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2 minutes ago, Lektra Bolt said:

Judas Contract Starfire was pretty good, though this one has a really grown up personality and I've always preferred the 2k cartoon more innocent personality, which I'm told I do a good job once I get rolling

to put things in perspective, Wonder Woman is stronger than Supes in terms of raw strength, and Comic Starfire ranks a bit above Wondie, so...yeah.... lol. 

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1 minute ago, Lektra Bolt said:

What. The. Heck. Why is this never explored in comics, what would happen if the two met? Starfire vs WW the next DC blockbuster

I really do not know. Also all of my YES to that fight. 

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25 minutes ago, Lektra Bolt said:

We need more Starfire in the DC movies being made. It's probably cause TT is less known and the trash TTG is playing right now which makes all the characters a joke quite literally, with light action.

How about doing a list on buffs? I would say Star casting a spell to improve others would be high up there, with Shion and KOS-MOS who can cast the same Ether ranking evenly, though obviously Shion would use it more often. Steven can spit on people to heal, while is hilarious would not be underestimated. I guess he can also be a Necromancer and basically resummon dead enemies too.

That's off the top of my head.

What's everyone else's buffing and/or healing ability?

Steven, Star and Crona would all be pretty high up there in the buff departments actually. 

Steven can heal people (and inorganic material as well), and if they were to die, he can raise them back as what he calls Pink Zombies. These Pink versions of characters have enhanced strength and durability ranked above their previous self, can walk on water, and has a form of hammerspace in their hair that can be used to travel between the different pink zombies regardless of their place in the universe, and probably the multiverse. They can also make portals via yelling really loud. The biggest and most substantial buff Steven has is of course his Fusion ability. If he fuses with ANY character on the team, they will pretty much be guaranteed to be the most powerful character in the room as long as that fusion is active. Similar personality traits and powers will be augmented, for good or for ill, during this fusion. 

Star's capabilities as a buffer are unknown, as she doesn't normally do that kind of thing, but she could probably figure out HOW to do it if she is encouraged in character. I'd imagine it would be harder for her to do that than her usual spells, what with her spell book not being with her. 

Crona's Black Blood can also work as a buff, though at a cost. If black blood gets into another characters bloodstream, they can use it to greatly enhance their durability and strength like Crona. HOWEVER, using Black Blood makes your temporarily insane, and if you do not pull back from using it, it can permanently make you insane. Definitely something to only use in short bursts. Plus you'd have to actually get the black blood in your system. Crona doesn't actually know about this as he is from the earlier part of the anime, so in character it would not be an option that is brought up. It would have to happen on accident. 

As far as Ether goes, you would know the capabilities of that more than I would @Lektra Bolt

Edited by Buck Testa
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28 minutes ago, Lektra Bolt said:

I hadn't thought of that problem Star has, as the season is ongoing and the book is not revived yet. Maybe it will never be and is gone for good. This is the issue I have with Star being in the RP. As much as I love the character her power is incomplete and hard to judge, especially since she seems to be much better at her randomness of spells in the third season. You'd think they'd work out her magic by now.

Also have you considered what happens if she either loses her wand or someone manages to steal it? Or the Unicorn inside kinda um, well you know? She needs some kind of binding spell to keep it to her and to prevent losing her power, at least in this RP.

I hadn't considered Crona at all as an option, but earlier part of the anime though? What happens in later parts that makes him unviable for this RP? It seems like the blood buff is just too unstable for most use.

So why are you not considering Ether at all here? [Nevermind saw the ediit] Do I need to get a list for us to work through what Ether would be viable here without going into OP territory? Because I can do that. Ether can do things from healing or removing bad status, to changing stats (as you clearly marked down), to dealing damage with attack type Ether, temporarily making people move faster, revival from death (yea let's not use this one much, if at all), and making it so someone survives with 1 HP for one hit. I'm not sure how it would transfer into an RP like this, but it's kinda um, there? Shall we do the work and figure out which would be viable here? It varies heavily from game to game

Crona is not so much Not viable in the later part of the anime as I wanted character development with Crona in this rp. Crona also has a different arc entirely in the manga, where they  goes off the deep end and become evil. Basically I want to have Crona start at the beginning and see if they lean more towards his Anime destiny (being a reformed good character) or their manga destiny (being a REAL scary baddie). 

Also yes, black blood is extremely volatile and definitely something to use sparingly, assuming it even comes up. 

Star will be fine for this rp. I'll play her to her wheelhouse of Conjuration magic with an emphasis on her adhd brain, and if there is character development warranting it I'll see about branching her out into other abilities. I also don't think Star will be sharing the whispering spell to anyone any time soon. As for keeping her wand, I doubt people will try to go for it. Plus only magic characters can use it anyway. 

Ether sounds like normal jrpg magic fair, with the science reskin. I'd say that instead of revival from death it would be revival from getting knocked the f*@K out for balance purposes. Plus that's pretty much what happens in a turn based battle anyway, it's only count as a death until all the characters are down for the count usually. Steven will handle things if a character truly kicks the bucket. 

Edited by Buck Testa
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1 minute ago, Lektra Bolt said:

Steven reviving puts characters under his control so it's not the same and not really viable to use on players, is it?

No. He calls them Pink Zombies, but they still have free will and things like that. They are more inclined to be loyal to Steven, just like his plant minions, but that doesn't mean he outright controls them. 

And yes going over it with the GM (and me if you want) would be a good idea. I'm quite experienced in balancing characters for rps so I'd know what would work. If its normal jrpg fair I don't see much that would be inadmissible. Maybe scale some things back, but not inadmissible. 



