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Meet the Changeling in Me!

Will Guide

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1 hour ago, Maple Bat said:



"Sure go on ahead." Maple said with a smile. "I do love to hear how mom acted before our birth. Usually, though she acted the same way before, She seems to have not changed much in the 20 years or so but still, I'd like to hear it since it is coming up.

"Maple, did your mother ever told you about the one Nightmare Night when she actually tried to join in the fun at the insistence of her pet Angel Bunny? She threw a haunted tea party that failed to scare? Finally, she got to properly scare her friends in the corn maze? 

"Because I secretly played a key part in making her scare work! I asked Fluttershy and her friends to keep this part secret unless I was personally asked. Like right now. Would you like to hear it?"

Edited by WiiGuy2014


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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@Sylveon @WiiGuy2014


"I... I can't imagine. I'm sorry to hear that." Woody said "Oh hey! We can go see them now! Time's frozen so we have as much time as you want. I can even put your parents into the same space we're in and your sister too! Then there you go as much time as I can give you and your family. This magic drains me a bit but I'll hold it till I pass out so I can help you!"


"She told me about the tea part but not the cornfield scare. Do tell." Maple said Excited "I'm actually very interested!"


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Maple Bat

Midnight thought about flying up to cloudsdale, and his face drained of color. "I'd-id rather not. Even if time is frozen, I don't think they allow v-visitors where my family is. And my sister is pretty fine." He stuttered, almost freezing on the last word. "How about we just go to that forest? Isn't that what i came with you for?"


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Woodland flustered with embarrassment "R... Right sorry flying..." He messed with the back of his mane "Yes the forest isn't far from... here..." Woody blinked and his eyes changed  back to the light green "Sorry." He said putting a magic bubble around them as a sort of umbrella" Got tired of holding time still with no real reason so I just let it continue." HE said finally. as he continued to walk.


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Maple Bat 

"No problem." Midnight said. "I did try to fly once before. And I ended up in my friend's window." He smiled at the memory, in which he actually got stuck in an opening of the window. He looked upat the magic bubble, and back to woody. "You don't have to do that, you know. I am wearing this." He said, shaking his hood. "I can just put that on, but thanks for the umbrella."


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22 hours ago, Maple Bat said:

@Sylveon @WiiGuy2014


"I... I can't imagine. I'm sorry to hear that." Woody said "Oh hey! We can go see them now! Time's frozen so we have as much time as you want. I can even put your parents into the same space we're in and your sister too! Then there you go as much time as I can give you and your family. This magic drains me a bit but I'll hold it till I pass out so I can help you!"


"She told me about the tea part but not the cornfield scare. Do tell." Maple said Excited "I'm actually very interested!"

"Well, it's a bit of a long story, but I'll shorten it," said U. Will, as he and Maple continued to fly through the night sky. "First of all, I should point out that on that particular Nightmare Night, long before I remembered about the Changeling in me, I ended up dressing as a Changeling that year. How hilarious in highsight, isn't it?" He said, winking at C. Will in the Magic Mirror, who chuckled back. 

"Anyway, after your mother's failed attempt to scare her friends with the Haunted Tea Party, Angel Bunny had a plan to help her give her friends the scare they've been looking for. But that's wasn't all. I too thought this would be a great opportunity to try out a special spell that utilizes my Disney magic with the magic I've seen in this world." With a glow of his horn, U. Will conjured up an deep-red apple in the shape of a bat.

"I'll reveal what the apple's for later, but for now, let's skip ahead to when I in my Changeling Costume joined the rest of Fluttershy's friends in the Cornfield Maze. After the exciting scares of being scared by a small shadowy figure, glowing ghosts, falling underground where we had to outrun a large fish monster, we come out of the tunnels on a cliff overlooking the Maze. And that's when she appeared. Under the cover of night with only moonlight barely lighting up the place, she gave a pretty scary laugh, swooped down damaging Spike's extra costumed head, and gave us all quite a fright. I'll give you one guess who that was..." Will explained with a knowing glare in his eyes.


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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@WiiGuy2014 @Sylveon


"Nah, This is easier to keep up than the time stop it's almost like it's not there anyhow," Woody said He looked at Midnight "Don't want you to get cold anyways. Only warm spell I have


When Will spawned the Apple Maple's mouth watered instinctively but she snapped out of it "Was it, Mom?" She laughed "I mean she was a bat at one point like me. I'd imagine she'd use that in someway?"


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Maple Bat "I don't get cold, though." Midnight said. "But thanks." As they were walking, midnight asked woody a question "Do I seem negative? My friend usually says that I'm pessimistic, but I don't know if you noticed it. If you do, just let me know."


