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gaming Done with Nintendo


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2 hours ago, Kyoshi said:

I am not denying Nintendo's quality with their games. Ocarina of Time is one of my all time favorites for example while many other people say it 'hasn't aged well'. I just hate how the Switch is lacking in totally obvious things and Nintendo seems to be acting like they don't need those features. Even something as simple as basic messaging isn't here and that is simply inexcusable in 2018. 

Why does the Switch need these features when most people these days smartphones and tablets that can do everything like that but way better.

Sue Nintendo for wanting to focus on games first and foremost on a fucking game console instead of unnecessary features. How dare they focus on what people buy a console for!

Edited by Celli
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11 minutes ago, Celli said:

Why does the Switch need these features when most people these days smartphones and tablets that can do everything like that but way better.

Sue Nintendo for wanting to focus on games first and foremost on a fucking game console instead of unnecessary features. How dare they focus on what people buy a console for!

Except having those things only adds value to the system and even the 3DS had those things. Pretty sure that didn't make the 3DS have no good games. You CAN have both. Yet so many people act like all of those things are completely pointless all of a sudden. Plus, you say Nintendo should 'only focus on games', but most new releases now are overpriced Wii U ports. Plus plus, the Wii U had good games, but it sold horribly. So what people 'want' seems to change every other day. Hell, even the ultra gimmicky GameCube with waggle, the Wii, they could put those features on that pile of crap, don't see why they can't here for the Switch, a system that is actually halfway decent and it being a handheld, it makes perfect sense. 



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1 minute ago, Kyoshi said:

Except having those things only adds value to the system and even the 3DS had those things. Pretty sure that didn't make the 3DS have no good games. You CAN have both. Yet so many people act like all of those things are completely pointless all of a sudden. Plus, you say Nintendo should 'only focus on games', but most new releases now are overpriced Wii U ports. Plus plus, the Wii U had good games, but it sold horribly. So what people 'want' seems to change every other day. Hell, even the ultra gimmicky GameCube with waggle, the Wii, they could put those features on that pile of crap, don't see why they can't here for the Switch, a system that is actually halfway decent and it being a handheld, it makes perfect sense. 

Sure, but I don't see how it's a dealbreaker. Besides, those are coming later, but clearly Nintendo wants to focus on making them good.

Also, the Wii U selling poorly is why the Switch is getting ports of some of them. Not a shitload. Some. And it's justified with it. Not to mention new games have come out and are coming to it.

You have a laptop, right? What's so wrong with using that for media apps instead until the Switch gets these features? 

I'm sorry but to me it just feels like you're nitpicking.

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I’m definitely not, the only problem I have with the switch right now is that no major games are coming out for it, well not for a while. The last game I bought for it was Mario Odyssey back in October.

I’m looking forward to a lot of the stuff coming up though, both first and third party. Crash Bandicoot, Undertale, Splatoon 2 October Expansion, Mario Tennis. I’m also looking forward to Luigi’s Mansion 3D and Bowsers Inside Story + Bowser Jr’s Journey on the 3DS.

I don’t think I’ll be done with them for a long while, their games are just too good.




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I can't blame you (even though I'd probably buy the Switch AND a 2DS if I had the money), but I respectfully say this:

You should be done with consoles period then, because frankly Microsoft and Sony consoles SUCK for exclusives and get straight-up outperformed by PCs when it comes to non-exclusives. There's at least a justifiable reason to buy a Nintendo console (a lot of good exclusives), instead of it just being a total and utter waste. Not to mention going by business practices, there's no way you could say that Sony's business practices aren't downright reprehensible, and with Microsoft, well, about the same thing is true, really.

On ‎4‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 4:03 AM, StormBlaze said:

Anyone else feel kinda done with Nintendo these days? Like most of us, i grew up with the consoles (N64, GC, GBC) and utterly love them and the games to death, but recently Im finding it so difficult to be hyped by new games and products by them. I think its because Nintendo drive more to their gimicks than good timeless games now. The only exceptions being Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey. 

I never liked the Wii when it came out because it was gimmicky. I loved the WiiU because it brought the gaming back (for its short life) but the gimmick was now in the game pad more than waving controllers around. Then the switch came out and I just hate this console as its gone gimicks again.

