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open The Town That Friendship Forgot

Samurai Equine

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@Ragland Tiger @Samurai Equine @ExplosionMare @Courageous Thunder Dash @Kronos the Revenant @PawelS

Dynamo smiled at Chelsea's help, but shook his head. "Thank you Chelsea, but you don't have to do that. Sam, Thundy and I are the only ones that will be allowed back in. So, there's only so much that we can do. We can probably still explain what had happened, but we can't expect much. If they believe us, then they believe us. If not, then I guess I'll have to try and earn back their trust. What matters is that all of you are still here. I'm really and truly grateful for everything you all have done." He would say, turning towards Thundy with a frown. From what the male griffon was saying, it seemed as if something was bothering him. "Hey, Thundy? I-Is everything okay? I do get what it's like to have the crowd against them." He says, recalling the numerous times he had started in video game tournaments. "There are times I was the underdog or I wasn't the crowd favorite to win. Even the crowd was against me as they wanted others to win. It wasn't always reassuring, but I just knew that I had to do my best and give it all I've got." He says, trying to reassure the griffon as the griffon's gaze had shifted away. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Kronos overheard the commotion caused by Dynamo and their friends. 

“Oi,” Kronos called out, “Where have you been, dude? I’ve been looking to vouch for your absence. I also overheard those jerks commenting about you.” He then pulled him aside and whispered, “Give them hell. Show them what you’re really made of. And disregard the crowd. If they wanna believe the lies those jerks told them, prove them wrong and kick their asses to the curb where they belong.”

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@Dynamo Pad @Samurai Equine @Courageous Thunder Dash @Ragland Tiger

Sparkly looked at Dynamo, seeing past the strands of hair that kept his eyes hidden. She bent down towards him and said,

“I am Sparkly Green. I was transported here from earth not too long ago. I aim to teach Equestrians about the place I came from so that they may benefit and make their own lives more advanced.

I see that you are going through a lot of turmoil right now, and you blame yourself. You are not to blame. Those horrible, vicious brutes are the ones in the wrong! They tried to take everything from you, your devices, your friends, your reputation…but they will not succeed! I can sense that you are a good pony both in your mind and in your heart. You are strong as well and you have the power to overcome those bullies. We can help you find your strength, but it is you who must use it. Find it within yourself and prove to those bullies that they are the weak-minded ones.”

Pencil listened to Sparkly for a moment, impressed by her words. She almost stayed silent, worried she wouldn’t be able to say anything near as helpful. However, she knew that as Dynamo’s friend, she had to at least try to help him. She had to be there in his time of need. Tentatively, she stepped up and worked to say something that would make him calm.

“Dynamo, neither I nor anyone else here is going to judge you or send you away. If there’s anyone we want to send away, it’s those horrible ponies who wronged you. I know you’re a good pony, and even if you did bad things in the past, well, you’re not doing those things now. You’re working hard to become somepony awesome! I think everyone here can see that.” she told him. She hoped what she said didn’t sound generic or repetitive. She tried not to let that silly worry bother her though as there were more important things to worry about right now.

Soon, everyone had offered their own support and gave Dynamo a huge group hug. Although Sparkly didn’t know this group too well yet, she loved hugs, so she gladly joined in. Pencil, on the other hoof, took a moment to find a comfortable space to sit in before she decided to do anything. Since there were so many friends around Dynamo, she opted to just lightly pat him on the arm so she wouldn’t get squished by a hug.

When the group released, everyone relaxed and decided to head back to the tournament. Although Pencil wasn’t too interested in it anymore, she felt she might as well go with the group. Sparkly remained unchanged and did not want to go to that tournament.

“I don’t want to go back to that tournament. I see no point in watching others fight for sport.” Sparkly said.

“Well, I’d say I don’t wanna go either after the long day we’ve had, but I still have my spectator’s ticket that I paid for…” Pencil muttered, shuffling her hooves.

“I see…why not just give it to somepony who really wants it?”

“I don’t think it works like that. Besides, I was kinda thinking we could just sit and talk, anyways. We don’t have to focus our whole attention on the fight, hehe.”

“Talking would be nice. However, are you sure you want to talk in the arena? Why not someplace more secluded?”

“Well, the group may need us. We all just need to be together right now, I think. It’s been a long day for everyone.”

