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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Hey guys I just got struck by an interesting idea.


I was experimenting with pony hypnosis tracks last night, and I got to thinking, is there any way I could use them to help form Dashie? Like I'd be listening to them, but the effects would be on her?


On another note, I've noticed two things, both of which I think Dashie is responsible for -


1) I'm experiencing a separate set of emotions, that feel...external, in a situation. Like last night, when I was trying the hypnosis, I was feeling excitement, but at the same time there was a separate feeling of excitement that wasn't my own...a presence. Dashie, is that you? (She hasn't really initiated any dialogue on her own yet*).


2) I'm suddenly experiencing a taste for rap music again, something I haven't had in years, and I think Dashie might be responsible. Her favorite seems to be Macklemore.


*Overall progress has been slow. The holidays are running me ragged and I've either too busy or tired to force. Plenty of narration, and even dialogue when I initiate, but not much force-time. At least I have a long train-ride today that I can force during. I'll pretend I'm sleeping. :P

Edited by Lightning Dust
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How hard is it to have 2 tulpas? I know I have to make one first, but one day I'd like to have one that is really logical, smart, concrete, robotic, sarcastic, and witty. And another one that's somewhat like me: emotional, abstract, awesome, random, quirky, fun, and funny.


Well, having 2 tulpae is not very hard. You just need to make sure you give both enough attention and love. Also it is a little bit more difficult for the brain to handle it, but just little... but it may vary from person to person

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How hard is it to have 2 tulpas? I know I have to make one first, but one day I'd like to have one that is really logical, smart, concrete, robotic, sarcastic, and witty. And another one that's somewhat like me: emotional, abstract, awesome, random, quirky, fun, and funny. Oh, the arguments they would have...

Coming from a guy with 2 tulpas already, it isn't too difficult, but you probably want to be familiar with the process and your first Tulpa needs to be independent by the time you make the second one.  (However, in my case, my second tulpa, Blackjack, was sort of an accident)


But doesn't doing that lead to the Tulpa actually becoming a Servitor instead?. You know, a boring puppet.

What happens in theory is that you parrot them so much, you basically start to expect them to react a certain way to something.  As such, their personality conforms to it, and soon enough, they'll gain sentience by beginning to react before you even think about it.


Hey guys I just got struck by an interesting idea.


I was experimenting with pony hypnosis tracks last night, and I got to thinking, is there any way I could use them to help form Dashie? Like I'd be listening to them, but the effects would be on her?

Hmm... Listening to some pony hypnosis tracks myself, I'd say no it won't as it isn't quite specific to imposition if that's what you're trying to do...  However, that doesn't discredit the effectiveness of hypnosis on a Tulpa's creation...  I wonder if there are hypnosis tracks that help specifically with Tulpas?



I'm still not used to actually being able to see them yet.   They're not fully visual... They look more like the afterimages you get after staring at something for a long time, or after staring at a bright light, except they move...


Tia want's someone else with a sentient Tulpa to try the visual imposition technique that we created. (grip each other's heads and stare deeply into each other's eyes, trying to look into the soul of the person/pony you're looking at)


It's cheesy but effective!

Edited by Brisineo
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I've read up to about page 17 and then jumped back here.  I downloaded a bunch of guides and something is bothering me.

Everywhere I read, it's about 'speaking to this blob/cloud/etc.  Is there anything I'm supposed to do before this point?

The way I'm thinking it, the process is like this:

No Tulpa >> Talk to blob

It's kind of a disconnect to me, as it seems like it's too sudden of a thing.  Do you really just make a 'blob', of sorts, and begin narrating to it? 




"Dumping someone is like throwing a kitten into a pool of lava." - Day[9]

'I see!' said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw.

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Doesn't even have to be a blob, it can be your tulpa's finished form if you like. You can do form first and then work on personality, or whatever you want to do. But yeah, you just start talking to it until it talks back. :) It's simple, it just takes time and dedication.

