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BronyCon 2019 Memories


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18 minutes ago, Bas said:

I want arrows on the picture, maybe in a spoiler so we can try to sort ourselves first, to see who is who. :p

Nope. While we got permission from everyone to post the picture, not everyone is comfortable saying who they are. That said, anyone who wants to claim their appearance is welcome to.

  • Brohoof 2


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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44 minutes ago, Bas said:

I want arrows on the picture, maybe in a spoiler so we can try to sort ourselves first, to see who is who. :p


No I do not have a mustache. I despise me having facial hair. I already said who I was anyway. It’s pretty easy to spot me because I have posted what I look like here a lot. 

And I’m echoing what Troblems said and I’ll refer to to my older post when I specifically stated that I am not going to state who is who. 

17 hours ago, Jeric said:

I’ll let people out who they are personally instead of me doing it. Some don’t like drawing attention to themselves. 

This is what I said earlier ;)


  • Brohoof 1



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Hoo, boy... well this is one of those things I've been putting off, but it's probably better to start writing this stuff down now while things are still fresh. This wasn't my first con ever, but it was my first Bronycon. Sadly, won't get to do a lot of tagging here, one way or another, while @Cloudz and I were regularly watching the Discord for an opportunity to hang out, I swear all of you were either using the Force or had some kind of shared homing beacon running because it seemed like there were MLPF meetups happening the whole time without any communication at all. The two big exceptions there were the breakfast where the restaurant segregated us anyhow (yeah, we know how it is... everyone STILL thinks Team Moon is just quietly waiting for a moment to stage a coup :orly:, even the restaurant must have heard the rumors). There was a brief moment on the upper decks of the con space where we were all chatting and got told to disperse. I thought you all went down one floor to the lounge areas, but we headed down there a couple minutes later and couldn't find anyone. Sad pony faces.

I remember @Jedishy while I was waiting for Cloudz in the registration line. My Pinkie figure prize is in the other room now. And the aforementioned chat that was happening on the top floor near the Stars Hall. And of course, running across a busy street, gonfalon flying wildly in the air trying to get to the "stonehenge fountain thing" in time for the group photo. About that group photo, I could've sworn we had placed the flag in the picture. :confused:

Pre-reg was an adventure all its own. A fellow flag-waver in the walkway above the entrance, rallying up the crowd during the first of many linecons, and then doing it again inside, running back and forth across the entire room, building up a frenzy as intense as any sporting event. A couple of folks next to me, who I "think" must have been hitting the booze really early, were talking about Bronies solving all the worlds' problems, and how we need to be buying up land and declaring a sovereign state (I may have told them I'd help... lol). That room wasn't the healthiest environment though, a lot of folks were just planning on being in a building and didn't prepare for what turned into a 3-hour hike in a burning desert. But somehow even that experience, complete with the bright pink (of course it was bright pink, this is Ponies) puddle of ehh... regurgitation that someone deposited on the floor, was incredible. As is remembering that security managed to take away our beach balls long before anyone came to clean up that pink puddle, which slowly got turned into a mini-shrine as others began "decorating" it, half for the lulz, and half because it made it far less likely that anyone was going to accidentally step in it.

Yeesh, that paragraph was just about prereg. So much of it feels like a blur. I knew going into this that I was mainly going for the experience. I stood on the upper floor overlooking the main atrium as the mass of people slowly piled into the vendor hall as it opened. Without much trouble the folks up there gave me room to get to the front so I could hold my banner out over the ledge, while a horn trumpet was being blown and "Equestria the Land I love" was playing from some massive blue-tooth speaker. I.... really had no idea what the heck was going on at that point, and neither did anyone else, nor do I think anyone cared. This must have been the kind of mayhem I had heard about before, and there was only one rule. Just roll with it.

