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Season 7 possibilities


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Hello Everypony!


Just like everyone else I have been wracking my brain and trying to get an idea of what the season 7 pilot will be.


Here is my headcannon:


Sombra will return and attempt to use Flurry Heart against the heroin and Flurry Heart's parents.


I know, so detailed. Anyway, that's my theory. I'd like to hear what you think. Do you think I'm right, wrong, or just plain stupid. Either way, I want to know.


If you have your own theory I'd love to hear it.



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-The return of Chrysalis, I think, is a given. There's no way she'd swear revenge only for the writers not to follow up on it. I dunno if it'll be in the premiere or the finale, but she'll be back.

-If Chrysalis isn't in the premiere, I'd kind of like to see a new villain. The show hasn't gotten a NEW villain since the Season 5 premiere, so it'd be nice to see one.

-I'm personally hoping to see Starlight interact with the rest of the Mane 6 more, not just in her own episodes, but in episodes that aren't centered around her.

-I imagine there'll be some more map episodes this season.

-I'd like to see a few more CMC episodes this next season, and have at least one of them not be focused on trying to help somepony with a cutie mark problem. After all, before their cutie marks, there were CMC episodes that weren't centered on their quests to get them.

-I'd like to see a new "Luna helps another character confront problems by entering their dreams" episode. Dunno who it would focus on, though.

  • Brohoof 2


Credit to @Kyoshi for the signature!

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Here is my headcannon:


Sombra will return and attempt to use Flurry Heart against the heroin and Flurry Heart's parents.


I know, so detailed. Anyway, that's my theory. I'd like to hear what you think. Do you think I'm right, wrong, or just plain stupid. Either way, I want to know.

I think it's wrong because the comics have already dealt with Sombra, and even turned him good. Regardless of the whole "are comics canon" debate, Hasbro approving of this storyline would mean that the show isn't planning on using him.


Also speaking of the comics, some of the upcoming comics have been advertised as tying in with the new season. One of them is a story that involves going into a secret history of Equestria, and another is a new ongoing that details the stories of Equestria's historical characters. With the common thread of history, that might also be the major theme of season 7. Similar to how seasons 5 and 6 involved a lot of traveling around Equestria, season 7 may do a lot to flesh out more of the history of Equestria, maybe even bringing in a reliable way to time travel in the season premiere.

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I think it's wrong because the comics have already dealt with Sombra, and even turned him good. Regardless of the whole "are comics canon" debate, Hasbro approving of this storyline would mean that the show isn't planning on using him.

Agreed. Even if the comics aren't canon, I don't think the show staff will so overtly contradict them. For example, in the Season 6 finale, they didn't say one way or another whether the events of the Season 2 finale were the last encounter the characters had with Crysalis. Because of that, if you personally consider the comics canon, there's really nothing contradicting her role in the comics.


Credit to @Kyoshi for the signature!

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Luna to have Trixie become her 'pupil' or something, less Mane 6 in general, a good reformation for Chrysalis, new villains, Celestia, Luna and Cadence centered Episode. 



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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Well here are my theories for next season:


* History of Equestria being the theme, and before the new comic series was announced, I was thinking that anyway! ;)


* Scorpan returning and wanting to reconnect with Tirek, but not without the help of the Mane Six, Spike, and Starlight. (Bonus points if Scorpan becomes close friends with Spike!)


* Starlight is still playing a supporting role this season, but not the main one.


* Babs Seed and the Manehattan CMCs get an episode


* Trixie meets Sunburst


* The map episodes being Pinkie/Fluttershy, Rainbow/AJ, and Twilight/Rarity.


* Spike no longer has a crush on Rarity. Doesn't matter if he gets a new crush or not, and it doesn't matter who; could be Sweetie Belle, could be Starlight, could be Fluttershy...


* Lightning Dust and Wind Rider team up against the Wonderbolts.


* Spike finds his origins with the help of Ember. (Also that episode being a musical episode; this being Spike's version of Magical Mystery Cure or Crusaders of the Lost Mark.)


* Scootaloo episode that gets deeper into her flying abilities / disabilities; she meets another flightless pegasus!


* Billy Bob Thornton being the guest star in this season!


* Sweetie Belle episode.


* Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon bonding with the CMCs, and possibly helping them out!


* Snips gets a chance to shine! Probably Jennifer Skeller writing that episode!


* Celestia gets an episode!


* Discord meeting Zephyr Breeze.


* Discord having an episode with Trixie.


* Thorax episode about him having trouble with being king.


* A Rarity episode that features Coco Pommel and Sassy Saddles meeting / interacting (not the theme of an episode, just one thing that might happen in it.) 


* Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and Flurry Heart visiting Sweet Apple Acres. (I know this might sound ridiculous, but I'd like to see that happen!)


* Queen Chrysalis breaks Lord Tirek and the other Tartarus prisoners out of prison, and teams up against Equestria.


* Equestria fights along side their allies: griffons, yaks, dragons, and changelings!


* All of the Mane Six have a chance to be useful in both the premiere and the finale! This hasn't happened since the S5 premiere. Bonus points if Spike makes himself useful too, but if this isn't the season Scorpan comes back, then it doesn't matter to me, then just the Mane Six!