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21 hours ago, Maple Bat said:



When Will spawned the Apple Maple's mouth watered instinctively but she snapped out of it "Was it, Mom?" She laughed "I mean she was a bat at one point like me. I'd imagine she'd use that in someway?"

"Yes, she did." C. Will said as he switched out and followed it up with a Disney Villain-inspired quote, switching to his "Old Peddler Woman" disguise used in Snow White. "A special sort of apple for one so shy. A BatPone Apple. One taste of the BatPone Apple and the Victim's form will changed temporally into a bat pony!" He finished with a wicked death glare.

Switching back, U. Will continued with, "When Fluttershy first became a bat pony by accident, I had to admit, she looked kinda cool, so before the next Nightmare Night, I was secretly working on this type of magic that combined the spell of a Poison Apple from the Disney World with Twilight's original spell that accidentally transformed her in the first place. When she took a bite, she became Flutterbat again, this time in total control of herself. I then went ahead and joined the rest of her friends pretending to be none the wiser.

"But once she saw her friends' scared faces, she decided to switched back using a counter-spell I built into it. The first time she became a bat, she had to be cured by staring at herself in a mirror, so I made it so that when she's ready to be Fluttershy again, all she had to do was think it, and a magic mirror would appear (much like the one me and my Changeling use) to give herself the Stare, since I secretly put some of the "undo" magic into it. In the end, her friends enjoyed being scared, but Fluttershy made it clear she doesn't like doing it, and that's okay. It was such a good trick and spell on my behalf. But I requested all those there to simply say that she was just using the bat pony costume she saw at Rarity's, if anyone asked."


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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@Sylveon @WiiGuy2014


"Everypony gets cold in the rain. Even if you're wearing a hoodie." Woody said smiling and chuckling but not at him, "Mom told me that so trust me. And... Well, you can be at times but you seem like you firmly believe that things will get better. Other times perhaps not as much. It all depends but that's how even I am." He put a paw on the ground a glyph formed "Ok. Watch this." Woody took off in a sprint and the glyph on the ground caused him to move faster than Midnight could see. He stopped a bit head of Midnight and waited on him to catch up.


"An Apple that changed her back into a vampire fruit bat?" Maple paused and thought about something very deeply. "Will... Do you uhh..." Maple felt so awkward asking this. "Do you think. You could make an Apple that could change me into a pegasus... It's always been a mystery to me how people would look at me if I wasn't... This." 

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Maple Bat

Midnight stood there, dumbfounded. He shook his head and took off, catching up to woody. "How, did you...." He began to ask, before stopping. "I mean.....did your father teach you that?" He asked. He looked up into the rain. "I guess the ponies at cloudsdale are having a strike or something. It wasn't supposed to rain today." He looked at woody. "I mean, i can't work there. I can't stand heights."


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Woody thought about it deeply "Well dad never could figure out how my magic is tied to my singing. He taught me a few things but most of my magic is from my own teaching. I just kinda sing and let my magic do as it wants." He summoned another one in his paw "This, however, yes dad taught me and I don't need to sing for it as you could tell. It works different than traditional magic since it requires contact with a surface." He touched the wall he was leaning on and the glyph grew on the wall "See?


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Maple Bat

Midnight nodded. "That's pretty neat. However, I can tell that magic does require effort. I brought up the possibility of magic exhausting its user with my friend, and I was told it doesn't require much effort." He shrugged. "But I guess it can still be demanding on points." He sat down. "Ugh. Me and my friend have so much work to do this month, you have no idea. Unbelievable amounts of work." He sighed. "But once its done he and I can just relax."



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The dragonequus looked at Midnight "Well... He's right but you're also right. It just depends on the level of magic required like for example levitating something is nothing to me. But freezing time is very tiring" He snapped loudly right as a thunderbolt came down not exactly summoning it just haveing good timing "So it's all in the spell they use."


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Maple Bat

"Nice timing." Midnight said. *And that's what I figured. However, this rains pretty bad. You sure it was supposed to be this bad today?" He asked midnight. A small breeze caused him to hold his hooves together. "And maybe that magic bubble would be a good idea, its starting to feel a bit chilly. Maybe I should've brought another coat."


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He started to laugh "I told you." He sung a few notes of a defensive song and the shield came back up. "I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be a bit less than this. I can tell you it's supposed to go all night though. Since Last I looked at the scedual. They could have changed it though."


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Maple Bat

Midnight stopped shivering once he was inside the magic bubble. "Thanks, I appreciate it." He said. "Well, my parents havnt been answering me back on weather updates, so I guess its going to be for awhile. Not that I mind, though. I like rainy days, and I kinda wish cloudsdale would allow them more often. Gives me an excuse to stay in the house and not do much, but this being the month of Nightmare Night, I do have Allan to attend the festivity with my family in cloudsdale, even if i have to fly up there."


