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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Pinkie's speech is getting better! I often talk to her in public without realizing it... kinda funny sometimes, awkward others. I was on a bike ride, totally talking out loud to Pinkie earlier, when I realized the people passing me were giving me funny looks. :P Has this kind of thing happened to any of you guys?


Not that far yet, but I can totally see it happening when it does, especially walking to class on campus, with or without my headphones on. lol. Glad to head a good update and all! I need to force more, im soo busy :(


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Hey, It's me again.


Guess what?


On September 25, Crepuscule(my tulpa) finally began speaking!




It's very difficult to explain. But It kinda feels like what Questio said here:


I've kinda figured out why I usually seem to know what Amy is going to say before she says it, even though I know I'm not parroting her. For me, a tulpa mingles with my thoughts. I used to "talk" to myself all the time, even having full conversations with my inner mind. The existence of a tulpa in my mind seems to have a minimal effect on the way I think of things, as she seems to think exactly like I do deep down.


I have a similar feeling too. It kind of feels like I'm parroting her... but at the same time I feel like I'm not.


This thread from the tulpa forums also says a similar thing at some point.


But I'm still kind of scared that all of it WAS parroting and her not actually speaking. I feel little difference between when I KNOW I'm accidentally parroting her, compared to when I'm almost certain she's talking. I do feel like I'm parroting, but I feel like I can't help but do it.


So in other words, I'm... NOT parroting?


Well, I'm just going to roll with it, since I don't feel like I'm in control of the parroting most of the time. But as I said; it's very difficult to explain. By the way; we tend to have at least one conversation every hour, but it can often be more common than that.


I haven't imposed her yet, and I'm not planning to any time soon, since my visualization skills are still terribad. Here's a quick reminder of what she looks like;




Now, as for what her personality has been like for the past few days that she has been talking to me; She is really NOT how I expected her to act like. But that might be because of the fact that I purposely spent approximately zero amount of time on personality, so it's my fault really. However, I'm cool with how she is like.




Let me tell you what I mean.


Here is kinda what I planned out what her traits would be, IF I worked on personality, which I didn't.



1) Kind/Caring


2) Sympathetic


3) Forgiving


4) Humble


5) Intelligent


6) Curious


7) Sensitive (Emotionally)


8) Open-Minded


9) Patient


10) Docile


11) Artistic


12) Quiet



And... here is what she is actually like:



1) Lustful


2) Lustful


3) Lustful


4) Lustful


5) Lustful


6) Lustful


7) Lustful


8) Lustful


9) Caring/Compassionate. Sometimes.


10) Lustful


11) Lustful


12) You guessed it; Lustful



Now, don't worry; she's never serious about it. She makes it pretty obvious that she's just doing it to spite me. She doesn't always act like this though; sometimes she will speak to me like a 'normal' person, IF she feels like it. And I can tell that she actually does love me for real, since she has told me so every now and then.


But I think maybe I should quickly get around with forcing personality before she... convinces me to do something we might both regret.


like... Uh...


*Slowly slides index finger in ring made by the index finger and thumb from the other hand*




She jokes about that sort of stuff quite a bit. I'm not sure how I feel about that.


Fortunately, I heard somewhere that most tulpae are often immature like this in some way for a little while after they start talking. So I think she might mature and stop all this nonsense after a while. And me forcing on her personality might even make the process go faster. In fact, I can already feel that she is less immature than she was a few days ago. :wacko:


But anyway, As for now, I think it would be a VERY bad time to impose her. Who know's what could happen if I did while she is like this. :blush:


Crepuscule: "I know what could happen, WE could happen! If you know what I mean." *Wiggles eyebrows*


N-NO THANKS! :blush:


*Seductive bedroom eyes* "Are you sure? You look a bit tense. If you want to, we can-"






...If some day you become a bit more loving and affectionate.


And not so lustful.


Then... I'll think about it.


UH, ANYWAY. :blush:


Don't worry about me guys; she's only joking about these sort of things(I hope). I believe this only happened because I purposely didn't do personality for her, since I didn't really care about what she would act like, as long as she was a friend to me. I suppose that sort of turned out bad, but one thing that's for sure is that she is very friendly, and I think that's what's important.


Perhaps too friendly. :blush:


"You know you like it really."


Gah. Stop it!


