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open A Rift in Time (EQG) -RP

Emerald Heart

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The Next Day...

Emerald Heart was sitting at a table in the library waiting for Dean, occupying herself by drawing in her new sketchbook. 

"Did you hear about the student council president? She dissapeared without a trace the other night."

Now this caught Emerald's ear, and she lifted her head up slightly to get a better listen in.

"No way! Does anyone know what happened to her?" Another girl asked.

"Nope. Cops have been looking for her all night. But the thing is, it's been happening to a lot of the girls. They say that it's some sort of ghost kidnapping them as revenge." 

Ghost? Kidnapping? Sounds pretty scary to me...

She continued her drawing, which ended up accidentally becoming a picture of the girl that had gone missing. The conversation she had overheard refused to leave her mind, "Ghosts? Please." She scoffed, I just hope they find the girl soon...

She stretched her arms up and continued drawing the same girl, over and over, waiting patiently for Dean's arrival.


  • Brohoof 1




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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7 hours ago, Emerald Heart said:

She stretched her arms up and continued drawing the same girl, over and over, waiting patiently for Deuce's arrival.

The library door opened, and Deuce shuffled his way in.  He glanced over the light crowd, his eyes focusing on Emerald... and his expression, though already low, fell just a touch more.

Great.  I didn't think she'd be serious when I sent her the time and location; guess I have to do this after all...

As he made his way over, he mentally gave a big sigh. 

Well, look - she IS here, anyway.  That means that, at the very least, she cares enough about her grades to do the work... and that shows something of a scholastic ambition.  Maybe just enough to squeak by... but her actually being here, at least she's trying, right?

He made his way over to the table and sat down across from her, sliding his bookbag onto the space between them like a small barrier.

"Okay," he started, opening and digging in his bag looking for the green notebook, not looking up at her, "in order to actually give you the help you apparently need, you've gotta tell me where your strong points and weak points are; there's no sense in trying to teach you EVERYTHING in math again, so we have to get a grip on where your problem areas are."

If she actually looked at him, she'd notice the left arm of his glasses was attached with duct tape... and when she saw him last, his glasses (though thick as glass soda bottle bottoms) were fine and unbroken. 

"I'm gonna assume you already know addition and subtraction," he raised an eyebrow, "so we can move on into the other aspects; multiplication, algebra, geometry, trigonometry..."

PLEASE don't say 'all of the above', numbskull...

"So, you tell me - where do we begin?"

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Emerald placed her sketchbook away real quick and took out her notebook, "Well... algebra would be best, I guess... there are a couple of things I get in there, but most of it is really hard. Like, I'm pretty good at PEMDAS." She answered, tapping her pencil against the side of the wooden table. 

"But why do you have to come in here with such a jerky attitude? I'm actually trying to get my grade up, you know." 





Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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12 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:

"Well... algebra would be best, I guess... there are a couple of things I get in there, but most of it is really hard. Like, I'm pretty good at PEMDAS."

Hmp.  Well, at least she does know a bit.  Good; it'll make this easier for both of us.

He looked up at her for the first time since sitting down.  "That's a start, yes.  If you can get that, then I'm fairly certain you'd be able to follow the rest, if it's put into a more..." 

Look, don't set her off again - be nice. 

"... simple manner.  Something easier to wrap your head around; sometimes, people don't get certain concepts in the typical way, so you have to figure a way around that problem.  Like, Einstein had trouble with math, too - not because he was an idiot, but because his sense of logic saw things differently."

Hmmmm... I'm starting to think that this might not be so bad after all.

18 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:

"But why do you have to come in here with such a jerky attitude? I'm actually trying to get my grade up, you know." 

His eyes narrowed at her a bit, and he looked back down at his green notebook.

How do you like THAT?  I'm really trying over here, and she just throws 'why are you such a jerk' at me?

"Look, you don't know me, okay?  You have no idea what it's like to BE me, and you've never walked a mile in MY sneakers, okay?  As pretty and popular as you are, I'll bet you've never known what it was like to be shoved into a locker and have it slammed shut on you, or being dumped into a trash can, or having to endure a swirly in the restroom - you know nothing about me, and all you can say is 'you have a jerky attitude'?"

He gripped the sides of the notebook hard enough to bend the spiral wire, but his voice never went loud enough to disturb anyone else around them.

"I've had countless people, just like you, who've acted all sweet and stuff to try to play nice with me... until they finally reveal themselves to be a sham, a setup, just to get at me and HURT me.  And people who would harm me, then act like it was all an accident so they wouldn't get in trouble for it.  But it never stops, no... it just keeps going on, and as far as I know you, YOU might just be a part of it too."

