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(OPEN GROUP) Canterlot NIghts

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Dynamo Pad, @VinylWubs, @Raven Rawne, , @Shadow Dancer, @Trixie ., @Divine_Heart, @Lil' Lovebug

It was nearing ten o'clock at night in the city of Canterlot, and Night Dancer, a lovely and beautiful blue unicorn mare with a flowing mane and tail beautiful enough to rival Princess Luna's at that, was in her office briefing everyone that works for her "Alright everypony, tonight is the night that we open up our doors for the first time, you've all had your training in your respective fields, Shadow, I expect the best from you for security, you were highly recommended to me by the Princesses themselves, Serendipity, you're one of the best new bartenders, show me what you're capable of" she says then looks to the two DJs in the room "Miss Scratch, Mr Lights, just..try not to trash the joint, get out there and do your thing" she says then stands up and starts moving towards her office door ""you're all dismissed" she says before leaving her office and going to the massive front doors of the club and stepping through them, and smiling as she awaits for the invited ponies and those who were willing to pay the entry fee were be coming soon.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks @VinylWubs @Raven Rawne @Shadow Dancer @Trixie . @Divine_Heart @Lil' Lovebug

It was around ten o' clock as DJ, Neon Lights entered Night Dancer's office. He raises his shades slightly to see all of the other occupants in the room. Some looked pretty tough, but he smiles and nods before turning back to Night. He chuckles and shakes his head. "No promises, Miss Dancer. Vinyl and I just like to turn up the music and get a party going. We'll make sure that the crowd is entertained by our rad beats and wubs." He says before Night dismissed the others before leaving the office. He turns and nudges his friend and partner in crime. "So, what do you say, bestie? You ready to get this party started? Let's give this crowd entertainment at it's finest!" He says while wrapping his arm around his best friend. He then walks out of the office and goes to the stage to help set up. 


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27 minutes ago, Orange Sparks said:


@Dynamo Pad, @VinylWubs, @Raven Rawne, , @Shadow Dancer, @Trixie ., @Divine_Heart, @Lil' Lovebug

It was nearing ten o'clock at night in the city of Canterlot, and Night Dancer, a lovely and beautiful blue unicorn mare with a flowing mane and tail beautiful enough to rival Princess Luna's at that, was in her office briefing everyone that works for her "Alright everypony, tonight is the night that we open up our doors for the first time, you've all had your training in your respective fields, Shadow, I expect the best from you for security, you were highly recommended to me by the Princesses themselves, Serendipity, you're one of the best new bartenders, show me what you're capable of" she says then looks to the two DJs in the room "Miss Scratch, Mr Lights, just..try not to trash the joint, get out there and do your thing" she says then stands up and starts moving towards her office door ""you're all dismissed" she says before leaving her office and going to the massive front doors of the club and stepping through them, and smiling as she awaits for the invited ponies and those who were willing to pay the entry fee were be coming soon.

"Yea Yea, we get it! Stop worrying like a little foal and get to your task! Jeez.. Ponies are so soft these days.. Always worrying on the outcome blah blah blah. Neon, do you agree with me?" A voice replied, belonging to one of the DJ's in the room. Her name was Vinyl Scratch. Equestria's best DJ. She was a white unicorn with short blue mane and tail. Her cutiemark was none other than two quavers joined together to make a beat. Like usual, she had her purple and black shades on. Only a small majority had seen her true eye colour. It's quite sad to find out her little.. Secret. "Anyway.. We need to get things ready pronto! The snacks, drinks- wait screw that. The DJ stand! That's it! Do you know where it is Bestie?" She asked him, looking around for it.

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Indicus nodded, "Don't worry ma'am" With the little meeting finished he walked to the entrance and crossed his arms as he waited for the first of the coustomers. The grey unicorn/batpony hybrid stood at six foot one and cast quite the imposing image. He hoped that everything would go smoothly but found things seemed to always go bad.


Indicus looked at the purple stallion watching as he got his ticket, the choice of a cloak was odd but the stallion was not causing trouble so Indicus just watched.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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It was not the tailor’s fault. It certainly was not.