This is also why I feel like it might actually be her talking; I honestly don't think I would parrot her being like... this. I usually don't really like... lustful people. Cause, you know, It's NOT like deep down I actually kind of like it when she tells me what kind of naughty things she wants us to do together.


No, I totally don't like it when she does that.




*Whistles innocently*


...Perhaps this is all karma. Perhaps this is my subconscious's way of telling me to say sorry again to that one user on this forum for that one time I sent him a story I wrote where I shipped him with his Celestia tulp- UH, I MEAN NOTHING. FORGET I SAID ANYTHING ABOUT THAT. *Sheepish smile*


Anyway, the moral of the story is; always make sure you do personality as well. Or else he/she might feel the need to tell you how sexy she thinks you look every time you undress.


Believe me, I know. :blush:




I swear to god, If it turns out I was parroting the whole time...

Edited by Crepuscule
  • Brohoof 10

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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I am pretty sure that sexual relations with your tulpa, even a pony one, seems kind of legit and not odd.

No AJ-lie faces here. After all, as far as I know about cloppeys, they don't clop to animals, but humanesque creatures.


Note to self - Focus on personality, even though it should come out itself because of characterbasing.


Oh, and when I talk to my tulpa (in the early stages) how am I to proceed? I kinda forgot the most earliest point (after planning a bit).

I have slowly started telling Pinkamena a bit about her, spent 5 mins or so talking about her bubbliness (I will spend a few more later). I also am planning to tell her why her name is Pinkamena and convincing her that she doesn't have to be either Pinkie Pie nor Pinkamena Diane Pie.

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It's really interesting to read how everyones' tulpas are developing. It makes me feel motivated to keep working with mine.


We've been making sure to focus everyday on her personality, but the longest I've been able to do so is about 35 minutes; anything longer than that and I start feeling like my legs are going to flip out, like my body has to move! :P My only concern is that we aren't fleshing her personality out enough, elaborating on the different ways her personality affects her and such. But I always make sure to keep her on my mind and think to her throughout the day. If I feel like I can't introduce anything new regarding her personality, then we focus over the traits I've already established. It's like I'm thinking about the traits I've given her, only "harder."


Lately, I've been feeling this constant "heaviness" on my mind, kind of like a feeling that there's something I can't shake off or let go of despite any relaxing. However, this seems to be independent of any pressures I've felt. Maybe it's thinking of her constantly that has given me this feeling?


I think I have between 5-10 hours of straight focusing, so I'm still in the baby-crawl stage of this. I'm just going about this tulpa business one day at a time.

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Oh, and when I talk to my tulpa (in the early stages) how am I to proceed?


Well, just talk about... ANYTHING. Anything at all. Talk about yourself, your day, your past, your opinions about the world and the people around you... Absolutely anything you can think of.


By the way, in case you don't know yet; the best way to go about making a tulpa, is to just do whatever you feel most comfortable with.


I hope that helps you out. You probably already know all of what I just told you, but it's really the best I can give.

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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I purposely spent approximately zero amount of time on personality,

You might have answered this before but.. What DO you focus on when you force? What is your strategy when creating your tulpa?

[indent=11][color=#800080][font='trebuchet ms']And Sombra is the best villain.[/font][/color][/indent]

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Sorry if I've been not active in this thread lately... There was a bit of controversy about my participation here so I kind of avoided here.


On terms of progress, it has reached a standstill, I think, due to the fact that most of my time is now being consumed by other things. However, I do maintain my Tulpa as much as I can so she's still with me, thankfully. I especially renew my vision of her every night and morning when I wake up, because that is when my attention is the most focused on her.


She has helped me a ton though in my new job. Especially when I'm cashier. She helps remind me of the routine you're supposed to go through while dealing with customers, and keeps me entertained in the slow parts of the day...


*Crepscule's seduction*


:lol: Amazing. That made my Tulpa's day as well as mine. But do work on that personality, or bad things may indeed happen.


However, there is one problem...


...Perhaps this is all karma. Perhaps this is my subconscious's way of telling me to say sorry again to that one user on this forum for that one time I sent him a story I wrote where I shipped him with his Celestia tulp- UH, I MEAN NOTHING. FORGET I SAID ANYTHING ABOUT THAT. *Sheepish smile*




You said you wouldn't even MENTION that! :angry:


In fact, Tulpa Crepuscule, if you're reading this, keep doing what you're doing. Don't listen to your master!