Now he looked up, and his soft blue eyes held tears that he was hoping wouldn't actually fall.

"So don't come at ME asking why I have a jerky attitude, when it's everyone else that made me this way, okay?  Now, open your book to page 73, start reading, and stop judging me!"

He looked back down at his notebook and angrily jerked his hood low enough so she couldn't see his face... but two small drop stains appeared on the sleeve of his hoodie beneath him.


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Emerald was taken back a bit by his outburst and frowned. She felt guilty and sighed before getting up and walking towards him. She kneeled down and offered a kind smile his way, "You're right." She whispered, "I can just get very defensive sometimes..." She explained as she reached up and gently touched his arm, "How about this. How about you take a breather so you can get yourself calmed down again. Take however long you want, I'll be waiting right here." She smiled again and reached over and hugged him, "I'm sorry..." Tears dripped down her face and landed on his shoulder, "I'm so sorr- ow!" She suddenly shouted when someone grabbed her wrist, tight and yanked her off of him. 

"What do you think your doing?" A girl asked.

Emerald raised an eyebrow at the girl, "Um... do I know you?"

"Why are you touching him?"

"Because I made him cry and felt bad abou... wait, how is this any of your businesses? I don't even know who you are. Hey stop touching me! That hurts!" She was forcefully being dragged away from Deuce. Growing fed up, she stomped on the girl's foot and managed to run back to the table where he was sitting.

"Ow..." She mumbled, rubbing the spot where she had been yanked, "Stupid girl." 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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2 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:

"You're right.  I can just get very defensive sometimes..."

He purposely tried to look anywhere but at her, embarrassed that this numbskull had gotten to him so much, he'd not only cried, but he'd actually let some of himself out - something he had NEVER done before.  Not to ANYONE, not like that.

Great.  Wonderful.  Awesome.  The numbskull wins, I lose, end of line.  I just can't... I just CAN'T...


4 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:

"How about this. How about you take a breather so you can get yourself calmed down again. Take however long you want, I'll be waiting right here."

Feeling as though he'd already lost whatever kind of fight this was, he just gave a single, sad nod as he sniffled.

Way to go, Deuce!  NOW, you're a crybaby AND a loser... just great.  Why don't they keep rocks in the library; then I'd have someplace to crawl under and die from this... this...


7 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:

"I'm sorry..."

It was the hug that stopped his thoughts cold.

Whu, uh, what?  WHAT?  Why... w-why is she touching me?  And... not to HURT me?  But... but... why?  I don't get it - why?


9 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:

"I'm so sorr- ow!"  

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Um... do I know you?"

His head jerked up, and even though the tracks of tears were now fully visible to anyone who looked at him, he suddenly found that didn't care.  

All his life, he'd been the one on the receiving end of bullying, and he'd never had any real friends, so to speak, so he never knew what it was like for someone else to get bullied in front of him.  The bullies had always focused on HIM; they never went after anyone else, as far as he'd seen.

But something inside him did NOT like this new situation.  NotOneBit.


12 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:

"Why are you touching him?"

"Because I made him cry and felt bad abou... wait, how is this any of your businesses? I don't even know who you are. Hey stop touching me! That hurts!"

Nope.  Not one bit.

Deuce stood up and, with a keen stare at the interloper, he spoke softly and slowly... almost so softly, it could barely be heard.

"Stop it."


14 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:

"Ow... stupid girl." 

He had no idea what he was doing... but for some strange reason, he simply felt like there was no way he was going to let any harm come to this girl - no idea why, but it felt... right... to protect her from the sort of things he went through every day.

His eyes narrowed as he looked directly at the other girl, and he stepped slowly in front of Emerald to stand between them as he said it again.

"Stop it."

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(Sorry this took so long. Oh, and please don't follow her. This is the part where she transforms).

Emerald place a hand on his shoulder, genuinely shocked. The girl was about to respond with a snarky comment when there was a loud crash outside, and the ground shook a bit.

"What the--?" Emerald quickly placed her headphones on her ears, hoping to stifle the ringing the shake had given her. But then there was a large scream, and that's all it took for her to run. But not for the door, no, she was too curious for her own good. Emerald ran away from Deuce and found the source, when she found it, she saw some giant creature looming down over a group of girls. Claws out, it appeared hungry for blood.

Without thinking, Emerald entered the room and blocked the hit, a large slash going down her arm. She held onto it, and shooed the girls out the door. Then her eyes noticed a girl floating above the monster. A woman holding a fan in front of her lips, seeming amused.