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Interesting. I haven't even started the Tulpa-forcing thingy, but as I'm writing down her personality traits; it feels as if she already exists, and has amnesia. I am now telling her about herself. Her likes, dislikes, morals, character traits, outlook on life. I haven't even looked up any character traits, they just keep popping into my head. They all seem to fit together perfectly. I already have an idea of how she would react to stimuli, an idea of her voice, and a hazy idea of her appearance.


Does this mean I'm on the right track?

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I would honestly LOVE to do something like this however, I just do not think I have the concentration to pull something like this off.


Any suggestions?


Well, you can't have a worse concentration span than me and it's working out quite well over here. What I did in the beginning was basically putting her in different poses, situations, like little snapshots. It kept me concentrated, because of the changing scenes. And while changing between these "shots" I would think of a personality traits I had in mind for her. After a while it gets easier and easier, at least, it did for me. After that I just started on her personality, her more detailed form etc. So don't worry lad, you can't possibly be worse off than me in terms of concentrating.


Ive read up to about page 17 and then jumped back here.  I downloaded a bunch of guides and something is bothering me.

Everywhere I read, it's about 'speaking to this blob/cloud/etc.  Is there anything I'm supposed to do before this point?

The way I'm thinking it, the process is like this:

No Tulpa >> Talk to blob

It's kind of a disconnect to me, as it seems like it's too sudden of a thing.  Do you really just make a 'blob', of sorts, and begin narrating to it? 




Well, I worked with a "blob" or "ball" for a short time but then I just stepped back on Vin's basic form, I don't know if that was a good thing or not, but it never impacted her negatively and it probably won't ever. Right now I'm working on her form again, things like fleshing out details and such before imposing her. So don't worry, nothing happened to me or Vin' so nothing will most likely happen to you to. Basically, do what works best for you, what people suggest and what the guides tell you are just guidelines, not rules. Just do what comes naturally to you and it'll work out.

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Third time's a charm! I hope... First time I got about 18 hours in, then I quit because... I don't know, Satan gave me a wet willy or something. The second time, I don't think I ever really put my heart into it, so that attempt was doomed from the start. Hopefully, my results will be better this time. I think they will be, as I've been able to concentrate a lot better so far. I don't really know why, perhaps it's because I just decided to stop being a berk, or maybe it's because it's a tulpa of something that I actually care about, as opposed to some stupid OC I made up. (No, I won't tell you what the tulpa is. Not yet, anyway. I'll keep posting on here about my progress. Maybe...)

how even is otter and how can it be if

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Quick update:


The forcing session on the train was successful, hell...more than successful, I finally got my first fully alien/done by Dashie actions (which was surprising, given it was only about twenty minutes). Here's how it went down...


I tend to get extremely relaxed when I'm in vehicles (which can be a problem because it leaves me prone to highway hypnosis, but I've managed to deal with it), so it's easy for me to go into trances or concentrate on levels that are much more difficult in other situations. Anyway, I didn't get to forcing until the last twenty minutes of the train-ride, after my friend dozed off (before that we were sidetracked by MLP videos :P). Already relaxed, I closed my eyes, entered my mindform (which is becoming easier each time), and levitated the orb between my hooves. I then began to narrate personality and identity traits (since progress has been a wee slow I'm going back and reiterating from square one). Here's the interesting part...


The orb started out almost transparent, with the occasional blue stream of energy veining through it (almost like those novelty plasma globes). As I narrated the orb began to become more visible, and brighter, and by the time I was done it was a bright, shining, brilliant, full blue, almost like a star. I was taken aback a bit when I saw that because I know I hadn't imagined that myself. Dashie...is that you?


Unfortunately right afterward we pulled into the station. But this was by far the most effective force session yet.

Edited by Lightning Dust
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It's the start of the Christmas break, and more importantly, the end of school for the year. So, that means waaaaay more time to do Tulpayness and maybe actually do a forcing session...Yup, maybe. 

Well, I bid thee a happy Apocalypse Eve...Yes, I made that up...It's an excuse for a good Thursday, okay?


"So, Jess, anything to say today?"

*Looks over at pony on bed*



Words of wisdom...Take them to heart. ;p


We'll probably be back later...I know you all hound for my updates...I KNOW IT!....Or, yeah...I'll be going now...