I am really not a fan of the whole remaster/remake/reboot thing that game devs have been doing. I find Nintendo doing it almost wrong.... the WiiU wasnt that long ago and already we have remakes on the switch? Im just not feeling anything towards their console games in general. (Like I said earlier, Zelda and Mario are great games, but thats only 2 games in total).

Now I love the handheld consoles theyve done. Hate the decisons they made towards the (3)DS though. like 3D gaming was rubbish, but the console was great. Then wtf were they thinking with the original 2DS design! They took away the best feature of the 3DS which was the flip screen (idiots) plus the 2DS looked ugly and then only in the last year they suddenly go "oooh lets just take the 3D away since it wasnt that popular". I wouldve bought a flipping new 2DS if they released it earlier or as the original 2DS..... ugh. 

Gamewise I still feel like they massivly missed out on a launch title for the 3DS and the WiiU. They shouldve done a new version of Pokemon Snap. The technology wouldve been perfect for that.

Also on the note of Pokemon - they also seem to be losing their focus. Its not on the pokemon anymore, Sun and Moon have become obsessed with these flipping Ultra Beasts - thats another rant for later. But its now become another franchise of games that I idolised and treasured thats just disappointed me greatly. Am I just stuck on nostlagia again?

So yeah theres my rant, does anyone else fele the same towards Nintendo now? Ive certainly moved on to being a PC gamer (love it) and we recently got a PS4, which is a far superior console and great exclusive games..... which has just left Nintendo in the dirt compared. Sony have gotten the forumla right. They focused on good exclusive games and the gimicks are as an option as a whole seperate thing. Not forced into their games.

...? Super Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild exist...? If you would have argued this in the days of the Wii, I'd totally agree with you. Then they were TOTALLY obsessed with motion control gimmicks. Now, I just have difficulty understanding it when people say they're only about gimmicks.

Explain how the Switch is doing so well for itself then. Oh, it's because there's actually games there worth playing and not always more Call of Duty junk, awful exclusives that aren't worth the time, and worse PC ports. That's all they come out with and why I've given up on consoles that AREN'T Nintendo consoles, and gave up on them after the Xbox One came out.

I just don't see where you're coming from there at all. Frankly, I'd be tired of Nintendo if they just did new games all of the time. All of the re-masters and sequels to classic games that released years ago have actually made me more interested in the console than anything else. We've needed another Super Mario Sunshine or Super Mario 64 for over a decade now, they released a good Zelda game (probably the first since Twilight Princess), and this has only been done in a year. Not to mention Metroid Prime 4 is coming out soon, as we've been needing. The competition hasn't had that much to be excited about in the whole time they've been out, and the Switch has only been around for a year. The Wii U was a complete and utter failure, and they needed the Switch to actually recover financially, so I don't see the issue with releasing it now either.

I agree with most of this, but I think the 2DS doesn't look that bad, and I like how it gets rid of the dumb clamshell design. I alone have had 3 or 4 DSes break because of that cruddy weak joint between the screens. I hear the 3DS is far better on that front, but I'd still be more than surprised if it never happens.

Agree with the point there 100%.

I thought they should have added more mega-evolutions instead of more ultra beasts in Ultra Sun and Moon, and even then in general the whole idea of them is pretty stupid. They are literally just legendaries like Cresselia or Heatran. Nothing that special, but Nintendo gave them a special name for no reason.

What good exclusives are you talking about? I've only heard absolutely bad things about Destiny 2, and I can't even think of another exclusive it has even worth mentioning. Almost every game either Sony OR Microsoft release on their consoles anymore are released on the PC and superior in every way possible there over the PS4 OR the Xbox One (even more so).


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13 minutes ago, Celli said:

Sure, but I don't see how it's a dealbreaker. Besides, those are coming later, but clearly Nintendo wants to focus on making them good.

Also, the Wii U selling poorly is why the Switch is getting ports of some of them. Not a shitload. Some. And it's justified with it. Not to mention new games have come out and are coming to it.

You have a laptop, right? What's so wrong with using that for media apps instead until the Switch gets these features? 

