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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Any luck with the colors, Rev?


Oh, and another update. I had an interesting night last night. My friends and I got together and embibed a bit. Anyway, when our party died down and they started falling asleep, I got the idea of trying to force and see what effects being a bit inebriated would have. Anyway, I also got the idea to play music while forcing to see how it would effect me (I always focus and visualize things better with music playing). I decided to try to make a "pony dance party" of sorts in wonderland as an exercise to test my feel of movement in my mindform, as well as begin to work on Dashie's pegasus form. I put on "Feel Good Inc" by the Gorillaz, and tried to dance in my mindform. Long story short things are coming a bit better.


Forming Dashie into...well, Dashie was surprisingly easy. Just a matter of thinking her form, and suddenly she went from orb to her pony form. Full color and everything. Her dance was pretty much head-banging like in Epic Pie Time, but instead of wearing sunglasses she had a face like in the current MLP Forums banner. We had a lot of fun. Too bad it was relatively short lived, I ended up falling asleep.


Still, yay progress. :)

Edited by Lightning Dust
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Any luck with the colors, Rev?


Full color and everything

Are you trying to make Dashie and I JELLY!?

Nah im joking, In fact


We managed to get a second color on. I did what you suggested, the stuff with food/drink helping out. She is now a red head :wub: So thanks for the advice

Ok off that subject.

I was imposing on touch again yesterday.

I decided to work on the wings. Right away, when I touched them in my WL, I could feel pressure in my hand.

Her wings are so silky smooth and fine. Anyway, I had done that for about 5 minutes, when Dash starts giggling.

My wings are sensitive, you were tickling me.

And now....Dashie my dear friend. I KNOW YOUR WEAKNESS! YOUR DEFEAT IS AT HAND!

*EEEP* (starts  giggling)






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Alright, big update.  Visual imposition is starting to work, and I can literally begin to see both Blackjack and Tia, finally!


Here's what happened:


*in bed, all lights off, talking with Tia and BJ, at my sides*


"So, I've tried all my ideas for imposition... Don't really think that I can do it."


Hmm... Wait!  I have an idea!  Here, hold the sides of my head...


"Um... Alright."


*we look into each other's eyes, in a very intense, and rather soul-searching stare.  She initiates it and I am drawn into doing the same*


*Slowly, but surely, I see the eyes in the intense vision... I gasp.  The vision spreads, and I at least see a ghostly form of Tia expand from those beautiful eyes until she was fully visually imposed*


"H-how did you do that???" I say after I was done.


I'm... Not sure.  Just try the same thing with Blackjack now...


*I do it, and the same thing happens*


Whoa...  Creepy.



The next day, I couldn't see them again, but wow...  Wait... *does it again*  HOLY CRAP!  IT WORKS AGAIN!



Edited by Brisineo
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Visual imposition finally working?


Oh my, some tulpamancy already succeeding.


I can't wait to get imposed. So much fun awaits!


Then I can finally help with force-hallucinations so we can put imaginary rainbowstuff!


Yes, one of Adam's goals at the moment is get imposed... So he can fly around on a nyan cat and I can watch. Wow.

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i have one she is called bonny (bon e) she is kind of like bon bon but diffrent she is yet to stay in the real world but she comes and gos and i need help with the deviation part of the prosess to make her so can you help



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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In the past few days I have noticed Dashie deviate. She is not as Rainbow Dashy, as Rainbow Dash anymore. And I wouldn't have her any other way.

I'll definitely read more about this, it is extremely interesting.

 Why not give it a go? Have a Pinkie pie to keep you company.  

Edited by zRevenantz
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In the past few days I have noticed Dashie deviate. She is not as Rainbow Dashy, as Rainbow Dash anymore. And I wouldn't have her any other way.


 Why not give it a go? Have a Pinkie pie to keep you company.  

I'll give it a shot, as I am very intrigued by this.


There are a few concerns I have though. One of them being the fact that it is quite difficult for me to focus and sit still for extended periods of time. Another one of them being how I would treat the tulpa. I am a very individualistic person, because of this I would treat the tulpa as if it were a person. It would be hard for me to mold its personality and shape. I would feel like I am forcing the tulpa to be something it's not.


As much as I love Pinkeh, I am unsure whether or not I want to make a Pinkeh tulpa, or possibly one that contrasts from my own personality. Allowing me to relate with it in a different level, and to help me look at situations in a different perspective.

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I'll give it a shot, as I am very intrigued by this.