“I understand that. I suppose I could go in, just for a little while.”

“Thanks! Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you! We still have to plan a trip to Sire’s Hollow.”

“I would love that. Your hometown sounds quite interesting.”

As they continued their chatter, the two mares headed inside the arena with the group and took their seats. The tournament hadn’t started yet so they had plenty of time to talk without worrying about having to scream at each other. Pencil suddenly wished she had food, but she didn’t see anyone else with any snacks. Sparkly took some time to get adjusted in her seat, trying to make herself comfortable. Needless to say, both mares were a bit restless while sitting and waiting, but they remained quiet about it for the sake of everyone around them.

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@Ragland Tiger @Samurai Equine @ExplosionMare @Courageous Thunder Dash @Kronos the Revenant @PawelS

As he looked over at the new mare, who was now known as Sparkly Green. Dynamo was surprised to know that she too was from earth. "So, you're someone that's from earth too, huh? Thundy had told me that he is from earth, as well. So, I think it's rather interesting to know that there is another who is not from Equestria. I wonder if the two of you have ever met in person before on earth." He wondered, before listening to what both Sparkly and Pencil had to say to him. What they had said was like hitting the nail on the head. Even though he had heard the others give their thoughts and feelings on the matter, the gaming pony had smiled as he really appreciated what his friends had to tell him. "T-Thank you, Sparkly. Thank you, as well, Pencil. I promise you when I say that I didn't exactly do bad things in the past. Rather, it was Cosmic and the others who wanted to start trouble. I think that maybe after the tournament, or when there's time, then I'll try and explain everything. That is, if anyone has any questions they'd like to ask when the time comes. I give you my word that I'll answer then as honestly and as best as I possibly can. Even so, I still want to thank you both. To thank all of you as it really means a lot to me." He was about to continue, but stopped as Kronos had suddenly made his way over towards the group.

"K-Kronos!? What are you doing here?" He was worried if the cybernetic pony had been told of what Cosmic and the others had said within the tournament building. If that was true, then did that mean that Kronos was going to accuse him of anything. If not, then would he try to run the gaming unicorn out of town or want to fight? None of those things had come to pass as he was pulled aside by the cybernetic pony. His eyes widened as he heard what Kronos had overheard. At the same time, he vouched for his absence, as well as it seemed that he believed Dynamo. "I-I'm sorry about being absent at the tournament. S-Some things had happened and I contemplated on leaving." He mentioned to the cyborg as he didn't want to lie that would lead to possibly more trouble. "I did say contemplate as I changed my mind. Being able to talk to everyone helped to reinforce some things that I wasn't sure of before." He couldn't help in snickering at Kronos' choice of words, but it did help along with everyone's support to brighten Dynamo's spirits. "T-Thanks, Kronos. I promise to keep doing my best and show those who doubt me what I'm truly capable of. If they don't believe me, then I'll work hard to get them to believe me. While I get what you're saying, I guess I don't want to kick their butts and cause Cosmic and the others to be right. Even if they don't, I know that you, Bluebell, Starlight, Sam and the others believe in me. To some, it's a small crowd of ponies and creatures, but to me? It's all I can ever truly ask for." He smiled as everyone was beginning to head back towards the tournament building and spectator's area.

As he heard the male griffon's remark, Dynamo couldn't help in raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean, Thundy? Is everything okay?" He wanted to ask if what the griffon had said had something to do with his parents. However, he decided not to bring that up right away. In fear of bringing up more painful memories of his friend. It didn't help that Thundy's snarl had made him a bit uneasy. As the griffon mentioned that they would catch up, Dynamo had noticed that Thundy had directed his attention to the gaming unicorn. Indicating that the griffon wanted him to stay and talk privately. Nodding, he turned back to the others, who were still making their way towards the town. "It's just like what Thundy had said. We'll catch up with you guys in a moment." He says, wanting to reassure the others that they would be okay. As they began to keep making their way from the front gates, Dynamo had noticed that Bluebell wasn't following the group. Just as he was about to ask if she was okay, he noticed that his girlfriend was walking over towards him. Before he could open his mouth, he was surprised as she had kissed him upon the lips. His eyes widened slightly in shock, before slowly closing his eyes. Leaning in as he reciprocated the affection. After a moment, the two had pulled away from the kiss. Dynamo feeling his face burn with a blush as he gave a goofy smile. He could feel his heart racing a mile a minute as he saw her smile, as well as her words of encouragement. It was moments like this that helped to reassure Dynamo that everything was going to be okay. "T-Thank you so much, Bluebell. I'll see you in a little bit." He waved at the retreating mare, before turning his attention back towards the male griffon. "So, what did you want to talk about, Thundy? I hope everything is okay." He says, surprised, yet curious as he wondered why Thundy had wanted to pull him away to chat.