These are Steven's two "pink Zombies" at the moment. One is Lars, who recently became one while on homeworld, and the other is Lion, whom Steven's mom made before he was born. Both have the same powerset, though Lion is an animal and thus uses it more instinctually than Lars. Lars hasn't really been seen fully using his powers yet, but it is assumed he has all the abilities of Lion, and their hair/Mane are connected via the pocket dimension inside of there. 

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4 hours ago, Buck Testa said:

So she has energy attacks. Would it be fair to say that these energy attacks would probably not be stronger than someone like Starfire, and that Shion wouldn't really be much of a combatant compared to other characters? 

Only one I'm missing is @Techno Universal

His is very difficult to gauge since he's basically a god in his own universe. I would definitely recommend ya nerf that power by a LOT. Like, a LOT.  

Well yeah for Techno's powers I was thinking that he would still try to use them but they wouldn't work or a couple that aren't too OP do still work. Or maybe it gets very funny for him so the powers that are available to him in that universe keep changing. Plus I was thinking that maybe his subconsciousness would randomly spawn massive capes on other players but that's something that I'm sort of yes or no on. :)  


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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1 minute ago, Techno Universal said:

Well yeah for Techno's powers I was thinking that he would still try to use them but they wouldn't work or a couple that aren't too OP do still work. Or maybe it gets very funny for him so the powers that are available to him in that universe keep changing. Plus I was thinking that maybe his subconsciousness would randomly spawn massive capes on other players but that's something that I'm sort of yes or no on. :)  

I'd hammer down what exactly you want your character to be able to do so we aren't blindsided with new abilities out of nowhere. Also keep in mind not everyone is going to want capes. For good reason. They are pretty exploitable in combat. 


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3 minutes ago, Arid_Blitz said:

Supes never got that through his head o3o also what is his cape and outfit made of? I've seen him go through fire and lava even the sun without it being destroyed o3o

Supes can wear a cape because he is goddamn Superman. You aren't doing anything to that cape that is going to affect him any lol. Also I'm pretty sure it's kryptonian fabric or some crap like that. 

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Okay so I just got the idea that maybe Techno's powers are now focused on his massive cape! Like his cape could be like an extremely strong extra limb to him so it would have the strength to crush an enemy by squeezing it. It would be like a shield to but to the shielding there will be limitations and maybe his cape might be able to shoot magic projectiles out of where the ends of the cercit patterns reach the sides of his cape! :)


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Just now, Techno Universal said:

Okay so I just got the idea that maybe Techno's powers are now focused on his massive cape! Like his cape could be like an extremely strong extra limb to him so it would have the strength to crush an enemy by squeezing it. It would be like a shield to but to the shielding there will be limitations and maybe his cape might be able to shoot magic projectiles out of where the ends of the cercit patterns reach the sides of his cape! :)

That is actually pretty workable. How strong is the cape? 

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3 minutes ago, Buck Testa said:

That is actually pretty workable. How strong is the cape? 

Well it's getting powered by Techno's internal magic so it would be practically indestructible when Techno is at full strength but the cape's strength will of course drop with Techno's strength going down like it could protect Techno from lava or fire for a few minutes before Techno would start to get exposed to the deadly threat. Plus also massive explosions would also use his power quite a bit depending on how powerful it is! He of course can regain his strength but it would take a little while. :)


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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1 minute ago, Techno Universal said:

Well it's getting powered by Techno's internal magic so it would be practically indestructible when Techno is at full strength but the cape's strength will of course drop with Techno's strength going down like it could protect Techno from lava or fire for a few minutes before Techno would start to get exposed to the deadly threat. Plus also massive explosions would also use his power quite a bit depending on how powerful it is! He of course can regain his strength but it would take a little while. :)

Kay, we are going to need to attach numbers to this. How does 5 ton strength for the cape, moderate strength laser fire out of those circuit patterns like you mentioned, and ni invulnerability for the cape specifically sound? 

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3 minutes ago, Buck Testa said:

Kay, we are going to need to attach numbers to this. How does 5 ton strength for the cape, moderate strength laser fire out of those circuit patterns like you mentioned, and ni invulnerability for the cape specifically sound? 

Yeah something like five tons sounds good for his cape! Plus everything else looks good there! :)


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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>.> but wait he said it was based on his magic so how did we get 10 ton o3o I blame you @Skylord Nexus somehow you did this you scrub

also I'm just teasing XD

wait so techno is a squishy squish so if you can get around the cape you can do some major damage o3o

so what are we doing in the rp are we ready for the wrassle? also why would we wrassle?

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19 minutes ago, Arid_Blitz said:

>.> but wait he said it was based on his magic so how did we get 10 ton o3o I blame you @Skylord Nexus somehow you did this you scrub

also I'm just teasing XD

wait so techno is a squishy squish so if you can get around the cape you can do some major damage o3o


21 minutes ago, Buck Testa said:

It would JUST be the cape, Techno would be squishy normie. 

Yeah but still that's why Techno's cape would be close to impossible to get past plus he would notice oncoming threats very quickly so he could move his cape to defend himself. :)


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Just now, Techno Universal said:


Yeah but still that's why Techno's cape would be close to impossible to get past plus he would notice oncoming threats very quickly so he could move his cape to defend himself. :)

For balance purposes, it is best if you let things hit you sometimes. Not letting things hit you would be unadvised and considered being too op. 

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