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*After just regaining consciousness from cuteness overload, collapses unconscious again from cuteness overload.*



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Though to all the talking about Muffins vs. Cupcakes, here is Dashies message:


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minutes later in Cloudsdale...


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but if it wasn´t you, who....


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obviously ;)



last, a small CMC-bonus



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Post any stories, pis or comics you have that will induce diabetes or bring a tear to somepony's eye...


Here are just a few of my favourites...

Yes, there are a few links, but the more the merrier!

(links will be used to avoid too much space being filled up with D'aww)












These are beautiful. I almost cried at the Pinkie Pie one. To always be happy, all the time, is really hard when you're breaking inside...

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Anypony else having issues with content not displaying properly? I'm seeing the forum code instead of the images! It happens on about 2/3ds of the posts, and it happens on all browsers and on my iOS device! What in the hay is going on??!?!







It's really annoying! Any ideas?


Same is happening to me.
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Only slightly MLP related, but somepony on DA made different spiders based on the ones in the Lunar Eclipsed episode and THEY ARE SOOO CUTE. :wub: :wub:


Here is the awesome description of the artist


Normal Spider - "Normal Spider isn't as flamboyant, outgoing, aggressive or just dagnasty evil as some of the other spiders; but when it comes to crunch time, he's always there for you and pulls through. He's like the spider Element of Loyalty." (thank you, ~Rekiara!)


Nightmare Spider - The fun has been doubled! May also be a ninja.


Muffin Spider - Scourge of muffin bakeries everywhere.


Pumpkin Spider - Is a spider, but also a pumpkin!


Smarty Spider - Comes with her own quill, so you can pretend she's doing her homework.


Lord Arachnid - The benevolent ruler of Arachnia, which shares its miniscule borders with Equestria.


Duke Gentlespider - A spider of noble birth who was granted a duchy by Lord Arachnid, in exchange for service to the crown.


Pirate Spider - Arr! He keeps you up at night with the clacking of his eight wooden legs.


Hipster Spider - Was in this game before it was cool.


Wheatley Spider - Is NOT. A. MORON!!


Waldo Spider - In a twist of fate, he actually did disappear during a beta version of the game, when Texel screwed up the code. Now we just have to find his hat, his cane, his wallet, his evil twin, and his dog.


Spider Spider - Bitten by a radioactive spider, this young lad has gained all the proportionate powers of a spider.


Also Duke Gentlespider is best spider :D

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Yeah, she's just sleeping.


Oh my GOD! THEY SEE RIGHT THROUGH MEEEEEEEE!!! Oh yeah, Kenshiro may have been punched hundreds of times, but he didn't FALL 1500 FEET OFF A SKYSCRAPER!!!


Don't worry though, she got better. Three episodes and she's back to normal. Yeah, these ponies are not only tough enough to turn rainbows into WMDs, but they also apparently regenerate.

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:wacko: ...

:wub: ...

So... so buckin' cute!!! :wub:

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FILLY FAUST, Y U SO CUTE?!?!?!?! :wub:

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Again... I am not that big of a fan of shipping, but gosh dang it, I LOVE THOSE TWO!!!!!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub:

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