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open The Town That Friendship Forgot

Samurai Equine

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@PawelS, @Windy Breeze, @Courageous Thunder Dash, @ExplosionMare

"Glad to have you aboard, Pencil. And Tree, that's all I need to know. I believe in you. And with that... I don't see any other objections, so I say it's time to go!" Samurai raises a hoof to the air and leads his band of merry creatures.

However, this would all come to a anticlimax...

When they all travel to Dr. Milenko's office, thanks to Trilby for providing the address, they find a sign on the door saying that Dr. Milenko has all ready left Friendshire. Trilby examines it. "Sabbatical? Gone til question marks? Does this mean he has abandon this place, and maybe his plans?" Trilby asks. "Well... Not exactly what I meant by element of surprise. However, that doesn't mean we can't learn something from this. For all we know, the doctor may have left some clues about what he was doing in Friendshire, and if he infected anyone else." Samurai says. "But knowing the doctor, he probably locked the door. Too bad, but I guess this is as far as we go... He always locks up whenever he leaves his office for the d--" Trilby is cut off when Samurai steps up to the door. He bows apologetically. "Sumimasen. What I am about to do is unprofessional, and I'd never do it in any other circumstance." Samurai takes the door knob, and turns it hard enough to break the door handle off. And now the door opens easily. "...Oh. Of course. Why didn't I think of that?" Trilby says to himself.

Edited by Samurai Equine
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@Ragland Tiger @Courageous Thunder Dash

As Thundy had pulled the cloth away, Dynamo's jaw dropped as he was present with a brand new vehicle. Now, while he had competed in the derby race in Friendshire. He didn't really know much about cars. Other than the vehicles that Thundy had show him and the others over the past few days. However, he was surprised as he saw the vehicle being presented before him and Bluebell. "Oh, wow." He stated as he was blown away, before giving a whistle in astonishment. The blue paint, the different logos, the large wing and sleek design. The vehicle looked both stunning and very well made. As he looked around to inspect the ride, he had noticed that the license plate had his name on it. He smiled as he liked the little touch the male griffon had added. "Now I see why you wanted me to take a ride with you in your car. I guess it was your way to have me get used to the idea of driving so then you would present me this car. I have to say that this looks incredible. I don't know much on cars, but I really like this a lot." He turned to the griffon, making his way towards him as he gave him a hug. "Thanks for the gift, but you didn't have to do that, Thundy."

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@Samurai Equine @PawelS @Windy Breeze

“I’m not so sure that was a good idea...” Chelsea stated as she gathered some water energy and restored the door handle the way it was after it was opened. She slowly went inside. 

@Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger

”Well you’re a great friend Dynamo, so I just had to do something.” Thundy said hugging Dynamo back. “Now, ready for a quick lesson on how to drive this? Or do you think you got it from how you saw me drive?” Thundy asked. 

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@Ragland Tiger @Courageous Thunder Dash

Dynamo smiled softly as he heard Thundy considered the gaming unicorn as a friend as he hugged him back. "I guess it's the whole thought that counts. Like I said before that you didn't have to do that, but I really do appreciate it. I promise to take good care of it." He would say, contemplating on the idea of a quick driving lesson. "If I did do the question lesson on driving, then would it be done outside? I know it's probably an obvious question, but still. Better to ask than to not assume. That, and maybe it's better to get an idea of what I'm doing. I drove a kart before, but I'm guessing it's a bit different when it comes to driving a car, or are they the same?" He asks, while trying to see what Thundy had thought.

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@Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger

”Cars are much larger and there are other controls you’ll have to get used to, for example: the gear selector. This car of yours has what are called paddle shifters.” Thundy explained as he opened the driver door. “Here, hop on in and I’ll show you how it works.” Thundy stated. 

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@Ragland Tiger @Courageous Thunder Dash

"It did feel like there was a lot more room in the car in comparison to the karts we used for the race." Dynamo noted, confusion being written on his face as Thundy listed some of the other controls. "Gear selector, paddle shifters? Uh...Thundy? I hope you can forgive me, but I think you lost me." He says, giving the griffon an apologetic look. As he opened the driver door, Dynamo slowly nodded as he made his way over. As he entered the driver's seat, he sat down as he put his seatbelt on. "Okay. So, what do I do?" He asks, hoping the crash course in driving would go smoothly.

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@Ragland Tiger @Courageous Thunder Dash

As Dynamo listened to Thundy's instructions, he looked over to see the red ignition button as instructed. "Okay and I see the button." He says, his eyes widening in surprise at the mention of the button could turn the vehicle on. "Wait, really? I know that a button can turn the car on like a derby kart, but I thought it was different for cars. I think there was one of the cars you showed me once had keys. Seemed like that key was the way to start the vehicle in order to drive."