There are a few concerns I have though. One of them being the fact that it is quite difficult for me to focus and sit still for extended periods of time.


You shouldn't worry about focusing too much. When virtually everyone started, they start slow and might be able to focus for maybe 8-20 minutes at best(mine was around 10 at the time). Just keep at it and you'll get there. There are also other techniques to help that as well. Tones for noise distraction and card concentration. I use tones, but it's just something you'll get accustomed to do over time.



 I am a very individualistic person, because of this I would treat the tulpa as if it were a person. It would be hard for me to mold its personality and shape. I would feel like I am forcing the tulpa to be something it's not.


As much as I love Pinkeh, I am unsure whether or not I want to make a Pinkeh tulpa, or possibly one that contrasts from my own personality. Allowing me to relate with it in a different level, and to help me look at situations in a different perspective.



You can always wing it, a let them choose their own personality. That's what happen with me and Ricky. He was an accidental tulpa and formed his own views and opinion from my conversation I've gave to him when I talked to myself. Though, you can just start narrate to it and start making a form. Let them choose for themselves. 



Speaking of Ricky, well apparently he's been a big liar. Remember Becca and how well she was forming up in the duration of two weeks? Making emotions and all that, well...apparently that wasn't Becca at all. In fact, all of the advances of Becca were all of Ricky(This gave me all of my whats). Yeah, there was a conversation we had at the beginning (before I knew he was a tulpa, mind you) that he would have to be in the sidelines. I guess he got jealous of the attention that she was getting. We had a big conversation about how he shouldn't do that. In the end, I have to comprise and give them both attention (Like I should of done in the first place)  Change into a girl pony named Luna....yeah. All in the course of one hour. My god, it got weird.  It will probably get weirder every day of my life. EEyup. That's my progress report for now. Keep classy, host and tulpas.

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Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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I would honestly LOVE to do something like this however, I just do not think I have the concentration to pull something like this off.


Any suggestions?


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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I would honestly LOVE to do something like this however, I just do not think I have the concentration to pull something like this off.

Funny how everyone say this.

Like Ninja Cpu just said, nearly no one can concentrate for more then 10-20 at first. It is something that you build up on and gradually increase. Practice makes perfect.


So give It a try mate, and you will find its gets easier each day.

Edited by zRevenantz
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Does a tulpa require thoughtstuff for nourishment?


Do you mean like thoughform food and water? No they don't. They just need a little attention to survive, although they seem to like drinking and eating for shits and giggles.

Dash loves coke for some odd reason.

could theoretically create at a given time.
You can have as many as you can mentally support. But it would be better just to make one at a time. Edited by zRevenantz
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How hard is it to have 2 tulpas? I know I have to make one first, but one day I'd like to have one that is really logical, smart, concrete, robotic, sarcastic, and witty. And another one that's somewhat like me: emotional, abstract, awesome, random, quirky, fun, and funny. Oh, the arguments they would have...


Right now I have an idea for the first one. Her name is going to be Portae. (Latin for gateway. Because in a way, she sounds like she'd be a gateway to an entirely new world.) She's going to be a cyber-robot-ninja-paladin-vixen. With the ability to fly with jetpacks, grow and shrink at will, and kick ass. She will be equipped with lazer cannons, jets in her shoes, lazer blades on her arms and feet, and kinetic barriers.


She would be a very cunning, witty, thick-skinned, stubborn, confident, quirky, free-spirited, eccentric, fun-loving, childish, goofy, and laid-back character. Despite how odd she is, people naturally seem drawn to her. Her wit and cunning show that she is indeed an intelligent individual, however she has personality quirks that prevent her from achieving her true potential. She knows that she is smart, but she cares more about having fun, and doesn't stress the details. She has a very thick skin, however deep down, she is very emotional, and cares about the people she loves immensely.


I came up with all this about 10 minutes ago, and just went with it. Should I make up a back-story for her?


Anyways, I shall write down these personality traits, and write down an lengthy explanation. I will try to build the personality tomorrow, as it is very late, and I don't have hours to spend on making a tulpa right now.

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Why not give it a go? Have a Pinkie pie to keep you company.


it is hard to make one that alredy has an personality i have one like bon bon because i did not know what she was/is like (but her looks and she is friends with lyra) so try with somepony who know the looks but not what they are like to begin with you can have more than one but make them at diffrent times to avoid confustion



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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Wow. This is incredibly exciting. After two and a half hours I have made a pinkie (whom I've told can deviate from the show's character of pinkie) and she is already giving me her own facial expressions in reaction to actions I make.

