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Spoiler Section is about to go bye-bye


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As the show has aired in it’s entirety I’m about to start moving all of the Season 9 topics into Show Discussion. I appreciate how much many of you worked to keep the last few episodes spoiler free for this that wanted to go in blind. I’ll leave it up to you on how you want to handle spoilers for the next few weeks, but with the exception of the upcoming EqG special the spoiler rule will no longer be enforced. 


  • Brohoof 12
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12 minutes ago, Beetlejeric said:

As the show has aired in it’s entirety I’m about to start moving all of the Season 9 topics into Show Discussion. I appreciate how much many of you worked to keep the last few episodes spoiler free for this that wanted to go in blind. I’ll leave it up to you on how you want to handle spoilers for the next few weeks, but with the exception of the upcoming EqG special the spoiler rule will no longer be enforced. 

Thanks again for keeping these things in the dark so I (and many others!) could see it unspoiled!  I can tell you worked at it.

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1 minute ago, HereComesTom said:

Thanks again for keeping these things in the dark so I (and many others!) could see it unspoiled!  I can tell you worked at it.

I tried. The moment I realized what may be coming up I really wanted as many people to at least experience the end of the show with fresh eyes. 

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And so the floodgates have now been opened.

For those who still haven't seen the final episodes, enter the season nine discussion section at your own risk.

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I was tempted to just copy and paste all my posts from my first viewings weeks ago, but for the Final 2 parter, I more or less wrote some things from scratch.

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29 minutes ago, The Grim Reader said:

@Beetlejeric It's not enough that the show has ended, now you have to take the spoiler section away from us too? You monster.

It’s the season for monsters tho! 



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3 hours ago, cuteycindyhoney said:


I haven't watched the first episode of season nine yet! I'm savoring having a whole season to see before the end! 


Better hop to it, then! mane6killdumbledore

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17 hours ago, Cwanky said:

Wouldn't the spoiler section be revived again once G5 starts revving up? :huh:


12 hours ago, Fiendstorm said:

Better not completely get rid of it. Don't forget season 10 is in the comic books.

We haven’t decided how to treat that yet. When we do there will be an announcement 

15 hours ago, cuteycindyhoney said:


I haven't watched the first episode of season nine yet! I'm savoring having a whole season to see before the end!


Look on the bright side .... you get to play Frogger but with spoilers! Can you dodge them all? 

With that said this is done and done and I’m sinking this topic. 

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