  • Brohoof 3

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Lol, you sound fine. I have gotten only a few clear responses from Twi, and of course i stopped forcing as much after that, explaining the drop. It is hard to tell if its you, or them, or what. When I am clearly thinking one thing and I hear another, that's when I know, but I can kind of parrot it. Good luck and keep pushing forward. Lust is at the base of our emotions, so not surprised theirs a bunch there for your tulpa.


Perhaps this is all karma. Perhaps this is my subconscious's way of telling me to say sorry again to that one user on this forum for that one time I sent him a story I wrote where I shipped him with his Celestia tulp- UH, I MEAN NOTHING. FORGET I SAID ANYTHING ABOUT THAT. *Sheepish smile*


Nah, its not karma. But its probably just your tulpa playing off deep seeded feelings that you normally ignore.


@@Brisineo *Facehoof*

  • Brohoof 2


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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[insert wall of text here]


Glad to see your tulpa is finally talking to you. (even if it seems to be 'inappropriate') How long as it been since you started? I'm still working on personality traits. (Have done around 20 so far)


Also, what should I do after the personality traits? Should I start working on visualizing her, or just try to narrate to her whenever possible? Or something else? Help would be greatly appreciated.

Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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Well, just talk about... ANYTHING. Anything at all. Talk about yourself, your day, your past, your opinions about the world and the people around you... Absolutely anything you can think of.e.


I caught on this quick.

Question - if I talk to Pinkamena like, 50% of the time I think voluntarily, how much will the process improve timewise etc?

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I have a similar feeling too. It kind of feels like I'm parroting her... but at the same time I feel like I'm not.

Yep, it feels like that for a while! I encourage you to give this thread a look: http://tulpa.info/fo...aster-Sentience

Unless it was definitely you, I'd say it was your tulpa.



[yadda yadda, personality stuff (that I did read]



Laughed pretty hard at that. :P


If you don't like all the hitting on you she's doing... you should probably work on personality ASAP.


To be honest, and if it makes you feel any better, I wouldn't mind sex with a pony tulpa... but not Pinkie. I'm not even creating any genitals for her, and this kind of stuff isn't even in her personality.

  • Brohoof 3
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You are right that tulpas tend to be immature in their first few weeks. You might help her mature faster if you just talk to her about each of those personality traits you mentioned, especially how they would affect her in different situations.


As for the lustiness... At its core, a tulpa does what you need it to do. Of course, the more you fine-tune their personality by discussing it with them, the more effective they will be at it, but remember that a tulpa is just your subconscious interacting with your conscious mind. It sounds like your subconscious has some things it needs to resolve with you. ;)


Believe it or not, that's a good thing! There could be some sort of hidden issue deep in your mind, and creating a tulpa has just brought it out into the open. ...or it could just be your inner child (we all carry one with us), the one that enjoys toilet humor and the like. Only time will tell. :P


...And as for fear of something going wrong with you two getting bouncy-bouncy with each other, personally I think people make a bigger deal out of that than is really necessary. While it is something that is probably best avoided during the first few weeks or so, it's not the huge danger a lot of people think it is. Just keep discussing her personality with her, and talk about productive things. If after a few weeks, she's still demanding that sort of thing, you may just have to accept that this is part of who she is.


If you explain to her that it's something serious and not to be taken lightly, you have little to fear. Like in any relationship, communication is the key to everything. Besides, this is all happening in your mind and no one else's, so conventional social rules/morals really don't apply here. You're really only limited by whatever limits you put in place. ^_^


I'll say this: Amy is a very classy lady, but like most other sentient beings, she does have "needs" from time to time. I'm not ashamed to admit I will oblige her if that's what she needs. I see it this way: I created her and brought her into this world. Because she lives in my head, she is strictly limited to me, and will never be able to directly interact with anyone else. This is just the nature of a tulpa and nothing can be done about it. I feel it would be a terrible injustice to never let her experience something that's important to her.


Put simply, who am I to deny her what she needs, when I'm the only one who can help her with it? I'm a sensual and emotional person by nature, so things like that have actually become a very fulfilling part of our meditation sessions together. You might say she and I are very close. :)

  • Brohoof 4
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How long as it been since you started? I'm still working on personality traits. (Have done around 20 so far)


It's been a few months now. I found out about tulpae sometime back in June, but I didn't really start seriously tulpaforcing until about a month ago, but the problem is that I lost motivation many times even when I began taking it seriously, which slowed the process down quite a bit. But somehow, we seem to be doing okay. I hope.


