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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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It's been a fair while since we were on this thread, and, looking over the recent thirty-odd pages I hadn't read, I've picked up some more useful stuff to help us with. Before the summer holidays started, I was having trouble keeping enough time free for my tulpa, Jess, (Mocks and exams, rawr...) so I've decided that we're gonna get to work doubly-hard over the next five or so weeks, and hopefully have a lovely load of progress to show from it all. Heh, to think, we've been working since last September, and only recently have I started realize what a slacker I've been...We've done ONE forcing session ever. Time to change that. 


Oh, and because it hasn't been said for too long:


Stay insane everyone!~

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I was actually thinking of making a Tulpa. But I have some questions.


Stupid question number 4785: How do you make it?

Can you get rid of it. If so, how?

Are there any bad things that can happen to your mind?

Do you think I'm too young to make one (I'm 14 and my younger sister wants to make one. She's 10.)


These are probably the stupidest questions ever.


I was thinking of making a black-cat tulpa or maybe a Neko tulpa.

[Rena: Read a lot of guides, pal ^^.] What she said, and you should do a lot of research and find out your own way to create a tulpa. It is a very subjective thing, after all.


[Rena: No way. Why would you kill a thing you love so much?] But, if it's a bad tulpa, like I had... Who went rogue (it's a servi-tulpa (and it's not an official name. It's what I call a half-baked tulpa created by young tulpae... isn't that right, Rena?  [Rena Oh please <3 I promised you that I will not create tulpae])) Then you either put it to stasis, or ignore EVERYthing she or he does (but again, as Rena said, why would you create a tulpa if you are going to kill it? If you start, you should know that it's a never ending ride and that your tulpa will be there for your entire life)


[Rena: Yes, there can. But only if you believe that it will happen. Love and belief are the strongest powers in the universe] What she said. And seriously, don't sweat it, mate. Everything's gonna be fine. Heck, they will help you with your mind! Mine decreses carsicness, decreases anxiety and "kills" musical earworms for me. I love her so much.


[Rena: I have no idea, sorry] Yeah, you could make one, but, no offense, your sister couldn't. She is too young and she will not know what to do with a tulpa. Unless she's a wonderkid, she will have a REALLY hard time. The lowest age I recommend for tulpa creation is either 13 or 14. I'm 18 myself and I'm having hard times... but then again, it's REALLY subjective. Do it at your own risk. I wouldn't create a tulpa if I was 10 though. Oh, and, let's talk hypothetically -- your sister is 10, yes? What if she creates something really silly? You do realize that after another 10 years she probably could kill the tulpa? Nothing personal, but if I was 10, I would have created something very cute only, but now I want something more intelligent, compassionate and cute at the same time. Tulpa cannot change their personality that well, so.. I'd be stuck with a tulpa I didn't like.


And for the last one, you can create EVERYTHING. and I mean.. EVERYTHING. From a complex super alien, to a talking toilet plumber. Yes, I mean it. BUT, don't let the tulpa body affect the personality... That's at least my opinion. If you create a Neko, it is probably ok to add a few traits that would let her act like a cat... But I wouldn't over do it. Let your tulpa decide how she wants to be. And never be afraid of changes -- tulpa will change both personally and visualization wise.

Edited by Anonymous~
  • Brohoof 1

shiet got srs guise

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright. I've decided I'm going to start making a Tulpa. Im slightly scared but excited. Wish me luck.


She will be a black cat name Moni.


Just understand that at some point, Moni may decide to make changes to her form, name, personality, etc on her own. Take it as a sign that she's beggining to develop her own sense of self/sentience/independence and don't force any changes on her. :)


Also, before I forget, try to make sense - to yourself - of why you believe in Moni. Why is your tulpa real to you? Who exactly is Moni; a brain alien; something religion/spiritual-based; something with entirely physical/chemical boundries? What I'm getting at is that simply having blind faith in your tulpa could result in a major regression in the future on your part, so learn to make it make sense for you. Read a lot of the guides and posts, and if something makes you feel like second guessing the entire existence of your tulpa, just take a second and calm down, because it likely isn't a problem with the methods you've used but instead is a fault with you and your own belief system.