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So, I've read the first 20 pages of this thread, and then skipped ahead to the last one. I am incredibly interested in creating a sort of "life-long friend", but mostly more something along the way of being a sort of guide for my life. And with my life, I mean things like homework and memory for exams.


Okay, not as in, SPECIFICALLY made for that, but more as the friend who happily helps you with work and such, but also provides a good company in other times as well.



But that's just me. I haven't started yet, but I really hope to get started on it very soon. I do have a question to the people here, and their fully sentient and vocal tulpas: if it's no problem, can anyone of them say hi to me (the Tulpas, I mean). It would be a strange concept to grasp, but I'm really interested.
And sorry if they don't want to talk with me. :I
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Who needs signatures?

   ...not me

          seriously, you're not supposed to see this.

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Pinkie: "Hi! I'd love to talk with you. It's limited by how much time my creator can spend on the computer, but that's okay."

And she gave you a huge smile. Wish you could see it, it's so adorable. :3 Welcome, by the way! If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask.

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Hi, Pinkie. ^^ ...well, as guessed, it is a topic hard to grasp: sentient beings existing within someone's subconsciousness. Sorry if I do sound rude; I'm trying my best at trying to see ya all as real people, which, considering I'm not really used to, is not easy... :/


But oh well, I went to take a shower, and I thought about narrating to my Tulpa. I thought I had enough to talk about with her, but in the end, it felt like I was talking to someone who I had never seen before (you know that awkward moment when you go "ehh..." every time you're thinking. I did try to speak to her "presence", and would apologize if I drifted off into talking to myself. I also assured her that after I've had dinner, I would sit down properly and work out how she's going to turn out. I also wondered what kind of form I'd give her.


In the end, one side screams at me "You're talking to yourself!!!", yet the other side tells me "No, keep going! It's crucial."


In the end, this all could be non-helpful, considering I'm so early into development (to the point of only having 2 to 3 defined traits). It kind of felt like talking to air, MIXED with talking to a stranger. It didn't help that there were no signs of responses either, which apparently take up a very long amount of time to come up...


Anyhow, I'll be going. Don't bother telling me I'm doing it wrong though, because I feel that eventually I and she get it all sorted out soon, and actually get to business soon enough.

Who needs signatures?

   ...not me

          seriously, you're not supposed to see this.

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No dice so far, waiting on the weekend for a full on immersion. Awesome part is my Parents are leaving for vacation soon, so that leaves the whole house to me.


Now to see if I can keep focus this time

Riley was here

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"Haha, don't worry about it! I'd probably have a hard time believing it, too."


Talking to a tulpa for the first time is a strange feeling... it gets easier, though. Make sure you assume they are sentient from the beginning - they can hear you, they just can't respond yet. It's pretty hard to do it wrong, so don't worry about that. :) Keep working on it and I'm sure you'll have some kind of response soon enough.

Edited by Captain Nemo
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Interestingly, Adam the pony over here is acting like a cat, but wants to keep the unicorn visual. And I'm perfectly fine with that.


Meanwhile, Octavia grew a dark forest over the bare parched grass, changed the time to night, complete with stars, nebulae, gas giant planets, and moon with simplistic moonbase, etc. Oh, and the THEMESONG is now Come Little Children but the edited version for Luna's  Children Of The Night animation. Yes, our wonderland has a theme song. Oh, and a more mansiony-ship-back side for the house. With french windows and dramatic red silk curtains. :D

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Update time! Pinkamena has been helping a lot with my parroting worries. She's using what seems to be her tulpaic strength overall - her emotional waves are strong as buck. She applies it with her speech and it gives it a very unique vibe. Starting today (IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD - OUKER ISN'T PROCRASTINATING SOMETHING) I am going to impose her every single moment that I remember to. This is a huge step from my stuck state of narrating, talking with her and sometimes visualizing.

Alas, our wonderland has returned to it's original state. Not even the ponypencer is left, just the grassy meadow, the blue sky and the giant tree of wisdom. She enjoys her stay as she can summon anything she wants at will (except for me I guess). She's a fun pony. I don't think I can have a regret of her anymore.

