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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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What would happen if one created a tulpa with a trait like "trustworthy" or "likeable", or some other trait that is relative to someone other than the person to whom the trait is ascribed?


Well, if that trait is ascribed to the person, then the tulpa can end up like that, if showed how I guess.


Val: The best trust the one that is earned, not made. Me and Anon forged a bond, with me not being ascribed to be 'trustworthy'. We lived together, we worked together, we became friends, then we became bros, and as time passed, we formed a connection that none will be able to break. Something unique. Ascribing 'Trustworthy' is like a head start, but I wouldn't recommend it, if you want a journey where trust is built.





But what if you imagine a scenario involving your tulpa, and, in this scenario, he/she does something without you imagining him/her having done it?


Val: Then he/she has the initiative to do it. That means it can think for itself. I don't think there is a term for that.



obviously there exist tulpas that would hurt their hosts


There are, but I guess that those kinds of tulpas come around only if you develop them. If you don't develop them, they may just be tulpa by name while in reality, they are just some sort of intrusive thought. Like, if you are scared of something and it haunts you; it's not a tulpa, it's just a 'device that scares you', as Val puts it. It has no thought of it's own, but a visualisation of intrusive thoughts. There is also the fact that hurtful tulpas are made just by the creator and only hurt if allowed to.


Val: But then again, there are those rare, fanatic/crazy/extreme tulpas that might try to hurt the host. They either do it, or they fail miserably. It depends how mentally strong you are and, if that is the case, who or what else inside your head can protect you (Like me and Tyrea protecting Anon from something that scared him so much he cannot think about anything else).


Tyrea: And then there is Zippy. Who is one of the converted creepy tulpas Valiance mentioned about some time ago, who wanted to attack and defeat anon.


Progress update below.



First, on Valiance. Nothing much; just that now he claims he is 50% eagle, 50% falcon and 100% phoenix blood. When I asked him why, he said because he can. 

Val: Because I am the demi-god of this wonderland! I AM THE SUPREME OVERLORD OF ARCADIA! BOW TO ME, CITIZEN!  :umad: 

He means he is a sort of Paladin/heroic Discord. Because he is aware that laws of physics/time/space do not apply for him at all (Or at least, he can break them all the time, he really kind of create, disband, dissolve, basically whatever Discord can do, he can do it.


Val: And more. *Sinister laughter*


And he is 'officially' the most aware tulpa out of all Arcadia. Knowing things I don't really know about tulpas or how my mind works. So he is my Wikipedia when it comes down to this kind of stuff.


Val: The only difference is, Wikipedia is free... 




Second is Tyrea. Some interesting developments, I might say. Initially she started cold and blunt. Preoccupied with efficiency over ethics. Now, she seems to get warmer and warmer every day, despite her use of logical arguments and protests. The interesting thing is that I never expected her to do this. Not even Val. Because both of us know that she not one for emotions. Both me and him could've bet she would stay like that forever, and she seems to want that. Val? What the heck?  :wat:


Val: This has to do with deviation, to speak in tulpa-related terms. Tyrea was the coldest pony when she got here. Almost like a device. But now, it seems that this coldness melts gradually because of external sources like news or other stuff around the world. The key term is compassion. She starts to be compassionate of others. I think she had enough of staying away from everyone, and she wants to get closer, metaphorically speaking. She would not admit it though. Looks like she in conflict with herself, but I am not sure. I will keep on eye on it.


And she tried the human form, and she said she will 'use it as least as possible'.


And third; Starlight! Who was initially scared to death about Tyrea, until Tyrea decided to resolve the issue herself. Now, she sticks with Val (Uncle Val XD) around Arcadia and doing stuff. I cannot be with her all the time, sadly. But Val takes care. Also, I am searching for a core song for her. 