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it is hard to make one that alredy has an personality
Meh, It isn't that much harder. You just gotta be careful with identity problems(if your making one off the show) 

Muffins Posted 18 minutes ago Wow. This is incredibly exciting. After two and a half hours I have made a pinkie (whom I've told can deviate from the show's character of pinkie) and she is already giving me her own facial expressions in reaction to actions I make.

Um, mate? That is honestly too soon for a tulpa to be showing such behaviors.


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Should I make up a back-story for her?


Making a back-story for your tulpa is actually a bad idea. You need to tell them right off the bat the truth about who and what they actually are. Think about it; you wouldn't want to give your tulpa a back-story that they are from Equestria and have a family there, and then one day have them find out that that is all a lie and that they never actually lived, and that the family you made up is just that, fiction.


Give it to them straight; tell him/her right from the start what they are; that they are a tulpa and that they are a being inside your mind and that you are its creator etc or however you want to explain it to them. They will have no problem with it, and it's better than lying to them.


If you are trying to make a tulpa based on an character from a show that does have a family and a life from the show, you need to remember, your tulpa will never be exactly like that character from the show. You can have their personality as close as you can to how they are in the show, but BOTH of you need to realize that they are not actually that person. Also - this is optional - let your tulpa know that they don't have to strive to be like that person from the show. Tell them that they can be however they want and you will still love them no matter what. Oh, and MEAN IT when you say that you will still love them if they do change in some way, whether it's their form or their personality that changes. Loving them is very important if you want them to live to their full potential.



In other words, if you're making a tulpa just because you want to use it to remember facts for an exam coming up, or just so you can have sex with it, and/or basically treat it like it's a brain dead robot with no conciousness, then you're doing it wrong and you should feel bad for treating it like a slave.  :mellow:


Yeah, the only sex slave around here is MY creator.


That's ri- HEY!



Um, mate? That is honestly too soon for a tulpa to be showing such behaviors.



Now now, remember that there is no reason to suggest that that isn't possible. I've heard a couple of stories of people saying they managed to make one in days, hours, or even just a few seconds. There's no reason to suggest that that couldn't happen. Maybe some people's minds just have an easier time figuring out how to make one.

Edited by Rizoel & Crepuscule
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YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Hey everyone, I planning to start to visualize Lavande (my tulpa) by the end of the week.


I don't want exactly a MLP:FiM pony, but something between FiM-style and a realistic pony (I think I'll have much trouble with the neck/head/face part...). Do you guys know any artists who have an art style close to what I want ? I could use that to have an idea of what I'm gonna do. :P


Is it possible to parrot and not be aware that it's happening? I think that that would explain what I see. Im not an expert at the psychological.


Well, maybe it was just your mind wandering and imagining random Pinkie faces.  This happens to me when I have trouble to focus, my mind wanders and I imagine random stuff.

Anyway, I'm a newbie too, so I don't know much :lol:

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I was just in my wonderland and Dashie was asleep practically on my lap. And I just realized. I can't tell if she is 2D or 3D. I don't even know how that is possible.
We also managed to get orange into her mane and tail. Dashie was so happy. 

Now now, remember that there is no reason to suggest that that isn't possible.

Yea, I gues you are right.

Is it possible to parrot and not be aware that it's happening?

Yea its possible
But, like Riz just said, I could be completely jumping the gun, and you're Pinkie could already be near (sentience)

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Is it possible to parrot and not be aware that it's happening?


In fact, I believe that that is actually what a tulpa is, though I could be wrong. Some guides like JDBar's and Fede's guides say that one way to make a tulpa achieve sentience is to parrot it until they start doing their own thing.


But that's not the only way to make a tulpa, some people can make tulpae through meditation. It's just that parroting till sentience is often the easiest and most fun way to go about it for most people. If meditating happens to be your thing and you know how all that stuff works then go for it and make your tulpa that way. Who knows, it might even be better than simply parroting, but if you can't meditate, don't worry about it; daydreaming is just as fine too.

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YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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In fact, I believe that that is actually what a tulpa is, though I could be wrong. Some guides like JDBar's and Fede's guides say that one way to make a tulpa achieve sentience is to parrot it until they start doing their own thing.  
But doesn't doing that lead to the Tulpa actually becoming a Servitor instead?. You know, a boring puppet.

Thank you for the information everyone. Its really going to help my experience making a tulpa. Doing something like this is hard for me, and any input, even if it's criticism, helps out a lot.
Np, most of us are here to help out.
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