I'm sorry but to me it just feels like you're nitpicking.

I have multiple devices to access those features, but if I am ever playing the Switch, being able to launch a web browser or something else right away is quite useful for me. Again, the 3DS had all of that stuff and even its YouTube and Hulu apps were pretty good. The web browser wasn't but the 3Ds was a lot weaker so...That's obvious. The 3DS, once again, had plenty of awesome titles and the inclusion of applications didn't hurt that at all. It isn't exactly nitpicking if Nintendo was fully capable of doing this stuff on weaker hardware in the past.



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I have absolute nothing to do with Nintendo anymore. I simply outgrew them, when I was little, I was really into the Mario games and franchise in general, it was so exciting opening up my brand new Wii on Christmas morning when the Wii first came out. I also used to have a ton of the DS games and systems, from the original DS to the slightly more advanced DSIXL, I used to take those things everywhere in my little Luigi DS case. 

But several years ago I got something. My own computer. I gradually began moving away from playing on my Wii and DS's to playing on my laptop, eventually I started buying PC games for it too. I don't remember the last time I took my DS anywhere with me, now I take my phone instead and play apps. 

I haven't even touched my Wii for the better part of two years, and even before that I only rarely played on it (because again, I had gotten my computer by that point) 

I don't have an Xbox or a PlayStation or any of those other gaming consuls, I only have my computer that I play all my PC games on. I consider myself to be a PC gamer now and I would say that PC games are far better than any games Nintendo, Sony, or any other traditional company would make :)

PC is the master race 

  • Brohoof 1


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11 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

being able to launch a web browser or something else right away is quite useful for me

That's why I just have my phone sitting next to me. Boom, browser.

11 minutes ago, King of Canterlot said:

I simply outgrew them

*snrk* Sorry, but the sentiment of "I outgrew Nintendo" whilst posting in a fan forum for MLP is both ironic and hilarious.

Edited by ShadOBabe
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1 minute ago, ShadOBabe said:

That's why I just have my phone sitting next to me. Boom, browser.

Not everyone has a great phone though. Being able to go from a game, to the browser, to maybe Youtube, back to a game, I love being able to do that. Hulu is already here and of they can get that, why not others? Netflix specifically said they wouldn't mind having their app on the Switch, but it is Nintendo that is showing little interest. Wouldn't take too much to get a simple app on there. 



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Nintendo is going through a couple of problems right now, even with the success of the Switch.  Currently they are going through a big phase of just porting everything over from the Wii and Wii U to the switch, which is taking up a lot of their time from getting new games out.  A lot of their current franchises are getting old and tired, having to keep them on life support by finding new gimmicks.  I really wish Nintendo and the Pokemon Company would catch the hint that a massive part of their fanbase are now adults and branch out more from the core games, but that is a rant for another time.

Another issue they are suffering from is the same one most console companies are.  The PC master race.  More and more developers are putting their games out for the PC along side the consoles.  We're in an age where building a decent gaming computer isn't hard or expensive anymore and best of all, not having to subscribe to their extra fees to play online.  The only ones holding back is Nintendo because they cornered the market on handheld gaming.  But how much longer until phones catch up to the tech they can fit in the switch?

The number of unique IPs coming out of Nintendo is dwindling and it's just getting old.  You see some hopeful new ideas pop up now and then, but they don't stick.  Look at Pokemon Conquest, Mario Rabbids, Mario RPG, etc.  They always fall back to the default platforms though over and over.

  • Brohoof 1
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4 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

Not everyone has a great phone though.

That's a fair point, but why on earth would someone buy themselves a game console before buying themselves a half decent phone?

More to the point though, I suppose it's just not something people like me care about. I don't want a console for apps and comunicating with my friends. I never used any apps on my 3DS. That's what my other devices are for.

I want a console that has bright, cheery games, and the other consoles don't really have enough of those. It's mostly gritty action games. Literally the ONLY thing that kind of makes me want another console is the remaster of the original 3 Spyro games. But one series doesn't justify the purchase of a machine that costs hundreds of dollars.