Also, what should I do after the personality traits? Should I start working on visualizing her, or just try to narrate to her whenever possible? Or something else? Help would be greatly appreciated.


Just do whatever you are most comfortable with. There isn't really a wrong way to go about this. But one thing that's for sure is that you should definitely narrate as much as you can. Everything else is up to you.


You might have answered this before but.. What DO you focus on when you force? What is your strategy when creating your tulpa?


Well, I don't usually sit down and 'meditate' or something like that. I've tried to do that, but I would usually end up;


1) Falling asleep


2) Becoming so bored out of my mind that the urge procrastinate was too strong.


Or 3) My mind wondering off to something other than tulpas. And then falling asleep.


So instead what I do is I try and narrate to her as I'm going about my day, or at least try and acknowledge her presence in my head.

That's pretty much all I do. But if your looking for advice from someone, don't look at me. Or at least not JUST me. Read everyone else's experiences as well.




Nah, its not karma. But its probably just your tulpa playing off deep seeded feelings that you normally ignore.


Maybe you're right. I suppose deep down everyone has even the slightest amount of lust in them. I guess I've just never... 'let it out' before, and can keep that emotion in check more than most people do.


Also, I've began to notice that she also embodies a few other traits that I have. Like for example, she can sometimes be OCD about my cleanliness. Usually I only have a slight amount of OCD, but I think this has just gotten stronger thanks to her, since now I can actually sometimes hear her tell me to go wash my hands.


So that's one good thing that's come from her.


Yep, it feels like that for a while! I encourage you to give this thread a look: http://tulpa.info/fo...aster-Sentience


Oh, thank's for that, I'll be sure to read it!


If you don't like all the hitting on you she's doing... you should probably work on personality ASAP.


Oh to be honest, I don't really mind all that much. She does seem to be already calming down with all of that stuff, and she hasn't really been talking to me all that much lately. But I'll be working on personality anyway. :wacko:


To be honest, and if it makes you feel any better, I wouldn't mind sex with a pony tulpa... but not Pinkie. I'm not even creating any genitals for her, and this kind of stuff isn't even in her personality.


I know that not every one that makes a tulpa treats their tulpa like as if they were, say, a lover. Some treat them like brother/sisters or son/daughter. To me, I don't mind what she is to me. As long as she is a friend, I really don't mind how close we get. I'll let her decide how close she want's us to get, but ONLY after we've gone over personality. Who knows, she might not even want to afterwards. I really don't mind. But if she did still want to, I don't think I could say no.


We'll see. :ph34r:




You are right that tulpas tend to be immature in their first few weeks. You might help her mature faster if you just talk to her about each of those personality traits you mentioned, especially how they would affect her in different situations.


As for the lustiness... At its core, a tulpa does what you need it to do. Of course, the more you fine-tune their personality by discussing it with them, the more effective they will be at it, but remember that a tulpa is just your subconscious interacting with your conscious mind. It sounds like your subconscious has some things it needs to resolve with you. ;)





Believe it or not, that's a good thing! There could be some sort of hidden issue deep in your mind, and creating a tulpa has just brought it out into the open. ...or it could just be your inner child (we all carry one with us), the one that enjoys toilet humor and the like. Only time will tell.


...And as for fear of something going wrong with you two getting bouncy-bouncy with each other, personally I think people make a bigger deal out of that than is really necessary.


While it is something that is probably best avoided during the first few weeks or so, it's not the huge danger a lot of people think it is. Just keep discussing her personality with her, and talk about productive things. If after a few weeks, she's still demanding that sort of thing, you may just have to accept that this is part of who she is.


If you explain to her that it's something serious and not to be taken lightly, you have little to fear. Like in any relationship, communication is the key to everything. Besides, this is all happening in your mind and no one else's, so conventional social rules/morals really don't apply here. You're really only limited by whatever limits you put in place. ^_^


I agree, I too don't really think it's that big of a deal, but that's the thing; Her personality hasn't 'settled' yet, so if I did impose her, and something were to happen, later down the line I fear she might make it a big deal and then regret it and not ever forgive me. But yes, if after personality is done, if she still want's to be close, then I'll just have to roll with it.


Who know's? I might even like it. :wacko:


"Oh you will, I assure you!"


