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Forums you have previously joined (besides MLP-related forums)?

Jon the VGNerd

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I used to go on a forum called “Animeboy”. It was the only forum I ever attended before here. My only “social media” back then was Twitter and Deviantart. I don’t really like putting myself in too many forums or any sort of social media.



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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Ooooh far too many. Back in the 2000s I joined soooo many forums. I can't keep track of them all, and probably 75% of them are long gone now. =(

Truth be told, if you see someone on another forum with a woodwind themed icon or signature, you can assume it's probably me. xD (not 100% of the time, though, just to clarify) Unless it's some type of forum that's totally not me like a right wing forum or something. (although I'm technically a member of ChristianForums. I effectively left when I deconverted)

Edited by Envy

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I've been on tons over the years. A lot of music ones which I left due to the behaviors. I relogged into two here recently and it just reminded me of why I left to begin with. The only difference between posting on those sites in my teens-early 20s to now is the age range of the people on there. It's around mine now but everyone still behaves like their high schoolers. Throwing shade, startin fights, bad mouthing others for liking *insert thing*. It has me sitting here like sis you are in your 30s you can't get away with this behavior anymore. It was wild seein those place still the same as they were years ago. I'd rather not hop online to fight with people daily. 

Vampirefreaks is the one I miss the most. Although that was more a Myspace than a forum. Not that it wasn't toxic af because it was. It really was oof. It was nice having such a large active space for alt-goths tho. It still exists but only as an overpriced alt clothing store. Reddit and Discord suck in comparison to what VampireFreaks was. It was a great place to come across upcoming rock , alternative and industrial bands as they'd create their band profiles on there as a way to promote their music. Tiktok used to be a decent place to interact with others in the community, it's definitely not nowadays but in like 2020 era it was. I've still got some of the friends I made on their from back then on my FB lol. Don't interact anymore but I still listen to their bands stuff.  

Emilie Autumn's forum was amazing as I used to post on there and talk about Monster high with people. Shame she threw a tantrum and deleted it over one person. People really had some amazing roleplays on there and very high level discussions. That's the only music related forum I think I ever joined that partook in that had such in depth discussions and didn't engage in the shady behavior. 

What else do I remember....I used to post on a vocaloid forum that no longer exists as I owned software of Luo Tianyi, YOHIOloid, V3 Lily, V Flower and IA (These are all V3) and was trying to make music with them. Posted on Gaia Online and Neopets back in the day as well.

* Freaky Just Got Fabulous *

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A place called NintendoFanForums of which I was an active member in, unfortunately it’s been long since defunct shortly after the Switch’s launch. Only other place you can see me is TFW

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I was part of the Sonic Retro Forum during a part of 2023 and then I quitted. I used to be a member of the Kanzenshuu Dragon Ball forum since 2018, but I decided to quit in October 2024. MLPF is the only forum I use now ~☆

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"Stand quiet like the Sky, and Move faster than Lightning"

Follower of the ultimate power, spirit, divine dreams and wishes of the Heavenly Eastern Angels of Stars (Starys), Husband of Mary, The Eastern Stary.


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BetaArchive: During my retro computing phase, I used to go there to participate in interesting conversations for Windows features as well as beta builds of Windows. When they started purging content from their FTP server as well as remove interesting forums posts that I've tried to look for, only to find out they were deleted, I lost interest in that site to the point where I've pretty much stopped visiting it.

VOGONS: Another site I joined during my retro computing phase. I rarely visit the site nowadays due to my interest in the hobby declining over the past few years as well as some of the toxic comments that I ran into during the times I visited there.

DVDizzy: It seemed like an interesting forum for discussing movies and TV shows (especially from Disney) on physical media when I first discovered the site, so I've tried to register an account there, but I was never able to get my account activated for some reason, so I just gave up and decided not to visit that site anymore.

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Jee, I think only the old Warthunder forum which used the exact same platform as MLP Forums.


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Ahah! Now it's funny to recall. ^•^

I was active on local Naruto themed forum in my hi-school years. Sadly, it doesn't exist anymore, I would check it out! ^u^

And on certain huge furry forum in my early university years. It was nice, but I don't feel a wish to come back. 9u9

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I used to be on the Yu-Gi-Oh abridged series forum over a decade ago, I'm honestly surprised something so specific had a forum in the first place that was super active. No idea how it's currently doing or if it's even still around anymore. I was on pokefarm too, but that was part forum, and part egg clicking pet adoption site that had a lot of controversy around it

Edited by Mothra


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