Roughshod 719 March 8, 2016 Share March 8, 2016 He's basically the only one who would. Alas, greatness is rarely recognized in its own time. Spike, I sympathize with thee. And don't forget Spike gets all the mares and stallions .He is pretty greedy after all. I don't know, people don't like how Spike is so trivialized. What? He's not trivialized. He just gives NO BUCKS. Unless asked of course. 1 The truth is always rough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buck Testa 5,505 March 8, 2016 Share March 8, 2016 And don't forget Spike gets all the mares and stallions He's a playa from way back lol 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver Stream. 708 March 8, 2016 Share March 8, 2016 I don't know where all of you have been looking, but Applejack still gets called a background pony, and people constantly complain about "no good AppleJack episodes". Pinkie definitely wins. Almost all her actions get written of because of her 4th wall breaking capabilities. DAMN IT!!!! I was just going to bring that up, but you beat me to it. I don't see Applejack as a background character, hut I can't deny how dry her execution can be sometimes if she isn't talking sense into the others or saving an idiot from danger. AJ centered episodes haven't been memorable let alone as good as Pinkie Pie's. While everyone's opinion is different (since there are bronies out there that will say all pinkie episodes are had, and AJ's are great), I think her episodes push her out of character. The only episodes that are decently good are episodes in which she SHARES the spotlight with Rarity, Rainbowdash, and Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie can dominate her own episodes. "Pinkie Pride" for example. I honestly don't think Weird Al dominated the episode as many anticipated. AJ is an awesome character and role model, but there's a lot of things about her that aren't that appealing. When I think Applejack, I think "grounded responsible pony with safe episodes...they can do better". But with Pinkie? You can't deny how popular she is within the random. People like her silly quest to make everyone happy. People enjoy a good laugh. People can even go as far as relating to her by being a person who smiles a lot but have deep issues on the inside. The ONLY complaints I've heard from her is how annoying she can be if they push her silliness too far. SILVER STREAM'S POETRY DUMP I am Silver Stream || My Request Shop Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moved to Elsewhere 11,331 March 16, 2016 Share March 16, 2016 I'd say Pinkie (Which is good because I rarely have to go defense attorney when someone bashes her). She's the comic relief and the worst people ever have to say about the comic relief is that they're annoying especially if they end up getting their own show. But Pinkie breaks that mold a little by a majority of her episodes being great. I mean, the most hate she got was during season 4 with the breaking point being when Filli Vanilli aired, but after that, a lot of the complaints about Pinkie mostly stopped. Either that, or a lot of people justify her actions as, 'Just being Pinkie Pie.' 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M'gann M'orzz 745 March 20, 2016 Share March 20, 2016 It's Applejack, Applejack has virtually no hatedom and never has, she also has easily the smallest group of hardcore fans but every other character has more people who genuinely dislike them.Pinkie is liked by most too but she got it really rough in S4 which Applejack never has. RARITY IS THE BEST PONY EVER Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlareGun45 2,221 March 20, 2016 Share March 20, 2016 I have the feeling Rarity or Applejack are the most underrated main characters. People always think of Rarity as whinny and stuck-up, even though she's more than that, and Applejack.... don't get me started on her! She's like the perfect example of friendship in this show, and she's always there for her family, and yet the best she could get is "background pony". Really? Why would people treat the best friend anypony could ever have with that title? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stormlight 1,371 March 20, 2016 Share March 20, 2016 Pinkie Pie and Spike would have to be the characters that the fandom has little to no issues or problems with. Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PacificGreen 1,163 March 20, 2016 Share March 20, 2016 I honestly haven't seen a lot of criticism for Rarity, maybe even less so than Pinkie and AJ. Have I been missing out on fandom drama? "Why should the Bill of Rights be in the official time capsule, but this painting of my dog is in time capsule 7?" -Parks and Recreation, Time Capsule -----Visit my deviantART HERE. Twitter HERE. My comic-ish strip HERE ASK ME STUFF HERE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wind Chaser 4,768 March 20, 2016 Share March 20, 2016 The only things I've ever seen said about Applejack mainly have to do with the fact that she hasn't been used enough. Not a character flaw, but an issue with the writing, which reflects better on the character (similar case with Spike). Considering that she's very level-headed and sensible, she's very easy to get behind. The only reason why she doesn't have more fans is because she isn't used that much and because her personality doesn't portray the extremes that the others