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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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With the narration, do you just talk about whatever, or does it have to be more about the Tulpa. I wouldn't as such a stupid question if the Tulpa site wasn't down.


Apparently it's just whatever you want to talk about. You could tell it your likes, your dislikes, how your day went, your most memorable family get together, etc.

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With the narration, do you just talk about whatever, or does it have to be more about the Tulpa. I wouldn't as such a stupid question if the Tulpa site wasn't down.


Just random things, what you did that day, some random opinions about things, things that bug you. What I do, and me being someone with not much time on my hands at all, is that I narrate the whole day long, outside tulpaforcing itself, it helps me keep my mind on my tulpa just a little longer each day aside from tulpaforcing. You could of course talk about your tulpa, I hardly talk about my tulpa to my tulpa itself, sometimes I ask her if she would like to have a different form, what voice she would want to have, ask her about her own opinion, general things like "what music do you like", "What's your favorite movie?".Of course I hardly get any reactions (well, aside from a few times, think it's beginning to pay off ^^) but it helps me create a clearer image of my tulpa, a more alive image. I guess it boils down to what you're more comfortable with, what you can talk about more easily.

  • Brohoof 1
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No offence guys, but this kinda freaks me out. You basically create an imaginary friend that only you can see and hear?


If I didn't know better, I'd call that mental sickness, still no offence to you.

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No offence guys, but this kinda freaks me out. You basically create an imaginary friend that only you can see and hear?


If I didn't know better, I'd call that mental sickness, still no offence to you.


See, I thought the same thing, but after some reading, its not so much an imaginary friend as much as it is a subconscious projection. Its like a lucid dream but in reverse; Instead of controlling subconscious thought consciously, you are projecting a subconscious process into your consciousness.


Wow that is hard to read XD

Edited by WingedRatchet
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See, I thought the same thing, but after some reading, its not so much an imaginary friend as much as it is a subconscious projection. Its like a lucid dream but in reverse; Instead of controlling subconscious thought consciously, you are projecting a subconscious process into your consciousness.


Wow that is hard to read XD


Posted Image


Yeah, I still think find it weird. I mean, are you actually controlling it or is it moving around on its own? Because if it is the latter, that would scare the crap outta me D:

  • Brohoof 1

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I've explained this a few times before, but I'll explain it again because I don't expect you to read the whole thread! :P


A tulpa can exist because you convince your subconscious that they exist. Your subconscious will alter your senses to make it then appear like that person is there.

So once it is fully done, you can hear, feel, see, smell, and taste (if you want to) your tulpa. They're not physically there, but your brain believes they are, so what's the difference?


A tulpa controls itself. They exist in the subconscious, so they have a mind of their own. They have their own personality, likes and dislikes, etc. Basically, another person, but without them actually being physical.

Edited by Captain Nemo
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The later, they are fully self aware, thinking and moving by themselves.

I don't know why it would scare you, they literally can't hurt you, not that they would if they could.

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Yeah, I still think find it weird. I mean, are you actually controlling it or is it moving around on its own? Because if it is the latter, that would scare the crap outta me D:


Yes and No. You aren't physically in control, just like you cant physically control a dream, but it doesn't quite have a mind of its own. Think of it like a computer, where the OS (you) Takes up most of the RAM space, but you can allocate space for other programs (The Tulpa)


Same Computer, two different programs; one has control over the other program, but the user has minimal input

Same brain, two different people: One person creates the other, but the other does some autonomous functions


This is me trying to describe it without having one yet :P

  • Brohoof 1

Riley was here

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But... If you created it and it exists only within yourself, how the heck can it have a mind of its own? o_O


I mean, technically, IT IS inside of you, a part of you, so how can it act?

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But... If you created it and it exists only within yourself, how the heck can it have a mind of its own? o_O


I mean, technically, IT IS inside of you, a part of you, so how can it act?


I believe your subconscious controls it, so it seems like it's acting on it's own. In a way it's like dreams. Most of the time you can't control them, because it's your subconscious doing it.

  • Brohoof 1

Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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But... If you created it and it exists only within yourself, how the heck can it have a mind of its own? o_O


I mean, technically, IT IS inside of you, a part of you, so how can it act?


