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Big Jim confirmed about the show's target demographic. IT FOR LITTLE GIRLS.


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This is how I felt about the show and been preaching it ever since, it's ultimately a girl's show but there's always been bronies that thought otherwise. Slice of Life and few episodes does seem to acknowledge the meme bronies (I call them meme bronies because I do not associate with the kind of things you've seen in Slice of Life).

Edited by cider float


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This is how I felt about the show and been preaching it ever since, it's ultimately a girl's show but there's always been bronies that thought otherwise. Slice of Life and few episodes does seem to acknowledge the meme bronies (I call them meme bronies because I do not associate with the kind of things you've seen in Slice of Life).


Agreed and agreed. I never could deny that it was a young girls show, because that's what it is. But so what? It may be a young girls show, it's a good one. I see no one antagonising me for liking The Lion King, so why would they for liking MLP FiM?


I guess that's because that's what been unconsciously ingrained inside the collective mind... Kinda sad, really.

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It's a show primarily for little girls. That doesn't mean it's JUST for little girls. Just like how a boy's show isn't JUST for boys.


 When you work hard on a show and put legitimate quality into it, it will naturally reach at least somewhat outside of it's target demographic. Usually not as quite as far as with this show and the brony fandom, but still.


 I wouldn't bat an eyelid at a woman reading a Batman comic or watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle's, and I also wouldn't be weirded out by an adult watching a show like Spongebob or Scooby-Doo or whatever. This doesn't change at all when it's boys or adults watching a show for little girls.


 If someone thinks the staff "Admitting" it's for little girls is an admission of poor quality and low effort...Would they think the same of a show staff admitting their show is primarily for boys? If not, they're being pretty hypocritical here.

Edited by BasementGlimmer
  • Brohoof 3

Twilight is best pony.


Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to?


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Agreed and agreed. I never could deny that it was a young girls show, because that's what it is. But so what? It may be a young girls show, it's a good one.


But that is the problem... people keep saying that and that is NOT what it is.


It is "A SHOW" with young girls as it's main demographic audience. It is NOT a young girls show.


It is for whoever enjoys watching it. If they wanted to make it "a young girls show" they most certainly could. They could dumb it down, increase the cutesy and girly factors a hundred fold, and play upon all the stereotypes of what a "girls show" is supposed to be about. It is a simple animated show that aims in a general direction and yet is written in such a way to reach out and touch large amounts of people in many different ways. If it was just a "little girls show" then it would not reach out and grab nearly as many people.


As I said in another post of mine.. Faust was given almost complete freedom in creating this show... and she took advantage of that. She created the type of show the SHE would have liked to have seen when she young. It has elements of so many things that inspired her and played with her imagination and because of that it inspires and plays with others imaginations as well. It was not written in a toy companies back room only with the intent to appeal as powerfully as possible to it's core audience just for the sake of selling that years big ticket Christmas item like it's G1 namesake and all the toy-lines and 80's cartoons that came along with it, for both girls and boys... it was written by people who used their imagination and personal interests to make something they would enjoy just as much as the young girls who enjoyed the MLP franchise would.


They were not saying "hehehe.. girls will love this shit!"... they were saying "We love this, and we think they will to!".. and so to did all of us apparently.


MLP started as a toy franchise, aimed at young girls, and so it continues to be. The show, no matter how well written is just a side effect of what Hasbro is and was looking for, an opportunity to sell the franchise to what they see as the target audience. It is just in this case, they gave the ability to sell the show to people that could look beyond that very simple premise and create something that although at it's core is aimed at one demographic, can appeal to anyone who is as inspired by it's ideas and messages as they themselves were and are. Hasbro is just now fully realizing this, and honestly I am not sure what all they will do with this new information.

  • Brohoof 2


~No profound statement needed~

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But that is the problem... people keep saying that and that is NOT what it is.


It is "A SHOW" with young girls as it's main demographic audience. It is NOT a young girls show.


It is for whoever enjoys watching it. If they wanted to make it "a young girls show" they most certainly could. They could dumb it down, increase the cutesy and girly factors a hundred fold, and play upon all the stereotypes of what a "girls show" is supposed to be about. It is a simple animated show that aims in a general direction and yet is written in such a way to reach out and touch large amounts of people in many different ways. If it was just a "little girls show" then it would not reach out and grab nearly as many people.


