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ooc Strifes of Pandora [Light-Hearted, Survival]


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  • 2 weeks later...

name: Blood Drops


Age: ???


Race: Earth zombie Pony


gender: Female


Weapons:  Throwing Knives, Riffle.


Strengths: Strong and able to take more damage then a regular pony due to her mutations


Weaknesses: Herd instinct, will follow group of ponies, even into dangerous situations. Not very clever, climb a box and that will stump her for awhile.


Class: Friendly Zombie


Special Ability: Zombie Virus: If she bites you, she will infect you with a zombie virus, which means you have to get treatment right away or end up becoming a zombie, though since shes friendly


Bio:  Blood Drops explored the Pandora and ended up in the wastelands, she ended up taking too much radiation which instead of killing her transformed her into a zombie. Unlike other zombies she is rather friendly and will talk to any pony she finds, though if shes hungry she might eat first, talk latter. She also is rather territorial, and likes to chase off any zombies she finds, since she doesn't like other zombies.  her cutiemark is three drops of blood due to her preference towards drinking ponies blood rather ten just eating them, like other zombies do.



Edited by BloodDrops






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I'm not the GM, but I don't think this OC will work in this RP.



Race: Earth pony zombie


Ehhh...I mean, it's up to the GM...but ehhhh




Weapons:  headbutt, teeth.


Borderlands has guns, and lots of them.  Use the wiki to choose which type and manufacturer best fits your OC: http://borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Weapons




Strengths: Strong and able to take more damage then a regular pony due to her mutations   Weaknesses: Power Armour, can't affect you if she cant touch you. Herd instinct, will follow group of ponies, even into dangerous situations. Not very clever, climb a box and that will stump her for awhile.


Irrelevant in Borderlands.  Also, there's no such thing as Power Armor in the Borderlands universe.




Special Ability: Zombie Virus: If she bites you, she will infect you with a zombie virus, which means you have to get treatment right away or end up becoming a zombie, though since shes friendly


Your active ability is supposed to be a combat ability, such as auto-headshots, deployable turrets, a familiar, berserk mode, etc.




Bio:  Blood Drops explored the Pandora and ended up in the wastelands, she ended up taking too much radiation which instead of killing her transformed her into a zombie. Unlike other zombies she is rather friendly and will talk to any pony she finds, though if shes hungry she might eat first, talk latter. She also is rather territorial, and likes to chase off any zombies she finds, since she doesn't like other zombies.  her cutiemark is three drops of blood due to her preference towards drinking ponies blood rather ten just eating them, like other zombies do.


Pandora is a planet, and radiation has never been a hazard.  Eridium is a different matter, though it doesn't cause zombification, just mutations.


Everything considered, though, I don't think Blood Drops is really suited for this setting.  Fallout: Equestria, maybe, but this is barely anything like that setting and I can't really see a lot of interesting interactions going on with her. 

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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sounds like a bad game hack where the aim is just to annoy other players who play by the rules.


Based on that, i'm out. Don't do power modding rp

Edited by BloodDrops






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sounds like a bad game hack where the aim is just to annoy other players who play by the rules.


Based on that, i'm out. Don't do power modding rp




First of all, I'm not a GM, so I have no power in who gets accepted.  I'm just giving you my perspective as a huge Borderlands fan.


Second, I was bringing up actual active abilities from the games.  Nila, the Lawbringer from Borderlands: The PreSequel, had the active ability that allowed her aim to snap immediately to heads for a few seconds.  Active abilities don't last longer than a minute and require time to cool down.


If you still want out, I'm not going to stop you, but I feel that you've misconstrued what I said.

Edited by Hazard Time

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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First of all, I'm not a GM, so I have no power in who gets accepted.  I'm just giving you my perspective as a huge Borderlands fan.


Second, I was bringing up actual active abilities from the games.  Nila, the Lawbringer from Borderlands: The PreSequel, had the active ability that allowed her aim to snap immediately to heads for a few seconds.  Active abilities don't last longer than a minute and require time to cool down.


If you still want out, I'm not going to stop you, but I feel that you've misconstrued what I said.


I don't like aim-bots, they take the fun out of the game.


No point playing if you get no fun out of it






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I got nothing much to do. I want to reapply my diamond dog character. I think he's still on the thread. 


