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open A New Pony Moving into Ponyville

Cosmic Breeze

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"Well most of you know my aunt, but I thought for the ones who don't they can meet the party pony of ponyville." Ocean said as they walked to Sugar Cube corner. Ocean walked in to the bakery followed by everyone else. "Aunt Pinkie, It's Ocean your niese." She said calling for her aunt.

@ThunderCrush @Kulstor @Rapid Wind @Cosmic Breeze @Trixie . @Alex Van Gamer @nx9100

Edited by Mysterious Way

Happily Dating @SlashBlaze!!

Thank You @Iced_Coffee Nerd for My sexuality Signature!!


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Random had just sat down with a plate of muffins, when he heard a group of ponies enter the store.  

"Aunt Pinkie, It's Ocean your niese"

"Aunt Pinkie?" he said, watching the newcomers.  "I didn't know she was an aunt."  He scratched a hoof on his chin.  "Would've thought she wasn't old enough, or something...."





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@Trixie . @ThunderCrush @Cosmic Breeze @Kulstor @Rapid Wind @Alex Van Gamer @nx9100

"Well my mum is older then Pinkie, but she declared Pinkie my Aunt along with AppleJack, and the Rest of the mane 6. But I spend most of my time with Pinkie." Ocean said to the pony. Ocean shuffled her hooves and she looked back at the doctor. She walked back to him. 'Do you remember me?"She asked.

Happily Dating @SlashBlaze!!

Thank You @Iced_Coffee Nerd for My sexuality Signature!!


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@Rapid Wind @Cosmic Breeze @Trixie . @ThunderCrush @Mysterious Way @nx9100


Doctor Whooves smiled, a bit shyly, while looking at Ocean.  "Yes, how have you been?" He asked with genuine care.  He had not mentioned or talked to her before since he wasn't sure if they had met yet or not, from her time frame reference.  It could be confusing for others if one wasn't careful, talking to someone he knew but they had not met him yet.

Edited by Kulstor


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@Mysterious Way@Trixie .@ThunderCrush@nx9100@Alex Van Gamer@Kulstor@Rapid Wind

The dark gray unicorn stayed silent throughout, but had listened intently on the description of Pinkie and her occupation.  He was somewhat confused on the fact that if her mane and tail were not curly, she was in some sort of bad mood.  How could there be such a drastic change in appearance?  Maybe that was something to look into.  Regardless, when their rather large group started to head out, Cosmic was reluctant to follow them.  He could only guess that the shop they had entered was Sugar Cube Corner.  If Pinkie was as cheery of a mare like the brown maned stallion said, he pondered on how cheery.  If she planned all the parties in Ponyville, perhaps she was some crazy party mare?  Cosmic shook his head.  He knew he should not make assumptions and would have to learn these things by meeting the mare herself.

Upon his entry into the shop, he took a subtle sniff.  The scent of overwhelming sweetness in the air was a bit strong for the unicorn, but it still tempted him to try some of their sweets.  He made a mental note to come to the shop again.  "The sweets do surely smell good," He commented to nopony in particular.

The dark and mysterious void above. What mysteries lie up there, deep in the cosmos where the stars shine bright? Up high in the beautiful starry night? Maybe someday, we will know.


My OC: Cosmic Breeze (Approved for EQE RP - Link)

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@Cosmic Breeze, @Trixie ., @Kulstor, @Mysterious Way, @ThunderCrush

 Raven Mystery grudgingly followed the others to Pinkie's, not particularly wanting to come across her, but judging she didn't know her way around Ponyville and still needed a tour, she thought it easier to do this small task than it was to get lost for hours on end. Still, on entering Sugar Cube corner, the waft of bread baking and the scent of muffins and sweet treats soon made her stomach rumble.

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@Cosmic Breeze, @Kulstor, @Mysterious Way@nx9100, @Rapid Wind, @ThunderCrush, @Trixie .

The infamous party pony everyone had come to see managed to hear all the commotion from the kitchen. Currently, Pinkie Pie was working on an important cake order that she'd been occupied with since the early hours of the morning. However, now with so many ponies in the shop, the pink party pony would have to put her baking on pause.

Fortunately, Pinkie Pie was getting assistance from the local Diamond Dog of Ponyville; Alex, who was currently keeping watch of the timer for the cake currently in the oven. So, putting the young canine in charge for the time being, the overly cheerful mare hopped her way back into the main shop area, a warm, bright smile on her face.

"Hi everypony!" She exclaimed in greeting. "Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner, the one and ONLY place in Ponyville to get the most DELICIOUS sugary sweets! What can I get for you all today!?"


