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open The Town That Friendship Forgot

Samurai Equine

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@Dynamo Pad @Oni Equine @ExplosionMare @Ragland Tiger

"And I want to win too!" Thundy shouted as he saw the projectiles flying towards him. Thundy closed his eyes and pulled out a relatively new memory. He was now wearing a black jacket with a large blade tucked in it. His dreadlocks were now blonde. Thundy had taken on Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy. Because he still had the power of SSJ2 inside, the "Limit" was 95% full. Thundy pulled out the blade proclaiming: "Genkai wo Koeru! Haah!" with a blue aura bursting forth. Thundy charged and slashed through the projectiles creating some sort of symbol with his slashes. He then tossed the blade up into the air and went in for a limit-breaking punch right to the chest of Bingo, which if hit, would deal a lot of damage. 

Chelsea realized she didn't answer Dynamo's question. "Oh! So sorry! What I meant by liability was that whoever did the deed would be 100% responsible. If Lightning Dust hurt someone with that stunt of hers, she'd have to pay up." Chelsea explained as she heard Thundy shout something in Japanese. "Thundy always full of surprises." She commened. 


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@Dynamo Pad @Courageous Thunder Dash @Ragland Tiger @Oni Equine

“Yeah, there was quite a bit of damage, wasn’t there? I just hope no on was seriously injured. I also hope you don’t get seriously injured, especially all you went through today with those guys.” Pencil replied to Dynamo, referring to the bullies generically so she wouldn’t upset Dynamo with their names.

She had her doubts and fears about the tournament but it seemed that, regardless of the situation, Dynamo had control of his situation in the tournament. Fighting Cosmic would not be easy, but if he applied enough focus and skill to his techniques, he could win. Pencil wasn’t sure what winning would prove to Cosmic, but it would be much better than losing.

“Be careful out there, Dynamo Pad,” Sparkly warned. “Do your best if you must go out there and be aware of your surroundings. Do not let Cosmic or anyone else deceive you or make you weak.”

Pencil perked up when Chelsea told the group that Thundy was on his way to achieving a pure heart. She clapped excitedly in response. Sparkly was curious, since she had never heard of a pure heart before.

“What does having a pure heart mean? Is it a measure of character and morality or something else entirely?” she inquired.

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@ExplosionMare @Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger @Oni Equine

“A pure heart unlocks so many things, a stronger emotional connection and no rage outbursts at all. What it requires is for someone to let go of anger held on due to past events and other hard struggles.” Chelsea explained. 

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@Oni Equine

"Be it as it may, it's not right to spy. The best way to gather intel is through watching. Spying can be a tactic that only gets you so far. Only for it to end up backfiring. Just as logical as how we found out, then someone else will find out." Frozen commented, Cheap huffing as he tried to fix some of his slicked mane that Alhimar had mentioned. "I slick my mane back to make sure I look as professional as possible. Unless you tend to get on my bad side and push the wrong button sequence. In that case, then my mane will really get frazzled." Cheap responded, unknowingly giving more information for the zebra to write down. "With how you takes notes as information, you do have a mind wise beyond your years. Even if others try to analyze me, they'll never be able to stop me. You're right that prodigies don't come around often, but you'll see that I'm the exception. Not well known? Oh, you poor, naive, simple fool. I may not be well known, but I'll be well known soon enough. By the end of this ridiculous tournament, I'll be known as one of the greatest prodigies Equestria has ever known." He smirked, raising an eyebrow as if a thought had occurred to the neon green unicorn. "Oh? Thanks for the tip, but it's unnecessary. I want all of their eyes upon me to see what they've all done. Everyone who has ever known or crossed my paths will regret the day they decided to stand against me." With a blink, he saw Alhimar had made a run for it. "HEY! Get back here, coward!" Cheap exclaimed as he was about to pursue the escaped fighter, but was stopped by Cosmic. "Let him go, Cheap. He's not a threat to us. So, he told us what he and the others are thinking. Let them think what they want. It's just like what Fold had said."

Looking to the giant arachnid, Cosmic could only nod in agreement. "It may be a spectator sport, but it's not a sport to us. Everyone will soon see what happens when you get on our bad side." He started, before his eyes trailed back up towards the giant creature. "Speaking of which, I don't believe you told us what your connection with the freak is all about. I don't know if you care to tell us, but I am rather curious. Besides, any friend of his is an enemy of mine. So, it only helps if I know what I'm dealing with. So, care to fill us in?"

@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Oni Equine @Courageous Thunder Dash @Starforce

As Bingo tucked into a spin, Dynamo winced as the diamond dog had slammed head first onto the arena floor. "Oh, that had to hurt." Shuddering slightly, before taking notice of Bingo taking off his shirt to tie around his head. Tilting his head in confusion, the gaming unicorn tried to figure out what the diamond dog was up to. "Is he trying to imitate the same way that Thundy had transformed into? I guess the phrase imitation is the best form of flattery fits well in this situation." Upon hearing Bingo mention that he wanted to be a hero, Dynamo couldn't help himself in smiling. "I'm not entirely sure how or why Bingo is so fixated on Cosmic, but it's nice to know his heart is in the right place." Almost as if he was proven wrong, the gaming unicorn watched as Bingo began tearing sections of the ring into pieces. "Uh...is that okay for him to do that? I mean, I thought there was a rule about not destroying the ring or causing any sort of damage." He wondered as his jaw dropped in disbelief from witnessing what was going on. All the while, pieces of the ring were being hurled like projections towards the male griffon.

