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Which episode(s) of FiM are the most mature?


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Perfect Pear. Ignoring the emotional elements of Bright Mac and Pear Butter, the story centers around a father who chooses pride and his business over his daughter. The resulting regret born by that decision and the tragedy of his daughters absence and missed moments makes for a poignant juxtaposition between Grand Pears redemptive story of healing and the knowledge that he will always be deprived a complete reconciliation. 


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"A Rockhoof and a Hard Place" might be the closest that show has gotten to addressing suicide and euthanasia.

"The Washouts" tackles the theme of accepting that your children have to make their own decisions in life, while also balancing it with the message that children need to be prepared to accept the consequences of their choices.

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In general, I think the show fails to address mature topics more often than it succeeds, so I find such episodes feel less mature than the silly cartoon stuff. But there are some which get it right. Off the top of my head: 

Equestria Games - Spike repeatedly embarrasses himself, yet the episode never plays this for a joke. We're always led to sympathize with his feelings of inferiority. 

Bloom and Gloom - A slightly removed look at a whole smorgasbord of childhood anxieties. Ends with the affirmation that, no matter how you feel, you're not alone. 

A Hearth's Warming Tale - A pretty confident affirmation of one of the show's biggest themes from season 5-7: someone can do the wrong thing for the wrong reasons, but that doesn't mean they can't change. That doesn't mean they don't want what's best. 

The Perfect Pear - Obligatory. 

Molt Down - Pretty direct take on puberty. Loses points for the action scene at the end though. 

The Hearth's Warming Club - Like "Molt Down," this is really direct in how it approaches the experience of being an orphan. If anything, it goes a step further than "The Perfect Pear." 

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a canterlot wedding part 1
seeing Twilight getting posesive of her brother and screwing everything up for a change
part 2 undid this, but for a brief momment between those two, we actually got a glimpse of what could be, and it didn't look good for our protagonist, her friends abandoned her, and Celestia's words utterly crushed her, to a point she started doubting herself, even though she felt she was doing the right thing, nopony stayed to try and help her get out of her situation, we see a similar thing in the movie, but at least spike stayed with her then

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So many good ones that I've already been beaten to, but holy shoot. No one's brought up Amending Fences or Sounds of Silence yet even though those are fan favorites. :laugh: Amending Fences is sure to touch kids who grow up to be introverts and Sounds of Silence is sure to inspire kids who grow up to be extroverts, need I say more. For less popular episodes, I'll also say Marks and Recreation, being that it teaches kids they can't escape maturity, Flutter Brutter, being that it teaches the importance of independence, and Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, which teaches the importance of letting go of the past. There are still plenty of episodes with mature themes and morals, but those are all of the ones that come to my mind instantly for episodes with both mature themes and mature morals. 

Edited by CloudMistDragon
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Flutter Brutter- For having a surprisingly relatable character with a fear of failure that anyone young or old can identify with.

Testing Testing 1,2,3.- There's more than one way of tackling a problem

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