Nor was it the manager, the pony at the register, nor was it the many shoppers who happened to see the final draft of the design. This certainly could not be blamed on the pony who fetched the material, nor even the Princesses for that matter as not even they may have conceived possibly this misfortune. Certainly though, someone had to answer for this, and it was the very same stallion that got up today and gazed into the mirror with a sigh. Still, he could not believe it was a mistake that was missed and unaccounted for.

“No one to blame but myself…”

It was true, but still, someone could recognize him by now.

Divine Heart’s irregular wing span certainly was the talk lately ever since he joined the royal guard, and so were the unusual display of skills. It had only gone to show, that when it came to being the odd one, it was nothing short of like having a joker card always on top of the deck. His hard work had come to notice, and although it may not have been a trophy, or an award, it was good to see that he at least got a welcome to one of the newest trendy clubs in Canterlot.

He was not a clubber, but it could not hurt, right?

The very statement made it so that he was the reason he was walking up towards the entry right now. The large doors were intimidating, as well as the atmosphere. He preferred to walk about the night looking for one of the quietest of coffee houses, studying lore, but this was a new world for him. His choice of colors was of valor coated red, one of the not so best choices when going out into the mysterious night. His hooves were aligned with a black gentle leather that comforted them, and not to mention made them seem stylish. His mane was only tamed by the blue goggles that held his feather blonde hair back into place, or attempted to as a majority of it escaped off to the right side of his head.

Still, his furry white face shown some distinct wonder as he looked about, even as he approached the front doors.

“Umm…” a very first impression presented to the security if he was trying to be convincing, “My name is Heart. The first is Divine. I think I am on your list.” his voice strangely young, but it was the hesitation in it that caused that. He waited patiently, but not with excitement. It was not like this was his scene.

But he had no one but to blame for coming here but himself, after all.


Edited by Divine_Heart


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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Indicus looked at the list of ponies to be granted entrance and saw Divine's name and a picture. Indicus gestured towards the door. "Go on in." Without another word Indicus resumed his stoic posture.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Welp, this is it, aparently...


Crystal Clear was walking the streets of Canterlot, curiosity and anxiety playing a tug of war in her mind. The young Night was illuminated by gas lamps lined perfectly along the spotless sidewalks, like beacons leading ponies to theirunseen destinations. And hers was just around the corner. "Canterlot Nights", the new and, apparently, the best Night Club in the City. Funny, the mare didn't even know what the term meant a few days ago. Being flung a thousand years into the future, along with your whole city no less, does that to a pony... Although she was here only temporarily, working for one of the, seemingly countless, rich families who wanted to add some Crystal Empire to their decor, the crystal mare decided to, for once, try something new rather than hole up in her hotel and wait it out till she comes back home with a sack of bits. And now she was walking into the unknown - what the locals called normal way of spending the evening, apparently. Things sure has changed...


Taking the left turn revealed that she was, in fact, early. Taking a glance at a wrist watch encased in pyrite bracelet only confirmed her suspicion. Slowly approaching the entrance, she looked herself over in a closed store front window - black leather hoof boots polished to a mirror shine, as usual, burgundy thigh highs, a simple, yet somewhat elegant sleelevess azure dress, reaching to the knees and fastened high at the neck, covered with a burgndy blazer - not that it was cold, not for a pony from the Frozen North, she just needed something with pockets. Pyrite earrings with Mountain Stream crystals looked like gold and sapphire, same with her necklace, although there was a tiny glow-crystal embedded inside the blue one, which made it look a bit as if a lonely star was caught inside, with a portion of the night sky. Nail polish in the same goldish colour of pyrite rounded up the image, as crystal Clear rarely missed the opportunity to show off her crftsmanship. Besides, the necklace was a good conversation piece, and she liked it a lot. One last glance at the azure mane and tail and she went towards the entrance and aited till the doors open. There was a small crowd gathering already, and she didn't want to go in first, since, she had no idea what to expect inside..Better have others to mimick and follow, right? Good thing she had the brains to buy the ticket earlier...


