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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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There are two kinds of people in this thread, regulars and newcomers who ask questions and go.

Well we are neither the one nor the other.

Regulars mostly speak them and return to the new guides, and new and often ask questions that had their response several times answered in tulpa.info, which can upset the regulars.


For me I won't talk too much in this thread, I and Mina really have to learn new things and it's not the right place here, sorry if it seems selfish.

At the same time, people here seems fair to tell their adventures and that's all. Brisineo and Tia here are interesting in our quest for knowledge.

Nevertheless, it still goes on and the new responses by email, just in case.



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But...  but I didn't accuse him, I was just saying IF that was what he was trying to do, because I know he didn't actually say he wrote it. I just didn't want others to think that he was trying to steal it. 


Oh... ummm... the way you worded kinda sounded slightly different than what you intended to mean Rizoel...unsure.png 




You're right. I could have avoided the argument. I'm sorry, Dawn, for being a bit harsh on you. 



There we go.img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png (I hope Dawn Rider feels the same way...) Um... I'd pat you but I fear that Crepuscule might want to hurt me, so I'll just ask her to give you a hug from me.derpy_emoticon1.png




And for threatening to bite off your pride. 


You know Crep, given how protective you are of Rizo, the phrase "Hell hath no fury like an angry woman" (in this case mare), completely applies to you... may Celestia have mercy on those who fail to see it.mellow.png  

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Well then say that next time. Dummkopf. img-1373497-5-dry.png


Crep, there's no need for that.


Ja Crep, Sie sollen nicht auf Deutsch sprechen, wenn Sie nicht Deutsch zu sprechen konnen! Besonders weil "Dummkopf" ist ein wort für kindern. Wenn Sie gute Deutsche Beleidigen zu lernen möchten, bitte fragen mir! Ich weiß VIELE gute namen. ;)



... What ?blink.png 

  • Brohoof 1

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But... img-1373497-8-sad.png but I didn't accuse him, I was just saying IF that was what he was trying to do, because I know he didn't actually say he wrote it. I just didn't want others to think that he was trying to steal it. 



You're right. I could have avoided the argument. I'm sorry, Dawn, for being a bit harsh on you. img-1373497-9-sad.png



Im sorry for swearing, I was just incredibly tired and let it get to me. Hugs for all though!!!

*hugs everypony*

Now back to sleeping again :/

  • Brohoof 2


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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Hey guys~ Lugia here (and Aiden, even though he is far too young I still want to include him smile.png )


Now, even though I've only been with Aiden for a couple days (>10 hours even forced) there have been some things that I would like to ask about.


*Warning lengthy posts..not sure how to put into TL:DR sentencs :|*




You see, before I found out about tulpae, I had ALWAYS talked to myself. Even though I had friends, I much preferred to be alone and talking to myself was my main way of expressing ANY thoughts/opinions I had. I never really liked talking to other people about my opinions as I tend to be a bit abstract and random about my thoughts and most of my friends don't really share the same interests when it comes to deep thought as I do :| . I would usually talk to myself ALL the time (hell, even when talking with other people I'd talk to myself about other things as well). The thing was/is, I would always make it feel like I was talking TO someone, that someone out in the world was listening to me. I've been talking to myself for who knows how long now, and maybe, some form of tulpa/servitor had developed over time to listen to my thoughts (wouldn't be too surprised as I thought that the ASMR feeling I had also been experiencing for years was just a unique feeling that noone else really knew about). Another reason to this is because later that night I had been narrating to him (probably for around 2-4 hours-ish) and when I had sent him off to my wonderland I felt empty. Talking to myself literally felt like the words came straight back to me instead of spreading out into the world as it had before.