(... )


That's just the thing. This is what I'm talking about when I said ingrained in the collective mind. We've been made to think young girls show are dumbed down versions of other stuff, wil more pink, cutesy things and drama that will hardly go beyond "You know Bob and Alice? They broke up! *massive gasp* "


And in part, it is sadly true. What the girls have available is not on the same standards. That's a big issue. Lauren Faust wrote what she would have liked to watch... as a young girl. Sure, they're writing something that they love and thus the young girls will love it too, but...what would make it "girly" or "manly"? More action means "manly"? Many girls would beg to differ, including Lauren Faust.


Before we can say "it's a young girls show", then first we must define what a young girls show is supposed to be. For instance, would you consider Frozen to be male-oriented? Female-oriented? For both genders? I mean, if action is not all that relevant to defining who the target audience is, we have: a female lead, a female antagonist, issues mostly based on the relationship between the two, romance involving the female lead, songs, a colourful and magical world with at least a bit of cutesy stuff like Olaf, and a bit of action...

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Honestly tlhow is this news? I love that it is set for the target demographic, so it won't become a bad fanfic or chaotic. I don't see how you can make a show called "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic" without making it for girls and kids.


I love the show and wouldn't have it any other way. I see no problem with it, and it's target. That's all it is, who they try to appeal to the most. Not make them the only ones allowed, but to make it the main group intended for. I see nothing wrong with the show, and am glad it is this way.

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It's not a show solely for little girls, as in excluding all other demographics, it was made with that demographic as the biggest priority, followed by the parents who watch shows with their kids. And this was mainly said because of how entitled some people get for a show that wasn't even intentionally aimed at them.

Edited by Marimo
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Thanks Jim for just supporting a shitload of stereotypes againsts bronies or ANY male fan that wants to like this show without being dehumanized over it. I persoanlly think Jim is entriely wrong here. What makes this show for little girls specifically? Why can't boys be a target too? What makes it girly? What makes it for younger audiences? Why can't he just use the term family friendly? What the fuck does it have to do with gender??? Or even age for that matter?


Honestly, this pisses me off. Calling a great show like this a little gurls show before anything else goes along with this worthless society's gender role bullshit.


Sorry Jim, but I see you as wrong. Do some peeple take it too seriously? Yes, but that doesn't mean shit. People take shows seriously all the time, and all of it is fiction in the end.

  • Brohoof 4


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The characters are primarily female, and they are horses.


Horses and light-hearted stuff tend to be appealing to young girls, while males prefer stuff that is serious or more realistic.


Not totally true, but still true enough  :orly: i dont know what young girls usually watch nowaday, but all my male friends love serious and realistic story. Try to convince my best friend to watch  this show is so hard  :orly:.  

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The target demographic to GTA is young adults, yet there are many teenagers and even elderly people who play it.

The target demographic to My Hero Academia is male japanese teenagers, yet it has grown a larger and larger following in the west - within males and females alike.

The same applies to My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, if you can get enjoyment out of it, then the target demographic shouldn`t matter to you, and as such arguing about it is useless, useless, useless...

People try to say that it isn`t aimed at little girls, sometimes out of pride - which is stupid, anything that you do out of pride has a 95% chance of being stupid, as a matter of fact - and sometimes because Lauren said it isn`t - Which doesn`t work because, wether we want it or not, the show does not follow Lauren`s original vision. On a side not i kind of DO want to see a future incarnation of the show that follows said vision, it might happen someday, who knows? - either way there`s no point to argue about it.

Honestly it`s kinda weird that a staff member had to openly point out what the show`s target audience is, since it seems kinda obvious...

I think that the point i`m trying to make here is that there`s no point to trying to make the show something it`s not, we should judge the show for what it IS and not what we want it to be, and if you want something different from what it is, well, write a fanfiction. That`s what they`re for and hey, you could even get famous for it and get a show artist to illustrate it, it happened with Kouhei Kadono.



The characters are primarily female, and they are horses.

Horses and light-hearted stuff tend to be appealing to young girls, while males prefer stuff that is serious or more realistic.


While you are mostly right, one thing that i`d like to point out is that boys preferring stuff that`s serious or realistic is more of a modern trend that emerged in the late 90s and early 2000s, mantaining itself up to this year.