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@Dynamo Pad 

Thundy sighed again. "Yes...ever since that one single moment where I almost lost everything...I just can't seem to let go...it felt like I was betrayed...being called a monster and them saying that I'm not their son anymore. Gah...at that moment...I felt like I wanted to use my newfound power to burn the house down, for what they did to me...but they were lucky to accept me back..." Thundy said in a sort of angered tone and a snarl. 

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@Dynamo Pad

“I have never met Thundy on Earth. Earth is much bigger than Equestria, I have seen many different people everyday just from where I live. It is hard to remember everyone. Here, however, I usually see the same crowd every day.” Sparkly replied. “You are most welcome, Dynamo. I hope you can use the advice I  gave you to help yourself and other ponies that might need it.”

“Y-you’re welcome, Dynamo,” Pencil chimed in, responding to his words of gratitude as well. “Oh, uh, sorry! I-I didn’t mean to accuse you of anything! Just, just, uh the way you said it…it sounded like you did something bad. That was just a misinterpretation. I, um, I wouldn’t mind to talk about all of this later, though. We’ll probably have to wait til after the tournament since it looks like it’s about to start back up again.”

The two unicorns then turned to each other once Dynamo began divulging into other conversations. Pencil took a moment to think about what she was going to talk about before she said something. Sparkly waiting patiently, eager to hear what Pencil had to say. After a few more seconds, Pencil finally said,

“So, what kinds of hobbies do humans typically have?”

“That is complicated to answer, as everyone has their own unique and shared hobbies,” Sparkly said. “However, there are activities that humans can do such as bicycling, animal-riding, hunting…”

Pencil and Sparkly continued on their conversation about various human activities. Pencil was quite delighted and fascinated to hear about everything and Sparkly was happy to share the information.

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@ExplosionMare @Courageous Thunder Dash @Samurai Equine

"Huh. It really makes me wonder what Earth is like compared to Equestria. From what Thundy had told me, it's similar in some ways. However, it's still much, much different." Dynamo responded, nodding with a smile as Sparkly's remark. "It'll be a long road ahead, but it's a journey I need to take. So, I'll make sure to use that advice from you and the others to help me move forward." He would say, shaking his head at Pencil to help dispel any worry. The smile never leaving his face. "It's okay and there's no need to apologize, Pencil. I completely understand that you weren't trying to accuse me of anything. I admit that I'm not the best when it comes to words." He chuckled slightly as he rubbed the back of his neck with his left hoof. Smiling a sheepish grin as he wasn't proud to admit it. However, it felt important to say as he didn't want to make his friends worry. "I'd like that and I'm okay with waiting until after the tournament. I can imagine we'll have our hooves full when we all get back to the tournament. Considering that Sam, Kronos, Thundy or I might have to fight soon at some point." He nodded as he saw Pencil and Sparkly head back towards the group. Dynamo turned in his spot as he turned his attention back towards Thundy.

Dynamo frowned as his guess wasn't too far off. His ears fell as he felt he could understand the feeling of betrayal that Thundy had gone through. "I-I'm really sorry to hear that happened to you. Although, I don't think that you're a monster, Thundy. I may not have known what your parents are like, but I know that they still love you. Sure, there might have been a chance at the opposite, but it never happened. Underneath that fur, is the son that your parents knew and remembered. At least, that's what I believe." He says, hoping that what he said could help his friend. "I know this is random, but you motioned for me to stay. Is there something you'd like to talk about? W-Was it what Frozen had said back in the tournament building?" He felt a slight chill run up and and down his spine as it wasn't great to recall Frozen's words.