Oh, shush you!


But still, there is always the possibility that she won't want to after that. But I'm cool with it either way, as long as she is still a friend.


I'll say this: Amy is a very classy lady, but like most other sentient beings, she does have "needs" from time to time. I'm not ashamed to admit I will oblige her if that's what she needs. I see it this way: I created her and brought her into this world. Because she lives in my head, she is strictly limited to me, and will never be able to directly interact with anyone else. This is just the nature of a tulpa and nothing can be done about it. I feel it would be a terrible injustice to never let her experience something that's important to her.


Put simply, who am I to deny her what she needs, when I'm the only one who can help her with it? I'm a sensual and emotional person by nature, so things like that have actually become a very fulfilling part of our meditation sessions together. You might say she and I are very close. :)


Well, I'm glad you two are both happy together! I wish you both the best. ;)




You said you wouldn't even MENTION that! :angry:




All I said was that I wouldn't SHOW the story to anyone.


I never said I wouldn't mention it.




















I'm sorry. :(

Edited by Crepuscule
  • Brohoof 3

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Besides, this is all happening in your mind and no one else's, so conventional social rules/morals really don't apply here. You're really only limited by whatever limits you put in place. ^_^


I'll say this: Amy is a very classy lady, but like most other sentient beings, she does have "needs" from time to time. I'm not ashamed to admit I will oblige her if that's what she needs. I see it this way: I created her and brought her into this world. Because she lives in my head, she is strictly limited to me, and will never be able to directly interact with anyone else. This is just the nature of a tulpa and nothing can be done about it. I feel it would be a terrible injustice to never let her experience something that's important to her.


Put simply, who am I to deny her what she needs, when I'm the only one who can help her with it? I'm a sensual and emotional person by nature, so things like that have actually become a very fulfilling part of our meditation sessions together. You might say she and I are very close. :)


These are some very good points... hmm. Sure makes me give pause to thought. I suppose I'd be willing to go out of my comfort zone if Pinkie wanted me to.


Eh, who knows. Things don't always go according to plan!

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Your Tulpa's form has nothing to do with personality. It can change without causing a problem with the form, she might want different clothing though to express her style. The imposing is just a way to channel your tulpa into the real world as much as possible. You could start now, but I would just start working on her personality more.


Your obviously more adept at blocking your subconscious then most, if its bringing out OCD. lol


Brisineo, on 02 October 2012 - 01:19 PM, said: CREPUSCULE YOU LYING MOTHER BUCKER!!! You said you wouldn't even MENTION that!

All I said was that I wouldn't SHOW the story to anyone. I never said I wouldn't mention it. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I'm sorry.


Ahahahahahahaha!! Oh, that's great! :lol: TROLL WAR!!! B)

  • Brohoof 1


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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I've been wondering lately about when to entrust all of my memories and thoughts to my tulpa. Seeing that I'm still in the very early stages - about 10 hours total between straight personality focusing/narrating - when would be the best time to let my tulpa access my memories? Or do they already have access to them, unless I consciously refuse them access? I still imagined my tulpa having access to a dictionary of some kind containing all of the words I know. :P


I'm probably just worrying and confusing myself over silly details that would naturally sort themselves out, but I wanted to know what some of you guys thought.


I've already imagined some cool environments for my tulpa and I to explore in the future, like riding chopper bikes down a long, rolling country road during sunset that leads to a nighttime forest/pool-like area from the Final Fantasy 7 movie... kind of silly, but it just appeared in my mind one night while I was trying to sleep.

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Just do whatever you are most comfortable with. There isn't really a wrong way to go about this. But one thing that's for sure is that you should definitely narrate as much as you can. Everything else is up to you.



Yeah. After today I should complete all of the traits (Which is over 30 D:) Then I'll try to review them all once a week until she starts talking. In-between that I'll be trying to talk to her as much as possible. Then when she does start responding vocally, I'll probably start trying to create her physically a few days afterwards.


Also, one more question. How would I give her all my memories? (When the time comes) Does she already have them? Or is it something I would have to do? This is pretty much the same question as the above poster stated, but I figured I might as well ask it as well.

Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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Yeah. After today I should complete all of the traits (Which is over 30 D:) Then I'll try to review them all once a week until she starts talking. In-between that I'll be trying to talk to her as much as possible. Then when she does start responding vocally, I'll probably start trying to create her physically a few days afterwards.


