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movies/tv What are some unpopular opinions you have related to film?


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Forrest Gump is easily the most overrated film to me. Just a non-stop cliche of "person with mental disabilities constantly one ups the oh so terrible odds while terrible shit happens to everyone around him". An entire segment was dedicated to him running for no reason whatsoever (he even says he has no reason) and then just stops and says "Im going home". Woo, entertainment.

Modern Disney is mostly trash. Disney at this point has become a hollow shell of what it used to be. What was once a pioneer of cinema is now a giant monopoly that churns out samey movie after samey movie, especially with Marvel and now Star Wars. Speaking of Marvel;

Marvel movies are all the same and dull. They always follow the same kind of formula, the same ques, the same style. Most of them are barely PG13 as most of them play it very safe, because Disney. This is why I loved Joker, it was such a gritty and realistic take on a comic book origin story and it fully justified its R rating. Sadly the general populous is now hellbent on ruining it with incredibly shitty "memes". Marvel movies are simply a huge cash cow now.

The Passion of the Christ is one of the shittiest movies ever made.

It 2017 wasn't great. It was good, but not great. The movie surprised me with how often they relied on cheap jumpscares and loud noises. The best part of the film was from Georgie going into the basement and thinking he sees "eyes" (that legit freaks me out) to Pennywise's grand appearance in the sewer. The rest of the movie doesn't even come close to the beginning in quality, even if it is well made overall.

Dwayne Johnson is the most overrated, overpaid and over-cast actor in the industry. He is in way too many movies and in all of them he is always the same. He never plays a character, he is always simply Dwayne Johnson under a different name. He clearly has very little range or if he does have range, everything he is in doesn't show any of it.

The horror genre can be good. Yes, most of the time horror movies are garbage, but there are gems underneath the trash. It Follows is one of the best recent examples in my opinion. I thought it was great even if it gets a bit silly towards the end. The Witch is another great example even if it was horribly marketed. Horror shouldn't be viewed as an automatic dumpster fire, rather the great films in the genre should be respected more.


  • Brohoof 1



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3 minutes ago, Ayyngel Dust said:

Odd that you're trying to say that I'm trying to say it's fact when I NEVER did, and try to act like he's attacking people for liking a film, when you're attacking him for having an opinion on a film.

That's what you're implying though. Saying things like "how is this considered great?" "it threatens to kill off real cinema", "it's not real cinema" etc. gives off the feeling that you're mad they're successful

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4 minutes ago, Jefferson Steelflex said:

That's what you're implying though. Saying things like "how is this considered great?" "it threatens to kill off real cinema", "it's not real cinema" etc. gives off the feeling that you're mad they're successful

Not it's not. Not at all. You're totally getting the wrong message. And it's obvious to me you're intentionally misinterpreting what I and Scorsese said. And why would the director of f***ing Taxi Driver be JEALOUS of Marvel directors? :ButtercupLaugh: He literally is considered one of the best directors of ALL TIME. There's NO REASON for him to be jealous of basically anyone! :laugh:

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The Hazbin Hotel pilot was really bad imo. The characters came across as bland to me and I found the humor to be extremely lazy. 

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37 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

Forrest Gump is easily the most overrated film to me. Just a non-stop cliche of "person with mental disabilities constantly one ups the oh so terrible odds while terrible shit happens to everyone around him". An entire segment was dedicated to him running for no reason whatsoever (he even says he has no reason) and then just stops and says "Im going home". Woo, entertainment.

I’m not a huge movie buff and I’ve only seen Forrest Gump ONCE. But I don’t recall Forrest ever really one upping anything. He ran fast, followed orders, and got lucky, but that’s basically it.

Like the scene with the gun cleaning: He’s not BETTER, he just different. The other guys have dreams and thoughts they’re focused on and talking about, but Forrest is just like CLEANING, CLEANED, DONE, NEXT ORDER DRILL SARGENT! Because, as horrid as it sounds to say out loud, he’s got nothing else in his brain to worry about. Drill Sargent told him to clean his weapon quickly, so he’s gonna do it.