"My, my." She said, "How chivalrous you are, and we were so close to gathering human energy." She giggled, "That matters not... since you're so set on protecting these worthless humans, I'll be generous and let you two play for a while. Go ahead, darling. Kill the girl." She ordered her monster, pointing straight at Emerald.

Before she could blink, the woman dissapeared. The monster turned to face her and Emerald whimpered, "What am I going to do?" She mumbled, suddenly blinded when her ring started shining. The light surrounded her and she felt her body changing, morphing. Something new was happening.

It ended as soon as it began, and she looked down, surprised when she saw that she had changed clothes. A purple dress that landed just below her bottom, the sleeves long and were the kind with the elastic band that wrapped around your finger. On her feet were a pair of knee-high pearl white boots.

"What the... ah!" She heard something, and ran just in time to avoid a hit. A new found confidence filled her, and she glared at the monster, "You won't hurt my friends!" She tried to get near the monster, but all she could do was dodge. She could hear every move it made, yet she could never find the right time to attack. 

What should I do... "Ah!" She screamed, as she was slammed down to the ground, trapped under the monster's heavy claw. He was crushing her, and she had no idea how to escape.

This is the end for me....



Edited by Emerald Heart




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Twin shots rang out within the crowd, slamming into the monster's chest and sending it reeling back, releasing Emerald from its' grip.

"Now hold on there, lil' lady..."

In a rush of gunsmoke, a man stood atop a car, looking like he came straight out of a western.  In his hands were twin six-shooters - one was a bright red, the other an onyx black.  His face was covered with a red bandit mask, but his bright blue eyes were staring right at the fan-wielding woman.  His hat and duster were both black... but on the hatband and his left lapel was a searingly red heart.

His black leather duster sailed out behind him as he leapt, flipped, then landed right next to Emerald.  His bright red ponytail whipped out behind him as he turned to face the interlopers.  She could now see the big heart across his back as he faced down both the creature and its controller.

"Now that ain't NO way ta act, ma'am.  Yer critter here seems like he's got hisself a bit of an issue with treatin' women c'rectly."

Those ice blue eyes glinted in the sunlight.

"And that's a problem I reckon I aim ta fix."

He suddenly spun both pistols, then let loose with a barrage of hot lead, directly at the creature.  Driving it back far enough to grant room for the escaping innocent people, he spared a single glance back at Emerald.  His voice was smooth and undisturbed, as if this were an everyday thing for him.

"You alright there, beautiful?  Guess you got yerself a right nasty critter here... and that lady don't seem like much of a lady ta me.  You up fer givin' this thang what for?  I mean, from the look of ya, y'might just be somethin' special... b'sides yer obvious charm, that is."

He flicked his wrists out, which sent shells tumbling, then he swiftly slammed in more rounds with speed loaders.  Another flick, and they were back in place.

"You want me ta take this dance, ma'am... or you wanna lead?"

She could almost make out a smile under that mask.



  • Brohoof 1

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Emerald chuckled a bit, but smiled at him. She smiled at him, "I think I can finish this up." She raised bother hands to the sky, "Echo..." A black ball of energy built up between her hands, and she twirled around slightly before glaring at the enemy, "Schock..." She lifted the othet hand and snapped her fingers, "Attack!"

The ball of magic erupted, creating a loud, earbursting sound that blasted the monster back and made his ears go deaf. She smirked at him and raised her head triumphantly when the monster became ash. 

"Thanks for saving me, sir." She thanked, "Who might you be?"


  • Brohoof 1




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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The fellow tipped his hat back with the barrel of the red gun.

"Well, this here's Queen," he motioned with the red pistol, "and her fella King," he spun the black pistol in his other hand, deftly sending it back into its' holster.

He then pulled something out and threw it straight over Emerald's head, where it sailed down and landed right in her hand.  It was a playing card...

"Me?  Ace o' Hearts, ma'am.  Pleased ta meetcha."

He stepped back and holstered the other pistol with a flourish.

"Hope we get ta meet again, beautiful... you have yerself a pleasant day, now, y'hear?"

He gave her a bow, then flipped backwards and rolled into a nearby alley.

And just like that... he was gone.

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"And I... Dusk." She whispered as she watched him disappear. She then walked out of the room and, lacking of energy, walked back home in hopes of a better tomorrow.

She texted Deuce that she wasn't feeling well, just so he wouldn't get mad at her if he came looking for her in the library.

Hoping that that crazy event was a one time thing, she zig-zagged over to bed. Oh, if only she knew that this was the beginning of a grand adventure...