This may have influenced events that transpired later. I got into an unexpected improv political debate with a cosplayer in full Lunar Republic garb just because I felt like it, while I'm there with the united Equestria flag and a luna shirt (again, just roll with it). This happened to occur right in front of the tabletop gaming room, which had the unexpected result of drawing a lot of people out to investigate the people who were yelling at each other in horridly broken old English with weapons drawn. But then, along came a dragon. The mood of the scene quickly changed. There was a freaking dragon. KILL THE DRAGON! So now we're chasing a dragon back and forth across the convention space at around 10PM. Eventually we captured it. And the moment was captured on film. Oh... we may have needed to brush up on our creature identification skills. That dragon? Probably not a dragon. But on the bright side... 15-minutes of horse fame? Naa, not really.

The "dragon" eventually fled into the safety of Bronypalooza, which was where we all ended up going. That was just Day 1.

I think the lack of many panels that first day left more room for everyone to mostly goof off. Things got somewhat more serious on Friday. I had decided early on that I wasn't going to drive myself crazy with linecon because I didn't want to miss 90% of whatever else was going on that didn't have a line. So mostly all I was concerned with was getting a couple of signatures, and I kept my schedule mostly open aside from that, and just sort of winged it. I got to see the "Creators" panel though, and that was a pretty special thing to behold; Bonnie and Lauren on the stage together. I also got both of their autographs on the Twilight SDCC exclusive item, which seemed to be just made for this very purpose. And yeah... you know linecon is extreme when you're only at most, 10th in line to see Lauren, but it still takes a half an hour to get to the table.

There was also the acoustic concert Michelle Creber, Black Gryph0n, Rebecca Shoichet, & Britt McKillip, which I *was* able to get into. And also the premiere of some new fan animation projects. One in particular combined live footage of the fandom with original pony shots, and was set to Prince Whatever's "Solidarity." That was the first moment things got kind of real. That sense of "Party like it's 1999, we might all be gone tomorrow" kind of feeling; oh and Bronycon wasn't helping with those "Majora's Mask" countdown screen grabs that kept getting taped to the walls. "Solidarity" was going to come up again a few times after that, and I think mostly sums up how all of this has been feeling.

The Grand Galloping Gala. Not at all what I was expecting to see, though I knew BC handled things differently than other cons I had been to. I in no way expected a stage show, and it was thoroughly entertaining. Chrysalis zapping the universe out of existence, Thanos-style though... the other five frozen in space-time on the wall, Twilight breaking down on stage. The silence in that room in that moment. I kinda felt like she wasn't acting in that moment, and I think everyone felt like suddenly this was not just a show. One of the most important things that I came away with from this. I had thought about it numerous times before, but the gravity of it in that moment hit far deeper. "Not just a show..." Things turned out alright of course, and in a deus ex that reminded me somewhat of the classic Tinkerbell death scene in Peter Pan, we were able to restore the land. Then came the afterparty, and getting caught in the most massive group hug imaginable that constantly had me thinking, "Please nobody get trampled during this." I couldn't even begin to know the weight of what some of the people involved in this were feeling, after keeping at it for so many years. I couldn't think about that which I have no knowledge of, but I could feel the history in that room. And listening to them talk, and pouring out their emotions, told me all I needed to know. I had only been in the fandom a short time, but when Bronycon announced its closing, I was pretty angry. It felt like a shortsighted, hasty, and apathetic decision. I misjudged them badly. None of them wanted things to go this way, and I knew that then without a doubt.

Bronypalooza. Solidarity for a second time, this time with an entire crowd involved. That was the one thing I absolutely didn't want to miss. But I'm also glad it wasn't the last time. Discord 2019 I think was actually the biggest moment. It's weird, not even being in the fandom that long ago, there were still these legends I somehow knew about one way or another, and knew how significant some of this was. Then there was this bizarre moment where the inflated beach ball we were playing with was no longer sealed after smacking it around for an hour, so I suggested we take it up to the shrine, and a funeral procession meandered out of the concert hall and upstairs.