I always thought the point of Forrest Gump was more about the lives of the people he happened to cross paths with, while Forrest himself is dragged through life just trying to survive and be a good momma’s boy.

It’s got this odd tonal combination of “Forrest is special” and “Forrest is just a guy with a mental handicap” at play at the same time, and both feel sincere.

And yeah, I actually thought the running section was funny. Forrest is depressed and running just makes him feel better, but he ends up being surrounded on the way by these people that think he’s got some BIG MESSAGE or GRAND INSIGHT, but like... he’s just a dude that decided to deal with his emotions with a cross country jog. All of these strangers piled their baggage, beliefs, agendas into this dude that was just minding his business. And then he’s just like, “Welp...see ya!” And they act like he owed them something greater, despite not even speaking to any of them until he was ready to leave them.

I definitely laughed because, yeah, that’s what you get you bunch of weirdos.

  • Brohoof 1



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"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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13 minutes ago, ShadOBabe said:

And yeah, I actually thought the running section was funny. Forrest is depressed and running just makes him feel better

Absolutely. Another aspect of it is that it touches on how we all have different ways of putting pain in our everyday lives behind us. Right before his run, he had to deal with the deaths of two people who were close to him and a broken heart. His run was him putting all that behind him so that he can get back to his life. 

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1 minute ago, Shrug said:

Absolutely. Another aspect of it is that it touches on how we all have different ways of putting pain in our everyday lives behind us. Right before his run, he had to deal with the deaths of two people who were close to him and a broken heart. His run was him putting all that behind him so that he can get back to his life. 

Exactly. And that’s another reason I enjoyed him ditching all those followers he accumulated. Forrest is just trying to deal with his grief and all these people made it about themselves or other issues they were concerned about.

  • Brohoof 1



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"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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28 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

I simply don't see the entertainment in that, but to each their own.

That’s cool. I think it’s just that good old “underdog story”, but with a bit more of an absurdist bent to it.

Like that joke about him accidentally causing the spread of the phrase “sh!t happens”. That gag has so many layers to it.

The top layer is just the crazy idea that something so prevalent was inspired by Forrest Gump of all people. Of course we, the audience, know he DIDN’T, because he’s fictional, so it’s absurdly humorous in that regard, but within the rules of the story they’re telling, it also comes off as totally plausible.

Then the next layer is the fact that he didn’t even mean it in the way the guy took it. Forrest is being unflinchingly literal as always. And then of course the last layer just loops into one of the themes of the movie as a whole.

That you WILL leave a mark on the world, intentionally or not. Your presence will have a ripple effect through the lives of everyone you come into contact with, no matter how average and unimportant you think you are.

  • Brohoof 2



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"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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8 minutes ago, ShadOBabe said:

That you WILL leave a mark on the world, intentionally or not. Your presence will have a ripple effect through the lives of everyone you come into contact with, no matter how average and unimportant you think you are.

Perhaps that is one of the many reasons I cannot get into the movie at all (and I've seen it several times). This kind of message is not one I can relate to at all.


Another unpopular opinion for the thread; I don't think any of the Toy Story films beyond the first one are very good. They completely lose the simple magic the first one had.




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5 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

Another unpopular opinion for the thread; I don't think any of the Toy Story films beyond the first one are very good. They completely lose the simple magic the first one had.

I love the first two but I agree that the third one is ridiculously overrated. I think it’s average at best to be completely honest.

(I have not seen the 4th one btw) 

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25 minutes ago, Shrug said:

I love the first two but I agree that the third one is ridiculously overrated. I think it’s average at best to be completely honest.

(I have not seen the 4th one btw) 

Dude, I’ll be totally honest, I loved the 4th movie. My mom actually likes the 4th way more than the 3rd. She thought the 3rd was too dark and didn’t enjoy that.

