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Worst teacher ever?


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My 4th grade teacher absolutely despised me. I was a freaking teacher's pet kinda child, so I usually never got in trouble. 4th grade was the only grade I've ever received detention in. My crimes included:


Sharpening my pencil while she was talking

Licking my lips (actually though)

Not answering a question I didn't know the answer to

Being in the vicinity of students running in the hall (Only time she ever enforced her bullcrap guilty by association rule)

Whistling a song during recess 

Running (again, outside during recess)

Spelling her name wrong

Writing with a pen instead of pencil


Reading during class (after my work was finished)

And finally, flipping her off.


I might have deserved the last one, but I had had enough of her giving me crap for no reason.

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Most teachers didn't see me favorably due to my lack of interest or involvement, but they were not bad at their profession.

Some of the issues that surfaced in school were result of my nature when it comes to bring out the human qualities in people.

There were some altercations with some of them, but having a closer look at their identity, psychology and emotional state, it was possible to figure out the source of the issue wasn't necessarily my behaviour, but rather a conflict inherent to their personal lives.

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  • 2 months later...

My grade 8 math teacher had been railroaded by the school into teaching math. By all accounts he was a great teacher in his other classes (never had him for those classes, and I forget what they were). He was nervous and tense and had no idea how to teach the material. I ended up teaching a couple of my classmates the material because the way he explained made no sense. One time I corrected him on a formula (assuming the mistake was an honest slip of the tongue). Dude got all psyched up to make an example of me and prove why I was wrong by setting up a demomstration, but ended up embarrassed and angry after proving himself wrong. If dude chilled out a bit he would have been a solid teacher.

In university I had a Markering teacher with side job at an Apple store. Dude was a lazy @$$hat with zero f**ks to give. How he got the job, I have no idea, but he clearly never took it seriously.

In the professional sphere, I had a supervisor who, despite over 20 years at the company, had english so horrible he couldn't explain anything. I have no problem with broken English, or even with accents, but this dude somehow after decades of needing English for his job never managed to figure out how to make half of what came out of his mouth even vaguely resemble the language. Made learning anything a tedious and frustrating experience.

Keep flyin'


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While none of the teachers in K-12 School were bad, 8th grade Physics with that particular class was unhelpful to his students as possible. Heck, one documentary video was so boring and little to do with the subject, I ligitimately feel asleep in class. Usually when faced with a boring class back in my day, I get back with a book that actually ties with the class in question.


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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My worst teacher was one of my computing teachers who would show up late mumble and gave across an attitude like he couldn't be bothered barely understood the learning material himself it screwed the entire class over


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  • 5 weeks later...

 My driver’s ed teacher in high school he was a real well I can’t say he even yelled at me for missing one class  plus he’s forced us to watch “that video”  I ending up flunking his class When I got the grade paper I literally said thank goodness I don’t have to see you anymore and then he yelled out of my class  before left I crumbled up the paper and threw it in the trashcan right in front of him

Edited by Crimson storm

 Believe and achieve 

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Probably my worst teacher was my college (or university for those outside the US) Engineering Physics teacher. This guy was an old Indian man who could barely teach and had a thick mumbly accent (and accents don't bother me, my Mathematics advisor was Chinese with a thick accent and he was fantastic, mostly because he could ACTUALLY teach). Anyway, the worst part about the teacher was not really to my detriment but the entire class. See we only had three major tests the entire year so your grade was dependant on them. His teaching style was pretty much regurgitating the textbook notes word for word with barely elaboration or extra examples, and giving us 30-40 problems to do for the week.

Now I did very well at this class because it was mostly math and calculation based and I had developed the skills to teach myself by re-analysing everything especially if I'm interested in the formulaic concepts (I was a dopey Mathematics major in an Engineering class :derp:) So I could visualize the letters and numbers easily without any elaboration or physical explanation like most of the actual Engineering students needed for good reason.

So we get to the second of three tests of the class and I get a solid 97% on it. I'm pretty proud. That's until I learn the next highest grade was a 68%! And this teacher has the nerve to only curve up the test a meer 3% all because of me. He had the gall to be like "Well, one student did well so OBVIOUSLY it's not MY teaching..." I made it clear to everyone who approached me it had NOTHING to do with his teaching why I passed. We were absolutely furious with him. He did eventually give everyone who wanted one a retest but that had to be the most incompetent teacher I've ever met. And this was in college/university!

