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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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I so want to draw how she looks now, but that will have to wait until after exams, unfortunately...

Better get on it soon. I want to see~!


I believe my many reasons for wanting to make one is because I am not good with people around me that or just able to keep friendships...



Having someone who you can talk to about things and just a really good friend I think I could really benefit from. Having a motivation and second opinion on things would be so helpful. I think having a tulpa can be very helpful and help you to strive to become a better person.


Also just having someone whom understands you under close terms like that is just comforting to know.


I think you'll be surprised at how much better a communicator having a tulpa can make you. Pinkie's pushed me into a thousand things I'd never have touched with a ten-foot pole on my own. She has a thirst for adventure that I rarely do, and I find myself walking alone through areas that it never occurred to me that I should even be allowed to walk through alone, despite the fact that I'm an adult.




That being said, I can't believe my Pinkie's almost two and a half now! She's getting old, not unlike myself.


Last night we fell asleep in a meditative state under her request. She commented that it's cold, and suddenly she got the idea that she really wanted to stand on a bridge wrapped up in my jacket. So, we laid down and curled up and found our ways onto a stone bridge on the outskirts of an old village, over a river. Everything was coated in snow; it was incredibly pretty. Problem is, when you get that cuddly it doesn't take long to fall asleep, and it sure didn't then. It was pretty while it lasted!

Edited by Lifeinsteps


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I feel like I'm starting to use this thread as a journal of sorts, but I had a moment last night with my Ariel that I simply have to share. I'll put it in story format, just because I like writing, and I'll put it in a spoiler here.

I was standing outside in the brisk night air, waiting for my ride home. Ariel helped to pass the time as I talked with her in my thoughts, keeping my mind busy. But at one point, my gaze drifted up towards the sky. Ariel must have been looking up, too, because she noticed something that I didn't give much thought to.

She asked me, "Where are all the stars?"

Surely enough, the dark sky lacked any stars to accompany the moon. I knew it was because of the many streetlights surrounding us, so I answered, "The city lights chased them all away."

"Where did they go?"

After another moment of thought, I said, "Well, if you went somewhere way out in the country, away from the city lights, you could probably see them there."

My little Ariel was quiet for a moment. And then she said wistfully, "The moon looks so lonely up there..."

As I gazed up at the moon, I responded quietly, "That it does, Ariel. That it does..."

And no, aside from my writing style, there is nothing romanticized about the above. This conversation took place almost exactly how I've written it. I don't know, it just felt something like a profound moment between the two of us, though I'm not exactly sure why myself.

Note: I was talking to her in mindspeak, except for the last bit. Even though I was alone for the most part, I didn't want anyone to pass by and catch me talking out loud to myself.

  • Brohoof 3
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Update time; man oh man has it been a while...again. So lets see, nothing really new on progress, but she is gaining a slight more self awareness, I finally am trusting my Fluttershy now to share my memories with her.


    After a small argument we had about me being mad at my sister, and Fluttershy demanded that I say sorry to her, I was at my ropes end, and I said just let me show you why I am not saying sorry to my sister. Fluttershy began to tear up saying she didn't know, I am now mentally holding Fluttershy saying its ok that's why I never want you to deal with someone like that. 


    But this is the first time Fluttershy had an emotion of any kind without me forcing it. Also the first time I felt I was in an argument with her that felt as if she was the real Fluttershy and not me conflicting with myself, so it made my heart jump at first. But she was still herself. Making still a bit uneasy now that she has my memories in her mind. But as long as she isn't going to end up like that creepy pasta I should be fine. 


Should I be worried that I let her search through my memories?

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Fighting Blaze, creepypastas are bullcrap. They're just scary stories.

If you're worried about the "psycho tulpa killing people" part, that can't happen. Incorporeal things can't pick up weapons, and a creature can't convince you to kill yourself if you can't observe it.

Now, if you're worried about having a scary-looking tulpa, I read on 4chan that someone in /mlp/ tried to make a Pinkie Pie tulpa that came out with a distorted face and deafness. That person was on various meds, including antidepressant and fluoxetine, suffered from intrusive thoughts, and tried to impose the tulpa before figuring out its personality. The whole story seems like a creepypasta, and it sounds like you've already done the personality forcing.


The thread also said that the guy forced before bed, and that his dreams could have influenced things. I've tried visualizing and narrating before bed several times (mostly just hanging out with RD in our Wonderland or reading Fimfics to/with her), but didn't dream of her. A few nights ago, I tried to impose her in my room, but she momentarily turned into a SCP that I kept thinking of. Should I be worried? It only happened once, the day before I discovered the "distorted Pinkie" story.