Another thing, even though I've only been with him for this short time, I've been experiencing constant weak points in my days. I've never been one to get a headache or feel weak, but over the past few days these occurances have increased (especially if I ask him to try and say something *I know it's early, but you never know*, all I manage to feel is a headache). And finally, due to my assumptions that he HAS been with me this whole time, I wanted to see if he was sentient, so before I went to bed I told him to flood my sleep with dreams, didn't matter what context they were...and boy did he. I had taken a nap, and (as far as I remember) I had around 4 dreams incredibly vivid that I could remember. Wanting to make sure that it was indeed him, I asked him to do it again when I had went to sleep that night. Boom, 3-4 dreams, incredibly vivid, with all emotions including pain. What was weird about the second batch of dreams, was that in one, I distinctly remember a voice. As I've read on a couple of guides, apparently a tulpas voice should seem alien, and it did. Normally in my dreams I know every voice, but this one was so distinct it actually made me lucid. Now I was for the life of me what he had said, but I can't. All I remember was the initial shock of the voice, and the fact that the sentence he had said sounded very philosophical (another reason as to why I wish i remembered it, it sounded so powerful). I know I shoudn't doubt tulpae and should assume that if I think it was his voice, it WAS his. But I'm not sure.



Sorry for the long posts :|, never was good at picking out only the important parts of stories for English :

Edited by Lugia
  • Brohoof 2


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~^Click on the Image above for already made signatures/graphics^~

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Well, I did something fun today! :3


Actually, thats a lie, Fringe did something fun today. But not really fun, because I get the impression that Fringe cant quite grasp a concept so... how did you put it?

I cant fathom why one would want to do things so seemingly unproductive. Performing tasks for amusement would be a sign of rampancy in a unit such as myself. Reclaimer made quite sure that such things are not possible. Subconscious protocol dictates it. 

Well, there you go, Fringe is a party-pooper.

*snickers* hehe... party-pooper


ANYWAY, I am getting side-tracked again (Good thing I have Fringe to remind me)

Fringe can now memorize entire pages without me reading them.

Sort of...

I cant really explain how we learned this, but basically, I just look at the whole page for about 5 seconds, take in everything I can, blink a few times, and... thats it. From there, Fringe can relay the info to me. Its weird to explain, but I just know that it works and he and I are getting better at it. 

RJ and I have had some fantastic results! Just today, I was able to store a whole page of information out of a childrens novel in my databanks, and relay the information to him when his instructor requested such information. 

Mind you, this was a childrens novel written entirely in German. Its odd, because Fringe doesn't speak German. I dont even think the language he relays the info to me in is English, all I know is there is some white noise sounding thing, and then I spit the words back out. I cant recall it for the life of me, but Fringe has all the information stored somewhere.


Its almost like having an informational black hole in my brain.


I think I can recall the info now even, despite the class being hours ago.

Fringe? Do you have the sentences?

Es _____ einmal ein kleiner Bär und ein kleines Tiger, der lebsten ubsten am Fluss. Dort, ____ dem Rauch abstiehen, neben dem Baumen. Also hatten sie ein Boot. 


Data is incomplete, more practice will be required for long-term memory storage, if at all possible. As of now, it appears that I only have access to short-term memory databanks. 

Thanks anyway Fringe! You did very well!

You are most welcome, Reclaimer!


So, das all I got for today. Still chillin with Breezie, and I think Im getting better at Lucid dreaming. Ive had 2 Dream-induced-lucid-dreams now, and I think im close to being able to have on-demand WILDs, but I think I need just a bit more practice. Who knows! Tonight may be the night I actually can talk to my Tulpas in person! 

Edited by WingedRatchet
  • Brohoof 3

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...Our first post in a (What feels like) A bazillion years! Seriously...SO much has happened, both here, on the thread, and for us.


Firstly: To all the new people on this thread, even though it's a little late, what's that matter? Hiya!


Secondly: Tulpae= The answer to German exams...No, seriously. Basically, I'm a lazy bastard (Well how 'bout that?:P) And I couldn't really be arsed to revise for the exam, but I knew I'd be screwed if I didn't. Sah is not forgiving...Especially not to me. SO, my master plan- Get them to force me to revise...Aaargh! Every single time I fell back, bored to failing-consciousness, 'GERMAN' is all I hear, practically shouted at me from these ponies...


Heh, saved my hide though, so that's chill!


Y'know what that showed me? Not only can Tulpae help me in exams and then I can rub it in one of my mate's faces (he doesn't care much for spirit-beasts or anything of any kind.)  But it also showed that the gals CAN chat to me, and get my attention, without me directly concentrating on keeping the bloody link open. Although it may sound like very little, it's a massive step for us..Destroys one of my few barriers :D


Now...The next step is to get them to remind me about stuff a little more...