Obviously, half of these aren't even happen, at least not all in one season, but I was right about alot things last season, so I have a good feeling about this one! :3

Edited by MegaSean45
  • Brohoof 3
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Chrysalis returning would be very obvious given what happened at the end of season six, yet I would see her showing up somewhere in the middle of season seven as opposed to either the beginning or end just to throw in a surprise twist no one expects. Celestia could finally do with her own episode as she's the only key character who has yet to be given one or been the main focus.

Edited by Ganondorf8


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* Spike no longer has a crush on Rarity. Doesn't matter if he gets a new crush or not, and it doesn't matter who; could be Sweetie Belle, could be Starlight, could be Fluttershy...



i think its gonna be a looong time before spike stops crushing on rarity :P







20% cooler in 10 seconds flat

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i think its gonna be a looong time before spike stops crushing on rarity :P






Hey, anything's better than how it is now. The crush is pretty old at this point. I'm not saying give it up forever. Like, more of a mutual understanding between the two, so he doesn't have to keep talking about her. I wanna see him interact more with the other Mane Four - have more of a relationship with them. What happened to that bond Spike and Fluttershy had from the beginning of the series? I'd like to see that explored!

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What's so wrong with them having Cutie Marks?

I just hate them having their Cutie Marks so much...To be fair, I rather see the CMC give up on their Cutie Marks instead...And yes, COTLM should've been either erased from MLP canon or banned (because of Emotional Manipulation, because THAT is an ISSUE)

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I think it's wrong because the comics have already dealt with Sombra, and even turned him good. Regardless of the whole "are comics canon" debate, Hasbro approving of this storyline would mean that the show isn't planning on using him.


Also speaking of the comics, some of the upcoming comics have been advertised as tying in with the new season. One of them is a story that involves going into a secret history of Equestria, and another is a new ongoing that details the stories of Equestria's historical characters. With the common thread of history, that might also be the major theme of season 7. Similar to how seasons 5 and 6 involved a lot of traveling around Equestria, season 7 may do a lot to flesh out more of the history of Equestria, maybe even bringing in a reliable way to time travel in the season premiere.

True, but they also did stuff with chrysalis in the comics. she was defeated, imprisoned and escaped again and they didn't even hint at those events in the show.

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True, but they also did stuff with chrysalis in the comics. she was defeated, imprisoned and escaped again and they didn't even hint at those events in the show.

There's a difference between not hinting at what happened in the comics and completely contradicting the events in a comic.

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Well, considering that the upcoming issues of the pony comics, plus the new series coming after Friends Forever series, I'd say that


S7 will have Equestria's history as it's main theme


  • Brohoof 1


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Well, considering that the upcoming issues of the pony comics, plus the new series coming after Friends Forever series, I'd say that


S7 will have Equestria's history as it's main theme


I would be all for seeing this happen in season 7.

Seeing how it is something new that hasn't been really addressed very much in previous seasons.

I would also be totally on board if it means we get to see Scorpan make an actual appearance.

  • Brohoof 2


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I think the show should try exploring/expanding upon Starlight Glimmer's backstory. I think her backstory (or lack thereof) is one of the things that's holding her back as a character and having an episode that explores how Starlight Glimmer became the pony she was would strengthen her as a character.

  • Brohoof 2
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I think the show should try exploring/expanding upon Starlight Glimmer's backstory. I think her backstory (or lack thereof) is one of the things that's holding her back as a character and having an episode that explores how Starlight Glimmer became the pony she was would strengthen her as a character.

That I would love to see, I always wanted to see a prequel episode that involves the Mane 6 and Starlight, sadly there are some fans that don't want to happen as they don't want to see anything that has Starlight in it.

  • Brohoof 2

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Sig by Kyoshi.

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  • 4 weeks later...



* Spike no longer has a crush on Rarity. Doesn't matter if he gets a new crush or not, and it doesn't matter who; could be Sweetie Belle, could be Starlight, could be Fluttershy...

This is what I wish for as a Sparity hater. 
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The most interesting would of course be a new villain.
Chrysalis will return, but it could be some time until we see her again considering how long it took her to return.

Could be interesting if...ahem..."somebug" opened the gates of Tartarus wide open, releasing literally tons of up-to-no-good creatures upon Equestria.
Tirek, Sombra?, Cerberus, whatever else is lurking in the deep dark pits the Equestrian underworld.

I just hate them having their Cutie Marks so much...To be fair, I rather see the CMC give up on their Cutie Marks instead...And yes, COTLM should've been either erased from MLP canon or banned (because of Emotional Manipulation, because THAT is an ISSUE)

uhm, there is really no need to express your hate for it so many times.
it has happened, it won't be undone, the majority of the fandom seems to really love that episode and is happy with their cutie marks.
we can't get everything we want, so we should learn to just...let it go.

Edited by Olsen1987
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  • 2 weeks later...

My predictions:

  • Absolutely NO RariJack episodes. We've had too many of those in Season 6 and one in almost every season.
  • Confirmed: Appearances of Applejack's parents (in a flashback) and Rainbow Dash's parents.
  • Confirmed: A potential Princess Celestia episode with the title "Celestial Advice" -- unless, of course, it's actually a Rainbow Dash episode.
  • An episode with the word "flower" or "flowers" in the title. We don't have one yet! This will very likely be a Fluttershy episode, or a Pinkie/Fluttershy, Spike/Fluttershy, or even more interestingly, a Pinkie, Fluttershy and Spike episode.
  • An episode where Pinkie Pie has a major role with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. She's the only pony without one now.
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