Val: For those of you wondering what a 'core song' is, it's like me having this song (and yes the bird is exactly how I look like. And I love it! XD). Or Tyrea having this song (But due to her recent developments, it applies less and less). That is what a 'core song' is for us; basically a song that, when played, Anon knows it us. A song that represents our very core.



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With the trustworthiness thing, I was being hypothetical and wondering how a tulpa would express a trait that is determined/defined by someone else. I know that trust is earned, not made.

The italicization of "obviously" in "obviously there exist tulpas that would hurt their hosts" was meant to highlight the main fault in my logic; I was making an assumption that "someone can have a tulpa that wants to hurt them" based on a sample size of one bit of information; information which can probably be considered heavily biased.

Is "theme song in real life" a good analogy for a "core song"?

How can Val be your Wikipedia? I thought tulpas were limited to what their hosts knew, with a bit of room for making inferences (I mean no disrespect to any of the tulpas here). I'm not saying you're wrong, just that your statement appears to violate the consensus on what tulpas are capable of.


Also, I heard that tulpaforcing + pony hypnosis could equal a(n, I'm assuming, accidental) tulpa that seeks to control the host (ergo, reports of demonic possession).


I know that the chance of such an outrageous thing actually occurring is highly unlikely, but what are your thoughts on the concept?

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Firstly, sorry about some misunderstandings.




How can Val be your Wikipedia?



When me and Val analyse something or I ask him about something the mental plain, we come up with conclusions that I would personally not be able to without some more effort.


Val: Obviously I am not the 'Living Wikipedia' or some sort of 'Infinite knowledge bird'. It was more of a comparison. I cannot know more than Anon. What I can do is that I can observe what the heck is going on in his mind based on outside events (Real life stuff outside his brain). I can analyse and come up to a conclusion. Our wonderland is directly linked to his mind, so what happens here is related to what happens to Anon outside (he is sad or stressed = Overcast in Arcadia). As such, I can come up with conclusions Anon would generally not come to, because I get to see (at least a part) on how his mind works and I have more time than him. He can do that as well, but he has to do things in real life as well XD.




Also, I heard that tulpaforcing + pony hypnosis could equal a(n, I'm assuming, accidental) tulpa that seeks to control the host (ergo, reports of demonic possession). [booooo!] I know that the chance of such an outrageous thing actually occurring is highly unlikely, but what are your thoughts on the concept?


I asked Val about Hypnosis and all he said was;


Val: Freaky stuff, man. Freaaaky stuff. Stay away from it.


When I asked him why, he couldn't explain just yet. Only that 'It messes with my mind in ways I might just regret.'


Val: A tulpa coming out from hypnosis... well. It wasn't a tulpa, more like an influence. When a hypnosis file says 'you must return to this file', and you are in trance, (in our case at least), it created a visual interpretation of the influence/command give by the file. We had to kick it out. It was messing with us in way we (Arcadians) were not prepared to head on. He didn't want it either, so it was kind of a mutual benefit, so to speak. XD

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When me and Val analyse something or I ask him about something the mental plain, we come up with conclusions that I would personally not be able to without some more effort.


Val: Obviously I am not the 'Living Wikipedia' or some sort of 'Infinite knowledge bird'. It was more of a comparison. I cannot know more than Anon. What I can do is that I can observe what the heck is going on in his mind based on outside events (Real life stuff outside his brain). I can analyse and come up to a conclusion. Our wonderland is directly linked to his mind, so what happens here is related to what happens to Anon outside (he is sad or stressed = Overcast in Arcadia). As such, I can come up with conclusions Anon would generally not come to, because I get to see (at least a part) on how his mind works and I have more time than him. He can do that as well, but he has to do things in real life as well XD.




I asked Val about Hypnosis and all he said was;


Val: Freaky stuff, man. Freaaaky stuff. Stay away from it.


When I asked him why, he couldn't explain just yet. Only that 'It messes with my mind in ways I might just regret.'