do, except stubbornness. Her only bad episode that I can think of was "Somepony to Watch Over Me", where her overprotective tendencies were taken to their extreme and exploited for comedy, but even in that episode she takes a level in badass when she fights the Chimera. Also, in "Trade Ya!" they really played up her pettyness just to have her clash with Rarity for the sake of comedy. As for Pinkie Pie, I've seen people who found the character annoying and too headstrong. To expand on Spike, the problem with him is not himself as a character but how the writers seem to run out of talent when it comes to him, with him being one of the most prominent characters with the least amount of development, frequently being exploited for comedy, and the implications of the token character of a different gender and species being treated as lesser than the others. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zamasu 20 March 20, 2016 Share March 20, 2016 I really dont understand all the hate for pinkie in filli-vanilli... she was hilarious in that episode. I think its one of her best episodes as a side character. As for the least hated, it has to be applejack. I dont think i ever saw someone that really hates her... her being somewhat boring is the main thing people have against her (including myself), but I definitely cant think of any reason to hate her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Diamonds 282 March 20, 2016 Share March 20, 2016 I'll go with Applejack. The most negative I heard of her is that she's boring. Pinkie Pie is a close second, but since season 4, she had her fair share of complaints. Season 4 was Pinkie Pie's worst season by far. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AmberDust 1,118 March 20, 2016 Share March 20, 2016 After "Feeling Pinkie Keen", I feel like the fandom has learnt not to ever question her shenanigans. The writers seem to use her as a puppet for their own silliness. Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy! ♦ My main OC ♦ Vector Commissions ♦ Ask me anything! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Diamonds 282 March 20, 2016 Share March 20, 2016 I have the feeling Rarity or Applejack are the most underrated main characters. People always think of Rarity as whinny and stuck-up, even though she's more than that, and Applejack.... don't get me started on her! She's like the perfect example of friendship in this show, and she's always there for her family, and yet the best she could get is "background pony". Really? Why would people treat the best friend anypony could ever have with that title? Rarity actually has the most complaints. Applejack don't really have many negative traits about her, but she doesn't have much about her that stands out. She's the type of character who doesn't need to stand out. Unfortunately, it's hard for people to like a character who seems to be just there. Don't get me wrong! I love Applejack! Applejack is very important, but she does things because they're the right thing, not because it would make her popular. If ponies were real, and they were aware of their fandom, Applejack would be content with having a few fans. In fact, she would probably be a bit surprised. It's not due to low self esteem. It's due to the fact that she doesn't do things for admiration. Applejack doesn't have much about her that stands out, positive nor negative. That's not a bad thing at all. Most people don't have something that makes them stand out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 March 20, 2016 Share March 20, 2016 Pinkie Pie and Spike would have to be the characters that the fandom has little to no issues or problems with. Spike gets a ton of complaints for two reasons: Often, he's the butt of very dumb jokes at his expense. He's the show's "buttmonkey," and bronies are tired of the abuse. Two of the worst episodes to feature Spikabuse are: Princess Spike: He was accused of letting his greed cause the near-catastrophe in Canterlot, when in fact his greed didn't affect the conflict at all. At the end of the episode when he helped put the statue back together, he was delivered dragon sneeze tree bulbs as a gift as a tasteless, sexist "joke." Equestria Games: Written to be a complete idiot after his first breakdown. He literally believed he telekinetically ignited the torch, and then he barged in to sing the Cloudesdale National Anthem while believing Ponyville won, wasn't even prepared, and delivered one of the worst scenes in the entire show. Even worse is he didn't deserve it. In his episodes, his characterization is very inconsistent. His characteriation from Spike at Your Service, Just for Sidekicks, Equestria Games, and Princess Spike have been panned because the normally-reliable dragon was treated as a complete idiot, an explosively greedy bastard, or both. Dragon Quest, season two's worst episode, handled his character the best out of all he starred in.@Glike's post here summarizes his inconsistency the best. As a Spike fan, good Spike episodes are very hard to come by. Inspiration Manifestation and Secret of My Excess were good. Power Ponies is one of the most average episodes of the show. The rest suck. Bronies don't dread it and fear the worst when Spike's the central character in an episode for no reason. "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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