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"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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13 minutes ago, Rising Dusk said:

Nintendo is going through a couple of problems right now, even with the success of the Switch.  Currently they are going through a big phase of just porting everything over from the Wii and Wii U to the switch, which is taking up a lot of their time from getting new games out.  A lot of their current franchises are getting old and tired, having to keep them on life support by finding new gimmicks.  I really wish Nintendo and the Pokemon Company would catch the hint that a massive part of their fanbase are now adults and branch out more from the core games, but that is a rant for another time.

Another issue they are suffering from is the same one most console companies are.  The PC master race.  More and more developers are putting their games out for the PC along side the consoles.  We're in an age where building a decent gaming computer isn't hard or expensive anymore and best of all, not having to subscribe to their extra fees to play online.  The only ones holding back is Nintendo because they cornered the market on handheld gaming.  But how much longer until phones catch up to the tech they can fit in the switch?

The number of unique IPs coming out of Nintendo is dwindling and it's just getting old.  You see some hopeful new ideas pop up now and then, but they don't stick.  Look at Pokemon Conquest, Mario Rabbids, Mario RPG, etc.  They always fall back to the default platforms though over and over.

The Switch doesn't have nearly as many ports as you claim. It has a fair few that never got much attention on the Wii U, so as I said, it's justified in it's ports, and you don't understand game development, do you? The games on the Switch aren't being made by one single studio. Porting games from the Wii U isn't taking time away from new games, because Nintendo has several studios porting Wii U and Wii games, as well as ports from other platforms, meanwhile Nintendo has their main studios and other studios working on new games. Those new games just take more time to make.

Here is a list of all games coming to the Switch for the year and beyond.


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18 minutes ago, Celli said:

The Switch doesn't have nearly as many ports as you claim. It has a fair few that never got much attention on the Wii U, so as I said, it's justified in it's ports, and you don't understand game development, do you? The games on the Switch aren't being made by one single studio. Porting games from the Wii U isn't taking time away from new games, because Nintendo has several studios porting Wii U and Wii games, as well as ports from other platforms, meanwhile Nintendo has their main studios and other studios working on new games. Those new games just take more time to make.

Here is a list of all games coming to the Switch for the year and beyond.


Your argument is sound.  My single sentence on the matter was far too simplistic to get across an accurate point.  Nintendo is completely justified in their ports, they had many fantastic games that were sadly drowned in less than stellar consoles.  However, if studio A is working on a port for game X, but is also suppose to be creating new game Y, it still comes out to man hours being placed somewhere else.  Remasters added an even more extra level as they usually intell new content or even graphic reworks.  Sure, it probably comes out to a drop in the bucket compared to the thousand or so man hours it takes to make a new game, but a factor still is here.

Why is this a problem for me personally?  I've played most of these games already for the Wii and Wii U.  So when 12 or so of those games coming out in 2018 or early 2019 are ports, my list of new content dwindled.  Does that mean 12 new games would have been created in their place?  Not likely, but it is possible one or two more could have come out.  Never know.  So to me, this is a paper cut of a problem with Nintendo.  While the bullet wound of a problem, for me, is just the tired reuse of IPs.

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1 minute ago, Rising Dusk said:

Your argument is sound.  My single sentence on the matter was far too simplistic to get across an accurate point.  Nintendo is completely justified in their ports, they had many fantastic games that were sadly drowned in less than stellar consoles.  However, if studio A is working on a port for game X, but is also suppose to be creating new game Y, it still comes out to man hours being placed somewhere else.  Remasters added an even more extra level as they usually intell new content or even graphic reworks.  Sure, it probably comes out to a drop in the bucket compared to the thousand or so man hours it takes to make a new game, but a factor still is here.

Why is this a problem for me personally?  I've played most of these games already for the Wii and Wii U.  So when 12 or so of those games coming out in 2018 or early 2019 are ports, my list of new content dwindled.  Does that mean 12 new games would have been created in their place?  Not likely, but it is possible one or two more could have come out.  Never know.  So to me, this is a paper cut of a problem with Nintendo.  While the bullet wound of a problem, for me, is just the tired reuse of IPs.

But Studio A is making the port, while Studio B is making the new title, while studio C is making this remaster, and Studio D is finishing up a new game.