If we look back to the 80s we get stuff like He-Man and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, in the 70s there was Scooby-Doo and most other Hana-Barbera cartoons, in the 60s we had Adam West`s Batman and in the 50s there were those campy golden/silver age superhero comic books.

All of them were light-hearted and unrealistic, yet all of them were really popular among young males, only recently are boys starting to gravitate towards more serious stuff.

Following that line of thought, through a simple calculation(50s,60s,70s, 80s and the first half of the 90s, that`s 4 and a half decades of campy stuff. Since then we`ve had the second half of the 90s, the 2000s and the 2010s, that`s two and a half decades of serious stuff, meaning that we have about two more decades of serious stuff to go) it`s safe to assume that the idea of what appeals or not to boys is probably going to change somewhere during the late 2030`s, i hope i live to see that happen...

I`m not exactly disagreeing with you there, just tough that would be interesting to mention.

Edited by GreenGreenWhirlWind
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This show is targeted to girls and always will be, I like that they aren't trying too hard to pander to the fandom (or any other adult male viewer) and continue to give little girls the quality entertainment they deserve. I guess that the reason people don't like to consider MLP:FiM as a little girls show is because it isn't 'girly' like most shows aimed at girls or because they don't want admit to the fact that they watch a show that is aimed at little girls.

What Jim was saying is that the aim of this show is to create high quality entertainment for young girls with strong female role models that isn't dumbed down or girly, if anyone outside of the target demographic also enjoys the show for these reasons they shouldn't take offence at being told they like a show for little girls as it is just a sign that for once there is a well made show which is aimed at girls.

While I don't often support media/entertainment which is solely aimed at a certain gender I will make an exception for MLP as it doesn't rely on stereotypes but instead breaks them in such a way that even though it is targeted at a certain age and gender it can still be enjoyed by everyone. But it is important to note that because it can be enjoyed by all doesn't stop it from being a show for little girls.

I don't know what criticism he was getting but I'm guessing it was by bronies who think that the show is being too safe or not dark enough this season when, in my opinion, it hasn't changed that much at all from season 1. This show has limits as a show for kids but the writers still manage to create deep and interesting stories which have been and still are entertaining us older fans, but at the same time it is trying to remain a light-hearted kids show that will not alienate the target demographic. Jim isn't pointing out the fact that this is a little girls show in order to avoid criticism but to explain why it is impossible to give bronies everything they demand out of the show.


tl:dr: Jim and all the writers of the show are aiming to create a girls show that can still be enjoyed by all. He is not insulting us by telling us we watch a show for little girls but instead explaining why we should not be acting so entitled stop whining when we do not get something we want out of a show not even aimed at us and has strict limits.

Edited by Nebula
  • Brohoof 1

OwO what's this?

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This show is for girls? I would've never have guessed.


Seriously, do we really need the director to tell us who MLP is for? Is that what we've become? Come on, this is everything less than news. 



I know I'm watching a show for little girls! I believe that was written on the Brony Fandom Initiation Contract I signed before joining. Does anyone but me read the fine print? 

  • Brohoof 1


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I persoanlly think Jim is entriely wrong here.
Can you tell me what show's target demographic is then? I'm sure that you know it better then someone who is actually working on the show.




What makes this show for little girls specifically?
The fact that the show was made for girls aged 6-12. 




Why can't boys be a target too?
They can, but Hasbro in this case wanted girls to be the main target.




What makes it girly?
A lot of things. Like the fact that it was made for girls for an example. 




What makes it for younger audiences?
The fact that it is made for a younger audience perhaps?




Why can't he just use the term family friendly?
Because he is saying that the intended audience is little girls. In what way can he use the term "family friendly" to say that?




Calling a great show like this a little gurls show before anything else goes along with this worthless society's gender role bullshit.
I find it funny that you complain about gender rolls in the same sentence while at the same time saying that a show for little girls can't be great. What exactly makes it so that a show for little girls can't be great in your opinion?
  • Brohoof 4


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Can you tell me what show's target demographic is then? I'm sure that you know it better then someone who is actually working on the show.




The fact that the show was made for girls aged 6-12. 




They can, but Hasbro in this case wanted girls to be the main target.




A lot of things. Like the fact that it was made for girls for an example. 