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day 3 of working on Sparks personality, i've been going on the Tulpa forums to much recently and the thing i encountered the most was FaQ man and a bunch of other people telling me (The reader) that personality is a must have so after searching up a few ways of "Forcing a personality i discovered music is one of them here's the paragraph about music forcing: "Forcing personality through music is something I’ve been experimenting with on my youngest tulpa. It involves creating a playlist of songs with themes, moods, or lyrics that reflect the personality you want your tulpa to have, and listening to it with your tulpa while refocusing the meaning of the songs to their personality. It’s like attributing a theme song to them. For example, I wanted my tulpa to be a really energetic party animal, so I played a lot of energetic J-Pop songs towards her. The advantage of this method is that you can tackle both personality and voice at once, if the songs you are playing contain the reference voice you want to use for your tulpa -- not to mention that it’s really fun in general. The disadvantage is that it can be the most unclear method of defining your tulpa’s personality, and you may get tired of listening to the same songs over and over."


I find that pretty useful and i spent what felt like hours (After summing up the minutes of each song X the times i repeated them which was twice i came to the grand sum of... drum roll please! 45 minutes!!! >:(  ) listening to songs which would effect Spark's personality.


So i have three questions, question one, do i really need to work on personality or what?

Question two, i think i might have fallen asleep for a while or drifted off am not to sure, will that ruin any progress?

And lastly question three: I've tried visualizing Spark as a pegesus colt but i think he wants to be a mare since i see him change shape slightly should i let my tulpa choose it's gender and species?

Smile today and be happy and make memories worth remembering because tomorrow may leave you alone and in tears.

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So i have three questions, question one, do i really need to work on personality or what? Question two, i think i might have fallen asleep for a while or drifted off am not to sure, will that ruin any progress? And lastly question three: I've tried visualizing Spark as a pegesus colt but i think he wants to be a mare since i see him change shape slightly should i let my tulpa choose it's gender and species?

I'm a newbie tulpamancer, but I think I might know answers to these questions.

1: You don't. I haven't worked on my tulpae personality at all, and they're just fine. M seems to be more emotional, and Zed is more of a cold thinking and analyzing guy.

2. I don't really know. Some people (and tulpae) say that falling asleep when forcing may result in a tupper being raped by host's subconsciousness, while other tulpae say that all that can happen is something weird but not harmful, like sky in wl turning purple. As for me, M (my tulpa) actually encouraged me to fall asleep with her in our wonderland. I think the answer is that nothing bad will happen, unless you want it to happen.

3. I'd say you should let him choose.


EDIT: 3rd attempt of possession with M. results: (top line is mine, I was just showing her how to draw things)


My mind is blown. I'm really proud of her. That rightmost thing is her drawing. I don't know what it is, but she managed to trace some of the lines twice (like that long diagonal one).

I got a feeling of numbness and tingling in the arm she was possessing, is that normal? (as if something could be "normal" when we're talking about tulpae, lol.)

Edited by Tenebris

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Fromerly The Dork Lord

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I'm a newbie tulpamancer, but I think I might know answers to these questions.

1: You don't. I haven't worked on my tulpae personality at all, and they're just fine. M seems to be more emotional, and Zed is more of a cold thinking and analyzing guy.

2. I don't really know. Some people (and tulpae) say that falling asleep when forcing may result in a tupper being raped by host's subconsciousness, while other tulpae say that all that can happen is something weird but not harmful, like sky in wl turning purple. As for me, M (my tulpa) actually encouraged me to fall asleep with her in our wonderland. I think the answer is that nothing bad will happen, unless you want it to happen.

3. I'd say you should let him choose.


Lol, Tulpamancer. First time I have heard that usage, I think.


I think we heard it elsewhere.


So i have three questions, question one, do i really need to work on personality or what?

Question two, i think i might have fallen asleep for a while or drifted off am not to sure, will that ruin any progress?