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What I'm getting at is that simply having blind faith in your tulpa could result in a major regression in the future on your part, so learn to make it make sense for you.




Hah, I really wish you'd have posted this exact thing last September...

It hasn't caused any real problems as we are, but it does tend to get a little confusing when I'm explaining what mine is to me, and more over, what she is. Ah well, we'll survive. We'll have to think on that a bit. 

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Great, now i'm interested in making a Twilight tulpa. I'll probably wait until i'm older. Because, c'mon, I can use Twilight to talk to (We have similar personalities) and we can cheat on tests (..even though I highly doubt she'd approve of that..)

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Hah, I really wish you'd have posted this exact thing last September...

It hasn't caused any real problems as we are, but it does tend to get a little confusing when I'm explaining what mine is to me, and more over, what she is. Ah well, we'll survive. We'll have to think on that a bit. 


I just wish I had realized it sooner too. I kept reading guides and posts and having those "oh, crap!" moments where I felt like everything I had done with my tulpa was false, that I was just fooling myself. Any confidence and belief that I had were always short lived, and I ended up driving myself crazy with guilt, confusion and sadness. I pretty much had to quit on my tulpa, which I started on last November, and let my brain rest for a few weeks. Just last month, I started working on another tulpa, because I honestly didn't know where to go with Lethal, my first.


What's sad about this is that she did talk/think to me a few times, it's just that my frequent relapses caused me to become a confused mess; I felt like I didn't know who she was, what she looked like, or if the Lethal I was speaking to was really her or just me faking it all. I also think I poured a lot of sadness and anger into her, so I thought it best for her to rest for a little while.


So with my second tulpa, I'm working on her somewhat more methodically. I gave her a name and an initial form to associate with her personality/sentience (which actually changed two weeks in!), and besides giving her a few basic traits, have just been narrating and practicing visualization. I actually thought that I would progress with her like form->personality->sentience, but everything's kind of been mixing together and becoming a little more vague in terms of direction, despite my intial idea of keeping everything orderly and precise. I can't really complain, though, I'm just scared that I'll confuse myself again.


Anyway, I probably shouldn't be replying with a progress report. :blush:  Here's hoping I get things right this time!

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Don't worry. I don't think you're crazy.  Was also thinking of making my tulpa. But I can't seem to find time, piece and quiet to make mine. :(  



Been a brony since Oct. 28 2011 (On year four)"I'm a member of the old guard."- Life Giver "If tears had flavor ones of joy would taste sweet while ones of sorrow would taste sour."- Life Giver "My only purpose is to serve the holy light. "-Life Giver
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I plan on making a tulpa, I've read almost every guide out there, and I was wondering "Is it better or worse to have more personality characteristics, because I want room of growth which ther always will be, but when does it become too much?"

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Tulpa, tulpa, tulpa... so much tulpa.
I was excited at first but then well... I failed at tulpa(forcing)


Seems I don't have the guts and the will-power to doing such a thing on a regular basis...
And on a certian degree, worried about the consequences.

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WOAH! Im gonna try and make a Rainbow Dash tulpa. Why the hell not if it does not work it does not work, If it does Then ill have rainbow dash tell me whole books I read years ago and have her remember tabs and guitar chords that i forgot.

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So then, after several months of putting it off after a couple of failed attempts, i've finally decided to attempt a Tulpa with my complete attention. Reading several guides online and asking a friend about it, I can safely say I may as well still be going in blind. Guides have never really helped, but thankfully I suppose these guides are probably the vaguest things ever in terms of telling you what to do when.