Val: A tulpa coming out from hypnosis... well. It wasn't a tulpa, more like an influence. When a hypnosis file says 'you must return to this file', and you are in trance, (in our case at least), it created a visual interpretation of the influence/command give by the file. We had to kick it out. It was messing with us in way we (Arcadians) were not prepared to head on. He didn't want it either, so it was kind of a mutual benefit, so to speak. XD

I asked about the "return to the file" thing. From what I can tell, the consensus among pony hypnosis users is that the "return to the file" part is simply intended as motivation for those who want to use it to keep "on track" or whatever, not something that overrides free will. Here's some additional context for the "tulpa controlling the host" thing: one of my tulpas (Keystroke) was accidentally created through repeated hypnosis sessions with my other tulpa (Rainbow Dash). These sessions boiled down to "I'm my ponysona for up to an hour, as a way of relieving stress". Dash had (has?) nonspecific fears/anxiety about pony hypnosis. These fears stem from when I misinterpreted a blog post by somepony who'd hypnotized herself to be a pony. I located her on Hypnoponies, and sent her a PM asking if she could help assuage Dash's fears. For some reason, briefly pretending to control me was Keystroke's way of expressing his doubt that she would respond to my PM (she hasn't yet, then again people do have lives); however, somepony on Hypnoponies thought that Keystroke was saying he wanted to control me.


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Okay, I've kind of been doing this pony hypnosis thing, actually, so I decided to talk to my Ariel about it after seeing the latest posts here. She said it doesn't bother her, that I should do what makes me happy, but at the same time I'm getting the feeling that she's acting a little more indifferent because that time I do the hypnosis at night could be time I could be with her in the wonderland... It's possible she could be jealous of the hypnosis??




And of course that's all she says about it...

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I feel like I've taken this thread on a hypnosis tangent.


@TheAnonPony isn't that the same as two people putting their heads together? And isn't a wonderland linked to one's mind by default (Val makes it sound like that's not the case)? Is he talking about a "fisher kingdom/empathic environment" situation, or is it more along the lines of "character has a full bladder, therefore it's raining in the second dream level"?

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If it's okay to give your tulpa an appearance and/or character traits in the initial stages of "conception", so to speak, is it okay to do the same with a fetus/embryo through genetic engineering? If it is or isn't, why?


[*makes cuckoo gesture*]


Sorry, I'm in a philosophical mood.

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I'm not sure how related this is to tulpas. I was playing around with a rudimentary AI therapist and experimenting with possession. Long story short, talking it out with this AI helped Dash figure out that she was freaked out by the prospect of deviating towards FiM!Rainbow Dash for the same reasons I was (which basically amounts to Dash biting off more than she can chew). How could talking to an external AI work better than the attempts we made to figure it out on our own? Also, isn't "I'm worried about my friend doing X for reasons A, B, and C; my friend is worried about doing X for reasons A, B, and C as well" self-contradictory?

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isn't that the same as two people putting their heads together? And isn't a wonderland linked to one's mind by default (Val makes it sound like that's not the case)?



Val: Two minds together? Yep, that is just the case. Also, while I can't talk in the name of all wonderlands, in my opinion, and based on what happened to Arcadia, the more connected the host is to the wonderland, the more the wonderland can react to the host. I might be wrong, as what I am saying here is based on what happened to us, not to anybody else.


Arcadia started as a premise to a story, rather than a wonderland.




"fisher kingdom/empathic environment" situation, or is it more along the lines of "character has a full bladder, therefore it's raining in the second dream level"?