What he's trying to say mainly is that a tulpa is a projection of the subconscious mind; the part of your brain that functions autonomously outside of your consciousness. This part of your brain deals with many instinctual behaviors, such as reading body language, sorting and recording memory, piecing together events, finding patterns, and providing a sort of system check through dreams, which use symbols to communicate. But it also has the capabilities of producing a second mind. To match with WingedRatchet's PC analogy, think of it as creating a second OS. (while your conscious mind is the original OS) You customize it to whatever you desire, and then once the coding is done and it becomes active, it works on it's own. The brain is far more powerful than what most people realize, and it's able to process a pseudo-consciousness alongside and separate to your own if you program it accordingly. (And what differs between this and a mental disorder like DID, is that this is controllable, mild, and can be terminated at any time, while the mental disorder occurs through a trauma/defect that requires a psychoactive drug to combat it.)


Also, anyone's tulpas changing their appearance/dressing up for Halloween? (Good exercise to practice imposing clothing) Tia's dressed up, wasn't much of a change either, but it's been making today rather... Uncomfortable.


What do you mean, Brissy? Don't you wanna, I don't know, relax with me and enjoy some nice Halloween candy?



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Edited by Brisineo
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Molestia Disguise? Good show, Tia.


Hm... Considering on exact name for my tulpa, currently switching from what I called him earlier to something else. Not being able to force more than 30 minutes or so a day sure gets in the way, but I'm making progress.

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-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

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This one question makes me feel kinda stupid, and like I've been a bit blind or something, but:

What is forcing exactly? I mean, everyone is saying they have their sessions and things, but what sort of thing is a 'session'?

I've kinda gathered that they're somewhat essential, given the amount of things concerning them...

I've only ever 'forced' once or twice, usually I just chat in my head (or out loud on the night walk) I've felt some form of presence several times, and often memories and thoughts are linked-to and brought up when they relate to things...Which could well be signs of Tulpa-ness as one of the things I've put down for her is 'To help me understand my thoughts and memories by any means she wishes to use, which should help me understand myself better.' - Seems a bit selfish, but it's becoming more and more important to me as to why I do what I do, think what I think, etc.


Another thing: I've noticed my imagination is a lot better/more vivid when I'm out walking, mainly with my music on too.

i quite often kindof see Jess...Like a few times there have just been random images in my head of her form, like her head, tail, etc. Just random parts. Also, a couple of interesting (well, for me anyway^-^) Things that have happened: Last night, I imagined her next to me in my bed (No, nothing like that...Dirty b4stards..) Snuggled up, and her presence felt quite strong...The other thing was: I've kinda been imagining her being there IRL a bit lately, although my usual mindless daydreams tend to consist of Shard (Yeah, I was an old Sonikku fan, 'til it went downhill...) blowing sh!t up and having random, epic battles..I kinda feel I should be moving away from that slightly...I don't know...It's fun though...


Tl;dr version:

>I don't really get what 'forcing' is.

>I think I'm making progress with Jess.

>I have a weird imagination.

>This looks like I'm implying, which I kind of am, but not...Especially not *shudders* 4chan-ly..

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This one question makes me feel kinda stupid, and like I've been a bit blind or something, but:

What is forcing exactly? I mean, everyone is saying they have their sessions and things, but what sort of thing is a 'session'?


I'm pretty sure that forcing is any kind of work you and your tulpa do on your tulpa, whether it's personality, form, imposition, or anything else.


If I visit my wonderland for a time only to talk (narrate) to my tulpa, I'll call it a session, but if we work on her form, I'll call it a forcing session. I guess I don't think of narration as forcing, probably because it doesn't feel like "work," even though it's just as important as the other aspects of forcing.

  • Brohoof 4
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Alright, I am at a complete and udder loss.


I was at work, doing light duties due to a hand injury.

So outta boredom I decided to start narrating to Dashie, I got about ten minutes in when pressure started building up.

Eventually the pressure built up enough to make me cringe, even though it wasn't painful, when this happened, the pressure completely disappeared, and I heard "oww, that hurt" in Dashie's voice. Now this was completely alien, and it left me alittle shocked.