So basically I spent yesterday selecting traits, 25 of them for the time being. I spent most of today forging after refining my traits, the first session lasted 45 minutes of forging 5 of these 25 traits into my tulpa, and during this time my head was pounding. I'm not sure if it's a good or a bad thing, but it felt like my brain was trying to escape my skull from all sides at once. Also, about halfway through the forging time I felt a bizzare tingling at the back of my head, and I kept fluctuating between light-headedness and pounding brain. 


During this 45 minutes though, I struggled to actually visualise either my tulpa or my wonderland, is that bad? I know it's the first time i've forged in a long time, so i'm not expecting to get everything perfect. But I somehow managed to spend 45 minutes talking to the first scraps of a tulpa that I couldn't even see. 

An hour later I spent another...25 or so minutes just visualising my wonderland and my tulpa, but it was difficult. 

My head still hurts a little from the first time, but during the second session it was no where near as intense. 


If I may ask a question?

I have printed off sheets of paper with my tulpa's traits, and a brief summary/description of the traits so I can forge them together, but my worry is that i've been forging wrong. Basically, i've read the traits out to my tulpa, and then I just spent the next 10 minutes trying to put it into words...

Would I be better off just repeating what i've written down, or would I be better phrasing it differently (different scenarios) over and over for 10 or so minutes? (because frankly, I struggle seeing how you are supposed to spend 10-15 minutes per trait...I mean if someone can explain how that's supposed to work then please, go right ahead because i'm lost) 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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*Peaks around doorframe*
Anypony remember us?
Well, its been a while, oh, 40 or so pages back at least. 
Anyway, on saturday, I was at work, on about 2 hours sleep (I hung out all night with a special friend). Anyway, it was a good rush, and I was making burgers as fast as possible, but incredibly distracted by the talk several hours before. I then realized I was making the burgers at an incredible speed and accuracy, well Twilight was. She was just there banging them out because I was so distracted with an new life issue (Ive been coming out of my hole the past few months, well more like dragged by a few friends.)
So yeah. First experience where Twilight had taken almost full control.
First times can be good. 
Dont, no, dont even go there Twilight. I know what you are insinuating. 
Yeah, Orson even lost control of my dreams last night due to the newness and interesting situation I have arrived at. Still not sure how it all happened, will play out or should play out. 
Anyway, keep strong you newcomers


Tulpa, tulpa, tulpa... so much tulpa.
I was excited at first but then well... I failed at tulpa(forcing)
Seems I don't have the guts and the will-power to doing such a thing on a regular basis...
And on a certian degree, worried about the consequences.

It takes time. Do not worry. It is well worth the time and effort. Music, good repetitive music which is calming can be a great help and try your hand at building a wonderland as well, possibly first. 

Edited by Mindrop


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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My it has been some time now the last time I even looked at this forum....I had a revelation...you see when I last left you I thought I have found the way to finally see her with my real eyes, but boy was I mistaken, what I made was a changeling.


I put so much effort to feel her love, I thought by giving my own that I would finally feel the emotion of love back through the tulpa, that was my biggest mistake, and the more I tried to form her, the colder and sadder I became. I got weaker mentally with each bit of emotion I put in. Her eyes were a cold green, and her smile twisted. He hair was pail sick pink, and her fur matted and unkempt and dark.


So I had to choose, try and reform her, or let her vanish into the recess of my mind. I couldn't decide, I was stuck with her, and a few nights ago then did I begin to almost cry from the "False" Fluttershy that mocked me with her presence. That's when it happened. I heard a familiar voice. As it turned three o'clock in the morning I heard the only voice for wisdom that my mind knew of...the Doctor.


He told me "Why are you forcing yourself so much pain, you know now what you have to do, let her go..." In my mind I asked why, she was the reason I rose from the darkness, the angelic light that kept me from dying, the reason I was alive, my world of discorded grey turned into the vibrant light of the spectral wonder of the colored world of happiness and love, why...no...how could I do that to the image, voice, and warmth that has sacrificed herself like that to give me back my reason for what it meant to be a friend to others?