The fact that it is made for a younger audience perhaps?




Because he is saying that the intended audience is little girls. In what way can he use the term "family friendly" to say that?




I find it funny that you complain about gender rolls in the same sentence while at the same time saying that a show for little girls can't be great. What exactly makes it so that a show for little girls can't be great in your opinion?


Don't take this personally, but this is probably one of the worst 'rebuttals' that I have ever seen to anything. I am trying to make a clear point here, and what you have done is essentially regurgitated what Jim said, answering nothing.


1. I hear this shit a lot, the shows 'target demographic'. Okay, so Mr. Jim the almighty, a person working on the show, says that the 'target demographic' is 'little girls'. Have you ever thought that just maybe, that is a very outdated thing to target? Just 'little girls'? What, you can't have a target demographic of families? Or boys too? That is why I don't give a shit about what he says, because what he says doesn't even make sense anymore. This isn't the 1950's anymore.


2. Again, WHY does it have to be made specifically for girls and specifically girls of a specific age? Why can't it also target boys of that age? Or anyone of any age? Having a 'target demographic' for a show that can CLEARLY be enjoyed by anyone kinda limits your scope, no?


3. Okay, so Hasbro is in the wrong too. Trying to claim that this show is specifically for a specific gender WITHIN a specific age range. Why kind of bullshit is that? What is Spongebob? Is that for boys only? Or is that for the Transformers cartoon? Can girls not like Transformers? Can boys not like ponies? Are we in a classic scenario where girls must love pink and boys must love blue? Another scenario where I couldn't care less about what the powers that be think, because what they think is clearly outdated nonsense.


4. 'The fact that it was made for girls'? Well, that answers a lot. Actually it answers nothing. What about the show was made for girls? The female cast? Are boys not suppose to enjoy something that is majority female casted? The cuteness of it? Boys cannot like cute things? Or is it the bane of all males, the color pink? That might be it, boys cannot like pink after all. Back to Spongebob, girls might wanna ignore that show because most of the characters are male. Remember, 'target demographic'. Or is that show family friendly then?


5. I see a pattern here. What makes it specifically for younger audiences? Is it the morals? Anyone can be reminded to be a good person. I can't really think of anything else that can't be said about most other cartoons in existence. Or, is it the fact that it is ponies and has all sorts of cuteness in it? So I guess older audiences are not suppose to watch stuff about little ponies being cute and all. Which is weird because that is what a lot of the trolls on the internet say. I guess they are not trolls after, they were just defending what is apparently 'right'.


6. As I established before, what Jim says or Hasbro for that matter, doesn't matter. Why? Because they clearly have views that are fucking outdated beyond belief. They apparently still cling to bullshit like 'pink for girls, blue for boys' and they cannot just embrace the entire family regardless of age, or gender. They have to specifically claim it is for 'little girls' because they are still clinging to stupid shit for the sake of marketing. So really, saying it is for little girls is purely for marketing.


7. Never said that. What I mean is that this show is loved by girls AND boys, of many different ages. Saying it is only for 'little girls' is implying that only little girls could like the show, when clearly, that is bullshit. You shouldn't have to even call it a 'little girls show' to begin with.


What Jim said only falls in line with the classic gender stereotypes that I thought many bronies were against. Lately, I am seeing that apparently many bronies have now abandoned that standpoint and would rather put the stereotypes back on a pillar. Oddly justifying everything the supposed 'haters and trolls' have said before.

  • Brohoof 2


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I agree with most of your post, but something I do want to say is that a show can and always can be marketed towards boys or girls. There are some things that appeal to girls more, and things that appeal to boys more. Not all boys or girls, per se, but each gender does have preferences in tastes. Most boys seem to like action and robots. Most girls seem to like horses and bright color. But that of course doesn't mean a gender can't like things that (usually) appeal to the other.


With that said, I'm honestly a bit surprised to learn that little girls is still their primary demographic. Sure, I know the show was made with that demographic, but I honestly believed they'd moved on to "teenage show watchable for little girls." Stranger Than Fan Fiction anyone? I didn't feel like that episode was made for 6 year-old girls. It felt more teenager-y with all the snark and sarcasam going on. Heck, I wonder how many 6 year olds, male or female, know what fan fiction is lol.