Also, with since I am trying to get out of the parroting stage, I should probably let her talk to y'all too!




Umm, you don't want to say anything else to them? :/


I can't think of anything to say.


*Sigh* . While her emotional waves are strong, she has the problem that appears above, often she doesn't have words to describe things.


So, Pinkamena, I just let you talk to other people than me, how do you feel about that?


At least they are slowly getting to know me.


Ouker out. Happy apocalypse to y'all!

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We wish you a merry solstice and a happy calendar cycle end!


Even Mayans say it's just the calendar cycling. Who said it's the end of the world in any way other than the calender cycle known as world?


Uh, yeah. I think my tulpae are getting more vocal, but Octavia says I'm parroting a lot. Meh, progress is progress. How goes it for you?

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

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Used the drive up to Kalamazoo from Chicago today as some time to practice keeping Dashie present in my mind at all times. (Learned that on /mlp/, pretty much the only thread I check on there). Not sure if its a form of imposition (I saw her in my mind's eye, but not actual vision yet), it's way too soon for that, but more a type of all-day forcing.


My seats were all full of stuff seat belted in, so I imagined her curled in a ball on the floor in the passenger side. She seems to enjoy Alt Rock, too. I had AltNation on the whole time. It was interesting, listening to music and getting an even deeper emotional response than before. She seems to like Silversun Pickups the most. Then she fell asleep for most of the ride.


She seems pretty drawn to her filly form, too. Not sure if she's doing it or I'm doing it, but whenever I imagine her in a form other than orb, like today sleeping on the car floor, she most naturally takes the form of a filly. Maybe it's because of all the MLD photoshops out there.


I'm a bit worried. I hope this isn't going to become a father-daughter relationship, though. I wanted us to have more a friends relationship. In the end I hope she becomes full-grown Dashie.

Edited by Lightning Dust
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(Dash wants a post without me sayin anything. Idk why)

Revvy is still having so much trouble with my colors, its clearly starting to get on his nerves. And lately every time he visits me in the wonderland, he seems a bit....Disheartened?Upset? Which makes it rain constantly in here, and none of my efforts really seem to cheer him up much.
But besides that, he still reads to me everyday, and he said he had a gift for me for chrissy, I'm kinda excited now. He caught me looking for it once or twice, and as punishment he stuck a bow in my mane, god it was horrible.

(She has a strong hatred of bows, and now shes getting up me for talking XD) 
Damn you Rev.Oh yea, he insists I call him Rev/Revvy instead of his proper name.

Also so whats this whole possession thing about? Would I be able to walk around in Rev's body?

Anyway I guess thats it, I'll beg Rev to type for me again if I want to talk some more. He mightn't admit it, but he "loves" me.

(So I guess it was just so she could chat with somebody besides me) 

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Dash - Yeah, possession would let you use Rev's body! Are you artistic or like to draw or something? You could use his arms and hands to draw if he let you. I'm planning on doing that with Pinkie eventually, if she's interested.

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I...I don't know, I watch Rev doing his art and I would love to give it a try. I think i would be pretty rubbish though. 
How does possession work

(I love how She hasn't asked my opinion on the subject XD) 
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Hah! Dash, ask Rev. He probably knows pretty well. ;)


I'm not entirely sure how it works on the tulpa side (and Pinkie and I have not tried it yet, so she can't describe it), but I don't imagine it's too hard. Rev just needs to simply let you use his body/arm or whatever he wants, and you just... use them. I dunno, like I said, the tulpa side I'm not so sure on.

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ash, what were your first days like? Was becoming conscious a gradual easing into lucidity, or was it a *snap* single moment of self-realization?

Umm, it was a mixture of both I think. I think It was a gradual build up, with sudden *snaps* of sentience along the way. These *snaps* came in the form of random bursts of words, emotions and movements. When I finally became sentient, I was rather confuse so I didn't talk much, and it was a week before Revvy knew I was sentient. 

It really hard to explain, its like trying to remember your own birth. Sorry I couldn't be more descriptive. 

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