That's when he told me, "Well then why the bloody hell are you looking at that thing, you know she isn't your Fluttershy, that isn't her at all here, let me get her for you." You could say at this point I must have gone crazy from desperation because I didn't force that voice to even speak to me, it was his own words, at that I saw a bright yellow light, with soft blue/green loving eyes, with the perfect yellow buttermilk fur and soft sweet cherry pale pink mane staring at me close up. And with the perfect impression of her whisper voice she spoke to me. "Sweetie...you know this isn't how it's supposed to be...you know you love me, and I love you so so much-" *I could hear that she was holding back her tears as she sniffed. "- but you have to let me go, I will always be there for you, you will never have to let me go but you have to let me be with Blazie...he might not be the same you but he will always be there, he is you, but you know that I need to be with him, each time you think of me I will be with him, and you both will share our love...so please...let me go...."


And with that, the warmth I felt from my body, as if she was physically holding me, was then gone....and I smiled as tears, real goddamn tears rolled down my eyes. And I was smiling like an idiot thinking that was real....and to this day I promised I will always live for her memory and not use anymore tulpas. I know I must sound like some crazy hermit, but believe me, don't ever, and I mean ever, force to use your love, hatred, sadness, loneliness, anger, envy, happiness, or anything that you have little to no limit in control into your tulpas. And if you truly love them, then treat them as if they are already there, because believe me....they are... And I hope you take my words to heart.

Edited by Fighting Blaze
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Hey there, I really want to learn how to make a tulpa, but I need some help coming up with ideas too. Could sompony here help me please?


I want to know how to sort of focus on the tulpa and create them. I've tried, and it didn't work. What now?

"Mama told me not to waste my life, she said spread your wings my little butterfly. Don't let what people say keep you up at night, and they can't detain you, 'cause wings were made to fly" ~Little Mix, Wings
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Hey there, I really want to learn how to make a tulpa, but I need some help coming up with ideas too. Could sompony here help me please?


I want to know how to sort of focus on the tulpa and create them. I've tried, and it didn't work. What now?

Well, if you really are interested, take a peak a few pages back, me, and a few others came up with some really good points on how to make, control, and keep a tulpa. =3

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Hey Rizoel, hey Crep' and the rest.

So I did some research, and so far I've pretty much summarized it up (Please let me know if I missed outa nything important or if anything is wrong):


Step 1: Personality - Think of as many traits as you can. Keep thinking of all their traits in relation to the tulpa.


Step 2: Conversation - When you feel your tulpa is becoming sentient, try talking to them in your mind. If you want their voice to be a specific way, then think of how their voice sounds. Think of how they whisper, sing, laugh, etc. Or at least that's what I've been doing. 

Step 3: Sight - By now your tulpa should be sentient and can interact with you. Start to build the body, imagine how it looks, every detail on the face, hands, legs. If it is a human, imagine your tulpa not wearing anything (or if this is too awkward for you, you can imagine them waering underwear of some sort) and imagine the tulpa wearing different outfits and stuff. Imagine how they walk, how they run, how they sit, how they stand. 


Step 4: Imposition -  Imagine your tulpa, and feel them, smell them, see them in a way, hear them breathing, and imagine feeling their presence, etc. 



So far, this is all the data I have collected so far. 

Also, what do they mean by a 'Wonderland'? I'm assuming it's an imaginary place in your mind's eye where you create your tulpa's body. 

If this works out for me, I would be really happy to have like a friend inside my mind to help me out, keep me company. It makes me wish the process didn't take so long :(


One more thing, Riz, how long shoudl it take in total to have every single thing done for your tulpa? Like seeing them, hearing them,  possession and stuff. Anyways, thanks!