Also, one more question. How would I give her all my memories? (When the time comes) Does she already have them? Or is it something I would have to do? This is pretty much the same question as the above poster stated, but I figured I might as well ask it as well.


Wow, those are a lot of traits! I was only able to come up with 15 or so, and even then, I can hardly last 3 minutes on a single one. Needless to say I've reviewed those traits several times already, but whether reviewing the same information time and time again helps or not, I don't really know. :P I'll be extremely happy if she has some of the characteristics I wanted her to have, but all the same, I'll accept her just as much for what she becomes.



I can't quote anyone at the moment, but from what I understand, it can be done a few ways, mostly symbolically. I think FAQ man's guide at tulpa.info said something along the lines of visualizing your tulpa walking through a door to you, like you're letting him/her through the door into your memories. I think I've read others symbolizing their memories as a library/ video compilation room. I think it's mostly about you letting your tulpa access them and accepting that they know everything you've done, whether you personally regret those memories or not.


Again, don't take my exact word! This is just what I think about this topic from the information I've gathered, and I know I still have so much to learn..

Edited by StingeMuffin
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Even though this sounds like an awesome idea and have even considered creating one myself, but i think this might start to question my sanity, the sub conscious is a very dangerous part of you, think of all those weird dreams you have, well that is you pure unrefined you working while you sleep, during the day your sub conscious can think about any thing and you obviously wouldnt know about it, creating a tulpa would bring out these thoughts and opinions.


This can be dangerous, once creating a tulpa i would imagine you could controll it for a short time before these occurenses would happen, but you will find your tulpa edging you closer to doing stuff you wouldnt do. i'm not saying it will do this i'm saying there is a chance it outlets your inner "crazy" or bad thoughts. this is all in my opinion btw.



This Signature was created by Surprise, Thanks for the great work Ashley keep it up!


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Even though this sounds like an awesome idea and have even considered creating one myself, but i think this might start to question my sanity, the sub conscious is a very dangerous part of you, think of all those weird dreams you have, well that is you pure unrefined you working while you sleep, during the day your sub conscious can think about any thing and you obviously wouldnt know about it, creating a tulpa would bring out these thoughts and opinions.


This can be dangerous, once creating a tulpa i would imagine you could controll it for a short time before these occurenses would happen, but you will find your tulpa edging you closer to doing stuff you wouldnt do. i'm not saying it will do this i'm saying there is a chance it outlets your inner "crazy" or bad thoughts. this is all in my opinion btw.


No, its what keeps you sane, gives insight and is the basis of who you are. Their is no evidence that your subconscious can do anything, and when you go under in hypnosis, the psychologist is having you relax so they can access your subconscious. Ιτ ποσεσ (darn key switch) it poses no threat to you because if you get harmed, it gets harmed. You subconscious is you, that we know. Your very basis and foundation.


@@blackopp1, I decided Against my OC for one reason. Shadow Flare is exactly me, Ponified. I dont want another me. The world could not handle another me, even inside my own head. ^_^

  • Brohoof 1


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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There is something I am wondering about. Because Tulpas have their own separate consciousness, would they be able to gather knowledge that you would be unable to? For example, if my friend writes a secret word on a paper and puts the paper with the back facing me, could my tulpa walk around it and tell me the word?

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I think I have one now. Well as I stated before I might be a drunk/schizophrenic/overly tired man and I'm seeing things or I have somehow finally achieved inner peace.

  • Brohoof 2



Created by the fabulous Gone ϟ Airbourne

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There is something I am wondering about. Because Tulpas have their own separate consciousness, would they be able to gather knowledge that you would be unable to? For example, if my friend writes a secret word on a paper and puts the paper with the back facing me, could my tulpa walk around it and tell me the word?


No, because the Tulpa is still part of your mind.


Unless you have seen the word or already knew what it was, your Tulpa would have no idea.




Unless it was a really good guesser :P



Edited by Chigens and Kay
  • Brohoof 1

My signature broke


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I wouldn't judge anybody who decided to create a tulpa, pony or otherwise, but I know that for myself, I would not want to do that at all. I've got enough things wonky in my head that I may or may not properly mention at some point. :P But...definitely do not need a pony living in my head, too, I don't think.

"Neither the angels in heaven above nor the demons down under the sea can ever dissever my soul from the soul of the beautiful Annabel Lee."

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