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Track URL not working

Jack "Fox" Grayson

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The URL for the latest song on my profile ("HOW DO I VAPE?") doesn't work. You can access the song by clicking on it, but if you copy and paste the URL, it doesn't work. The shortlink doesn't work either.


I think it has something to do with the "slug" being empty (the title doesn't contain any ASCII characters).

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If the title is spelt using full width characters like you have here, that might be the issue. I'm not entirely sure how full width text reacts with URLs but that could very well be the issue here. Try uploading it using normal characters and see if that fixes your problem

Edited by Vinyl Scratch.
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If the title is spelt using full width characters like you have here, that might be the issue. I'm not entirely sure how full width text reacts with URLs but that could very well be the issue here. Try uploading it using normal characters and see if that fixes your problem


Yes, you're right. We try to generate a slug from the title of the track. Using full width characters causes an issue since technically they aren't letters. I'd avoid using these for now and stick to ASCII characters while I try to sort this out

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Try uploading it using normal characters and see if that fixes your problem



I'd avoid using these for now and stick to ASCII characters


I think I'll stick it out for now; this was just a quick silly thing. Thanks for the suggestions, though. 

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