Also, Why is making new games for established franchises bad? Every console maker is guilty of that. And some of their established franchises go years without a major release, the only one that get reused often is Mario. Zelda games take 5 or so years to make, and Metroid sees 1 or 2 games every 10 years. It's more niche than the other two. Mario is literally their only franchise that sees annual releases. They've made several new games for the Switch and more are to come. I'm sorry but I don't really understand your criticisms.

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1 hour ago, Victoria Sponge said:

I’m definitely not, the only problem I have with the switch right now is that no major games are coming out for it, well not for a while. The last game I bought for it was Mario Odyssey back in October.

I’m looking forward to a lot of the stuff coming up though, both first and third party. Crash Bandicoot, Undertale, Splatoon 2 October Expansion, Mario Tennis. I’m also looking forward to Luigi’s Mansion 3D and Bowsers Inside Story + Bowser Jr’s Journey on the 3DS.

I don’t think I’ll be done with them for a long while, their games are just too good.

Hey, I brought that subject up in my own topic. 

why don't you respond there????

  • Brohoof 1


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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5 minutes ago, Celli said:

But Studio A is making the port, while Studio B is making the new title, while studio C is making this remaster, and Studio D is finishing up a new game.

Also, Why is making new games for established franchises bad? Every console maker is guilty of that. And some of their established franchises go years without a major release, the only one that get reused often is Mario. Zelda games take 5 or so years to make, and Metroid sees 1 or 2 games every 10 years. It's more niche than the other two. Mario is literally their only franchise that sees annual releases. They've made several new games for the Switch and more are to come. I'm sorry but I don't really understand your criticisms.

From here, we might just be at an impasse.  I do greatly value your opinion and insight though. 

I do enjoy my Switch, but everything I play on it came from none Nintendo sources.  As I did mention above, I do like when they take their franchises in other directions, but it happens even less than those gapes between their more default formula.  Nothing is inherently bad about reusing established franchises, but when it more often than not just comes to a graphics update, new small gimmick and retelling of the same story, for me it just get's old.  While yes, I'm picking on Nintendo because I'm in a Nintendo thread, everyone is guilty of it, that doesn't make it any less true though.  I got tired of Halo, I got tired of Mass Effect, I got tired of Dragon Quest, I got tired of Pokemon.  I might just be hard to please, its true, but when these franchises step outside of their boxes, I'm more than happy to eat it up.  Nintendo for me, has just been the biggest offender because it's been around forever and there is only some many times I can take a Mario platformer.


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48 minutes ago, Rising Dusk said:

From here, we might just be at an impasse.  I do greatly value your opinion and insight though. 

I do enjoy my Switch, but everything I play on it came from none Nintendo sources.  As I did mention above, I do like when they take their franchises in other directions, but it happens even less than those gapes between their more default formula.  Nothing is inherently bad about reusing established franchises, but when it more often than not just comes to a graphics update, new small gimmick and retelling of the same story, for me it just get's old.  While yes, I'm picking on Nintendo because I'm in a Nintendo thread, everyone is guilty of it, that doesn't make it any less true though.  I got tired of Halo, I got tired of Mass Effect, I got tired of Dragon Quest, I got tired of Pokemon.  I might just be hard to please, its true, but when these franchises step outside of their boxes, I'm more than happy to eat it up.  Nintendo for me, has just been the biggest offender because it's been around forever and there is only some many times I can take a Mario platformer.


Fair enough, but what about the lesser popular franchises that don't get nearly as much like Metroid?

Also, again, the only real offenders are Mario, Pokemon, and maybe Kirby.

Edited by Celli
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38 minutes ago, Celli said:

Fair enough, but what about the lesser popular franchises that don't get nearly as much like Metroid?

Also, again, the only real offenders are Mario, Pokemon, and maybe Kirby.

Oh, don't get me wrong.  I'm not going to sit here a bash everything Nintendo.  Even if the title states Done with Nintendo, I'm personally just tired of it. 

