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One thing that made the episode bad?


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What was the one big thing that turned you off?

  • At MMMystery of Friendship express when Twilight’s friends ate Mr. and Mrs. Cake’s cake made for the contest. That’s crossing the line. They didn’t even apologize to the Cakes.
  • In Owl’s Well that Ends Well, when Rarity gives the exact same bow tie Spike got to the owl and saying the exact same thing.
  • At Feeling Pinkie Keen when Twilight ceases to think scientifically. That’s a way more important value to give up than you think.
  • At The Last Roundup, Applejack cuts contact with her family and friends without a proper explaination. Thats an opposite of honesty and trust, responsibility. Later on, Applejack “doesn’t” break a pinkie promise by bending words and with cheap tricks. That’s even worse than lying.
  • Everytime Cheerilee does nothing as a teacher when Diamond Tiara is obviously bullying in front of her.
  • Rainbow Falls, when the Wonderbolts show what the opposite of royalty is.
  • When Zephyr Breze throws his father’s cloud collection jar in the ground and breaks it.
  • 28 Pranks Later when Rainbow Dash puts a brick in a sandwich.
  • In Fake it Til You Make it when Fluttershy doesn’t sincerely apologize.
  • When Discord doesn’t apolgize to Starlight in A Matter of Principals.
  • When Pinkie Pie didn’t show some considerations for her friends at Yakity-Sax.


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  • 28 pranks later-No one can take a freaking joke
  • To where and back again- Changelings reform
  • The perfect pear- elope
  • Fake it till you make it- wtfh fluttershy!?

That's all  I can think of for now. 



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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There's a blink-and-you'll miss it scene in "Princess Spike" where Spike is trying to escape from a window when the mob catches up to him in Twilight's room, trying to runaway from his responsibility and pinning it all on Twilight. I'm not gonna say Princess Spike is a good episode, it's stale, predictable, unfunny and boring, but that one scene turns it from a boring, but generally in-character character piece on Spike's self-esteem issues to an unfunny comedy that disrespects his character development up until that point.

Edited by Jordan D

Head admin and founder of MLPWiki.net. Lover of high adventure!

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S6 E10 "Applejack’s 'Day' Off"

When Applejack repairs the steam system at the spa. It shows how intelligent she is. Then, we see how she runs the farm, and learn that she's actually mindbogglingly STUPID! It made the episode TERRIBLE!








I really don't like HATE the second half of this episode. In my mind, it's a fifteen minute short.

Edited by cuteycindyhoney
  • Brohoof 2


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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What About Discord when Twilight tries to understand why everyone had a good weekend with Discord but everyone kept telling her that she wouldn’t understand because she wasn’t there. 

Edited by Twilight Luna
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2 hours ago, TBD said:
  • 28 pranks later-No one can take a freaking joke
  • To where and back again- Changelings reform
  • The perfect pear- elope
  • Fake it till you make it- wtfh fluttershy!?

That's all  I can think of for now. 

I was Rainbow Dash’es side until she went too far. I don’t mind that changelings reformed. It was not a bad way to do it and Chrysalis was still bad so it was ok to me. 

2 hours ago, Jordan D said:

There's a blink-and-you'll miss it scene in "Princess Spike" where Spike is trying to escape from a window when the mob catches up to him in Twilight's room, trying to runaway from his responsibility and pinning it all on Twilight. I'm not gonna say Princess Spike is a good episode, it's stale, predictable, unfunny and boring, but that one scene turns it from a boring, but generally in-character character piece on Spike's self-esteem issues to an unfunny comedy that disrespects his character development up until that point.

I completely agree with you but the episode wasn’t good to begin with.


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16 minutes ago, cuteycindyhoney said:

S6 E10 "Applejack’s 'Day' Off"

When Applejack repairs the steam system at the spa. It shows how intelligent she is. Then, we see how she runs the farm, and learn that she's actually mindbogglingly STUPID! It made the episode TERRIBLE!








I really don't like HATE the second half of this episode. In my mind, it's a fifteen minute short.

They could definitely do the same topic in a better way.


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5 minutes ago, Sepul-Coloratura said:

It didn’t bother me before. But when I think about it that way, it’s quite bad.