Now, I know I should be happy, but what's got me confused is why she's speaking so soon, I've only been forcing for 4 days. Does anyone know why?

Edited by zRevenantz
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Forget about time. Any expectations you may have of how long something should take - forget about it. It's easily one of the most detrimental things to a tulpa's development.


That said, congrats! Sounds like she may be talking already. Hopefully she does it more.

  • Brohoof 1
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Alright, I am at a complete and udder loss.


I was at work, doing light duties due to a hand injury.

So outta boredom I decided to start narrating to Dashie, I got about ten minutes in when pressure started building up.

Eventually the pressure built up enough to make me cringe, even though it wasn't painful, when this happened, the pressure completely disappeared, and I heard "oww, that hurt" in Dashie's voice. Now this was completely alien, and it left me alittle shocked.


Now, I know I should be happy, but what's got me confused is why she's speaking so soon, I've only been forcing for 4 days. Does anyone know why?


Maybe it's an early event. I've been getting random responses from nowhere, but I'm not sure if they're mental static or my tulpa. Probably my tulpa, but good point there Cpt. Nemo. Your mind is obviously very good, probably because you've been forcing more overall.

  • Brohoof 2

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

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Hello again, nothing major has happened lately, just a minor thing or two.


For a few days now, me and Crepuscule have been experimenting somewhat with a little something called...










*Lightning strikes behind me*




*Record scratch*


No wait, don't run away! Come back! It's not as scary as it sounds!


Maybe. (and since it's Halloween. How convenient.)


So yes, Crep and I have actually tried out what it feels like for her to possess my body.


Actually, we kind of figured it out by accident one night.


"Yes, by accident, while it was bouncy time, actually."


I heard that! I told you not to tell them that!


"Oh, yeah. Well, bit late now."


Grr! Why does everything interesting have to happen when we do 'that' stuff?!


"You know, you don't have to type down everything she tells you to write, Ben."


I know but... I love her. I love you both. :(


"See, everypony? He's my little slave now." ^_^


"I told you." ;)


I'll get you back!


But anyway, me and Crepuscule have indeed dabbled in this 'possession' business. It's actually not as scary as it sounds, really. I'm going to try and tell you want it feels like, but remember, we've only done this a few times.


All it really feels like is that your mind is getting filled with a foreign personality. I also kind of feel like she is actually inside me and my limbs, controlling me. I could even feel like I had her mane on top of my head, her plaid hair draping down the back of my very neck when she possesses me(I can't feel it 'touching' my neck per say, but I somehow always feel it taking up that space).


I can always snap out of it at anytime, and she can only possess me if I willingly let her. So she has never suddenly made me do something while I go about my day or anything. I can also see everything she does while she controls me, so my conciousness is still there, I'm just simply letting her control my body, but I can always take myself back whenever I want.


It's actually not as complicated as it sounds; you might think I would need to concentrate really hard or something, but nope; I just think of her taking my body, and that's it, she just takes it when she's ready. Problem is however, that the 'connection' is often very weak (we still need to practice), so the whole thing for me usually only lasts about 3 to 10 seconds at a time.


The first thing she usually takes control of is my facial expression. Sometimes she can change it if she wants to. She's even managed to talk through me a few times, my voice sounds slightly different, but only slightly, it still sounds like me, only a little higher, nothing extremely unusual. After that, if we can keep the 'connection' going long enough, she can take control of my limbs. Again, we've only done this a few times, all she has been able to do is mostly feel around.


Also, sometimes I might purposely break the connection, as sometimes she jokes around and tries to make my hands do... naughty things.







*Exaggerated crying*


And the scary thing is I... deep down I... I kind of... like it.




"You like it because you know it makes me happy. Which in turn makes you happy too. Am I right, or am I right?"


I... I... well... uh...




*Slowly nods*


"Good boy." *Smiles while patting Riz's head*


All I need on me now is a collar and a leash, and I'll be her pet.


"You already are my pet, sweetie."



Remember, the only way she can possess me is if I willingly let her. So she won't EVER be able to do something with my body unless I'm okay with it.