She picked a spot slightly to the side, and leaned on the street lamp, making sure it was clean beforehand.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Raven Rawne


Indicus went through the joyous activity of checking ages and tickets. Throwing some underage colts with poorly made fake ID's out of the line. Eventually the next in line is a Crystal pony mare after checking her ID and ticket he let her in.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Satin confidently walked through the streets of Canterlot, the heels of her thigh highs clacking against the ground. The changeling's wings buzzed periodically behind her, unhindered by her open back dress. She glanced up at a clock and her eyes widened. Practically running down the sidewalk, she cursed herself for taking so much time to decide what to wear. She'd never actually been to a club before, and had gotten stuck trying to decide what would be right to go in, finally deciding to just go in her usual style of attire.

She spotted the large crowd up ahead, breathing a sigh of relief as she realized she'd arrived on time. 'I don't want to miss a moment of this. I hope to enjoy it all.' She approached the crowd and waited her turn to get in, producing her ID and ticket from her clutch.

Edited by Lil' Lovebug

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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Indicus once more checked the ID and ticket and let the changeling in without a comment. At this point the stallion was bored he did not expect excitement but he agreed because the princesses insisted he play bouncer recommending him to Night Dancer before he could say no.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Night Dancer smiled as she saw the large crowd gathering around the entrance and seeing all those who had either won or purchased tickets being let in first. She looks to the more confident of mares and chuckles I'm going to have to keep an eye on them, and I wonder what that one stallion in the cloak is up to she thinks to herself then smiles as she sees the royal guard Divine Heart and smiles "ah mr Heart, good of you to come, I do hope that you will enjoy yourself here tonight" she says before nodding to Indicus and walking back inside, 

She looks around and smiles as she sees ponies of all walks of life enjoying themselves.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Neon shook his head slightly while leaning close to Vinyl's ear. "Be careful what you say, bestie. I've heard of Night Dancer before. She's very powerful in her trade and you don't want to disrespect her. I agree that worrying too much is unnecessary, but maybe for a different pony, or something like that." He whispers to his friend before leaning back. He smiles slightly as he remembers how his friend could act. They made a good team together and were rarely ever apart from one another. They had their own gigs, but also had dual demos from time to time. He lifts his shade up to look around the area. After a couple of minutes, his eyes widen as he found their destination. He takes her hoof in his and lead them to the DJ stand. "It's this way, bestie. Just follow me and we'll be there in just a bit." After making it to the stage, Neon began to set up everything for the show. "You've got the songs on standby, Vinyl? I'll introduce everypony and then you'll be up first with a song. Are you ready to turn up the volume in this place, my friend?" He glances to the side and gives Vinyl a playful smirk. 

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Satin thanked the unicorn and proceeded into the club. Her eyes lit up and she barely contained her excitement as she looked around, taking in her surroundings. It was a stark difference from her usual hangouts. She began to feel a bit overwhelmed, but calmed herself down and proceeded to find a place to buy herself a drink. Upon spotting the bar she walked over to it.

"Greetings Bartender. How are you today?"

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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Silvermoon walked his way through the streets of Canterlot, tonight was the night. He would go back to a night club, especially one that was owned by his old employer. He had retired from his dj career about a year ago, he was a dj for about four years and had lost his interest in being a dj and was now a freelance teacher of night magic. It was never the music he was truly popular for, more like the magic that he used during the show. His music was good but he loved his magic more, and so had the crowd. He didn't know if anypony would recognize him, he had a five-o-clock shadow and he had gotten a bit more muscular and his mane was a lot longer, but other than that he was the same. He could see the club now and saw the bouncer, a batpony with a unicorn horn, that was new the guy was a head and a half taller than silver and much bigger.

"Definitely don't want to get on his bad side," Silver noted as he got in line,


two random ponies recognized him and asked for an autograph which he gave out to them, before whispering to them that he was trying to not draw attention to himself. It was moments later that he ended up in front of the bouncer.