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He quickly noticed that the pegasus was still cold so Woody set his paw on Midnight's back. It was warm but not anything supernatural. "Hey, If you need help later with that. I've gotcha Flying with these wings is tiring However they're strong since they're big. I can make it to Cloudsdale and back with a heavy bag so I should be able to just carry you if you feel you can't make it yourself." He moved his paw "Course only if you want help that is... You got a costume for Nightmare Night? Me I can be well... anything with my magic!"

Edited by Maple Bat


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Maple Bat

"No, not really." Midnight shrugged. "Its more of a thing for fillies and colts if you ask me. I outgrew it." He shrugged. "I mean, I do want to try it again, but I don't have a costume, and most ponies consider Nightmare Night for young and teenage ponies. I'm practically considered an adult due to my age." He smiled at woody. "Also, thanks for that offer, but I do want to try it on my own. I mean, or I could just be with your group of friends."


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"I still enjoy it...  Then again I'm younger than you. I think anyways.  I'm 18, Maple's the same. I'm guessing your 20 or so?" Woody said curiously "Or is it 30? Nah... I'm not gonna bug you with these questions that's not why we decided to hang out. Also I wouldn't mind hanging out with you few come nightmare night."


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Maple Bat

"uhh, 16. My friend is going to be celebrating his 19th birthday this month." Midnight said. He heard what Woody said. "I meant I get to spend time with your friends." He corrected. "My family doesn't spend time together until the winter season, we write letters to each other instead. But getting together once a year is pretty nice. I mean, it stinks its once once a year, but every pony is busy. My parents with the cloudsdale weather factory and my sister attending a college halfway across Equestria." He sighed. "But the letters are once every couple of days."


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8 hours ago, Maple Bat said:



"An Apple that changed her back into a vampire fruit bat?" Maple paused and thought about something very deeply. "Will... Do you uhh..." Maple felt so awkward asking this. "Do you think. You could make an Apple that could change me into a pegasus... It's always been a mystery to me how people would look at me if I wasn't... This." 

 U. Will thought about it. "Well, considering I've used this "Apple = Bat Pony, Mirror=Pegasus" Transformation spell on your mother before, perhaps the same spell can work for you, too!"

He conjured up a magic hand mirror that was mostly yellow on the back, but had a pink border of Pegasus wings around the mirror. "If I did this right, this Pegasus Mirror will change you into a Pegasus when you stare into it and when you're ready to be your usual bat self again, just bite into the BatPone Apple I got here. They won't affect anypony else, but you. Can we try it right now?"


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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"Ouch. They work IN the weather factory? Must be a hard Job. From what I understand though it pays well at least." Woody said being optimistic "Hey you get to see them as well. Some ponies don't get that... As I said earlier I trained myself... That's because dad was busy when I was younger so I never saw him but I get that he was busy assisting Equestria and all that." He said waving a paw "Me and Maple kinda had to learn how to take care of ourselves quickly since Mom and dad both where often needed by Equestria but we always got to see them."


Maple nodded "Alright. Here's hoping right?" Maple looked into the mirror not sure if it was gonna work."


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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3 minutes ago, Maple Bat said:



"Ouch. They work IN the weather factory? Must be a hard Job. From what I understand though it pays well at least." Woody said being optimistic "Hey you get to see them as well. Some ponies don't get that... As I said earlier I trained myself... That's because dad was busy when I was younger so I never saw him but I get that he was busy assisting Equestria and all that." He said waving a paw "Me and Maple kinda had to learn how to take care of ourselves quickly since Mom and dad both where often needed by Equestria but we always got to see them."


Maple nodded "Alright. Here's hoping right?" Maple looked into the mirror not sure if it was gonna work."

As U. Will held up the Pegasus Mirror to Maple, something happened. Maple's fangs disappeared into regular pony teeth. Her eyes turned cyan, like her mother's, and her bat wings transformed into Pegasus wings.

"It works! It works, it works, it works!" U. Will cheered excitedly. "How do you feel?"


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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Other than her wings and eyes changing. Maple's cutie mark changed to be a Flipped image with a pegasus wing instead of a bat wing.

Maple had odd reactions to when her body changed. When the fangs changed Will could see that Maple felt they were gone. When her eyes changed she blinked a few times since it was now harder for her to see in such darkness and lastly when the wings changed she staggered in the air falling and hitting the bottom of Wills bubble "Oof." It also seemed Maple's voice had changed to it be a softer and more feminine tone "I feel... Much different... Not necessarily in a good way. Whoa..." Maple looked and saw her cutie mark was diffrent "It really did everything huh?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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