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gaming Super Smash Bros. Thread

Fear Moonscar

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I for one am excited to see my Melee main back. And he has his proper down-B. How awesome.


the thing I personally am concerned with however, is tyhe Custom Moves. Will the clones get entirely different custom moves, or will they be the same as their counterpart?

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Characters I'm most psyched to play as in Smash 4:

Shulk- protagonist of one of my favorite games, seems really awesome in this game too.

Robin- also really love the game he/she's from, plus seems to have an amazing playstyle!

Greninja- one of my favorite new Pokémon, love that it's in Smash and can't wait to try them!

Palutena- I absolutely adored her in Kid Icarus Uprising, she seems really excellent here too.

Luigi- one of my Melee mains, hope he holds up in this entry without his fun slippery wavedash...

Falco- a Brawl and Melee main of mine, I've seen a concerning impression or two of him in this game though but hopefully he hasn't been too badly nerfed(I'll admit he did need a bit of nerfing here and there though lol)...

Captain Falcon- been loving playing him in Melee lately, seems good in Smash 4 too but either way I'll probably play him a lot anyway.

Samus- I love, love Samus in the Metroid games but haven't ever really liked her much in Smash, hopefully she's been reworked enough to be more fun to play for me 'cuz I really want to main her in those Light Suit and Dark Samus alts...


I am really excited to play all the new characters and most of the veterans, and in Smash I judge characters on how much fun they feel to play with me for the most part, so we'll see who holds up on this list for me and who surprises me with a playstyle I enjoy. :D


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Demo's out, fellas. We get 5 character choices; Mario, Link, Pikachu, Villager and Mega Man, and we can fight on Battlefield, as well as the omega version. I especially found the new guys to be fun to play as.


Hopefully we'll be able to adjust our controls in the complete game, so I can move with the D-pad instead of the slide pad, and adjust the L and R buttons so I can dodge with both of 'em instead of grabbing with L, which I almost never do, but I'll probably be binding that to Y, just in case.

Edited by Mars Caramel
  • Brohoof 1
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What is this madness? We'll see about that now...

You can't chose to move with the d-pad either I believe. :huh:

He's right. Only one command can go to each button. I've seen the full game.


Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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I'm still laughing at the people living outside the US complaining about Mario's alternate costume. They want a Mario with their nation's flag theme when in actuality it's a call back to NES Open Tour Golf. Also the confusion about the wireframe alternate costume for Little Mac is amusing as well. How quickly people forget the games of old, like the arcade version of Punch-Out!


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Here's some advertisements for the game uploaded yesterday:





Here's a Japanese ad uploaded earlier this month, which as you can probably guess, is rather crazy:



Signature by Kyoshi

Hymenoptera is the most superior order of insects. | I'm the best Street Fighter player ever... in my hometown.

Rosalina's #1 fanboy.

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So I've been trying out the demo, and I have to say, it feels really, really, reeeeaaally awkward. There's something about the jumping that just bugs me. It's like you always get a full height jump unless you immediately start an attack. Oh and I wish I could change the controls because I'm so used to using a gamecube controller, which means that I often end up getting the attack and jump buttons mixed up ( the gamecube X is where the 3ds' A is... it's like the complete opposite).


So after playing the demo, I have to admit, I can't stand playing as Megaman. It have something to do with the inability to change up the controls but I just don't like the moveset. So many ranged attacks, and none of them feel all that effective to me; I'd rather spam Pikachu's thunder jolt.

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Okay, that did make me laugh. I don't really think it will become a meme though. I did lead me to some nice music in the end too.


I'm really hoping C-R-O-W-N-E-D makes it into one of the stages. Definitely one of my favorite Kirby themes now. It would be so nice on the Halberd. Actually scratch that, it's definitely more of a Fountain of Dreams kind of theme. Don't know if that stage is even in this game though... 

Edited by Mutemutt
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You're dissapointed in Dark Pit but not Dr. Mario? Dark Pit is more like Brawl Pit, but Dr. Mario only has his down B changed from Mario.


To elaborate, Dark Pit hits harder than Pit, and I've heard people saying Dark Pit is better because of that. Dr. Mario is Mario's melee set, which is his current set with the down B being a tornado spin thing rather than Fludd


And I agree with basically everything you said, Envy. You're just the first person I've seen make an intelligent argument about it rather than "Omg wtf Dr. Mario stole Mewtwo's slot" 


Also, there are 9 mario characters (Counting Yoshi and Wario). That's ridiculous. Mario doesn't deserve that many characters over DK, Metroid, Mother, etc.



Uh, Dark Pit is not Brawl Pit. He's a slightly more powerful Pit with less controllable arrows, less sweetspots and Zelda's Final Smash.