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Indicus looked at Silvermoon with indifference before looking at the ticket and his ID when both checked out he waved the stallion through and moved to the next customer which he repeated the process  with the same indifferent look.

  • Brohoof 1

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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@Shadow Dancer

Night Dancer smiles and nods to Indicus, showing to him her appreciation for his good work so far before she noticed an old DJ of hers from another of her clubs. She goes over to him and smiles.


As she arrives at the old DJ, "DJ Night Wolf, good to see you again, how is retirement treating you? Did my security give you any trouble?" she asks before embracing him in a hug and smiles "Come, come, first drink is on the house, and the rest as well, just don't drink me out of house and home" she says with a laugh and leads him to the bar.

@The Power of Love Compels You

The bartender, a one Bridge Mc'Bride from the Emerald Isles chuckles "Aye, Ah'm alright missy, been quite a busy night fer sure and ah'm getting lots of business, even fer my side business in selling emeralds" he says, flashing her a big, white grin, which was normal for the brown colored earth stallion, "so missy, what can ah get fer ya?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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12 hours ago, Orange Sparks said:

@Shadow Dancer

Night Dancer smiles and nods to Indicus, showing to him her appreciation for his good work so far before she noticed an old DJ of hers from another of her clubs. She goes over to him and smiles.


As she arrives at the old DJ, "DJ Night Wolf, good to see you again, how is retirement treating you? Did my security give you any trouble?" she asks before embracing him in a hug and smiles "Come, come, first drink is on the house, and the rest as well, just don't drink me out of house and home" she says with a laugh and leads him to the bar.

@The Power of Love Compels You

The bartender, a one Bridge Mc'Bride from the Emerald Isles chuckles "Aye, Ah'm alright missy, been quite a busy night fer sure and ah'm getting lots of business, even fer my side business in selling emeralds" he says, flashing her a big, white grin, which was normal for the brown colored earth stallion, "so missy, what can ah get fer ya?"

Silvermoon returned the hug and followed before answering the questions.

"It's been alright, been focusing on my magic and teaching others, still signing autographs every now and then, and your security seems to be a bit more lenient than at the club I was assigned to, anyways how are you," he finished as they got to the bar.

Edited by silvermoon15000
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Indicus heard the former DJ and just smiled part of him waiting to show how wrong the former DJ was. Though it was no surprise the DJ did not know Indicus's background and by extension just how well he could take care of a lot of threats. But Indicus just continued to inspect ID's and tickets letting guests through or denying some kids that tried to sneak past him once in awhile.

  • Brohoof 1

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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@Dynamo Pad

She rolled her eyes before nodding at his comment. "I suppose you're right. I have heard her plenty of times and those times weren't pretty.. Sorry about that Neon. I guess things come to mind when you're a famous DJ of all Equestria.. Doesn't it?" she replied, shaking her head to forget that thought. She was extremely close with him ever since they first performed together. Neon had been there for her since that day occurred. The day she lost to him. The battle of the DJ's. She was neck and neck to him until she tripped over a wire and accidentally smashed her headphones. He ran over to her to help her get up. But she was a little disappointed she didn't win. But that was in the past. Right now she was going to perform with him and there was no time to think about her past with him. She needed the music, them sick beats and the rhythm just to get her started. "Aaaaaaanyway. The music files are all stored in the laptop and ready to be played, got them headphones bestie? Cause we'll be blowing some minds out! Woo!! Also, got them cans I told you to pack? Cause we will be needing them to survive. But other than that. I'm ready to get crazy with those ponies! But it's a shame we have to do it infront of a small crowd.. I prefer a huge crowd that can jump to the music. Are you in for the night of our lives?" She asked, holding her hoof out to him with a determined smirk on her face.