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@Dynamo Pad

"Grrr, I wish I could just pound that pony's face in so hard. He and those other two just got me pissed beyond pissed. I'm glad they got away, because if they said anything about Chelsea, they'd end up in the freaking intensive care unit." Thundy said. "This is the price of me having an impure heart...the anger inside me causes a darkness..." Thundy said sighing.

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

As he listened to Thundy explain, Dynamo's ears fell as he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He understood the griffon was upset, but he didn't expect to hear such things being said. It frightened him a little as he wondered if it was bad to mention what Frozen had brought up. "I'm really sorry to hear that, Thundy. I mean, it's a bit surprising to hear you say that. Whenever it came to those three, nobody really stood up for me or had issues with them. I know that they are bad, but I've never really knew anyone that wanted to help in trying to stop them. Back where I'm from in Fillydelphia, anyone just decided to either ignore them. If they got others to see their way, then they'd basically follow them as others rallied with them against others." He explained, remembering times where he was stopped from making a friend with other's in school because of Cosmic's team. "I never really knew that's what happens with an impure heart. I've had moments where I've been angry for what they've done, but I never really did anything against them. Mostly because I was afraid that they'd make things worse if I went and did anything to stop them." He would say, trying to understand how the griffon was feeling.

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Dynamo nodded with a soft smile. Thankful to see that Thundy was starting to let go of his anger. "I appreciate the thought, but I guess the old saying is that one can't change the past. Unless you were able to talk to Final about that, then I'm not entirely sure." He joked slightly with a chuckle as he tried to lighten the mood. "I have to say it was surprising at first, but it's okay. It's better to let things out instead of bottling it up and holding your feelings in, you know? I guess in a way I'm worried. Considering that I hope that what Frozen had said about you and I hasn't affected our friendship either." He says, wondering if Thundy had heard Frozen mention that there was trust issues between the two of them.

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@Dynamo Pad

"That son of a gun snooping..." Thundy said growling. "This is why those jerks need a beatdown..." Thundy stated. It was a tough situation for Thundy now. Something was boiling in him. He wanted to find Frozen...and teach him a lesson not to mess with him and Dynamo...and it won't end well for Frozen...

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

"I wouldn't go that far in terms of a beatdown." Dynamo would say, before holding up a hoof. "Now I'm not defending them. I want them to regret what they've done, but I guess I just don't want to cause violence. My old teacher had taught me that if there was a dispute, then you solve it through games. He actually had an old saying of sole problems through games and not your fists. He usually had a no violence policy at the arcade he worked at. He was the type of pony that wanted to help Equestria to be better and safer. Feeling like video games can help bring others together." He explained, smiling slightly as he always appreciated the teachings of his teacher, Pinball Wizard.

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

"Maybe, but my teacher felt that violence was only necessary in certain situations. He did have to admit that using games as a way to settle things can only get you so far. Instead of a running mouth that needs to be shut, he would mention the saying of putting your money where your moth is. At least when it came to putting up with games or to stand down." He frowned as he saw Thundy had put his head down with a sigh. Walking over, he had placed a comforting hoof upon his shoulder. "I'm really sorry if I had said anything that brought up how you've been feeling, Thundy. I wasn't trying to say anything like that. I mean, is there a way for an impure heart to be purified?" He asks, wanting to do his best to help his friend.

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@Dynamo Pad

Thundy sat down and picked up Dynamo, placing him on his lap. "Dynamo...it's not as simple as you put it. It's all about the person with the impure heart. Look at Vegeta...he let himself become majin because of power. He was blinded by his jealousy and the fact he was a prince. Meanwhile, me, the anger of almost being abandoned by my parents because of this." Thundy said pointing to himself. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

As he watched Thundy sit down, Dynamo blinked in surprise as he was suddenly picked up. All before being placed upon the griffon's lap. As he sat, he listened as Thundy had explained what it meant to have an impure heart. "I guess there's more to it than just that. I mean, sure. I do remember what Vegeta had gone through in order to obtain power. I remember that fight he had with Goku all too well and how he tried to correct his mistakes." He says as the griffon pointed to himself when mentioning about his anger. "If you really feel that way, then would it work if you went to go see your parents again? I mean, is there a way to travel from here to earth? I know it might be a bit of a long shot and all. Even so, maybe there can be a time to let them know how you feel like how Vegeta let Goku how he felt. I'm not sure if it would work or not, but I feel it's better to try. It's like the old saying of better to try than to not at all, right?" He asks, giving his griffon friend a hopeful expression.