And lastly question three: I've tried visualizing Spark as a pegesus colt but i think he wants to be a mare since i see him change shape slightly should i let my tulpa choose it's gender and species?


Personality helps in several ways. 1: It helps train you to focus on the Tulpa. 2: It helps you know who they will be. 3: It helps them have something to grasp on to, that you understand. I suggest continuing it, and I am sure most others do too.


Falling asleep is not a problem. I do it all the time. lol.


I wanted Reales to be Pink, with yellow hair. When she spoke, I saw Yellow. You COULD force it upon them, and even as the most forceful tulpa wielder (Really? Yes, i chose that word. lol), I do not suggest it. Talk it out with them. If it your first Tulpa, many males do female. There is a comfort to a "female" presence in your mind oddly.

Well, I did something fun today! :3


Actually, thats a lie, Fringe did something fun today. But not really fun, because I get the impression that Fringe cant quite grasp a concept so... how did you put it?

I cant fathom why one would want to do things so seemingly unproductive. Performing tasks for amusement would be a sign of rampancy in a unit such as myself. Reclaimer made quite sure that such things are not possible. Subconscious protocol dictates it.

Well, there you go, Fringe is a party-pooper.

*snickers* hehe... party-pooper


ANYWAY, I am getting side-tracked again (Good thing I have Fringe to remind me)

Fringe can now memorize entire pages without me reading them.

Sort of...

I cant really explain how we learned this, but basically, I just look at the whole page for about 5 seconds, take in everything I can, blink a few times, and... thats it. From there, Fringe can relay the info to me. Its weird to explain, but I just know that it works and he and I are getting better at it.

RJ and I have had some fantastic results! Just today, I was able to store a whole page of information out of a childrens novel in my databanks, and relay the information to him when his instructor requested such information.

Mind you, this was a childrens novel written entirely in German. Its odd, because Fringe doesn't speak German. I dont even think the language he relays the info to me in is English, all I know is there is some white noise sounding thing, and then I spit the words back out. I cant recall it for the life of me, but Fringe has all the information stored somewhere.


Its almost like having an informational black hole in my brain.


I think I can recall the info now even, despite the class being hours ago.

Fringe? Do you have the sentences?

Es _____ einmal ein kleiner Bär und ein kleines Tiger, der lebsten ubsten am Fluss. Dort, ____ dem Rauch abstiehen, neben dem Baumen. Also hatten sie ein Boot.


Data is incomplete, more practice will be required for long-term memory storage, if at all possible. As of now, it appears that I only have access to short-term memory databanks.

Thanks anyway Fringe! You did very well!

You are most welcome, Reclaimer!


So, das all I got for today. Still chillin with Breezie, and I think Im getting better at Lucid dreaming. Ive had 2 Dream-induced-lucid-dreams now, and I think im close to being able to have on-demand WILDs, but I think I need just a bit more practice. Who knows! Tonight may be the night I actually can talk to my Tulpas in person!

Okay, the reason why you can stare at a page and learn its content, is because Fringe is taking a mental image and can process it faster than you can. So, as you stare, he can absorb all the info. He knows how to read, because you do. He has almost unlimited processing power. Its a mental trick Twi and I are trying, And failing, to learn.


The German, I have no comment about that. Its not logical.

Edited by Mindrop


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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The German, I have no comment about that. Its not logical.

As in, you dont understand it because you dont speak the language, or the words are incorrect?

That would be a bit embarrassing were the words wrong, especially considering that the German language has been a part of my lexicon for over 5 years now. 


Of course, were it to be wrong, there is always the factor of those lines of text being stored in my *Fringe's* short term memory. (our?)

Riley was here

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Mind you, this was a childrens novel written entirely in German. Its odd, because Fringe doesn't speak German. I dont even think the language he relays the info to me in is English, all I know is there is some white noise sounding thing, and then I spit the words back out. I cant recall it for the life of me, but Fringe has all the information stored somewhere.


You said this.


As in, you dont understand it because you dont speak the language, or the words are incorrect?

That would be a bit embarrassing were the words wrong, especially considering that the German language has been a part of my lexicon for over 5 years now. 