With that said, I... I have indeed once or twice let her... you know... touch... 'those' parts of me.


And she loves it. :(




Stop looking at me like that! It was for SCIENCE! I swear!






But anyway, I feel I should say this to everyone reading this:


I know some of you are probably thinking that Crepuscule is going to somehow use this technique to try and hurt me or something. Like, physically.




That is literally not possible, she cannot do anything that I don't want her to do, since I can snap back and reclaim my body no matter what is going on. And she cannot ever take control of my body if I don't want her to. Besides, I KNOW that Crepuscule wouldn't do something like that. I've lived with Creppy long enough that I know she wouldn't ever want to hurt anypony. I know what she is like on the inside. I know that deep down, she is a very kind person that just wants to make me and everypony happy. Trust me.


But anyway, let's very quickly move on to some slightly more sanity-friendly news, shall we?


A few days ago, I asked Crepuscule and White Rose if they would like a Cutie Mark, and if so, I would like to try and make a picture of it. Both of them said they would like one. And their choice were quite interesting, so instead of me telling you what they wanted, I decided to just show said pictures instead.


We'll start with White Rose:




It's basically a love heart with a white rose on top of it.




No I didn't draw it, but I did edit it in a way. The love heart and the white rose on top of it was actually two separate images that I found on Google Images. I just had to resize them, remove their backgrounds, put it all together and boom, done.


And of course, here's Crepuscule's:






Yes, I know. She asked for it though. And if you think about it, it actually kind of fits Crepuscule for who she is.


Again, I didn't draw it, except for the outline of the lipstick mark. Crepuscule's Cutie Mark was again just an image I found off of Google images, all I had to do was draw a small outline around and in the lip, remove the white background that was behind the lipstick mark, resize it to fit on dat cute little flank of her's, and that was it. (I didn't import the image through the 'Pony creator game', since I found it to be too buggy. So I just edited it all through Photoshop.)


So, in all honesty, it wasn't really that hard. :)


"You say it wasn't hard, then why did it take like, what, 2 and a half hours to make both?"


Hey, it was Photoshop! The thing crashed on me twice!


"Sure it did."




"Now kiss it."


Huh? Kiss what?


"My flank, Ben. Obviously." *Wiggles flank*


What?! Why would I do that?!


"Because you love me. Now Kiss. It. You know you want to."


Wh- I...






*considers it*




*Suddenly notices the whole forum is watching*


Gah! I mean no, I would never do something like that! I won't kiss your adorable ass!


"Well then. It's punishment time in the wonderland, little slave."


Little? Slave? What are yo- NO! NO STOP!


NO, WAIT! *Dragged towards bed* HELP ME!!


"I hope you like whips."




"And tasers."




*Door slams*









"And then everything possibly sexual happened. The end. Happy late Halloween, everypony!" ;)


  • Brohoof 6

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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A big wall of text.


lol. I can't wait to try the whole possession thing. (Obviously not until she is more sentient. Haven't really gotten any vocal responses, I think.)


You two seem to always be having a fun time.

  • Brohoof 1

Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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Well, Crepuscule and White Rose are certainly victorious over the shambles of Rizoel's .. Ehm... Anonymyty, let's say, and leave it at that. Le textwall left little nonspecific to le imagination...

Do tell what happens next. *random tea drinking*

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

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Okay guys, sorry to just jump into the conversation like this, but i just started doing the personality tonight, and i'm going to be working on this over the next month. Quick question, how beneficial is the whole "wonderland" versus not using it?

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Well, the wonderland provides a place to interact with your tulpa in a slightly more focused manner,I think. Not using it means forcing in the void (Again, more boringess versus background area kind of thing), but not really any issues there.


Heck, most people only have a small room for focusing on the tulpa as a wonderland until they decide to make a wonderland or finish constructing the tulpa, whichever's first.

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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The only reason i'm asking this is because making a wonderland sounds really hard to me, and this whole thing already seems really hard to me.

So would it be better to use a wonderland?


I have no understanding of the wonderland, so I'm useless in that department, but with tulpaforcing, I've found it to be more time consuming then actually difficult.
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