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

"I at least think that they should have a moment for you and your parents to sit down and talk about everything. They should at least explain why they acted the way they acted. I admit that it's not right for one to call or treat anyone like a monster. Just because of something that was out of their control." He explained, remembering how Thundy mentioned in how he turned into a griffon. "Hopefully they can apologize and at least explain themselves." He would say as he felt Thundy had begun to stroke his mane. The gaming unicorn had to admit that he was feeling nervous about bringing something up to the griffon. However, he felt it was necessary to talk about. Considering how he had mentioned about Vegeta only moments ago. "I-I hope it's okay for me to say something." He started, trying to find the right words to say, as well as the courage to speak.

"I know how you don't like those three, but I was wondering something. Y-You don't...have any l-lack of trust in my, d-do you?" He asks, taking a moment, before continuing. "I-it's just...when Frozen spoke, he has that way of getting to someone. Most if not all the time, he's very accurate with his eyes. As much as I hate to admit that he was right. I was a little worried in terms of trust against you, Thundy. The reason was that at times, I thought that you and Cosmic were somewhat similar." Before he continued, he waved his hooves in front of him to stop the griffon from assuming anything. "Please don't misunderstand. I'm not saying that you and him are one in the same." He placed his front hooves down as he let out a sigh. "I guess I was just worried and concerned. There were moments that happened between us that reminded me of Cosmic. One example being that time we were all going back to the real world or staying in the video game to complete said game. When we had that talk and you told me I was trying to do things on my own. I-I had to admit that it h-hurt me. I honestly thought that I was being selfish and wanted to do things on my own. However, I just wanted to work together with everyone, while you had gone off to fight the enemies that stood in our way." He explained, while making sure he had his thoughts together.

"I wasn't sure why you said what you said. I guess I just felt responsible for getting everyone trapped within the game. I wanted to do all that I could in order to get everyone out. Considering I was the one that touched the helmet. That, and I was worried that if we lost all our lives to the bosses, then we might not have been able to go back to Friendshire. It's why I wanted to see if you and I, along with the others, could work together. That way, we wouldn't need to proceed with caution, while finding the best way to beat the level. It's why I got all bent out of shape when I thought I had lost you and the others. I lost someone very important to me once and I didn't want to ever go through that again. The moment I thought I lost you guys in the game. Especially with what happened today, I-I felt like I was going to lose everything that was important to me." He says, trembling slightly as seeing everyone fall in the game was painful for Dynamo to watch. 

"One other thing that had happened was when we were helping everyone from the wreckage after the war for Friendshire. I know it might sound childish or ridiculous, but I guess I was upset when you said the tendril powers I had were scary. I admit that they were powers that I didn't know I had when using the belt. However, it was only because Cosmic and the others had said things in regards to my horn being ugly. Times that they thought my horn was a curse and others would be too if I got near them. Of course, that was when we were all young colts. Even so, I guess I was just upset as I wanted to help you and Bluebell with saving those from the wreckage. I felt as if I wasn't doing my part and I wanted to do the best I could. The only other thing was when Chelsea had sensed an energy signal and wanted us to follow her. I remember mentioning that we needed to save the other citizens first, before going to that signal. However, I felt really bad when I thought I saw a look of hurt or disappointment in Chelsea's eyes. I felt like I was ruining her discovery, but it's more to it than that. When we went and found Trilby the next day, I think I was putting two and two together. What if Trilby was the one that Chelsea had sensed. If that's true, then I feel really guilty. We probably could have saved him sooner instead of almost losing a friend." He gritted his teeth as he felt guilt well up within his heart. "I-I'm really sorry, Thundy. I wasn't trying to compare you to Cosmic in any way whatsoever. After talking about this with you, however, I did happen to notice something." He looked up to the griffon's gaze as he wanted to show him that he was telling the truth. 