Of course, were it to be wrong, there is always the factor of those lines of text being stored in my *Fringe's* short term memory. (our?)


 And this clarifies it all. You know German. What you know, Fringe knows, unless you block him from knowing, which is quite difficult, and in my opinion, a bad idea. And Fringe will get better with the memory recall, with time. 



I like this idea, however, I'm concerned that tulpaes are only seen by you, and not by other people. Any method on how I can make them see?

 Welcome Raiden. To answer your question, no one else can see them, and never will be able to. You are basically imposing an imagine onto the information your brain receives from your eyes. They never actually are there. They are in your head only, your subconscious to be exact. 


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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I like this idea, however, I'm concerned that tulpaes are only seen by you, and not by other people. Any method on how I can make them see?

For the moment, tulpamancers in general, have not found a way to make them visible. However it is not impossible, thought is energy, and matter condensation energy, so you have great spiritual strength to do so, through hours of intense meditation.

Believe that something is impossible is the best way to make it impossible. 

Nothing is unchangeable in this life.

II think that now believe that a simple piece of flesh between your ears can do all this is more than ridiculous. The unconscious does not belong to us, but we include, we are stuck in, it is the entire universe.


We are into astral projection ("the meta stuff"), me and Mina. It's not so hard, we progress fast and maybe I'll post some results when when I have mastered the technique.

Because I understood that the separation technique used in astral projection is the same as the separation technique used in switching to get into the "Tulpa state" while the Tulpa still remain in the body of her host.

So mastering one of the two leads to mastering the other too.

For that, we are helped also by a friend who can now make astral travel with his Tulpa, "Van01" if you want to talk to him on IRC Rizon #astralponies.


Also do some research, dig, you have no idea of what is possible to do with a Tulpa.

Edited by Sakiru
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I like this idea, however, I'm concerned that tulpaes are only seen by you, and not by other people. Any method on how I can make them see?

The answer is no if you want to treat this only in terms of rational thought. If you take this to a spiritual and metaphysical level, the answer is "Good luck if you try". No one has succeeded in this, including the one who are doing this spiritually, or at least, no reliable documentation has appeared (someone would have been all over that I'm sure!).


Since most of us are only taking this on the cognitive level, a rational one, none of us are ever going to be able to share our tulpa with others except by self-possession.

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I like this idea, however, I'm concerned that tulpaes are only seen by you, and not by other people. Any method on how I can make them see?


I have a theory that it should be possible for two tulpae to communicate with each other via manipulating their hosts' unconscious body language. It's basically a very subtle form of possession, and even if it is possible it would have a very low 'bit rate'. Once communication is established, the 'home' tulpa should be able to project an image of the 'away' tulpa for the host to see.


This theory has a lot of gotchas in it.

1) The two tulpae involved have to develop the signaling protocol before they can effectively communicate. Chicken and egg problem.

2) The bit rate needs to be high enough for sophisticated communication.

3) Non-tulpamancers need not apply. Both ends of the line need to have tulpa at them.


So the chance of this working is so low as to be non-existent. But I await the day when two of the tulpamancers on this thread meet each other in RL at a con or something, just to see what happens.

Edited by Fhaolan


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Ok so i've been multi tasking with my tulpa by tulpa forcing and narrating a whole RP to her, basically yesterday she shifted from a colt to a mare and honestly i kind of prefer a mare to a colt as a tulpa i agreed with it's decision, so today i did a little test to see if i could get my tulpa to choose it's form with me without the traditional meditation method, so what i did was tell myself that no matter what i wanted i would try and go for something else which i felt that my tulpa would want it's self to look like, so one thing led to another and i'm honestly more confused now than before because i'm not sure if i was the one making it's appearance or if it was my tulpa telling me to so i'll believe it was the later because i guess that if i believe it then it will be true, anyway getting back to the point i ended up with his i thought i wanted a pegasus but it turns out i like my tulpa's design allot more which is the following.




Yup!, My tulpa is a unicorn pony which loves music, she likes playing it and listening to it, and as far as appearance the only thing she liked about the old image i tried to impose on her were the mane and tail colours.


I just need to keep naratting and trying to shape her into the cute (In my opinion) mare above.