Which reminds me... oh yeah. The Shrine. I'd been watching it grow from its tiny beginnings to the monstrosity it turned into. I ended up keeping my gonfalon there when I wasn't using it, which seemed like the best place for it to be. Multiple times when I came back for it, things were hanging from it, leaving me to find a suitable spot to redistribute the offerings. It was another of those moments where it was hitting hard just how real it all was. "Not just a show."

Closing Ceremonies. As luck would've had it during Bronypalooza, mostly because I was doing my Darth Maul raver thing, a friend I met at another con managed to find me in that massive crowd (which is also what got me assassinated during that weekend-long spy game a bunch of people were playing). He had a pass that included two companions and asked me if I wanted to go. And this is how Cloudz and I got into the mane hall. Security was taking us all behind the registration booth. I had just come back from the shrine with the flag because there was no way in Tartarus that I wasn't bring it in there with me. People in the regular line started to see it and slowly the entire room erupted just like at pre-reg. It was an interesting moment. "Raise the Sun" chants started, and I started shaking the thing towards the ceiling up until I had to reel it in to get through the doors. And in a moment the entire mood changed. Fricking "Land of Equestria" was playing. No, not the song from the show. The anthem by Evening Star that kinda reminds me of a less upbeat version of "Ireland (I'm Coming Home)" by Garth Brooks. Such a sudden switch of emotions. Hearing the noise of the crowd outside, and then hearing a fan's take on Equestria's national anthem right after. After we were seated in the hall, the thoughts really flooded in, the emotions poured out. I looked at the flag attached to the staff I'd been holding onto. When I knew for sure I was going to Bronycon, it was the only thing that almost seemed to be demanding to be made. It just felt right. Again the came the thought. "Not just a show." Equestria meant so much more to so many. It had changed countless lives, united people, provided shelter to outcasts and the lonely, and had built something that so many people never thought could happen in this grimdark planet of ours. For the first time that weekend I was really crying, my hands were shaking. The prime symbol of all of that was in my hands, and all I could do was tighten my grip on it, this representation of an idea, a unity, a vision of a better world, a source of happiness with no strings attached, something we all cared about, for a million diverse reasons; the magic of friendship. This kind of connection to anything in humanity, with the screwed up life I've had, it was something I never had the opportunity to experience before I got involved with this fandom. A couple times I had come close in the past, but one way or another, everything just fell to entropy or some unexpected disaster before it could even start. I don't know how I found the emotional strength to carry it to front of the hall at the end of closing, but something just told me I had to. As I did though I felt better. This wasn't the end, and I knew it. One way or another, we would survive.

This time I was up on the walkway overlooking the outside con space, both myself and the guy who was doing the color guard waving all weekend were there, doing a final salute as security quickly shooed all of us out of the building.

The show still wasn't over though. Neighhem. Officially not part of the con, but it felt like it was to me. And after the emotional rollercoaster I'd just been on, it was therapeutic.



Princewhatever was there, and Solidarity came up one last time. But the mood was far different now. Bronycon over, it felt like a confirmation. The fiery chant that immediately followed, "WE'RE STILL HERE!" I'm very glad I ended up going afterwards. For a time I wasn't sure if I felt up to it or not with how morbid I was feeling, but the energy in that room quickly snapped me out of it.

Strange things happening in sync, my life is in the midst of its own shift right now, part of it triggered by Bronycon. It's time for a big change. The way I was living could no longer sustain me.I need something new, different, that allows me to both keep myself alive and also provide room for this new and fascinating rabbit hole I fell into in April 2018. This almost could have served as my thank you to DHX, but if I included all of that other stuff, sheesh, just how tldr; would this be?

P.S. @Jedishy I legit want this hilt hanging from my belt.


  • Brohoof 1


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I'm in the banner... somewhere. I'd been wearing my fursuit most of the day, so my hair was more than a little messy :eww: I'd rather not point myself out because of that.