"You and him are not the same. You at least can be kind and considerate of those you care about, while he's all getting what he wants. I guess I was just worried as I went through a lot growing up due to bullying. I was afraid of going through similar things again and I became hesitant of the friendship we had. I'm really sorry if I ever acted doubtful of you, Thundy. I know that you and Cosmic aren't the same after all the things you and the others had said to me previously. I just hope you can find it in you to forgive me for how I've been feeling and/or acting." After letting out his feelings to Thundy, Dynamo had closed his eyes and looked away slightly. Worrying if what he had said would cause the griffon to hate the gaming unicorn. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Thundy simply sighed, for he was a griffon who had an eye for things. I take opportunities when I see them. It may be selfish, but it benefits in the long run. Yes, I know you wanted to help, and I'm so sorry if it hurt when  I said that you looked scary. I wanted to make sure the foals wouldn't get scared by you. That was looking out for others. The point is Dynamo, we all think and see things differently. Sometimes, you just gotta let it happen because it may be something very valuable." Thundy said. 

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It looked as if things were settling down. Samurai can sigh in relief a little bit. "Well I'm not fully sure what happened here, but it looks like everything worked out in the end. Now, if you'll excuse me, I still have some personal business to attend to..." With a nod, Starlight walks away from the group, glad that Dynamo was able to work things out with his friends. She even gives him a passing wave.

@Kronos the Revenant

Suddenly, Samurai jumps. "Eh! Yabe! Kronos-san? When did you get here?" Samurai also asks. What a wild day this has been!

@Ragland Tiger, @Dynamo Pad

Samurai blushes deeply and gives a startled gasp when he sees Bluebell and Dynamo kiss! Even his ears are burning. He tries to cover up the scene so no one else can see it. "Maybe you two should save that for when you're in private?" Samurai says, his heart beating extra fast.


Samurai was glad that Sparkly was here to offer Dynamo some support as well. He'll have to thank her some time later.

@Courageous Thunder Dash, @Dynamo Pad

At first it seemed like Thundy wanted to be left behind. Neither Samurai nor Final looked like they wanted to just leave him alone. Thankfully, Dynamo was helping him out. He gives Thundy and Dynamo the room they need to have a heart-to-heart. "Hmm... I still need to ask about something, but I guess it can wait..." Samurai mumbles to himself, nodding. For now, he'll stick with the group.

Edited by Samurai Equine
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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Dynamo had winced as he heard the griffon sigh, but slowly opened an eye as he heard the griffon speak. He didn't sound angry, but it sounded like he understood the unicorn's worries. "I wouldn't say that you were being selfish. It's probably how you do things when it came to video games, fighting or anything along those lines in general.  I guess it might have worked if we rearranged team leaders and such to get to certain levels. With everything going on in the game, it felt like there wasn't much time to waste to figure things out." Dynamo noted, before continuing. "I guess it would make sense in not trying to worry the foals or any lost or injured civilians. I guess I was discovering more of what the belt could do that I wanted to help the best way that I could. With the person I turned into on that day, I remember how he is when he was a hero. His idea of a hero is to save those, while having a smile on your face. Even if you're afraid, letting others see that smile is a way to lessen their fear. In a way, it's pretty inspiring, in my opinion. Even if the power that was being used was possibly scary, just letting them know that everything would be okay could possibly be reassuring." He explained, remembering that he was mostly helping Bluebell and the others out of the wreckage, while the group was rescuing anyone who was hurt that day. As he listened to what Thundy had said, Dynamo had nodded as he felt that he could understand. "You make a really good point, Thundy. That, and I think I get what you're trying to say. We all can't see eye to eye on the same thing because then things would be boring. I guess it's always good to be different as we all have opinions for debates or discussions. I guess when you say that you got to let it happen, then it sounds like the saying some things happen for a reason." He wasn't sure if he was on the right track, but he hoped that it could be explained if he was wrong.

"H-Hey, Thundy? Y-You're not mad, upset or d-disappointed about what I was talking about before, w-were you?" He asks as he was worried about bringing everything up. He knew now that both Cosmic and Thundy were never the same, but he still wanted to talk about it. With how the griffon had spoke, he was honestly surprised by his actions.

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@Dynamo Pad

”Mad? Upset? Of course not! Tension and disagreement may happen but it’s not the end of the world. Friendships can be tough to hold on to because friends think differently. Dynamo, if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s this: friendship is always worth the fight no matter how many times you disagree or argue.” Thundy affirmed holding Dynamo close, rubbing his back. 

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