened now that Princess Luna is the guardian of dreams, she would have certainly have intervened with filly Starlight's nightmares, making it likely that Starlight may not have turned into the crazy pony we know her to be now.


Surely, remnants of her past still haunt her and it'd be interesting to see these remnants come back to haunt her in her dreams, only to see Princess Luna stepping in and give her a chance to break out of it.


Certainly a concept with potential.

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What I want to see in season 6?


Well, aside from Twilight Sparkle actually keeping her promise and apologizing to Lyra for being a bad friend and all (remember she apologized to everyone but lyra in amending fences), I want to see some world expansion.


Maybe leave Equestria and explore other kingdoms.


Oh, and I want to see Sunset Shimmer return to Equestria for one episode and apologize to Celestia and show what Sunset has learned.

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