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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@Alex Van Gamer, @Trixie ., @Kulstor, @nx9100, @Mysterious Way, @ThunderCrush, @Cosmic Breeze

 "Ya' could buzz off," Raven muttered under her breath as she was still sour Pinkie and the Ponyville team had defeated the Appaloosa team in a recent buck-ball match.


Still, her rumbling stomach betrayed her into giving a reason to stay in Sugar Cube, try to nice to Pinkie and get a sweet treat or something to eat.


 "Make my order," Raven said and then pondered a rotten revenge scheme which she thought would take Pinkie all day to accomplish. She thought about requesting something difficult to make or something that require ingredients, a bakery and a sweet shop was unlikely to have and then put gold bits onto the counter, so by paying for this alleged good, she would twist Pinkie's hoof by forcing her to provide the service. She thought if she could come up with a rotten, diabolical revenge scheme, she would, but her stomach wouldn't wait all day and neither would the other customers.


 "Ugh, make my order, six chocolate brownies," Raven caved into her stomach, rather than a revenge scheme and accepted the scheme would have to wait.

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"The sweets do surely smell good,"

Random turned to one of the newcomers, a dark grey unicorn.  "They really are good, I promise!" he replied, waving a hoof over his plate of small muffins.  "You can try one, if you'd like.  I don't mind sharing."  He chuckled.  "Pinkie always has plenty more!"

Edited by nx9100





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@Rapid Wind @Cosmic Breeze @Trixie . @ThunderCrush @Mysterious Way @nx9100


Doctor Whooves smiled, a bit shyly himself.  He didn't have a lot of practice or experience in this sort of thing.  Certainly not recently.  But he would try to just go with it, with the flow.  "you have?..." He asked, not sure what else to say.

He waved to Pinkie briefly, glad for the distraction.  He nodded to what Random said.  "They are very good bakers here." He said backing up what Random said. 



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On 4/3/2017 at 3:29 PM, Cosmic Breeze said:

@Rapid Wind@Trixie .@ThunderCrush@Mysterious Way@Kulstor@TechiePidge

Cosmic was not sure if he should stay, or gallop away to somewhere safe.  Maybe to the closest library, which he assumed Ponyville had, where he could pick out many books to read to help calm his nerves.  Despite this, he looked on as the black armored unicorn literally glided in the air to land next to them.  The blood red triangle caught the dark gray unicorn's eye.  Every instinct was screaming to get away from this stallion, but Cosmic shoved those instincts away.  He took a deep, yet somewhat unsteady breath.  He knew he should not judge a book by its cover, as some would say.  Besides, a unicorn somehow being able to glide like he did, that was something that intrigued Cosmic's mind.  He knew quite a bit of magic, but that was certainly new.

In addition to the black armored unicorn, it seemed like there were two new ponies that arrived to the scene.  This was getting quite crowded for the dark gray unicorn, and thus, he stayed silent.  Then, there was an offer to go to... Pinkie's place?

"U-Um... excuse me, who's Pinkie?" He could only guess that this pony named 'Pinkie' was a Ponyville resident.  That would mean they would possibly be going to where this pony was, adding even more ponies into the evermore growing group.  Just what has he got himself into?

Starburst was busy sweeping away dust in Sugarcube Corner, shuttling away what time he still had.

The cacophony of pots and pans coming from the kitchen alarmed him, but not to the point where he would investigate what was occurring inside.

It was probably just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.

He let out a heaving sigh, and stared at the open calendar pinned to a wall. Nearly three weeks since he'd last took a job here at Sugarcube Corner.

So long...

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@Alex Van Gamer, @Trixie ., @Kulstor, @nx9100, @Mysterious Way, @Cosmic Breeze, @CentipedeGhoul

Upon entering the shop with the others, like always, he was overwhelmed by the sights and smells. There wasn't a thing in the shop that somepony wouldn't like, even if sweets weren't you thing.  He looked at the faces of some of the newcomers that he had joined on their journey. He was not surprised by their intake of the shop. Pinkie Pie had great skills in the art of bakemanship. Upon their arrival Pinkie came from the back asking about orders. Placing down two bits he the said "I'll take one of what Raven is having." He then looked at her searching with eyes, something didn't fit right with her.

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@CentipedeGhoul , @Cosmic Breeze, @Kulstor, @Mysterious Way@nx9100, @Rapid Wind, @ThunderCrush, @Trixie .

"Make my order," One of the pony customers announced. It sounded rather demanding, but the party pony didn't seem to take notice. The pony in question then seemed to pause for a moment, seeming to contemplate over what they wanted before eventually speaking again. "Ugh, make my order, six chocolate brownies," She said.

"I'll take one of what Raven is having." Another pony piped in, placing a pair of bits on the counter.