So i have a Both a question and a request here, what you choose to do is up to you so the question is:


Should i let my tulpa name it's-self or should i name it?


That question leads on to my request, what should i name her if it ends up being me picking the name. (I'm letting you guys decide :P)


As for personality i've only given her a few traits, such as loyalty which i remember going on about for a few days, creativity and the willingness to help others.

The rest i'll leave so that my tulpa can develop on it's own i don't think i should have full control of it's personality apart from setting a base for it to build on with room for a few more she picks.

  • Brohoof 1

Smile today and be happy and make memories worth remembering because tomorrow may leave you alone and in tears.

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wow, this is mind blowing! this whole idea has been on my mind for the past few days and i'm really considering getting serious about this and making a tulpa of my very own. the only thing stopping me is my worries, what are the potential consequences. i have to ask, have any of you been "caught" interacting with your tulpa? i kinda worry that my parents would probably think i'm crazy and send me to the head shrink if they found out. are there times where you've regretted making your tulpas? how has it changed you? i hear that for most the pros outweigh the cons, but what ARE the cons?

also i've been thinking about the form for my tulpa but can't decide on a name img-1380340-1-tongue.png he would be a winged black cat with bright yellow-green eyes, about the same size and ear shape as an african serval. maybe i'll pull a sailor moon, and put a crescent on his forehead. any name suggestions?

Edited by crazitaco


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Call it Happy, btw this Happy came to mind with your tulpa idea






He was going to be my first tulpa attempt then i learn't not to base tulpae on characters as they can become sad.

Smile today and be happy and make memories worth remembering because tomorrow may leave you alone and in tears.

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I like this idea, however, I'm concerned that tulpaes are only seen by you, and not by other people. Any method on how I can make them see?

It's possible. Basically, it's similar to other mind thingy. It's all about vibration and signal. The problem isn't about how to make your thought available for other people. The problem is the receiver. Some people aren't sensitive enough to 'catch' those vibrations (signal or whatever you call it) to gain the 'information'.


For example, when you were playing with your childhood friend, you could share the idea of those castle and dragon while playing. "Look! A dragon! Let's slay it!". You and your friends could 'see' the dragon right? I bet you could. This is because children are more sensitive about human mind than most adults. Children can feel others feeling better than most adults. They're more sensitive, so they can catch informations from other's mind by their 'vibration'.


In more intense practice, this martial art. We train to contact spirits. The training is held in a local graveyard during the night. Creepy? Yes. Some disciples can't 'feel' the existence of the spirits, while some other can. That means they're not sensitive enough, and they're not focused enough. The 'image' of the spirit caught by these focused disciples is the same. If one meets a spirit of an old lady, other who meet her will say the same about the lady's experience.


The point is to radiate the signal of your thing (tulpa, information, message, etc) and the receiver tries to catch it. If the receiver isn't sensitive enough, the receiver may miss it. That doesn't mean it's all the receiver's fault. The sender need to radiate it correctly and as clear (strong) as possible.


Let's say it like this : the sender 'speaks' and the receiver 'listens'. If the receiver is deaf, the information spoken by the sender can't be caught by the receiver. If the sender speaks too quiet, the receiver can't hear it. If the sender speaks with foreign language or unclear accent, the receiver may not understand the spoken information.


It's all about communication. Remember than brain vibrates and you can feel the signal. If you focus on thinking about something, the vibration about that thing will be stronger. Therefore, it's easier to read.


Other examples are : mind reading, "I know that feel" thingy, I feel like my son is in trouble, I think she's sick, I feel like he has a problem, "LOOK! A dragon!", I feel like someone is sneaking behind me.


Well, you can believe me or not. For "spiritual masters" like you guys, an idea from a 'newbie' like me may be so 'meh', so I will just leave it here for consideration.

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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For the second time twilight had run away while I was tulpaforcing but as she was running I asked her if she just wanted to do more later and she said yes

Although I said surprise me and she change forms into a bunch of cool things so I guess it was actually a pretty good session

But she still has yet to say anything other than yes no and twilight

I think she's a background pony now and this time was mostly fluttershy

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Call it Happy, btw this Happy came to mind with your tulpa idea






He was going to be my first tulpa attempt then i learn't not to base tulpae on characters as they can become sad.