Doctor Mario is a lot heavier in damage than Mario, and has the tornado and such.




"Also, there are 9 mario characters (Counting Yoshi and Wario). That's ridiculous. Mario doesn't deserve that many characters over DK, Metroid, Mother, etc."


Mario, by iconic status and comparative size of the franchise, deserve 250 characters(and 10 for each DK character) for each Mother character- and that's aiming low(I'm not counting Wario or Yoshi, who would make it something along the lines of 300 to 1). It's that much bigger and more iconic, no matter how much I may love the Mother series.


I have the main playable casts from all the Mother games as Miis ready for addition to Smash.



Don't complain about Mario being overrepresented, it's blatantly underrepresented for obvious reasons(that being that if it wasn't, over half the character would be Mario characters).

"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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Kid Icarus, a series that was dead for like two entire decades (even still, it only has three titles now, only one of which being modern), has three flipping characters, but we're complaining about Mario having too many characters? Really?


Mario is the mascot of Nintendo, and one of the biggest if not the biggest mascots in all of gaming. The one and only unnecessary Mario character is Dr. Mario, and that's only because he's a clone who can't even claim to be a different character, not because of the number of Mario characters with him included.

  • Brohoof 2

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Doctor Mario represents a whole subseries- he's got a stronger case to be in than Bowser Jr.

  • Brohoof 1

"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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Still don't like that Dr. Mario is so clone like. It's just kinda boring and feels like a waste. I think cloning in fighting games have really gone out of style; right now, it looks like Street Fighter and Smash are the only recent ones still using clones, and Street Fighter gets a pass from me since shoto clones are kinda baked into the history of the game. It's weird, even the upcoming Guilty Gear is devoid of the few characters you could even think about calling clones (and I'm not even sure how cloned they were).


Anyway, my point is this: Mario and Luigi, that's the kind of cloning I like. They share a few moves (which are tweaked in certain areas) and have a few completely original moves. Essentially, they seem just a bit similar (which I like for stylistic reasons, they are brothers after all) and play completely different. From what I've seen, it looks like Doc is just Mario with some tweaks, just like in Melee. I guess Dark Pit got the same treatment.

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Uh, Dark Pit is not Brawl Pit. He's a slightly more powerful Pit with less controllable arrows, less sweetspots and Zelda's Final Smash.


I admit this statement was based solely off of things I heard. I based it off of several evidently incorrect things I had heard before actually seeing Dark Pit's moveset.


I also don't particularly care how iconic Mario is. The point of Smash is to bring characters from different franchises together, but they keep adding more and more to franchises that have enough representatives. How many new franchises were even added this Smash? How many are likely not going to get anymore in their franchise? If Sonic is any indication, Mega Man likely won't. Wii fit Trainer definitely won't. Neither will Duck Hunt. And there probably isn't much outside of clones they could do with Punch-Out. Animal Crossing is the only new franchise (Out of 5) that I could see definitely getting a new rep in future games.


DK is definitely an iconic nintendo series and recently had new games but they got no new reps. Star Fox is getting a new game but instead of adding a new character, Wolf was cut. Mother is a game revered by many, and Lucas was cut. LoZ has had a recent game and will be getting a new one but no new character was added (Although they aren't really under-represented), and LoZ is one of nintendo's other most iconic franchises! 


Kid Icarus definitely doesn't deserve three representatives, I personally think two would've sufficed. Since Kid Icarus recently got a new game I think it's okay for them to add another character to that franchise, like they should have done with DK, Star Fox, LoZ, etc. Sure, Dark Pit's a clone which take no time to make, but it's still another rep for the franchise that didn't need a new one when they already had Palutena. 


I just think Sakurai made some odd decisions with this Smash. I've come to terms with the roster for the game, but I still think it could have been better, even if they had to take a bit more time to actually get the game out.

  • Brohoof 2
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On the Mother side of things, I honestly think they should have put Giygas in as a character (in his Mother 1 form, although his Mother 2/Earthbound form would make a good Final Smash).  The only problem is, visually and stylistically, there would be no reason to put Giygas in without putting MewTwo in first, as Giygas would basically be a MewTwo clone (alien-looking creature with psy powers).


Not saying they shouldn't do it.  It would still be awesome.

Edited by Time Shield

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I'm definitely excited for Smash Bros. on 3DS. The biggest deal to me is that I can finally play Super Smash Bros. on the go. I always wanted a portable Smash Bros. Though I am disappointed that some characters won't return such as Ice Climbers, Wolf, and of course Lucas. About Mewtwo, it won't be one of the playable characters but hopefully one of the Pokémon in the Pokéballs.

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