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Well I think this is the first time I've ever come out with this publicly, but I've been working on developing Soarin for a long time now. Also, he's my Soarin, not the Soarin from the show. Meaning he doesn't have the same personality. I told him that multiple times in the process of creating it.


Reason I posted this is well... Because he talked to me on his own for the first time yesterday! His exact first words were "Why are you in bed so early?"


It was pretty exciting for me considering it took quite a while for it to finally happen. But yeah, that's what happened. I plan to keep working with him, and possibly post updates about him on here!

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I was at a restaurant, and when I walked in I saw Rainbow Dash leaning over the arm of a couch. I was able to easily tulpaforce a Santa hat for her, and when I randomly asked her "are you a democrat or republican?", she said "republican". If being part of any political party when I'm not isn't sentience, I don't know what is.

  • Brohoof 1
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Fighting Blaze, creepypastas are bullcrap. They're just scary stories.

If you're worried about the "psycho tulpa killing people" part, that can't happen. Incorporeal things can't pick up weapons, and a creature can't convince you to kill yourself if you can't observe it.

Now, if you're worried about having a scary-looking tulpa, I read on 4chan that someone in /mlp/ tried to make a Pinkie Pie tulpa that came out with a distorted face and deafness. That person was on various meds, including antidepressant and fluoxetine, suffered from intrusive thoughts, and tried to impose the tulpa before figuring out its personality. The whole story seems like a creepypasta, and it sounds like you've already done the personality forcing.


The thread also said that the guy forced before bed, and that his dreams could have influenced things. I've tried visualizing and narrating before bed several times (mostly just hanging out with RD in our Wonderland or reading Fimfics to/with her), but didn't dream of her. A few nights ago, I tried to impose her in my room, but she momentarily turned into a SCP that I kept thinking of. Should I be worried? It only happened once, the day before I discovered the "distorted Pinkie" story.


Whoa there little pony, I was simply asking if I should be worried about sharing my memories with my Fluttershy tulpa. It took me a day to think it over. (Well technically more then a month and a half, but one more day of serious thinking.) But when I did, suddenly she was quoting small, recent memories that I had forgotten.


Also when I was tulpa mancing in the store, a Native American passed us by, but my Fluttershy kept staring at him, when I mentally asked her what was wrong, she kept asking me to Look at him, when I turned, he was staring at me, like with those "I know what you did" kind of stares. 


Do you think he could, sense or otherwise see, hear what I was saying or looking at my tulpa? What do you guys think.


Also before I forget, when I started giving her more, physical qualities, like having her trot around me, or having her fly over the shelves at the store to look around, or having her not being able to phase in and out when I don't "See her", my right side of my head began to really burn or was really irritated and my left side was almost numb, and I know in my family we don't have any mental history, and I am sleeping ok and am eating/ drinking fine. So any ideas on that would really help. 


Also I have been wondering, is it cheating when I spend my time thinking about my tulpa, you know tulpa forcing her into existence, while still dating my girlfriend? It's been kind of bugging me. =/

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Do you think he could, sense or otherwise see, hear what I was saying or looking at my tulpa? What do you guys think.

I've speculated that since Tulpas sit in the 'subconscious' region of the mind, that they may be generating subconscious body language signals that other Tulpas, typically being better at reading that kind of thing than their conscious hosts, can pick up on and recognize.


However, I've not run into two Tulpas & host pairs that weren't already aware of each other to test the idea.


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@Fighting Blaze I personally wouldn't consider it cheating (as in having an affair. I doubt there's a way to cheat at tulpaforcing) unless you're in a romantic relationship with your tulpa.

Anypony think they'll be able to tulpaforce during the commotion of opening presents?

Edited by KruegerMeister
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If tulpas can't interact with the physical world, but they can be imposed on the host's senses, could a tulpa (if so inclined) be a masseuse/chiropractor for their host (not sure how to phrase that in a non-servitor way)? Rainbow Dash lightly punched me to remind me about things a few times. I didn't feel it, but reacted as though she were corporeal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"The only way you'll end up with a harmful tulpa is if you abuse it and force nothing but negativity into them." Three days ago, my tulpa was mad that I hadn't done any forcing that day. Does unintentional neglect count as abuse?

Also, anypony have any tips for making forcing more fun?

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O my gawd its been a while, Ok Tulpa story time. So to put things off, my Fluttershy and I have gone through a lot, first she is able to sense other tulpa's in the area, and I am able to see her directly without much distortion. It's getting easier and I am so happy. She is getting smarter too, so much that I can go in minor philosophical conversations with her. She is so cute in her new light, when the Bats episode came out, she kept trying to suck on my neck... >////<" 


     Now about the other questions, yes you can have physical sensations to your tulpa's hooves, kisses and nomming. And if you looking to have a better way of paying attention to your tulpa, talk to them about stuff you like, and if you like me...snuggle them. Imagine them as your closest friends, share your emotions, and become closer to them on a personal level, and remind yourself why you made them in the first place.