But then we had Cart Before The Ponies right after, and yeah... that wasn't teenager material at all. So I guess I drew that conclusion more from exceptions to the queue rather than the whole of it.


This isn't pretty but it's what I am tonight.

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In other news

Water is wet

Air lets us breathe

Grass is green

Cars drive on the road

The wheel is round

You write on paper

You play games

You read books

School teaches




No duh, no one ever questioned the show being for little girls, except for jokes, people like the show because it feels like a disney movie in the sense that it is more complex than just a little girls show. It has interesting characters, good development, etc.

  • Brohoof 1


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Don't take this personally, but this is probably one of the worst 'rebuttals' that I have ever seen to anything. I am trying to make a clear point here, and what you have done is essentially regurgitated what Jim said, answering nothing.


1. I hear this shit a lot, the shows 'target demographic'. Okay, so Mr. Jim the almighty, a person working on the show, says that the 'target demographic' is 'little girls'. Have you ever thought that just maybe, that is a very outdated thing to target? Just 'little girls'? What, you can't have a target demographic of families? Or boys too? That is why I don't give a shit about what he says, because what he says doesn't even make sense anymore. This isn't the 1950's anymore.


2. Again, WHY does it have to be made specifically for girls and specifically girls of a specific age? Why can't it also target boys of that age? Or anyone of any age? Having a 'target demographic' for a show that can CLEARLY be enjoyed by anyone kinda limits your scope, no?


3. Okay, so Hasbro is in the wrong too. Trying to claim that this show is specifically for a specific gender WITHIN a specific age range. Why kind of bullshit is that? What is Spongebob? Is that for boys only? Or is that for the Transformers cartoon? Can girls not like Transformers? Can boys not like ponies? Are we in a classic scenario where girls must love pink and boys must love blue? Another scenario where I couldn't care less about what the powers that be think, because what they think is clearly outdated nonsense.


4. 'The fact that it was made for girls'? Well, that answers a lot. Actually it answers nothing. What about the show was made for girls? The female cast? Are boys not suppose to enjoy something that is majority female casted? The cuteness of it? Boys cannot like cute things? Or is it the bane of all males, the color pink? That might be it, boys cannot like pink after all. Back to Spongebob, girls might wanna ignore that show because most of the characters are male. Remember, 'target demographic'. Or is that show family friendly then?


5. I see a pattern here. What makes it specifically for younger audiences? Is it the morals? Anyone can be reminded to be a good person. I can't really think of anything else that can't be said about most other cartoons in existence. Or, is it the fact that it is ponies and has all sorts of cuteness in it? So I guess older audiences are not suppose to watch stuff about little ponies being cute and all. Which is weird because that is what a lot of the trolls on the internet say. I guess they are not trolls after, they were just defending what is apparently 'right'.


6. As I established before, what Jim says or Hasbro for that matter, doesn't matter. Why? Because they clearly have views that are fucking outdated beyond belief. They apparently still cling to bullshit like 'pink for girls, blue for boys' and they cannot just embrace the entire family regardless of age, or gender. They have to specifically claim it is for 'little girls' because they are still clinging to stupid shit for the sake of marketing. So really, saying it is for little girls is purely for marketing.


7. Never said that. What I mean is that this show is loved by girls AND boys, of many different ages. Saying it is only for 'little girls' is implying that only little girls could like the show, when clearly, that is bullshit. You shouldn't have to even call it a 'little girls show' to begin with.


What Jim said only falls in line with the classic gender stereotypes that I thought many bronies were against. Lately, I am seeing that apparently many bronies have now abandoned that standpoint and would rather put the stereotypes back on a pillar. Oddly justifying everything the supposed 'haters and trolls' have said before.



Jesus in a moon buggy, do you always overreact to everything you read. Do you always read INTO everything you read and try to interpret it instead of just read it. Do you always make bullet points and basically repeat the same thing for each one of them?

Do you know what a target demographic is? Did you know Hasbro is a toy company trying to sell a product? Did you know that this show is an entire creation of that product? Did you know EVERYTHING has a demographic? Every show, every movie, every game, etc.... no one can make something for EVERYBODY.. you have to have something to focus upon, whether it be little girls, little boys, guys with beards, short people, people who like bow ties or whatever else the hell you can think of.