Metroid, as you mentioned above, is a Nintendo franchises that suffers in that it has some of the largest gaps between releases and one that has deviated the least from it's formula.  Its biggest change came from turning 3D in the Prime series, but didn't move away from the Metroidvania style of game play.  Unlock new power, backtrack to use said new power to progress.  Whether just tired from over use of a formula, or just the lack of one coming out, it is still tiresome.  

Is Nintendo improving?  Yes, yes it is.  Zelda Breath of the Wild and Splatoon were great steps.  Zelda was new and fresh while Splatoon was a new IP I enjoyed.  Is it enough yet to rouse me from my bored Nintendo stupor?  Not yet.  Even EA can put out a game that I enjoy, but it isn't going to necessarily make me forgive everything else they've done.

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7 hours ago, SwitchGuy2018 said:

Hey, I brought that subject up in my own topic. 

why don't you respond there????

I mean, the member you quoted seems like they're pretty knowledgeable on which games are coming out. I am as well, and am also of the same opinion. There's really nothing coming out for me on the Switch, at least pre-E3. Anything post E3 we have so little information about that I can't put my hope into them just yet. Like is the Super Smash Bros going to be a completely new game (the way they presented it, it better be)? Is Pokemon Switch going to be a conservative 3DS game in HD or something more exciting?

We just don't know. It seems like so far Nintendo has been mostly focused on advertising and releasing ports. There aren't much actually new Nintendo games on the Switch. Between those that are actually new, the best one was dual released on the Wii U (Breath of the Wild). The most exciting Switch exclusive is Super Mario Odyssey. What else even is there? This year I think pretty much the only title has been Kirby. Correct me if I'm wrong. I played a demo of that game. While it's cute to see the old partners from Dream Land II back, there's no reason for me to spend $60 on generic Kirby 2D platformer Switch.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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26 minutes ago, Envy said:

I mean, the member you quoted seems like they're pretty knowledgeable on which games are coming out. I am as well, and am also of the same opinion. There's really nothing coming out for me on the Switch, at least pre-E3. Anything post E3 we have so little information about that I can't put my hope into them just yet. Like is the Super Smash Bros going to be a completely new game (the way they presented it, it better be)? Is Pokemon Switch going to be a conservative 3DS game in HD or something more exciting?

We just don't know. It seems like so far Nintendo has been mostly focused on advertising and releasing ports. There aren't much actually new Nintendo games on the Switch. Between those that are actually new, the best one was dual released on the Wii U (Breath of the Wild). The most exciting Switch exclusive is Super Mario Odyssey. What else even is there? This year I think pretty much the only title has been Kirby. Correct me if I'm wrong. I played a demo of that game. While it's cute to see the old partners from Dream Land II back, there's no reason for me to spend $60 on generic Kirby 2D platformer Switch.

Why do you feel obligated to make me sound like I'm a fool for loving "cash grab" games. I don't know what you got against Nintendo's remasters, but I don't go around telling people not to buy stuff just because it's already been done. You clearly missed the point of my earlier post:

13 hours ago, SwitchGuy2018 said:

That doesn't change my belief that the games I've played so far are amazing and worth the money. In the end, the games should be fun to play, not technologically the best.

There's a reason Nintendo's been around as a video gaming company for as long as the 1980's. They succeed not because their technology was the best compared to its competitors, they succeeded because their games were fun! And what is fun to a gamer is all subjective. That's the point I'm making and I'll be satisfied just for my point being heard. You don't have to agree with me. Just hear me out.



A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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34 minutes ago, SwitchGuy2018 said:

Why do you feel obligated to make me sound like I'm a fool for loving "cash grab" games. I don't know what you got against Nintendo's remasters, but I don't go around telling people not to buy stuff just because it's already been done. You clearly missed the point of my earlier post:


Oh, that's not the intention of my posts. I apologize for coming off that way.

On the contrary, my posts actually come from the perspective of someone who constantly sees people who say that the Switch doesn't have many games of interest to them, get countered with posts like yours which are like "What are you talking about? Look at all of these games!". It's annoying to me, because it's missing the point that people have their own opinions, and the quantity of games that the Switch is getting can be meaningless to them. I'm not at all meaning that you can't enjoy Wii U ports. I'm meaning that for me, they are a moot point. I own a Wii U, I've played all of the Wii U games I want to. Thus for me they are just repeat releases, they are old games. They are nothing for me to get existed about. They add nothing to the Switch for me. I want new Nintendo games. While it's pretty certain they are coming, not many of them are here yet. And we honestly know practically nothing about any of them aside from Mario Tennis Aces.