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@Ragland Tiger @Courageous Thunder Dash

"Oh, now I get it. So, there is a key, but it needs to be in the slot so the button works. Without the key, then the button doesn't work and the car doesn't start. Which means that I need a key, in a way, but not the way that one would expect?" Dynamo asks, realization finally dawning upon him. "Okay and that makes a lot more sense. Do you have the key, or is the key already in the slot? Also, do I need to exit the shop really quick in order to test the driving of the vehicle?" He asks, wanting to make sure he had everything figured out, so he and Bluebell didn't have any issues driving.

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@Samurai Equine @Courageous Thunder Dash @PawelS

Shadow cringed when Samurai accidentally broke the door knob without any much difficulty. She was about to talk to them about paying for the damage when Chelsea decided to put the door knob back using her magical ability. She waited for the others to come inside the building, not even trusting the foundation of said building as it could possibly be filled with booby traps.

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@Dynamo Pad

“Yes. I’ll have you drive the car out the shop and take it for a little rest run up the road and back. Then, when you feel good, you can be on your way.” Thundy said with a smile. “Now, see the gauges on the heads-up-display?” Thundy asked. There was the tachometer, speedometer, turbo gauge, engine temp level and gas gauge. All gauges except the tachometer were digital. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

"Okay and I can live with that. I guess I would have to just drive up and do a sort of reverse turn, then come back. I think that sounds okay for a test drive. Gives me a chance to sort of feel the flow of the vehicle." Dynamo explained, looking over to see the gauges on the heads-up-display. Each one having their own meters, gauges and displays. "I see a few of them, but what do each of them mean?" He asks, knowing that they probably wouldn't go far away in case something happens to the ride. However, he still would rather be safe than sorry.

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“So, the analog dial you see there is the tachometer. That measures the revolutions per minute of your engine. You don’t want your engine to go beyond that redline. The zero there is your speedometer. That tells you how fast you’re going. This little gauge here is your turbo gauge. That will tell you how much pounds of boost from the turbochargers. Finally, the oil temp tells you the warmth of the oil and the gas meter tells you how much fuel you have. Don’t let that meter go all the way down. You’ll run out of gas and won’t be able to drive.” Thundy explained. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

As Thundy went over each meter, Dynamo nodded as he kept each instruction/explanation in mind. "Okay. So, I'm going to guess that the tachometer is all about if your engine is running well. Since you said it's the revolutions per minute of said engine. If you go beyond the redline, then it might cause issues. I can see other numbers in regards to the speedometer. So, the faster I go, the speedometer will increase, but I'll make sure to not go overboard. Since, I can imagine it's like a kart and difficult to stop if you go too fast. I'm not entirely sure on what the turbochargers are for, but maybe it's to give the car an extra kick for when you're picking up speed? I'll also make sure not to run out of gas. However, what if I'm running low and I need to refuel the vehicle? I don't believe there are any refill machines in Equestria. Unless I should bring the car back to your car shop." Dynamo responds, closing the door on the driver's side as he looked around at his surroundings in his car. "Hey, Thundy? I was just wondering something. Do you have the key for the fob, or is the key in the slot? Just wanted to make sure, before I try to start the vehicle."

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@Dynamo Pad

”Yep, just bring it back here and I’ll fuel it up for ya. It won’t take that long. You should also bring it here every so often so I could make sure it’s working well. Maintenance is very important.” Thundy explained.

“The key is already in the slot. The fob acts as the universal key. Outside the car, you can unlock and lock the doors with it. Inside the car, put it in the slot and that allows you to turn on all electronics and start the engine.” Thundy explained.  

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

"Okay and I thought so. I guess more auto shops will be opened up around town and maybe Equestria. I'll make sure to bring it here every so often to make sure that it has fuel, as well as make sure that it's running well. I can get the whole idea of maintenance being very important. Considering that I keep maintenance on the arcade machines to make sure they are working well." Dynamo responded, nodding as he saw that the fob key was already in the slot. "I didn't know it could act as an unlock to use all electronics, but I guess it's a sort of master key. That's good to know and thanks for letting me know." Dynamo would say, taking a deep breath as he pressed the red button with his front right hoof. Not even a moment after pressing, his ears perked as he heard the engine roar to life. The numbers and displays looked normal as he looked everything over. "Alright. Is the door open for me to go through? I want to try and test the car out on driving, before Bluebell and I head out."

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@PawelS, @Windy Breeze, @Courageous Thunder Dash, @ExplosionMare

"I can easily rebuild anything that gets broken, if necessary." Samurai says as he enters. "Still, let's not break more than what we need to." Trilby says, following him inside.

The office is rather plain and professional. Book shelves. An otherwise tidy desk. Lamps. A chaise longue. A walk-in closet. Etc.