~Fireball Rush

Edited by ~Chaotic Fireball~

"Mama told me not to waste my life, she said spread your wings my little butterfly. Don't let what people say keep you up at night, and they can't detain you, 'cause wings were made to fly" ~Little Mix, Wings
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                                                             Soarin' is best pony 
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Hello everyone, just joined the forums, and I'm going to pop in and say that I have 2 tulpas


Taunav, a vortigaunt from the game "Half-life 2"


and Eris, a gendebent discord, seen in my avatar (and no, she usually doesn't dress like Link, that's just some fanart I found that we both agree is cool. She's someone elses OC)



If Taunav has anything to say, he usually talks in []


['sup everyone, I'm Taunav. How's it hangin'?]


If Eris has anything to say, she usually talks in {}




Yeah, she likes to talk...black. Heh.



I've got some pictures peopel have drawn of my tulpas. This one is a reference to Eris's absolute love for bacon, and the fact that Taunav doesn't really bother tasting things.





This next one is an idea I had. The dragon thing is the artist's OC, and he stole Eris's bacon, which is a BAD idea. The dude in the background saying "Aw shit!" is the artist himself.




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Step 1: Personality - Think of as many traits as you can. If you specifically do not want your tulpa to become, say, agressive, then you repeatedly say "You are not aggressive" or something like that. Keep thinking of all their traits in relation to the tulpa.


I'm not sure if it's actually true or not, but I've heard (from several different places) that the subconscious doesn't really pick up negatives too well...So I'm thinking that instead of "You are not X", It'd be better to have "You are Y" (assuming Y as the opposite of X...I just went Maths...Urf...) So, to to use te given example: Instead of "You are not aggressive." it would be "You are peaceful." 


Can anyone clarify that though? THINK it's correct, at least, from some sources, but does anyone have an almost guaranteed source?

I went by it.

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I'm not sure if it's actually true or not, but I've heard (from several different places) that the subconscious doesn't really pick up negatives too well...So I'm thinking that instead of "You are not X", It'd be better to have "You are Y" (assuming Y as the opposite of X...I just went Maths...Urf...) So, to to use te given example: Instead of "You are not aggressive." it would be "You are peaceful." 


Can anyone clarify that though? THINK it's correct, at least, from some sources, but does anyone have an almost guaranteed source?

I went by it.






I would say to just focus on what you want your tulpa to be, instead of saying what you are not, teach it the way you were taught to behave, with positive and any sort of memories or experiences that made who you are, give the tulpa it's own memories to make it what you want to be, not your own, that would be silly, and dangerous. I say let it grow naturally and give your tulpa the tools to make it what you want. Or you are just telling it what to be not making it what you want it to be.
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So right now i'm on this site on my phone. sadly my phone doent run this sites search engin so i titled this topic as tulpa so it can send my me to the tulpa master thread. so when your probly reading this its in the thread. but thats not why i made this. i made this because something strange just happened to me. a few months ago 4 weeks befor summer started i decided to make a tulpa. but when summer came i completly forgot about my tulpa (yes i know im a horrible person) but today i decided to try to make a new one and this time put more effort into it. well tonight when i was looking up guides to furthur my new tupla a voice inside my head started rambling something that i couldnt hear but at the end of its sentence i hear ''get out'' does this mean that my old tulpa's still in there?

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EDIT: Having read the OP, it may be less to do with the fact that your first Tulpa is unfinished and more to do with his/her personality. He/she might just want you all for themselves :P I wouldn't be discouraged by it, but if you feel your Tulpa is "unfinished" then you should try to complete it first before making another.

Edited by Freedan
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So right now i'm on this site on my phone. sadly my phone doent run this sites search engin so i titled this topic as tulpa so it can send my me to the tulpa master thread. so when your probly reading this its in the thread. but thats not why i made this. i made this because something strange just happened to me. a few months ago 4 weeks befor summer started i decided to make a tulpa. but when summer came i completly forgot about my tulpa (yes i know im a horrible person) but today i decided to try to make a new one and this time put more effort into it. well tonight when i was looking up guides to furthur my new tupla a voice inside my head started rambling something that i couldnt hear but at the end of its sentence i hear ''get out'' does this mean that my old tulpa's still in there?