What I'm meaning is that there are Nintendo fans out there for whom the Switch doesn't have much of interest for them yet. It's not at all because they're ignorant of what's on the console or what is coming out, it's because they're not excited to replay games (for a pretty penny with that, Nintendo is so overpriced!) they've already played on the Wii U, and/or are not interested in. The bulk of Nintendo's first party output for the system has been Wii U ports. If you're happy with that, all of the power to you. However, not everyone is. And they are justified in their opinions.

Edited by Envy

Everything needs more woodwind!

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8 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

Oh, don't get me wrong.  I'm not going to sit here a bash everything Nintendo.  Even if the title states Done with Nintendo, I'm personally just tired of it. 

Metroid, as you mentioned above, is a Nintendo franchises that suffers in that it has some of the largest gaps between releases and one that has deviated the least from it's formula.  Its biggest change came from turning 3D in the Prime series, but didn't move away from the Metroidvania style of game play.  Unlock new power, backtrack to use said new power to progress.  Whether just tired from over use of a formula, or just the lack of one coming out, it is still tiresome.  

Is Nintendo improving?  Yes, yes it is.  Zelda Breath of the Wild and Splatoon were great steps.  Zelda was new and fresh while Splatoon was a new IP I enjoyed.  Is it enough yet to rouse me from my bored Nintendo stupor?  Not yet.  Even EA can put out a game that I enjoy, but it isn't going to necessarily make me forgive everything else they've done.

Perhaps it's not Nintendo that's the problem, it's you. If it isn't broke don't fix it. Changing the formula of an established series is risky, you always have the chance of alienating and upsetting longtime fans. I'm a huge Metroid fan and if they suddenly went from the tried and true explore and collect and progress and made Metroid a mindless brawler or what have you I would be upset.

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3 hours ago, Celli said:

Perhaps it's not Nintendo that's the problem, it's you. If it isn't broke don't fix it. Changing the formula of an established series is risky, you always have the chance of alienating and upsetting longtime fans. I'm a huge Metroid fan and if they suddenly went from the tried and true explore and collect and progress and made Metroid a mindless brawler or what have you I would be upset.

That is of course, a possibility.  That is what can make it nice though when not everypony has the same interests and likes.  I need the longtime fans to love their tried and true formulas, because that is where the money comes from to make the more innovative that I do enjoy.  Not everypony can be pleased at the same time, and it's just a pipe dream to think otherwise.  For those millions of sells of the next core Pokemon game, is a step closer maybe getting Pokemon Conquest 2 or a Pokemon RPG made by P-Studio.  Sadly, I'm just not at the point anymore that I want to chug through another Pokemon core game.  Is this my problem?  Absolutely, I've fallen out of their target audience for a big chunk of their content.  Is this Nintendo's problem?  Not likely, I am just one consumer compared to their millions.

I'm glad you love Metriod and I hope Metriod 4 will tickle that love you have for it.  

  • Brohoof 1
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On 15/04/2018 at 6:03 AM, Rising Dusk said:

Nintendo is going through a couple of problems right now, even with the success of the Switch.  Currently they are going through a big phase of just porting everything over from the Wii and Wii U to the switch, which is taking up a lot of their time from getting new games out.  A lot of their current franchises are getting old and tired, having to keep them on life support by finding new gimmicks.  I really wish Nintendo and the Pokemon Company would catch the hint that a massive part of their fanbase are now adults and branch out more from the core games, but that is a rant for another time.

Another issue they are suffering from is the same one most console companies are.  The PC master race.  More and more developers are putting their games out for the PC along side the consoles.  We're in an age where building a decent gaming computer isn't hard or expensive anymore and best of all, not having to subscribe to their extra fees to play online.  The only ones holding back is Nintendo because they cornered the market on handheld gaming.  But how much longer until phones catch up to the tech they can fit in the switch?