It bothered me the first time I watched it and I refuse to rewatch it. It’s so mean spirited towards Twilight. Having an inside joke is fine but don’t throw it in the face of the person who doesn’t get it. The Mane 5 were way very out of character. 

Edited by Twilight Luna
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Just now, Twilight Luna said:

It bothered me the first time I watched it and I refuse to rewatch it. It’s so mean spirited towards Twilight. Having an inside joke is fine but don’t throw it in the face of the person who doesn’t get it. The Mane 5 were way very out of character. 

I don’t mind having an inside joke and making her jealous because I can see Discord doing it. What wrong is all those times spend together was for other purposes. He faked friendship.


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MMDW would have been more tolerable had they gotten rid of the awful Sugarcube Corner scene of the remane 5 gloating about MMDW. It still wouldn’t be a good episode, but at least it wouldn’t have been a hypocritical dumpster fire 

  • Brohoof 1
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4 minutes ago, Sepul-Coloratura said:

I don’t mind having an inside joke and making her jealous because I can see Discord doing it. What wrong is all those times spend together was for other purposes. He faked friendship.

I don’t mind either but if you do it all the time, someone can feel left out like Twilight was. She was trying to get them to say what they did that was so fun but they refused to tell her. It seems like Discord has some kind of vendetta against Twilight or something since she’s the receiving end of a lot of his nonsense. 

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Just now, Twilight Luna said:

I don’t mind either but if you do it all the time, someone can feel left out like Twilight was. She was trying to get them to say what they did that was so fun but they refused to tell her. It seems like Discord has some kind of vendetta against Twilight or something since she’s the receiving end of a lot of his nonsense. 

It was more like impossible to tell her because it can’t be explained properly. Even when they did, she still dodn’t got it.


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12 minutes ago, This Whomps said:

MMDW would have been more tolerable had they gotten rid of the awful Sugarcube Corner scene of the remane 5 gloating about MMDW. It still wouldn’t be a good episode, but at least it wouldn’t have been a hypocritical dumpster fire 

I forgot to put that one in. Tricking Rainbow Dash might have been a right choice since her ego was grtting too huge, but not feeling sorry about making her feel miserable and even slightly enjoying it was not a good sight.


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5 minutes ago, Sepul-Coloratura said:

It was more like impossible to tell her because it can’t be explained properly. Even when they did, she still dodn’t got it.

Well, I think the final nail in the coffin was Twilight doing the same thing to Discord and everything was magically forgiven. 

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Just now, Twilight Luna said:

Well, I think the final nail in the coffin was Twilight doing the same thing to Discord and everything was magically forgiven. 

If you put it that way, this episode is so weird.

I still think inside jokes and jealousy parts are in the ‘ok’ area. Twilight at the end is giving Discord his own medicine, a slight payback and giving him a lesson by letting him know how being left out feels like and should not cause it. And Twilight definitely knows it already. I don’t think mane 5 was trying to mess with Twilight on purpose.

But I still get why so many people thinks this episode is one of the worst of MLP.

  • Brohoof 1


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3 hours ago, This Whomps said:

MMDW would have been more tolerable had they gotten rid of the awful Sugarcube Corner scene of the remane 5 gloating about MMDW. It still wouldn’t be a good episode, but at least it wouldn’t have been a hypocritical dumpster fire 

It took me forever to figure out what that stood for "The Mysterious Mare Do Well". Their gloating was a bit harsh, but I liked the episode. It made me think of Darkwing Duck! He was also a super arrogant superhero

Edited by cuteycindyhoney


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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So far, it takes more than just one thing to result in a bad episode. When it's bad, it's a combination of reasons why.