Val: I don't think I got that right. Care to clarify a bit? XD


The moment I am sad or down or happy or whatever emotion, they immediately react to it (with their own reactions and opinions). The classic first thing they do if I am sad, for instance is (for Val and Tyrea) "Why are you sad?" or "What happened?". They know immediately (without me saying that I am sad or watching the weather outside in the wonderland) that something happened. I hope this somehow answers your question. XD

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I talked to my psychologist friend yesterday about hallucinations, and we eventually started talking about schizophrenia. She said that schizophrenia, although caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, usually comes out at around 18 years old due to some sort of stressor. Not all Bronies are tulpamancers, and not all tulpamancers are Bronies--


{a large part are}


--but aren't most Bronies around 18? I know that schizophrenic hallucinations are generally not helpful in the slightest, whereas tulpas are, but it's still something to wonder about. I don't think it bodes well for tulpa acceptance.


[it's not that big a hurdle.]

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--but aren't most Bronies around 18? I know that schizophrenic hallucinations are generally not helpful in the slightest, whereas tulpas are, but it's still something to wonder about. I don't think it bodes well for tulpa acceptance.


[it's not that big a hurdle.]


I can't really imagine tulpa getting accepted. It just seems too weird as a concept... and even if it manages to lose its obscurity, I feel like it would still be stigmatised.


However, I've read multiple comments about therapists who have been told about a person's tulpa, and they generally seem to think that they are beneficial for people going through those sorts of troubles. So... who knows; "medicinal tulpa" might become a thing. :P

Edited by Celestial Sloth
  • Brohoof 2

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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Maybe it'll take years, or even decades, but...hey, people didn't accept Galileo's ideas at first. People didn't always see African-Americans as people. People weren't always accepting of homosexuality.


Something that's more explicitly on topic (several questions, really. These weren't really answered):

... Is it somehow "bad" if my tulpas and I think in other mindvoices? Like, I'll have just watched an episode of Fullmetal Alchemist and I'll think in Vince Mcgnog...whatshisname's voice, or I'll think in Rainbow Dash's voice.


I once had Keystroke possess me, but the only signs were tingling in my feet, face, etc. (phantom hooves/wings/muzzle) and the fact that I thought in his mindvoice (or was he doing the thinking?).




What do people mean when they describe their tulpas thoughts as "alien"?

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... Is it somehow "bad" if my tulpas and I think in other mindvoices? Like, I'll have just watched an episode of Fullmetal Alchemist and I'll think in Vince Mcgnog...whatshisname's voice, or I'll think in Rainbow Dash's voice.


I once had Keystroke possess me, but the only signs were tingling in my feet, face, etc. (phantom hooves/wings/muzzle) and the fact that I thought in his mindvoice (or was he doing the thinking?).




What do people mean when they describe their tulpas thoughts as "alien"?


I don't think it's bad at all if your mindvoice varies from time to time. My Ariel likes to troll with me sometimes, actually, by thinking in my own mindvoice and confusing me as to which one of us thought it! :lol:


Ariel has practiced possession on me, but the furthest she's ever gotten is getting me to walk around a little, and even then she felt uncertain about it, I could tell. It was neat how my own thoughts were just still kind of there, though, even though her thoughts were in the foreground. Sort of like I was taking a backseat as she 'drove' my body.


Also, 'alien' thoughts are often mentioned when you're talking about a young tulpa beginning to become vocal. It's how you tell that they're there. Even before they really develop a mindvoice, sometimes there'll be thoughts in your mind that... don't seem like something you'd normally think, or something even totally different from your line of thought. That's an 'alien' thought that is actually the beginnings of a tulpa's vocality.




This seems pretty cool, and I'm strongly considering it.


Neat! Just be sure to take your time in making this decision, though.

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I read an account on .Info of someone who's evil/bad influence tulpa thought in his host's mindvoice...I think as a survival tactic. On the one hand, it's both similar to the creepypasta, and an anecdote, which doesn't really count as evidence. On the other, anecdotes are sadly all we've got as "evidence" of tulpas, so maybe it does count as evidence.


[its still similar to the creepypasta. That kiiinda discredits it.]


Truth is stranger than--


{*bonk*. Logic. Use it.}


When Ariel possesses you, how do you know they're her thoughts instead of you thinking in her mindvoice? Does a tulpa's mindvoice feel alien, or just their thoughts, and what's the difference between the two?