Trilby looks at the books on display. "Hmm... Advance Neural Science Made Easy. Games Ponies Play. A Pony's Guide To Metaphysics. The Missing Link Between Food and Mental Health? You know, I doubt this guy is going to have any guide books on how to take over a town. Closest thing he has are books on hobbies, like 'Fishing & Meditation', or '1000 Nature Exploring Activities'. And for some reason, a book about fine wines and cheeses..." Trilby says.

Samurai goes behind the main desk and finds a bunch of locked drawers. Once again, he uses his raw strength to break open the center drawer. "!! Could you PLEASE stop breaking things?!" Trilby jumps as soon as he hears it. "It's fine. We're chasing a villain after all, right? If he's really that dangerous, there's no need to be that respectful of his stuff." Samurai says as he begins pulling out various documents from the drawer. He takes the fattest file and begins reading through it. "Therapy records of others, but no mention of any curses or mind control. ... Probably shouldn't read these too deeply anyway. We don't want to invade the privacy of these patients. Everyone, if you read any patient records, do not read too deeply and don't memorize any of the info. We're only trying to find out what the doctor is up to, nothing more."

Edited by Samurai Equine
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@Ragland Tiger @Courageous Thunder Dash

Dynamo blinked in confusion as Thundy had asked him to turn hold the ignition button. He had thought that he had turned on the car. However, upon further inspection, it appeared that he had only turned on the electronics in the car. Nodding to signify that he understood, held the brake pedal down, while pressing and holding the ignition button. He could hear the sound of something trying to start, before hearing the car had sprung to life. "There we go." He smiled as he was able to get the engine to start. Seeing that the door was open for him to exit, Dynamo looked around to figure out how to get the car to move. He noticed that there was a stick in the middle of the driver's and passenger's seats. Seeing each option labeled, Dynamo pulled on the stick with his magic, until he stopped at Drive. He could feel a shift in the car, before letting go of the brake pedal. Hovering his hoof off of the pedal, he felt himself being thrown back and forth as the car moved slightly, before stopping. He blushed, feeling as if he was making a fool out of himself, but knew he was still learning. He knew that he couldn't just give up and forget about driving. That, or he knew he couldn't worry about embarrassing himself. 

Hitting the brake pedal, Dynamo took a deep breath and sighed. He was going to learn this one way or another. "It's just like driving the kart." He spoke softly to himself, before recalling the events in the kart race. After a moment of staying idle, Dynamo took his hoof off of the brake pedal once more. Moving his hoof over to the acceleration pedal to drive forward. This time, he managed to slowly and carefully drive, while making his way out of the shop. Making sure not to hit anything in the shop so he didn't damage the car, while also being careful not to hit Bluebell or Thundy, as well. Upon reaching outside, Dynamo placed his hoof back on the brake. Allowing the car to come to a complete stop, while waiting patiently for the others to follow. All the while, waiting for the male griffon's next instructions.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad

The 5.2 liter V10 engine roared to life loudly, the sound reverberating through the garage. Thundy got in the passenger side after Dynamo pulled out of the shop. “Okay, here we go. First things first...let’s buckle up.” Thundy said as he buckled up. “Okay, drive forward and make a left turn. You’ll need to use the hoof over hoof technique.” Thundy stated. “And don’t forget to turn your left signal on. It’s that little lever on the steering wheel. Push it down.” Thundy explained. 

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@Samurai Equine @Courageous Thunder Dash @PawelS

Going inside after everyone, Shadow finds herself a very tidy office room with bookshelves, a desk, and even a lamp. She was happy even if this Milenko is a villain he still decided to be a tidy-type.

That smile however vanished when Samurai decided to show his newly-changed impression by trying to wreck the office only for Chelsea to fix them. She hold up the urge to kick Samurai rump. Despite his idiocy, Samurai is still her friend.

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

As Thundy jumped into the passenger side, Dynamo nodded as he pointed towards his already fastened seatbelt. "Okay and way ahead of you. Better to be safe than sorry." He responded as Thundy buckled himself up. Looking over the steering wheel, the gaming unicorn noticed the little lever Thundy had mentioned. "There we go." He says, before pushing said lever down. He could hear a clicking noise as a light appeared on a left arrow on the dashboard. Looking both ways from left to right, the gaming unicorn placed both of his hooves on the steering wheel. "Hoof over hoof." He muttered softly to himself, recalling what the male griffon had mentioned. As he turned the wheel, he used hoof over hoof make the wheel turn to the left. The wheels soon turned in the direction they needed to go, while he slowly made his way towards the left. As he turned, he used the hoof over hoof technique once more to try and even himself out. Just before stopping as he was looking down at a straightaway with plenty of room to maneuver. "Okay, so what do I do next, Thundy?" He asks, while waiting patiently for more instructions.

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