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Random Questions for The World.

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As the title says, all of you have those curious questions to ask the world, humans, society, all that. Like, whoever thought it was a grand idea to suck on a cow's teet to see if it's milk tasted good? Then, whose bright idea was it to start marketing it and how did people go for that? "Go ahead try it! What have you got to lose?"


Questions like those. So, what are your curious questions for the world?

  • Brohoof 1
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What was the first english word? 



What did the first unrecorded song sound like? 



If atoms don't think and our brains are made of atoms...then how does the thinking happen?



What came before the big bang? 

Edited by Crescent Light
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what will happen if you travel outside the universe? what is a black hole? :P why aren't we switching to electric cars? why do companies care about money so much :wat:



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What is my middle name?

What is my 5th last name?

Why did my dad name me after him because it's such a weak first name and why did his parents name him Luis?

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When did time appear, if there was no time for it to appear? What did the first person who saw pewdiepie's channel think? What happens if you break a nokia? Is it possible to step on legos for a minute? How do i know i see the colors the same way as you? Who created language, how and how did they teach everyone? Exactly how big is graham's number? How do you divide infinity by 0? Why am i asking these questions? Who the heck had enough free time to create and write the word titin (the full word)? How many pokemons will there be in the future? What did the first conscious being think?

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Why did we start drawing ridiculous lines in the sky and calling them "constellations"? Isn't the sky more beautiful if we don't muck it up with bad imaginary imagery?


What are the true differences between men and women when you strip away all of the social and cultural differences?


What would life be like as a celestial being?

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Who decided to take the first breath and how did they know how to do it

who decided how to masterbate/have sex

Who wrote the bible

Who wrote the bibble

If 911 was a inside job was 711 a part time job

who invented war and for what reason was it for love reasorces or just pure evil

is there a point of no redemption

How did bronys become a thing because i hate that guy

who made the first meme and why

how do we not have a colony on the moon already 

who had cancer first

who invented the word pony

who invented the hammer

why will communism prevail

what was the first instrument and who played it first

is there one heaven or heavens for animals and human

why do we have so many ways to die everyday yet we still keep going

why is the pedal steel guitar a thing

who committed suicide first and why

why are we able to have anxiety and depression

 how come i cant remember before i was 4 years old 

how much does it cost to think

who first said the word kazoo

why are there furrys

who invented the 9 to 5 job

why did i make this some serious questions and the rest just memes

Edited by Moonstatue
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As the title says, all of you have those curious questions to ask the world, humans, society, all that. Like, whoever thought it was a grand idea to suck on a cow's teet to see if it's milk tasted good? Then, whose bright idea was it to start marketing it and how did people go for that? "Go ahead try it! What have you got to lose?"


Questions like those. So, what are your curious questions for the world?

I can actually answer that one. 


Basically milk originally came from Yaks the reason why Humans started drinking it is because back in the stone age water was not readily available nor was it safe to drink so people turned to Milk (which also contains nutrients) mead and other primitive beers 


so that's basically it 

  • Brohoof 1
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I can actually answer that one. 


Basically milk originally came from Yaks the reason why Humans started drinking it is because back in the stone age water was not readily available nor was it safe to drink so people turned to Milk (which also contains nutrients) mead and other primitive beers 


so that's basically it 


Well, thank you for the lesson on that one, lol.

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Who wrote the bibble


Why Georga Lucas of course:  http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sio_Bibble




how much does it cost to think



About 14.5 mW.


How come bees are able to fly?


Because oscillating wings generate more lift than if they were rigid.  Don't use Bernoulli's law on oscillating wings, its for steady flow conditions only.  

Edited by Twilight Dirac
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How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

If I fly ended up having no wings, would it still be called a fly?

If the universe is expanding, meaning that it is not infinite, what would happen if you reached the very edge of it?

Who made the decision to start building roundabouts/traffic circles in the United States? I must find them and give them a piece of my mind... ;)

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So some guys can now answer the weird questions. Ok, answer this.


Why do guys have nipples?

That question is the hardest one ever.


Because a male embryo doesn't fully develop their Y chromosome until some weeks. Yes, that means all starting embryos are technically "female". Once it does develop the Y chromosome, male sex hormones restricts the full development of your breasts.


And yeah, it also means male genitals were female genitals that decided not to develop.  ;)

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How is it even possible to talk as fast as John Moschitta Jr does?


Why do people believe such lies as Donald Trump being a better choice than Hillary Clinton?


And lastly, why do people in my home state talk funny compared to other states?

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I have always enjoyed these questions:

  • Who put the alphabet in alphabetical order?
  • Who shuts the bus door after the driver gets off?
  • If we can't see air, can fish see water?
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And yeah, it also means male genitals were female genitals that decided not to develop.  ;)

Other way around dude. the lady parts are underdeveloped boy parts 

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