Fallskir Taj'iar (Fahl-skeer, Tahge-ir)

Age: 41

Height: 4' 4" (A little over average Pony height)

Weight: 170 LBS (With full equipment and such)

Description: Classified as a "Forested/Desert" Canine his complexion is wolf like in appearance. With sharp narrow eyes (brown colored), firm slender frame (but not lithe or such. Just not as bulky as say a typical diamond dog) and the usual bipedal appendages. His coat is a sharp tan/brown with a darker complexion around the head and limbs while lighter on the torso and lower body. ((This following is not official concept of the character. Just a reference to his bodily appearance:  https://derpibooru.org/1075203?scope=scpe7b6967a25efab64f4f0c9ed5ea6431e28c9ab712))


Equipment: Wears a nano mesh composted ceramic plate rig as main armor with a kevlar mesh covering his head and cranium but exposing the face, snout and eyes. Ear holes are open to allow them to be exposed. He wears simple worn Maliwan bounty BDU's with their signature blue, orange and white coloring's, Think the Maliwan Grace uniform but with more dark blue and less black. On his knees he wears light ceramic plated pads and standard durable boots. Over the top of his usual armor he wears a durable kevlar meshed scouts coat from Maliwan Apparel surplus. ((An image ref for the coat : https://cdna2.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/878/962/large/jonathan-fletcher-vasili-l.jpg?1443930234)) Carries a simple Phobia Shock pistol as his standard side arm. His main starter weapon is a modified Umbrage pistol fitted as a submachine gun with an optic and stock for accuracy while still maintaining rapid fire and uses fire element. His melee weapon being a Maliwan issued shock baton. His sheild is an enchanced capacity Anshin fast charge shield. 


Originally Equestrian born Diamond Dog, Fallskir is of Malteesian* descent from the eastern regions of the world (More so an Arabian type location, deserty and what not) .

Travelling often between his Equestrian home and Malteese he spent his usual time in the armed forces before his minimal service requirment was up. Becoming interested in corporate contracts with militarized intervention he was hired by Maliwan Weapons Co. as a apart of their newly found Bounties and Contract Interventions group. Given access to many of their latest elemental technologies Fallskir roamed the galaxy taking odd bounty jobs and other security contracts. 

((*Malteese is a self created country that's located on the Equestria earth like planet. If this is okay with you?))



From his youth up till his mid 30's he had since grown rather wealthy with his mass of experience throughout the many star systems. When word had came to him about the planet Pandora a new spark emerged in his newfound interest in ridding a deslolate planet of more degenerate scum for no particular reason. He was bored, he was itching for action and it helped to make profit on the side. 


He wanted to be put to the test. Not too casual yet not so serious. Give him a target. Give him reward. He'll get the job done.


Class: The Seeker (of shooting things with firey shtuff and maybe earning money on the side) 


Special ability: E.C.A.T !

 As equipment for his services with Maliwan Co. he has an E. C. A. T. ... Eh Cat, E-cattie? A Cat? He just simply called it Cat whatever. Elemental Combat Alteration Tool. Selected at random this gauntlet device will choose one of the three elemental mods (This device was created before the discovery of slag) And of its choice he can use this to assist him in combat.

Fire: Inferno Wall, allows Fallskir to fire a blazing wall of flame to attack large groups of enemies in a direction. 

Shock: Electro Pulse allows Fallskir to emit a wide area of electrical damge to those around him. Gives a slight boost into the air as added jump.

Corrosion: Acid Stream allows Fallskir to fire a concentrated stream of acid in a single direction.


Skill Tree is in the works. - (N) represents possible amount of points, [N] represents points allocated to skill. 

Tier One : Contractor (Basic Damage/Resistance Increases)

(5) - Earned Experience: Decreases weapon recoil by 10% Not applicable to Rocket launchers. [3]

(5) - Tac Resist: Increases shield damage resistance by 10%

(5) - Buffer: Increase weapon damage output by 10%

(5) - Dexterity: Increase aimed movement speed by 5%

(5) - Grenade Specialist: Decreases self-grenade damage by 5%

(5) - Feel the Heat: Increase Elemental damage output by 5%

(1) - Eye to Eye: Return the melee damage! Return double damage delt by a melee attacker within the timer with your own melee attack! (Active time 2 secs.)

(5) - In the Zone: For every kill, a random weapon skill (Damage, Recoil red., Accuracy etc) will be boosted within the allocated time. (Active time 4 secs.)

(5) - Passive Mode: While shield is full, health regenerates slowly (Current rate 3% per sec)

(1) - Double Tap: Allows a second melee strike to follow with the first for two consecutive melee attacks.


Tier Two : Natural Instinct (Movement/Mobility)

(5) - Tappy Feet: Increases strafing movement by 3% [2]

(5) - Quick Paws: Increases Weapon Swap and Grenade Throws by 8%

(5) - Hold Steady!: Decreases optic sway by 3% 

(5) - Crab Walk: Crouch movement speed is increased by 5%

(5) -  Pulse Walk: Your electrical abilities from your ECAT give you increased movement speed when using your Electrical Pulse. (Active time 5 secs Ea. Rank)

(5) - GungHo Spray: Allows you to fire your weapon while sprinting (Sprint Fire Spread Decrease each rank by 5%)

(1) - Power Slide: While sprinting, use your melee attack to engage in a slide, able to knock down enemies (Cooldown timer 30 seconds)