@Samurai Equine @Cash In @Renegade the Unicorn


Heather returned to her planet with an angry huff. She stomped over beside the other boys and crossed her arms, still fuming about how her plan had been thwarted by a mere girl. I was so close to getting the Oracle Gem, too! 


  • Brohoof 1




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Slate rolled his eyes, his arms crossed as he stood calmly. "Calm down Heather." He said bluntly. He knew the Grey King would not be impressed with her failure, but he was certainly curious about what was to happen next.

  • Brohoof 1

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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@Cash In @Samurai Equine @Renegade the Unicorn

"Easier said than done." She said, before turning around to face the King. "With all due respect Your Majesty, why did you not bother to inform me that there is a powerful girl fown there protecting the pathetic planet?" 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Rather than angry, the Gray King seems a little vexed. "I have sough divine visions, made plans, and built a legion. Yet... I did not foresee the rising of a powerful champion. I must know more of this threat to our grand design. Heather, are you prepared to face her again? You were expecting an easy conquest when I sent you fourth, but now that you know of this pest, can you create a beast that is better equipped to fight back? Win or lose in the next encounter, I must know more of this troublemaker. I refuse to let anyone stand in our way now!"

Edited by Samurai Equine
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@Samurai Equine @Cash In @Renegade the Unicorn

"Yes, if course. I shall think of a better plan this time, and take out that annoying girl and return with the Oracle Gem." She bowed respectfully and exited the room to go to her chambers, plotting her next move.

@Randimaxis @Renegade the Unicorn

On Earth:

Emerald Heart woke up, her arm atil stinging from getting attacked. The blood had dried out, but the pain was still just as fresh. She wrapped the wound with fresh gauze and changed for school, sporting a pink rose-colored loose top, ripped jeans, and tan booties. Her hair hung loose this time, and two silver stud earrings sparkled clearly. 

She ate quickly, and packed some gauze in her backpack just in case. She ran to school, accidentally getting her foot caught under the doormat when she tried to enter the school building.

She huffed in annoyance, but didn't let it get to her and got back on her feet, passing by Deuce, too engrossed in her own panic that she didn't notice that her sleeve had rolled up, and her gauze had been exposed.

She made her way to class, holding her arm in pain, then sat down without complaint. She wasn't a wuss. 

But she was clueless, apparently. Because she was too focused on not being late that she didn't notice the bullies ganging up on Deuce.



Edited by Emerald Heart
  • Brohoof 1




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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@Samurai Equine @Cash In @Renegade the Unicorn

17 hours ago, Emerald Heart said:

"Yes, if course. I shall think of a better plan this time, and take out that annoying girl and return with the Oracle Gem." She bowed respectfully and exited the room to go to her chambers, plotting her next move.

@Randimaxis @Renegade the Unicorn

17 hours ago, Emerald Heart said:

On Earth:

Emerald Heart woke up, her arm atil stinging from getting attacked. The blood had dried out, but the pain was still just as fresh. She wrapped the wound with fresh gauze and changed for school, sporting a pink rose-colored loose top, ripped jeans, and tan booties. Her hair hung loose this time, and two silver stud earrings sparkled clearly. 

She ate quickly, and packed some gauze in her backpack just in case. She ran to school, accidentally getting her foot caught under the doormat when she tried to enter the school building.

She huffed in annoyance, but didn't let it get to her and got back on her feet, passing by Deuce, too engrossed in her own panic that she didn't notice that her sleeve had rolled up, and her gauze had been exposed.

She made her way to class, holding her arm in pain, then sat down without complaint. She wasn't a wuss. 

But she was clueless, apparently. Because she was too focused on not being late that she didn't notice the bullies ganging up on Deuce.





Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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@Emerald Heart @Randimaxis.

One of the girls looked like she's stepped out of the DeLorean from Back to the Future - she was dressed in a leather jacket with some silver studs on it, torn blue jeans, and black boots with points at the end, perfect for inflicting pain on someone.

Namely, Deuce. One of the other girls was holding him down, and she was kicking him in a particularly sensitive area. "You wanna frick with me, do ya? Well, buddy, you ain't heard of Rebel Rouser, have ya!?"  WHUMPF! Another, much harder kick to the stomach, then she said to the other girl, "Let him go." Once she did, Rebel pulled out a small switchblade and held it inches from Deuce's face. "I'm gonna make sure you remember my name, Deucey boy."  Was she-oh good God, she was. Her knife was making its way towards one of Deuce's cheeks when Rebel paused, and looked at Emerald. "Oh, look, it's the nerd's popular girlfriend, come to save her boy toy." She turned, put the knife away, and smirked at Emerald as she walked up to her, getting a biiiit too up close and personal. "Look, I wasn't actually gonna hurt him." she lied, pressing the back of her hand against Emerald's cheek. OK, yeah, she was being a creep now. "What's your name, doll?"