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Neon nods as he takes one last check on the equipment. "I understand what you mean, bestie. When you get to be famous DJ's such as us, you really lose that sense of reality. In a way, you feel like nothing matters except your career. We just have to keep an open mind on things when it comes the rules of this place." He says as he turned to glance at his friend. He remembered meeting her back in Manehatten for their solo gigs. The battle of the DJ's was a one a year event. An event that brought DJ's from all over Equstria. A majority were talented, but couldn't stand up against him and Vinyl. They faced off in the finals as Neon defeated his rival. He was sad that he only won because she ruined her headphones, but was happy they were on equal terms. He was brought back to reality as he nods to her remark. "That's good to know and hopefully the crowd will love these songs. Of course I got my headphones on me, Vinyl. It was one time I forgot and we had to improvise. That gig was still a success and I made sure never to forget my headphones again." He shakes his head and chuckles. He looks out to the gathering of the crowd. He gives smirks and uses his magic to raise his eyebrow to reveal his eyes. He looks back and hoof bumps his best friend. "This is the premier of the new club, so it may not be a big crowd. That won't stop us from raising the volume and having fun. I'm ready to get this party started whenever you are." He puts his sunglasses back on and sets his headphones on his ears.  

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Eventually, Crystal Clear entered the line. The pony at the door seemed... intimidating, but she had her ticket and a valid ID so she didn't have any problems on entry. Problems started AFTER she was inside.


She looked around and saw a spacious coat room, now not heavily contested, since it was rather warm tonight. The mare decided to look around, locate the key facilities and perhaps most importantly, the bar - she was curious whether they had her favourite crystal bery brandy or not. The decor was decent, even if Crystal was convinced it severly lacked crystal... but then, she thought the same about every place South of her home city.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Orange Sparks

"Emeralds, hmm? Amethyst has always been more my style," Satin said with a slight smile. "Whisky for now, whatever your best is, and something coffee based. I plan on staying as long as possible." Satin pulled some bits out of her clutch and placed them on the counter. "You have a cute mare discount?" Satin said playfully while winking at the bartender.

Edited by The Power of Love Compels You

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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Night smiles and nods "Doing quite well Night Wolf, and I am very glad to hear that you are doing well as well" she says and pats him on the back "If you ever feel like djing again, let me know, we could have a huge comeback gig ready for you" she smiles before going off to greet more of her patrons.

@The Power of Love Compels You

Bridge smiles "Amethysts eh? Think Ah have some, dun' just find Emeralds at the mine" he says and smiles "One Whiskey on the rocks comin' right up" he says and gets out his best bottle of whiskey and pours it into a glass, as well as giving her a espresso with Emerald Isle creme liquor shot "Here ya go missy and Ah think Ah can give ya a discount, 'specially if yer gonna be 'ere all night" he says as he winks right back at her.

Just then Night goes to behind the bar and chuckles "Careful there sweetheart, Bridge is from the Emerald Isles and is a shameless flirt"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Satin chuckled and took a sip of her whiskey, letting out a contented sigh. She looked up at the new mare. "Seems like you may know from experience, and, looking at you, I wouldn't blame him, miss." She took another sip and looked the mare over, not quite recognizing her. She smiled, letting the nervousness she'd felt earlier wash away. It felt like any other bar, just a change in aesthetics, so far. She smoothed out her dress and fluttered her wings, creating a soft, melodic sound. She raised her whiskey glass and looked at the bartender. "Ah, this is good. Thank you Mr. Bridge."

Edited by The Power of Love Compels You

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@The Power of Love Compels You

Night Dancer chuckles as she leans over the bar "Let me tell you something about owning night clubs darling" she says, giving the cute little mare quite the view "You've got to know how to turn the charm on to get the customers to buy more drinks and things, you've got to make sure to give them something to want to come back to" she says, fluttering her eyelashes at the mare "and I do indeed have experience flirting with Bridge, it makes his job more fun if he can attempt to win my heart"

Bridge chuckles "Aye, one day Ah will succeed missy, and when that day comes, ye best be ready" he chuckles "But until that day, Ah have a cutie right here" he then gently shoves night aside and winks at her while slipping a amethyst into the mare's hand "Consider it a Opening Night gift sweetpea"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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