Nevertheless, each bad episode has a starting point sequentially. Some examples off the top of my head:

  • Griffon the Brush Off: Twilight accuses Pinkie (who was just whirlwinded away) of being jealous.
  • Boast Busters: Spike complimenting on Twilight's spell progress, when she only completed #25, and the spell she enacted was unimpressive.
  • Owl's Well: The entire episode sucked, but the moment it sucked is when Twilight vaguely introduced Spike to Owlowicious.
  • Dragon Quest: Spike's friends use racism and sexism towards dragon to make fun of Spike.
  • The Crystal Empire: Celestia assigns Twilight to protect the reborn kingdom, even though she can do it herself.
  • Rainbow Fails: Bulk Biceps, who took part in the Academy and was decent in his duty, couldn't fly.
  • Filli Vanilli: Pinkie mocks a distressed Big Mac by clucking in front of him.
  • Appleoosa's Most Wanted: Troubleshoes's flashback.
  • Brotherhooves Social: Big Mac's Adam's apple protrudes in grotesque fashion to conclude Sisterhood.
  • 28PL: Rainbow Dash pranks Fluttershy twice and is remoseless.
  • Fame & Misfortune: Twilight agrees to publish the friendship journal.
Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 1

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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Wow, everyone has a long list of bad things from many episodes, I guess I am a little too naive because I didn't disliked many episodes. But here is what I really hated!

Three's a crowd: Discord's behavior with Twilight, and especially Cadence. I never felt so much disliked for the overconfident chaotic fool, and I say he got what he deserves at the end.

The Matter of Principals: Again Discord being a total jerk and not even care if any of the children gets hurt, only because he holds grudge over Twilight and her friends, that's not funny, that's crossing the line.

Edited by Totally An Admirer
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The only bad episode IMO is 'Non Compete Clause' and what ruined it was the first scene with Dash and AJ being upset about Shy's award and at the same time bickering with each other. In that first scene the show is just telling us how awful was the episode going to be and it didn't let me enjoy it a bit, even if at second watch I could see some legitimately funny gags.

There have been other episodes which have similar low quality development IMO but with a nice premise at the beginning ('Hard to Say Anything' or 'The Cart Before the Ponies'), their interesting premises kept me curious at least half an episode, so they weren't bad overall.

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In no particular order: 

  • Pinkie Pie being a massive insensitive jerk towards Luna in “Luna Eclipsed” and her behaviour being brushed off as “genuis”. 
  • Pinkie Pie reducing Fluttershy to tears and Fluttershy’s stage fright being pushed to obnoxious levels in “Fili Vanili
  • Rainbow, Rarity and AJ being jerks to Trixie to push the artificial lesson of “Don’t show off”, when it was Trixie’s job in “Boast Busters”.
  • To the continue the Trixie hate, we have the entire Mane 6 being antagonistic towards Trixie in “Magic Duel”.  Not a single one of them feels any sympathy for ruining her life which is quite interesting now that they’re out there redeeming racists.
  • To close off the Trixie hate, we have Twilight still mistrusting Trixie in “No Second Prances” despite the fact the ending of Magic Duel implied they were on ok terms. It paints Twilight in a incredibly nasty light when she can forgive Starlight, the pony who tried to erase her friendship from history but is still holding a grudge against Trixie for her actions 3 seasons ago.  
  • Daybreaker being an extension of Starlight’s fears not Celestia’s in “A Royal Problem”. 
  • A Slice Of Life” being pure 100% fanservice and nothing else. 
  • Fame and Misfortune” when the writers decided to throw shade at accurate criticism of their work, i.e. Fluttershy’s characterisation prior to Season 5. Speaking of which ... 
  • Fluttershy allowing herself to be sold in “Trade Ya”.
  • Luna punishing herself in “Do Princesses Dream Of Magic Sheep” for much Equestria “suffered” because of Nightmare Moon despite the fact Equestria didn’t suffer under Nightmare Moon. 
Edited by RulesofRarity


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It usually doesn’t take one thing for me to call an episode bad, but Luna revealing the she was hurting herself, and the mane 6 just telling her to get over it really perturbed me, especially when it actually worked. That’s probably the only case of one thing ruining an episode.

Edited by BlackPony
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Griffon the Brush Off: Pinkie's third wheel antics escalated tensions. She should have let Gilda and Dash have their time together.

School Daze Part 2: Twilight doesn't learn a thing from her own many mistakes that got her school closed down in the first place. Instead she pulls a screw the rules I'm a princess and rebels. The new Young 6 never faced any punishment for their actions in part 1. It all gets swept under the rug because one pony has an opinion.

Edited by Singe
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