(5) - Right on the Head: When at full health, increases chance of extra damage to critical melee hits. (damage chance 7%, increase by 2% per rank)

(5) - Push Up!: With a full shield sprint speed is increased by 1/3 of usual speed. (Increases 1/3 per rank)

(1) - Momentum Flow: After engaging in a power slide, use your jump for an incredible leap that's double the usual jump height. (Must have Power Slide rank)


Tier Three : ECAT Specialist (Special Abilities/Elemental Output)

(5) - Pulse Range: Increases Electro Pulse shock range by 5%

(5) - Juice Me: Each kill gives your ECAT attacks an additional damage output by 8% (Active timer, 3 secs)

(5) - Stimuli: Your Electro Pulse attack absorbs enemy shield's recharging your own (Absorb damage rate 4%)

(5) - Light my Fire!: Increases the width of the Inferno Wall attack and dealing extra damage (Size increase by 6% Damage output by 3%)

(5) - Neon Stick: Your shock baton now has a chance to stun/electrocute enemies (Stun chance 10%)

(5) - Icarus Spread: From certain height distances your landings have a chance to cause a small electric output to shock enemies (Chance by 2%)

(1) - Pollution Solution: Your acid spray now can corrode and stick to floors and surfaces.

(5) - Pyrophobia: Your Inferno Wall can now have a chance at inducing fear to low level enemies, causing them to runaway. (Flee/Scare chance at 6%)

(5) - Faith of the Elements: Your attacks do elemental damage when achieving a Second Wind (Active timer 3 secs)

(1) - Move Swap: Your ECAT has been re-calibrated for different move sets. Your Inferno Wall is now Inferno Blast causing area of effect damage instead of a wave. Electro Pulse is now Electro Whip concentrating electrical damage on a singular target. Acid Stream is now Acid Rain causing a massive array of corrosive damage to shower groups of enemies.


The ECAT also can accept Elemental Mods to set it to a certain element. (Slag mods however are unacceptable) However if the user must switch to a new element module it will destroy the previous one in the process.

Edited by IllusivePony
  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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name: Blood Drops


Age: ???


Race: Earth pony zombie


gender: Female


Weapons:  headbutt, teeth.


Strengths: Strong and able to take more damage then a regular pony due to her mutations


Weaknesses: Power Armour, can't affect you if she cant touch you. Herd instinct, will follow group of ponies, even into dangerous situations. Not very clever, climb a box and that will stump her for awhile.


Class: Friendly Zombie


Special Ability: Zombie Virus: If she bites you, she will infect you with a zombie virus, which means you have to get treatment right away or end up becoming a zombie, though since shes friendly


Bio:  Blood Drops explored the Pandora and ended up in the wastelands, she ended up taking too much radiation which instead of killing her transformed her into a zombie. Unlike other zombies she is rather friendly and will talk to any pony she finds, though if shes hungry she might eat first, talk latter. She also is rather territorial, and likes to chase off any zombies she finds, since she doesn't like other zombies.  her cutiemark is three drops of blood due to her preference towards drinking ponies blood rather ten just eating them, like other zombies do.




Blood Drops, you seem to have an interesting concept for your character entry, but I would suggest looking at the other entries of the other accepted characters into this RP so that you have an idea of what we're looking for. You have most of what we're looking for, with the exception of your "Special Ability". Now, I can blame myself for wording it that way. When I say "Special Ability" I mean "Action Skill", kind of like what you would have in a Borderlands game, because the way your character is made now sounds great with the exception of you ability sounding more like in a Fallout: Equestria-esque RP.

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I mean, everything in text is okay, but the picture is really good. Did you make it yourself?

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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I dont think so. That picture looks like a scene from the Don't Mine at Night animated PMV.


it is, most realistic zombie ponies i've found anyway






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Well, that's different. It does seem like something more from Fallout equestria, but Borderlands is so wild we could call this virus a mutation or that it came from another planet or something along those lines.


However, much like some of the people before I would like to point out that you might want to reconsider your special ability, though maybe the infect thing is okay... I dunno.


Another thing worth noting is that you have no gun... but yeah... you have a zombie character...


I'll allow it for the time being.



Alright, you're in, that special ability intrigued me.

  • Brohoof 1


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@, Yes, you can.





Also, just carry on with the RP, I cannot progress until Vampira posts or until you people take a while longer and advance so that some time can pass before my character is out of the doctors. So yeah.

Edited by Your Nightly Spectre
  • Brohoof 1


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Only edit it a bit so it fits the different theme. This is more of a sci-fi western than a post-apocalyptic scenario, keep that in mind.


she now has western guns, and no longer has power armour






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Loose understanding of western .-. Not actual wild west western.


You still get big huge sci-fi guns.


Hiya! Could you catch me up to speed on what has occured in the story? And who is doing what so far and where? Just so i can get a good understanding whats happened.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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