I've merged your tulpa topic with our resident tulpa discussion thread, as it really doesn't need any more topics about the subject :) Pleeeenty of people follow this thread so, I imagine you'll find some folks who can respond to you with feedback.


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Oh jeez, and so it begins...

I think my first experience with this tulpa thing was some creepypasta I read forever ago. I'm going to go ahead and hop in and see what sort of shenanigans I can get up too with my very own tulpa! Anywho, I'm a little lost so far but I'm sure browsing the thread a little more thoroughly will turn something up. And google. Copious amounts of google.

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Guess I should hop in here and help out with what I can again. 'ts been a while since I last posted here in any form ;P


So right now i'm on this site on my phone. sadly my phone doent run this sites search engin so i titled this topic as tulpa so it can send my me to the tulpa master thread. so when your probly reading this its in the thread. but thats not why i made this. i made this because something strange just happened to me. a few months ago 4 weeks befor summer started i decided to make a tulpa. but when summer came i completly forgot about my tulpa (yes i know im a horrible person) but today i decided to try to make a new one and this time put more effort into it. well tonight when i was looking up guides to furthur my new tupla a voice inside my head started rambling something that i couldnt hear but at the end of its sentence i hear ''get out'' does this mean that my old tulpa's still in there?


There is a possibility that it could be your old tulpa. As far as I know, most tulpae don't "die" in their sense of the word. For the most part, they go completely dormant, however they can, technically, de-age/revert to early development (losing sentience/vocalization/etc.) the longer they are ignored/forgotten. Keep at forcing, be consistent, you maybe you'll be able to pull him/her back ;).



Oh jeez, and so it begins...

I think my first experience with this tulpa thing was some creepypasta I read forever ago. I'm going to go ahead and hop in and see what sort of shenanigans I can get up too with my very own tulpa! Anywho, I'm a little lost so far but I'm sure browsing the thread a little more thoroughly will turn something up. And google. Copious amounts of google.


When I first found out about tulpae, I did a youtube search with just "tulpa" and I got the same creepypasta ;). Didn't really help me in any fashion as I was quite full of doubt about tulpa and this is only worsened it XP.


However, if you are serious about going into tulpamancy, and by serious I mean truly serious (always take the time to make sure you will be 100% passionate when doing this), then I suggest you head over to the forums at Tulpa.info. That is the main hub for tulpamancers and contains vast amounts of guides, general discussion, and Q/As that can really benefit you and your tulpa. Just make sure to read as many guides as you can as the more you know about tulpa and the guidelines, the easier it'll be to form your own guidelines to aid you in your journey.

  • Brohoof 2


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Im on my phone, so Ill have a few grammar problems. Hey all! I complained once that often my tulpa will not be able to act on her own without help from me, and when I am not paying attention to her it is like she stops existing. Well.... Thats how SHE describes it anyway.


I think I learned something important. My tulpa says that when I dont think about her she goes to a dark, black place. She cannot feel there and does not think, she sleeps but does not dream, and yet it isnt "normal" sleep because,she reports sleeping on the wonderland and thats normal.


In a fit of inspiration I asked her,

Do you feel the temperature?

Can you move your body?

What do you think about when you become self aware in the dark space?


She is cold there.

She never THOUGHT to try moving her body there.

When she realizes shes there she can think but cannot escape without a prompt to do so. I dont have to do it myself but she cannot escape on her own until she is reminded by some stimulus that she CAN. I can hold conversations with her while shes in the dark place, and she will not think to leave it until i imagine her someplace or otherwise SOMETHING happens in my thought process to remind her "oh yes I can leave this black space"



I am not sure yet but... I think I realized what this dark space is.



One of my older thought expirements was to pretend she was growing inside a bubble inside the oceans of my subconscious. This would rise to the surface and at her completion would "hatch". The bubble was made of ice. She may still be in that!



More likely, though, and what I think has occurred, is that this dark place is actually a section of my wonderland! Made on accident. My wonderland already has multiple "layers" so to speak.

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