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  • 4 years later...

I love him for this but it also makes him a bad teacher. I ended up having a chemistry teacher in high school the year he was retiring. Everyday he just came in propped his feet up and told us to do whatever we wanted. He auto passed us all on all tests and school work. He was done. That’s so real of him honestly. Imma be done to my year of retirement. However that also technically makes him a bad teacher since he didn’t even teach us lol. We just all hung out and he passed us no matter what. 

Personally I really disliked one teacher my freshman year just because she’d really degrade you if you got a question wrong and didn’t do well on a test. She’d flat out humiliate you. She was rough. No teacher made me feel as stupid as she did lol.

*On Wednesdays We Wear Pink And Betray The Organization*

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  • 9 months later...

One of my highschool art teachers turned out to be a creeper and got caught messaging kids. I'd say he's the worst, he always did rub me the wrong way.

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I didn’t have any truly horrible teacher during K-12, lucky I guess.

In college I only ever had one truly horrible professor (who wasn’t even a PhD but whatever). That being the professor for the college algebra class I took my first semester. She had the worst attitude, if no one knew the answer to a question she’d get so uptight over it. “You should know this it was in the homework!” Okay? We all did the homework and we still don’t fully understand it. Explain it, TEACH us. No, you won’t, all you do is read directly from the textbook, why are we even here?

Speaking of homework she’d assign you over 30 questions worth of math problems that you had to solve by the next class, which was 2 days since this was a M-W-F class. These were involved, multi step problems too. It was absolutely insane for a 1000 level course. I ended up dropping that class after 4 weeks and then retook it with someone else which went over much better.


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Hard to pick just one since a solid 90% were subhuman detritus. There was one who would roll her shapeless carcass around the playground during recess and do nothing if she saw a kid getting beaten into his next life by three kids older and bigger than him. She’d just stand there, droning half-heartedly for them to stop. Wow, what an awesome deterrent! Who could stand up against such powerful authority?

Another was just plain mean, and I mean MEAN. The kind of mean that would make most child stranglers look like saints. Why would someone who hates kids to such a degree choose to be a teacher?

I had a science teacher who must have been imbibing the embalming liquid used on the animal specimens in the lab. His eyes bugged out of his head far enough to trip over. And while that’s merely a physical trait he had no control over, he didn’t have to flash those mad orbs at unsuspecting students in a way that suggested at least three would perish before the men with the straitjacket would arrive to subdue him.

Then there was the classic, eye of senility that all the kids dreaded (and I got stuck with). He ran on in half sentences and got borderline violent if anyone got out of line. And his concept of acceptable behavior was more of a vague notion put forth by the barbaric ancients and not applicable to the treatment of students under the age of 13. Yet there he was, getting paid real money, not Monopoly money, to be an educator of the young and impressionable.

I’m so glad I dropped out of school when I did. I’d likely be little more than a sad statistic by now.

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In junior high, I had an utterly incompetent “shop” teacher that expected us to learn from handouts and videos; he did not teach at all. He would also manage to misplace graded assignments and then try to say they were never done (he also didn’t have much to say when he suddenly found them later). I initially thought I was not mechanically inclined, but I later learned I was when I took an elective automotive maintenance class with an outstanding teacher later in high school.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a few bad teachers. Most of them were just unfriendly, bad teachers or annoying. But there was one english teacher who was not only unfriendly but also really racist because she often talked really bad about students with immigrant backgrounds. She even told a student with turkish background (turkish people are the biggest group of foreigners in germany) that she will not discuss with a person with immigrant backgrounds. In my opinion not really good as a teacher (especially in a claas were a lot of people have immigration background). 



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That one particular teacher when I was five years old that looked like a cross between a ghoul and Sideshow Bob.

She treated me like I was some sort of spawn of Satan just because on my first day at the new school I lost my place on what I was supposed to be copying down on the blackboard. In fact all the teachers at that particular school treated me like some sort of monster. I have vivid memories of sitting in assembly one morning and a couple of the teachers at the front of the hall was whispering to eachother and then suddenly looked my way with an evil side glance glare. I also remember one grabbed me by the hair one lunch time in the cafeteria and forced food down my throat because I didn't like it and then had the audacity to get angry when I threw up on the spot.

Horrible place and horrible people. I was only there for less than a year before we moved again. Whatever purgatory exists, I hope they ended up there. I have no time for evil like them.

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