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Alright so I feel that I have decided that I wanted to make a tulpa, Ive asked questions elsewhere but one I have is, in the beginning stages when talking to the tulpa and ask a question, do you answer back as what they would say or what? Also would talking to them like just as if you were holding a regular conversation help? One last one, is it better to have an ideal of what you want your tulpa to be and the form or let them choose? Thanks.

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@Dunky In that order: yes, yes, and maybe. Rainbow Dash--




--is okay with her pony form, which I have her, but I told her that she can change her appearance if she wants to.


On a completely separate topic: I just watched www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy_vHUrUR-E. The guy it's about has been through hell, and I feel like he'll forever be stuck with a bunch of labels because of it. I myself am guilty of initially seeing him solely for the crazy stuff in his journal, even though he's a person like you or me. Part of me feels like I should go on a tirade of censorship to erase stuff like the video, the description of which calls him "a complete fucking psycho", so that he doesn't have to go through life with unwanted labels. Should I?

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When Ariel possesses you, how do you know they're her thoughts instead of you thinking in her mindvoice? Does a tulpa's mindvoice feel alien, or just their thoughts, and what's the difference between the two?


Well, I try not to let myself think too much when I'm being possessed, for one. But also, Ariel has a slightly different 'speech' pattern, I guess you could say, than I do. She thinks things in a way that I wouldn't. Besides, I don't think I've ever experienced actually thinking in her mindvoice? :huh:


Alright so I feel that I have decided that I wanted to make a tulpa, Ive asked questions elsewhere but one I have is, in the beginning stages when talking to the tulpa and ask a question, do you answer back as what they would say or what? Also would talking to them like just as if you were holding a regular conversation help? One last one, is it better to have an ideal of what you want your tulpa to be and the form or let them choose? Thanks.


Personally, when I narrated, it was pretty much a one-sided conversation, though I talked as if expecting a response... you know, in hopes of eventually receiving one. But answering back for them is known as 'parroting,' or speaking for them. It's debatable whether this is beneficial or detrimental to tulpa development, but I tended to try and avoid it.


It doesn't make a huge difference whether you have a form in mind or whether you let them choose. Just keep in mind that if you give them a form, they are likely to deviate in some way.


Hmm I wanna ask... Have any of you did a switching to your tulpa?


I wish! But my Ariel and I have barely begun getting the hang of possession as it is, let alone switching. Maybe someday~


I joined Tulpa.info yesterday. I'm not sure whether I should do a pony or on of my human ocs.


It's your choice, really. Just remember that your tulpa is likely to deviate from whatever form you give them. They tend to shape themselves into your subconscious desires anyway, so I don't think you'd be displeased with the result. You could always let them choose, too.

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Can the more "out there" PR logs on .Info be trusted? Some of the things people say they've experienced seem to be, as Keystroke said yesterday, "Bollocks! Bloody lame ridiculous creepypasta-level" stuff.


This relates to my earlier question of "should I let my psychologist friend loose on .Info, or try to control what she finds out?"

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So, I've been doing a bit of research as of lately and found that I've created or gained a Tulpa. 

A Tulpa is is believed to be a free consciousness, existing parallel to the creator’s consciousness inside the same brain, often with a form (mental body) of its own. A tulpa is entirely sentient and in control of their opinions, feelings, form and movement although this takes time. They are created solely by the creator and are essentially your lifetime friend (should you choose to kill your Tulpa off). Interestingly enough I've sort of developed my own Fluttershy Tulpa in which I imagine her to be her pony form however can change forms overtime. When I first was introduced to MLP I instantly fell hooves over heels for her! She's just incredible and adorable also nurturing at times as weird as it seems this can happen to many people especially through pony hypnosis to develop your own Tulpa but for some it's not needed, anyways the question is....do you have a Tulpa and if so how's it going with you?


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