It is not outdated, it is still a very real thing today. Demographics have nothing to do with who will like said product, they have everything to do with what kind of market you are trying to capture. They are aimed at a particular group of people and if anyone else finds an interest in them, that is just a bonus. MLP has ALWAYS been a brand for little girls, period. Just like transformers and GiJoe has always been a brand for young boys. Just because each of them have expanded their audience and garnered fans of all ages, genders and interests through smart stories and interesting characterization, does not in anyway change their demographic. No one said it is ONLY for anyone, they stated the show is targeting them... don't like it... tough.. it is what it is. You can define the show anyway you like, you can spend all the time you want breaking it down and giving your opinion, and you know what... no one cares.. because everyone sees it differently. In the end you see the show a certain way, I see it a certain way, and everyone of this website sees it a certain way... some of us maybe agree, and some of us won't... and we are all right, because we are defining it as we see it and what it means to us. You are trying to make your feelings and your opinions a fact, and no matter how hard you try you can't because an opinion is just an opinion. You saying the show is for boys is just as opinionated as the guy next to you saying it is for girls. The show is for whoever wants to watch it, enjoy it and get something out of it, if you cannot understand that I don't know what to tell you.


People need to quite getting upset over this since it is not slander on their favorite show. It just is proof that a show can have a target demographic and be good enough and well written enough to go broader than that and create something far larger than anyone expected. Jim specificaly states that in his message. Instead of being offended, you should be proud of the fact you are creating this new era and the doors it is opening not just for this show, but for animation and franchises evrywhere. I celebrate this type of thinking, not condone it like so many seem to love to do.


But.. oh right... the show is just for us... I forgot.

  • Brohoof 3


~No profound statement needed~

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Then perhaps Jim should stop calling it a show for 'little girls ' then. It has been proven that the show goes far beyond that. Enjoy the show for what it is, you tell that to kids that get bullied for liking it. Everything has a demographic? In terms of toys and cartoon, since we are on that specific subject, what exactly makes that so? What made it that way? Did some magical force from beyond the cosmos come to inform us that boys smut love GIJOE and girls must love MLP and thus, this is how it should always be shown and shoved in our face? Nah, humans did that, and humans as we know have come up with some fairly flawed shit. Hell, women couldn't even vote until the 1980's in the US, and then shit changed for the better. Maybe we should stop slapping a demographic on shit like this. We are creating a new era, but the powers that be, Jim included, are apparently still determined to keep things in an old era.


But hey, maybe I am entirely wrong. However, I will just leave this here:



*casually walks away*

  • Brohoof 3


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Don't take this personally, but this is probably one of the worst 'rebuttals' that I have ever seen to anything.
Don't take this personally, but then I would recommend you to read your own posts a little more often.




. Okay, so Hasbro is in the wrong too. Trying to claim that this show is specifically for a specific gender WITHIN a specific age range. Why kind of bullshit is that? What is Spongebob? Is that for boys only? Or is that for the Transformers cartoon? Can girls not like Transformers? Can boys not like ponies? Are we in a classic scenario where girls must love pink and boys must love blue? Another scenario where I couldn't care less about what the powers that be think, because what they think is clearly outdated nonsense.
No body said that only little girls can enjoy MLP. What was said was that little girls is the intended audience. Did you even read what Jim said or did you just assume that he said that boys can't like MLP? 




What about the show was made for girls?
The whole show was made with the target audience in mind. The main characters, the side characters, the colors,  the story and all other things was chosen because that's what the target demographic would want ( or at least what Hasbro thought the target demographic would want). Of course people outside of that demographic can enjoy those things and there's nothing wrong with that.




What makes it specifically for younger audiences?
See above.




Because they clearly have views that are fucking outdated beyond belief.
No, they just have a certain target audience. 




Never said that.
 You implied it by using the fact that a show is great as evidence as why it isn't a little girls show.




Saying it is only for 'little girls' is implying that only little girls could like the show,
Good thing that Jim didn't say that.
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This is a pointless semantics debate. Going back and forth saying "it is for little girls"..."no it's for EVERYONE". Do any of you release how pointless that is?


Fact: MLP was made for little girls.

Fact: People of other demographics like it.


Gender roles still exist. You can argue over whether they should exist, but that doesn't erase the fact that MLP was intended for a certain demographic, like it or not.

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