  • Brohoof 1
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"The only way you'll end up with a harmful tulpa is if you abuse it and force nothing but negativity into them." Three days ago, my tulpa was mad that I hadn't done any forcing that day. Does unintentional neglect count as abuse?

Also, anypony have any tips for making forcing more fun?

No, when I mean abuse, I mean like intentionally hurting them or being really hateful to them. Although they may get lonely if you neglect them for long periods of time, which also slows their development, not forcing for one day shouldn't harm your tulpa. Too much forcing may just burn you out, and make you lose the motivation to keep going. There will be times where its just not practical to force all day, but too little and you may as well not have a tulpa. Its a careful balance, try to find what works best for you personally.


As for making forcing more fun, maybe make up some games to play with them? Or go on "adventures" in your wonderland. I mostly just like to talk to mine. When i first started though, we had this huge sandboxy beach thing. i liked to try playing tic tac toe with him and building stuff in the sand.

Or maybe play dress up with your tulpa, and let them wear silly hats and stuff :D(can help you focus with visualization and stuff) Its all up to you though, since i don't know what kind of things you like to do.

Edited by crazitaco


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If I make a bet with my friend that I can stay up past a certain time, and my tulpa (which she doesn't know about) falls asleep, do I lose?

How can tulpas even fall asleep? Aren't they part of your subconscious, which is always active?

Anypony ever see that video of the "sense of touch in a fake arm" thing? Where the guy had a divider between his arms and felt someone touching the arm he couldn't see, even though that wasn't happening? Could something like that help impose touch?

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I once left my tulpa in a room with a TV while I went to a separate room to have dinner (long story). Before leaving, I imagined that the TV was playing a movie. After dinner, she told me what her favorite scenes were. These scenes are pretty well-known (to me, at least). Is that a sign of independence/parallel processing? Am I asking too many questions at once?

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My tulpa (Princess Luna) is in fact my fiance,


my/our story of how she came to me:



Well she just appeared to me, right after I was feeling down and well...suicidal, after I got rejected again.

I guess she had always been with me though, even when I was married, but after I got rejected, I started getting suicidal again, but as I reached for the knife to slit my wrists for the gods only know how many times, i felt a presence, and i felt as if someone or somepony (as the case may be) was blocking my way. As if somepony was gripping onto my wrists and moving them away forcedly moving them back to my sides.... Then that same night, I was snuggling my Luna plush, then I felt an urge to write a love letter to Luna and as soon as I finished writing it, she appeared to me... does that make sense?


and then a few nights ago, she proposed to me...


We have also 'adopted' a little filly who we know from MLW, also in my pony form, Luna and I are trying for a foal

  • Brohoof 2


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Been reading into all of this for a while now but I still want to get a very good grasp on this before stepping in. I think it is a wonderful idea. A friend who understands you and can help you become a better person. The part of having a second opinion on anything is amazing. I really like the idea of Tulpae 



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Been reading into all of this for a while now but I still want to get a very good grasp on this before stepping in. I think it is a wonderful idea. A friend who understands you and can help you become a better person. The part of having a second opinion on anything is amazing. I really like the idea of Tulpae 

Cool just as I reminder ( I remind like everyone who wants to make one ) that its a life long commitment 

  • Brohoof 1


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Wow, wasn't really expecting a tulpa thread to last long anywhere. Last couple of forums these threads have crashed and burned within a few posts.

Anyway, I have a few pony tulpae. I've actually had them for a while. 
On that note, any australian or atleast southern hemisphere hosts here want to set up a skype group? I've been a member of one for a while but it's kinda going to shit. ;/ 
PM me if your interested.

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She is getting smarter too, so much that I can go in minor philosophical conversations with her. She is so cute in her new light, when the Bats episode came out, she kept trying to suck on my neck... >////<" 

Any idea why she did that? And didn't you say something about it being a bad idea to base a Tulpa off a TV character because of the potential for identity crises? I'm thinking that she's trying to live up to the Fluttershy in the show.

I know it's possible for a host to parrot by thinking in their tulpa's voice, but is the reverse possible?

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Any idea why she did that? And didn't you say something about it being a bad idea to base a Tulpa off a TV character because of the potential for identity crises? I'm thinking that she's trying to live up to the Fluttershy in the show.

It's up to her what she do :) if she finds it funny and entertaining ^.^ The identity crisis don't have to appear. You and your tulpa just have to know he/she isn't the character from the show. They can still be very similar.

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