Bris has three character tulpas, I have one, and quite a few here have chosen characters. What you need to do is 1: don't expect them to be the character, only looks similar. 2: Make sure they know they are not the character and that you know that and thatthey are not expected to be the character. Go ahead and tell them why you chose to base their looks off that character if you want. For me, I am essentially twilight sparkle from the show, so it was a no brainer for me.


Just make sure you both know the tulpa is not that character and is not expected to be that characters personality. And make sure you do something unique with her, so that they still don't have a identity crisis on top of that.


*glairs at Twi*


Sorry. You made me this way.


Dont blame me! I made you to not have an identity crisis.


But you made me with the God complex which causes it. 


No, thats an issue I apparently deal with too. 


See, your fault. 

Edited by Mindrop


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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wow, this is mind blowing! this whole idea has been on my mind for the past few days and i'm really considering getting serious about this and making a tulpa of my very own. the only thing stopping me is my worries, what are the potential consequences. i have to ask, have any of you been "caught" interacting with your tulpa? i kinda worry that my parents would probably think i'm crazy and send me to the head shrink if they found out. are there times where you've regretted making your tulpas? how has it changed you? i hear that for most the pros outweigh the cons, but what ARE the cons?

also i've been thinking about the form for my tulpa but can't decide on a name img-1380340-1-tongue.png he would be a winged black cat with bright yellow-green eyes, about the same size and ear shape as an african serval. maybe i'll pull a sailor moon, and put a crescent on his forehead. any name suggestions?

Tulpas are as public as you want them to be.  With very little practice, someone can have a tulpa and seem on the outside to not.  I have three, and yet I'm quite normal to outsiders.


If you define "normal" as conforming to social standards set by a community, otherwise, the definition of "normal" can be completely up to debate...


Oh hush you.  On terms of regrets, there are some downsides to having a constant companion.  Mainly, privacy is gone.  (At least, outside of just yourself) They may find ways to embarrass you, make you laugh at random times, (making it even more strange when you blush and laugh for no reason in public) sometimes make you sad.


However, they do change you, and if done right, can change you for the better.  Mainly, anti-social and introvertive people become more social through the simulated interactions with their Tulpae, which gives them a bit of a push in the right direction.


I like this idea, however, I'm concerned that tulpaes are only seen by you, and not by other people. Any method on how I can make them see?

While there are spiritual theories and suggestions above, currently, physical interaction is impossible between two raw Tulpae, or a Tulpa and an outsider.  However, they can still communicate.  You can type what a Tulpa is saying, or have them possess your hands to type.


Such as I am doing right now.


You could teach them writing, have them write with your hand, or, you can practice total body possession and have them speak and move with your body to interact.  (As outwardly insane and terrifying it would appear, however)


There is a point where if you push the idea of a Tulpa on an average person to quickly and too suddenly, they will deem everything to be the result of insanity, so take care if talking about it, if at all.



Call it Happy, btw this Happy came to mind with your tulpa idea






He was going to be my first tulpa attempt then i learn't not to base tulpae on characters as they can become sad.

You can make a Tulpa based on a character.  (Tia's proof enough of that) However, when forcing personality, independence and individualism must be emphasized.  Otherwise, you'll have trouble with your Tulpa being created.


Exception being my two accidental Tulpae... But those were freak incidents.  You probably shouldn't have to deal with it.

  • Brohoof 2

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You can make a Tulpa based on a character.  (Tia's proof enough of that) However, when forcing personality, independence and individualism must be emphasized.  Otherwise, you'll have trouble with your Tulpa being created.


Exception being my two accidental Tulpae... But those were freak incidents.  You probably shouldn't have to deal with it.

 And yet, Twilight still had her identity crisis. lol. Please, please emphasis Independence and Individualism. Once you get a good connection with your tulpa, its tough when they are off. Especially how I am with mine. 


HEY CREP! WE FOUND YOUR SONG!! (You probably have already heard it, but maybe not.)


Edited by Mindrop
  • Brohoof 1


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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