Oddly enough, while I feel like the 2nd film (from a completely mechanical, formulaic point of view) is a great film, it’s never had the emotional impact on me the way the others have.

That’s how I gauge the quality of my entertainment: How much did it move me emotionally?

I don’t even know why. I know the 2nd is the majority favorite, but it just never hit my feels buttons as hard.

Only one that had outtakes though, so that’s a plus!

  • Brohoof 1



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"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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Apparently half of what I post in this thread offends people. Actually the hilarity of that outweighs the rage that the toxic reactions the offense garners. :ButtercupLaugh:


Star Wars III is the best of the Star Wars films. It's not that it's really good, it's that the original trilogy are monumentally overrated. Also the Phantom Menace is not nearly as bad as Attack of the Clones. George Lucas should have stuck to Indiana Jones instead. Shame because the series has some of John Williams' best scores.

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10 hours ago, ShadOBabe said:

Oddly enough, while I feel like the 2nd film (from a completely mechanical, formulaic point of view) is a great film, it’s never had the emotional impact on me the way the others have.

I totally understand what you’re getting at here. There are plenty of films that I can acknowledge are great or even excellent from a filmmaking or acting perspective but when it comes to legitimately enjoying them, I find myself not getting too much out of them. I’m not exactly sure why this happens but it just does sometimes. :laugh:

I think the best way to say it is like this: there is a difference between thinking something is good and enjoying it. XD

  • Brohoof 1
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1. The MCU is a convoluted disaster filled with annoying cliches 

2. I like the Star Wars prequels

3. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home is my favorite Star Trek movie (not the Wrath of Khan)

4. Return of the Jedi is better than The Empire Strikes Back


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Apparently it's that having unpopular opinions about films is acceptable because I'm not even sure if I can count on just one hand how many people seem to be offended when I express my opinions here. Not my problem at all, but I do find it rather hilarious how childish that all is.


Anyways, I don't know if I already posted this one, but William Shatner is a horrifically overrated actor, and also relating to that and more branching that into film specifically, I think that Chris Pine's Kirk much better than Shatner's Kirk. I mean in part that's because Chris Pine's kind of good looking, but mostly it's just a better character I find far more likable and less... generic. Odd to say about an "iconic" TV character, but I always found Shatner's Kirk to be very generic even in the classic first two seasons, almost as bad as Archer got in the late seasons of Enterprise. Where as Chris Pine's takes this rebel kind of personality I really ended up enjoying. And no, I will not say anything like that about Quinto's Spock over Nimoy's Spock, because Nimoy's Spock is one of the best characters in the franchise, I can agree on that.

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16 minutes ago, Ayyngel Dust said:

people seem to be offended when I express my opinions here

Well you tend to have a bad habit of mocking the people that disagree with you. You’ll never get a good reaction with a bad attitude. Humility goes a long way.

But to build some common ground, I WILL say that I also have a distaste for Frozen. Or rather how omnipresent it is. So. Much. Merch. OMG.

  • Brohoof 2



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"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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1 hour ago, ShadOBabe said:

Uh huh. :please:

Better than the one just above though, criminy!

EDIT: Oh good they got rid of it. That was a lot of slurs.

Uh huh like how I'm led to assume you are doing this to attack me too? I mean after all, you are accusing me of something that is obvious to anyone without a clear agenda is not true. But yet again, the passive aggression here in this post alone is obvious enough from my angle, and Occam's Razor.


With crud like this, it's easy to see why the original Unpopular Opinion thread sank. Because of people that accuse others of stuff like this over opinions. Seriously, there's some people that don't belong on the internet. And I see four of them in this thread.

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Joker is neither the appalling inciting film that the detractors in the media say it is NOR is it the game changing masterpiece that some of its fans call it. It tries a big too hard to be deep/insightful, the writing is paint-by-numbers in its approach, the message isn't handled with much subtlety. It's a 5/10 movie elevated to a 7 or 7.5/10 because of Joaquin Phoenix. 



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