  • Brohoof 1


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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@Renegade the Unicorn

Emerald wasn't phased. Not at all. Instead, she smiled and held out her hand, "I'm Emerald Heart, it's nice to meet you." She tilted her head to the side and observed the girl, "Woah! I love your outfit. That leather jacket is so cool! Where'd you get it?" 

Emerald wasn't stupid. She knew how creepy this person was. She just didn't care, and assumed that this person was just as touchy-feely as she herself could be sometimes. Nothing too bad had happened so far, so she didn't care.

"You said your name is Rebel, right? That's a cool name too!" She giggled. 

She was too nice for her own good, and it often helped her get out of bad situations. She wasn't a scardey-cat, either. She could stand up for herself if the situation needed it. She was stronger than she looked.

Edited by Emerald Heart




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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1 minute ago, Emerald Heart said:

@Renegade the Unicorn

Emerald wasn't phased. Not at all. Instead, she smiled and held out her hand, "I'm Emerald Heart, it's nice to meet you." She tilted her head to the side and observed the girl, "Woah! I love your outfit. That leather jacket is so cool! Where'd you get it?" 


Rebel blinked slowly, as if to process if what she'd heard was correct. Looking towards the other girls, she could see one of them snickering. Not wanting to lose face, the greaser girl lowered her voice to a whisper only Emerald could hear, "I made it, but why the neck do you care? You're part of the popular crowd, aren'tcha? You don't give a rat's behind about people like me."


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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6 minutes ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

Rebel blinked slowly, as if to process if what she'd heard was correct. Looking towards the other girls, she could see one of them snickering. Not wanting to lose face, the greaser girl lowered her voice to a whisper only Emerald could hear, "I made it, but why the neck do you care? You're part of the popular crowd, aren'tcha? You don't give a rat's behind about people like me."

Emerald giggled herself, "Me? Popular?" She laughed a bit more, "That's a funny thing to say. No, I'm not popular."  She smiled at Rebel, "You're very talented, Rebel. I'm so clumsy I could never pull off something like that."  Emerald's smile slipped into a frown, "Why? Do you think being nice is wrong?" 

Edited by Emerald Heart




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Just now, Emerald Heart said:

Emerald giggled herself, "Me? Popular?" She laughed a bit more, "That's a funny thing to say. No, I'm not popular."  She smiled at Rebel, "You're very talented, Rebel. I'm so clumsy I could never pull off something like that." 

Rebel blushed. "Y-you really think so?" Her tough facade was dropping rather quickly around this girl. " Thanks, I mean...no one's ever said that to me before. Maybe I could make you a jacket sometime? "


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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3 minutes ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

Rebel blushed. "Y-you really think so?" Her tough facade was dropping rather quickly around this girl. " Thanks, I mean...no one's ever said that to me before. Maybe I could make you a jacket sometime? "

Emerald's eyes lit up in excitement, "Oh my goodness, that would be amazing! That is... if it's not too much trouble." She finished, losing control of herself, she wrapped the girl in a warm hug, a smile never leaving her face.

"Hey, Rebel? I'm not particularly busy after school today... so would you like to come with me to get some food? I know this place that sells really good ice cream, if your into that sort of thing."


Edited by Emerald Heart




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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@Emerald Heart

Rebel let out an audible gasp now; thankfully her girl posse had gotten bored and had dispersed. Nonetheless she hugged Emerald back, her blush growing brighter. And the offer of ice cream did sound pretty good...

"Maybe afterwards you could come over to my place and I could show you my vinyl records? " she suggested.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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@Renegade the Unicorn @Randimaxis

"Sounds fun!" She agreed, "I have a record player... but the needle broke, so now whenever you try to play something it sounds like a summoning ritual for the devil." She admitted with a light chuckle, "But first..." She pulled away, "I need you to apologize to Deuce. Because we both know that you were lying. I'll stand here as a witness, so you don't flake out." She teased, gently poking the girl on the cheek, smirking.





Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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@Emerald Heart @Randimaxis.

Rebel nearly laughed at the mention of a record player sounding like a Satanic ritual, but quickly composed herself and turned to Deuce. "OK, look. I wasn't really gonna mutilate your face, Deuce. I'm many things - a troublemaker, a flirt, you name it - but I don't wanna hurt anyone too badly; kicking 'em in the jimmy is one thing, but cutting someone? No thanks. I'm not going to juvie again, not for assault." She held out a hand to help him up. "We cool?"

  • Brohoof 1


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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