The number of unique IPs coming out of Nintendo is dwindling and it's just getting old.  You see some hopeful new ideas pop up now and then, but they don't stick.  Look at Pokemon Conquest, Mario Rabbids, Mario RPG, etc.  They always fall back to the default platforms though over and over.

i like you =3

this is exactly where i feel I am with current games. Nintendo and Pokemon are certainly more geared to kids. As can certainly be seen with Pokemon Sun and Moon (uuugh). Theyre very very hand holding compared to previous games. They seem to want to bring more kids into gaming, but personally, kids are "broken" sterotypes now. They dont really want happy colourful games, 90% of the kids ive spoken to at cons (selling my game themed artwork) have all gone nuts for the dark lore stuff and FPS games. Five Nights at Freddys for one. But you're right with that Nintendo dont seem to aknowledge that the main market they had from the 80s/90s/early00s are now grown up and probably more likely still playing the old classics because theyre nostalgic and also still challenging!!! Games today are far too easy compared.

What I am happy to see in the gaming market, even though I hate reboots, platforming has made a comeback and we're at a retro resurgance of nostalgia with Crash and Spyro coming back. Yes Nintendo have been doing this for years by keeping their main mascots alive, but tbh theyre so in your face that you get somewhat bored with them..... like Star Wars and Doctor Who (put them back to sleep for another 10-20 years please). Ok so Spyro has been in Skylanders, but eeew that was not the Spyro we all remember.

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Pokémon Games aren't just for kids too, but it's also for pokemon fans and players for fun and enjoyment of the games and of course to fully enjoy the pokemon games, you have to keep the exp. share off and not clear the games in 1 day. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon on the other hand is that the difficulty of these games builds up as you progress through the story although with the exception of pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky, that game was too easy if you have explorers of time / darkness and of course it's not just the difficulty that builds up as you progress through the story, but also several dungeons have restrictions as well and it's quite challenging such as starting at level 1, and bringing a limited amount of items. Of course there are some dungeons restricted to you, your partner, and several guest pokemon to the team as well and of course guest pokemon are temporarily to the team and their levels are fixed, can't gain experience and levels which you can't grind them, and of course if they die without any reviver seeds, you'll fail the mission and be sent back to where you staying at such as wigglytuff's guild (if story), the team base, and the entrance of the dungeon.

It's true that Nintendo wants to bring more kids into Nintendo games as well, but if they're not familiar with the game, then it's either you teach them how to play the game or put some several functions to make things easier for them such as assist mode for super Mario odyssey, but of course in additional to assist mode, experienced players have to take desperate situations for dark and darker side regardless If you have the life expansion or not. For Mario kart 8 DX, that's where smart steering and auto-driving comes in handy for the kids that are new to the game. For Kirby Star allies, The tips and signs displays the controls to press and what abilities and friend abilities you need so it's useful if you need help and for kids that are playing this game. Of course there are friend actions in certain areas of the game so if they're not careful enough with those areas, they could lose lives very easily so mistakes can happen.

If kids need help with something in the game(s), it may be a good idea to help them out. don't expect to stand there and say that to do things or figure out on their own and experience the game for themselves and do nothing. I know my nephews have started playing nintendo games, but they always ask me for help and I help them out in certain situations for the game and it's hard to fight enemies and bosses on their own at their own age and one day when they get enough experience with these Nintendo games as they grow older, they won't be needing my help anymore.

It's not easy for kids to get experience with Nintendo games including pokemon. When I was around my younger age, I was new to the Nintendo games and I've been asking my brothers for their help. Sometimes I just play some of these Nintendo games just for fun and enjoyment so as I grow older, I just keep getting better than the last performance and experience the Nintendo games myself. I don't even remember what my first Nintendo game I played so it's most likely Super Mario Bros 1-3, world class track meet (which it requires the NES power pad accessory), and Original Legend of Zelda (or Zelda Classic / ZC) that I played so it's one of those games. SNES, not much, I probably started out with F-Zero and Super Mario World, but mostly it's F-Zero which I wasn't familiar with for the 1st time so if I remember, I didn't race further into the course during practice mode.


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