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Female as the dominant gender in FiM


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I've been thinking of this a little, and I was wondering (just my curiosity) what you guys thought of females being the dominate gender in the series?

I think (even if it is a girls show) that it's good that females are the dominate gender, because a lot of the time in shows, the main characters and dominate genders are male (at least most of the one's I've seen).

  • Brohoof 1
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Shining Armor is the most major male character, and he was essentially a prisoner for 96% of the episode


Next to Shining is Big Mac, who only has two lines generally unless he decides to have an epic moment


So yes, males could be integrated more into the show


Edit: I forgot Spike, oh no! But then again, everyone forgets Spike...

Edited by Whiteshade
  • Brohoof 2
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Shining Armor is the most major male character, and he was essentially a prisoner for 96% of the episode


Next to Shining is Big Mac, who only has two lines generally unless he decides to have an epic moment


So yes, males could be integrated more into the show


Edit: I forgot Spike, oh no! But then again, everyone forgets Spike...


Probably because he's not a pony! (I forgot about him also)

Either way, yeah I agree with all of you, it's better with the female characters, but could be good with 1 or 2 male added in.

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Wow, you went into great detail for such a small thing. xD

Though it surprised me also, with there being so many males (but seeing as a lot of them aren't main characters my opinion still stands).

Where did you get all of this information?


EDIT: Whoops! I read the small print at the top.

Edited by Endpol
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It's logical considering real world equines and it's never bothered me all that much apart from the first little while I watched it. (Back in season 1 where there were only like 10 males ever seen apart from the town of Appleloosa.)


Then I made this graph, which sort of surprised me.


(image removed for your convenience)


There are fewer unicorns and more males than I thought.


I have nothing to add.

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Doesn't bother me really, but it would be nice to see a couple more supporting male characters; but really, as long as the show is amazing, I don't care if there's 100x as many female pony characters as male pony characters.

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It's logical considering real world equines and it's never bothered me all that much apart from the first little while I watched it. (Back in season 1 where there were only like 10 males ever seen apart from the town of Appleloosa.)


Then I made this graph, which sort of surprised me.

Posted Image


There are fewer unicorns and more males than I thought.


Erm this seems like you're only using numbers in ponyville.


What about Pegasus only places like Cloudsdayle or Los Pegasus? Or unicorn dominated places like Canterlot?


According to the characters themselves, Ponyvlle is actually pretty small.

  • Brohoof 1
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Long as the show stays 20% cooler, I couldn't care less if there were 0 males in the show.


Reverse sexism against my own gender, what is this...http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

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It's KIIIIND of cool to see a show with well-developed and interesting female characters as the majority for once, but I would like more of a gender balance. It would be cool to maybe give Big Mac a couple episodes in the limelight.

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I don't mind it at all, if i did i probably wouldn't be watching the show in the first place.


But i'm a little surprised at how rare male unicorns are. I understand how common earth ponies are since they're the easiest to animate and are pretty much the dominant race when it comes to ponies. But unicorns? i always thought that Pegasus should be rarer; since they mostly live in the clouds and are slightly more difficult to animate

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most of the time i don't even pay attention to the gender of characters. I will occasionally 'forget' that a large number are female. For some reason it doesn't seem to stand out as odd there are so many girl characters.

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**About to comment**

**Reads Blue's post**

**Holds backspace**


Well I don't care that acutally.

  • Brohoof 1
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Erm this seems like you're only using numbers in ponyville.


What about Pegasus only places like Cloudsdayle or Los Pegasus? Or unicorn dominated places like Canterlot?


According to the characters themselves, Ponyvlle is actually pretty small.


Create numbers from what appears in the episodes those locations appear in?


Good luck, you're on your own.


OMG! Are there any male Alicorns????


Not one. Edited by Blue
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