"Okie Dokie Lokie!" Pinkie Pie replied, giving the patrons a quick salute and zipping into the kitchen. There was a sudden exclamation from someone else in the other room before the pink mare rushed back out with a fresh batch of brownies. Grabbing a set of plates from under the counter, Pinkie divided the order of six brownies onto each plate and handed Raven and Thunder their orders. "Here you go!" She exclaimed. "One batch of scrum-didily-umptious brownies for both of you!"


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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@Alex Van Gamer, @ThunderCrush, @nx9100, @Kulstor, @Mysterious Way, @Cosmic Breeze

Raven noticed the blue unicorn with a yellow mane order the same thing she did. Maybe he was expecting to get her to pay for him, and that wouldn't sit well with Raven. Or that was until, she noticed he had hoofed over two gold bits.


Then, when Pinkie returned and gave her a plate of the six brownies she had ordered, she wondered if Pinkie had noticed her first under her breath comment. Still, that mattered not as she decided to find a free table to enjoy her brownies. She soon found one and took a seat near the window. It was still grand to Raven's eye to notice the scenery around Ponyville was different to Appaloosa. Even the difference between sandy paths and dirt paths were noticeable, but the bigger difference was the amount of greenery around in the trees, the grass and the fresh flowers being grown in the gardens. As she had been preoccupied to find a table, Raven failed to notice Thunder's odd look.

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Who are these ponies? He asked himself quietly as he took notice of Pinkie divving up the brownies into six pieces and handing them on a plate.

A yellow maned blue unicorn, a dark grey unicorn, and many more that seemed to be hidden under the extensive color palette that reminded him of a rainbow.

It's not my place to comment. He answered his own question.

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Random watched the newcomers settle in, with one receiving a plate of brownies.  His mouth watered, while at the plate of nearly finished muffins in front of him.  "Dang, now I want a brownie too..." he said.  "Maybe next time."  Picking up a half-eaten muffin, he dropped it into his mouth to finish it off.  "MMMMmmm....."





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@Alex Van Gamer @Trixie . @ThunderCrush @Kulstor @nx9100 @Rapid Wind @CentipedeGhoul

"Aunt Pinkie!" Ocean said to her happy aunt. She walked away from the Doctor and went to Pinkie. "It's been awhile since we have talked, actual the last time was before I left when I was 10." Ocean said as she hugged her aunt. She missed Pinkie a lot, when she was traveling.

Happily Dating @SlashBlaze!!

Thank You @Iced_Coffee Nerd for My sexuality Signature!!


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Hmm, Doctor Whooves thought to himself.  So many choices.  A brownie sounded good, but he thought he'd settle for a muffin instead. 


"Hmm, yes a chocolate muffin, would just hit the spot." He said aloud, having already taken out some bits to pay for it.  He made sure not to accidentally pull out the medal that a pharaoh had given him.  He had managed to give it to him before Dr. Whooves did his usual slipping away and leaving.  Easier that way then staying around, he didn't like saying goodbye. 




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Blood Drop's nose had told her there was food in the food selling building, she followed her nose until she hit a clear pane of glass, she frowned inside the building, and sidestepped until she had found a door. Then she walked into that as well. She then tried the other door which wasn't locked and trotted inside. She trotted along until she sniffed a familiar smell and nudged the pony the pony belonged to.


"I've smelled you before" she remarked at him, she never forgot a smell after all.






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@Alex Van Gamer, @Trixie ., @Kulstor, @nx9100, @Mysterious Way, @Cosmic Breeze, @CentipedeGhoul

Wanting to learn more about this mysterious pony, Thunder followed Raven over to her table. If he wanted to make friends and get to know others, he was going to have to do more than just say hello. He seated himself on the opposite side of the table. He then took a bite of his scrumptious looking brownie. "Wow, these sure are good!" He finished eating his wonderful delight before continuing on with his friend making mission. "So where are you from, you show quite some amazing skill in magic. I'm not too bad myself, I practice all the time in hopes of getting a job the requires high magic skill."

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Doctor Whooves looked at the pony who had nudged him, smiling when he saw who it was.   "Hello, how are you doing.  Yes, it's been a while since I saw you last." He said, not sure if it had been the same amount of time, or more or less, then when this pony had last encountered him.


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On 12/04/2017 at 1:01 AM, Kulstor said:



Doctor Whooves looked at the pony who had nudged him, smiling when he saw who it was.   "Hello, how are you doing.  Yes, it's been a while since I saw you last." He said, not sure if it had been the same amount of time, or more or less, then when this pony had last encountered him.

She frowned at him, "didn't you stop me eating that pony one time, you owe me a pony to eat" she remarked, frowning. She had gone hungry after all, and she hated going hungry. Even during the time of plenty, she liked that time.






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