After the picture I had to rush to my hotel (a 20 minute walk), dump my stuff on the floor, and shower as fast as I could to still make it to Neighhem before it started.

Edited by Booker
  • Brohoof 1

Rainbow Dash Fanatic

"You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony

"So we’re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Don’t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer

"Darlin' you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes

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Short guy on the front row loaded with badges and buttons and the green scarf and cap over here.

Dang, is this ever a pleasantly unexpected allusion to the impromptu banner this place had during BC 2013; the MLP Forum peeps were taking a photo like this one, and just a few minutes after taking it did we realize M.A. Larson photobombed it, which inspired the sudden banner change! Good damn times. Much like the con itself, this picture, and the fact that it's being used as the banner, is a very satisfying bookend to many of our experiences dabbling in ponies. What a near perfect weekend it was.

  • Brohoof 4


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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I never knew Jeric was so short :-P.

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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Just remembered two awesome memories.

  1. Hooves Line: During the first Scenes from a Hat improv, two people came up on stage, one cosplaying as Bulk Biceps (I've seen him in past cons), the other Maud. When they came up on stage, Bulk knelt, took out a ring, and proposed for marriage. Maud said "yes." Cheers erupted.
  2. Another proposal, this time at the cosplay talent show. A duo cosplaying as Fluttershy and Discord came up on stage. Immediately, Discord knelt, pulled out a ring, and proposed to FS, who also said yes. Like down at Hooves Line, cheers erupted.
  • Brohoof 3

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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8 hours ago, Dark Qiviut said:

Just remembered two awesome memories.

  1. Hooves Line: During the first Scenes from a Hat improv, two people came up on stage, one cosplaying as Bulk Biceps (I've seen him in past cons), the other Maud. When they came up on stage, Bulk knelt, took out a ring, and proposed for marriage. Maud said "yes." Cheers erupted.
  2. Another proposal, this time at the cosplay talent show. A duo cosplaying as Fluttershy and Discord came up on stage. Immediately, Discord knelt, pulled out a ring, and proposed to FS, who also said yes. Like down at Hooves Line, cheers erupted.

I remember being at the Whooves Line is it Anyway panel. I was surprised when Dusty had said a swear word in the microphone, but I was more surprised at the proposal. I remember seeing the Bulk Biceps at past cons, but that moment was really awesome! I was also surprised that there was so many marriage proposals. The last time I heard there was about seven to nine proposals in that entire weekend. 

I remember someone also proposed to someone else during a panel on who the best ship would win. I remember the whole room erupted into cheers and applause. There was also a bunch of laughing as the panelists had said two OC's can be shipped together. :laugh:

  • Brohoof 1
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Any particular moment, a panel, or anything that I should watch? (Any Youtube video around?).

I feel like I might have missed something fun or interesting about the show. I don't know where to start looking though.

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On 8/24/2019 at 9:00 PM, Splashee said:

Any particular moment, a panel, or anything that I should watch? (Any Youtube video around?).

Probably my favorite panel of the con was Thursday at 1am (technically Friday in that case, I guess), called "You Suck, and Why That's Okay!" by Keyframe. It was really chill and funny (someone probably should have age-checked everyone at the door, now that I think about it), and she ran out of things to say at one point and just told a story of how she broke her ankle during a panel a few years ago.

Sadly her broken-ankle story isn't in this video since it's only the first 20 minutes, but it still includes a lot of good stuff.



Also if you haven't seen any videos of the fursuit parade, there are a bunch of those floating around on YouTube.

  • Brohoof 1

Rainbow Dash Fanatic

"You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony

"So we’re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Don’t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer

"Darlin' you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes

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On 8/23/2019 at 9:52 PM, Lucky Bolt said:

I unfortunately was unable to attend, but it's fun looking and reading all of these memories posted by others. :LunaMCM: It would have been cool to meet you people. 



Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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