As Thundy transformed once again, Dynamo had wondered what his friend and brother had transformed into this time. He couldn't tell for sure based on the jacket or change in dreadlocks. Squinting his eyes slightly at the blade that was drawn, however, his eyes widened as he soon understood. "I recognize that blade! That's the Buster Sword. The same one that Cloud uses from Final Fantasy. The Buster Sword allows him to go into the signature Omni-slash, but it can becomes stronger with the use of fusion swords. At least, that's what I've heard as I'll have to admit. I never really played much of the Final Fantasy games. Except for ones like the Dissidia games." He blushed in embarrassment as he thought it might be embarrassing to not play a game that others might have had. As a blue aura burst forth, Dynamo's ears perked as he recognized the words being spoken. "I-I think that means...To go beyond the limits. It's something Cloud had always said before performing his limit move, or when he was powered up in Smash Brothers." He explained, watching as Thundy charged forward with each slash from his blade. As he was about to throw a punch, Dynamo's eyes glanced towards Chelsea, who had explained what she had meant in regards to the word 'liability'. "Oh, okay and no need to apologize, Chelsea. I always thought the word liability was what I was mentioning and didn't know it had a double meaning of sorts. Now I see what you were trying to say. I'm sorry for any confusion and thank you for clearing that up. You can also say that again." He says, nodding in agreement about Thundy being full of surprises.

Glancing over towards Pencil, Dynamo nodded as he understood who the purple mare was referring to. "Thank you and same here, Pencil. Those three have caused nothing, but trouble since they've come here. I just hope that they can be stopped so that nobody will have to suffer at the hooves of them. Also, thank you, Sparkly." He looked over towards mare sitting next to Pencil, who had spoken her thoughts of the potential battle ahead. "I have to admit that if it was back then, I probably would have believed those three. Now, however, I want to say that it's different. Hearing what each and every one of you had said really helped me to realize that I have something very special to me. Friends and loved ones that I know who are truly with me." He nodded, looking towards Chelsea, Pencil and Sparkly with a soft smile. Looking towards Bluebell, he smiled softly once more as he gently nuzzled her to reassure her that everything would be okay. Along with letting her know that he was here for her. 

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@Dynamo Pad

"You will understand when my match with Samurai Equine comes. If I had my way, it would be sooner rather than later..." For now, Fold returns to the shadows to meditate, and vanishes. He could be anywhere now.


@Courageous Thunder Dash

"Just as a reminder, this is the finals, which means we do allow room for greater amounts of damage to the arena." Mayor Black explains. "However, the catch is that if you are going to tear up the ring, you better be able to fly. Because once that arena is gone, it's just the raw ground underneath." Straightaway says. "And if you touch the ground once the arena is out of the picture, then you will be disqualified." Elusive adds.

In the middle of burrowing the arena to bits and throwing them, Bingo sees Thundy coming in for a punch. "ARF!!!" To Thundy's surprise, Bingo actually stops what he is doing, leans in, and bites Thundy's fist. ... But that doesn't stop the punch from dealing some damage anyways! The punch pushes Bingo back with a dog-like yelp and makes him land at the far opposite end of the arena square on his back. "Bingo hurting..." Feeling winded, Bingo does his best to get back up again, with a little bit of a limp. He tries to put his t-shirt back on, but it gets stuck and he blinds himself. "Bingo cannot see! Bingo cannot see!!"



"Well, it seemed entraining at first, but..." Mayor Black sees how this match is playing out. "...This mutt isn't very smart, is he? If Thundy wins, do you think that counts as animal cruelty?"

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Reality has been walking for a while, knowing that he has to look for a place to stay before it gets dark. Just as he was ready to turn back, he saw a sign that said 'Welcome to Friendshire' pointing towards a dirt path. Think that he has nowhere left to go and a bit tired from carrying his saddlebags for a while, Reality decided to walk down the path, hoping that he might find somewhere to stay.

As he walked, he was expecting to see a small village or community, but was internally surprised when he saw that Friendshire was almost as big as Canterlot. With his curiosity growing, he stopped in front of the town's entrance, even tipping his hat up to get a better view of the large town.

"So this is Friendshire, this place is bigger than I thought." Reality thought to himself.

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@Oni Equine

Opia watched what was going on down below. Part of her was disturbed by what she had seen Thundy do there. It was clear that she didn’t like Thundy in the least. Opia was silent for a while before she answers, “Yes. Definitely. I think that is crossing the line.” Opia said emotionlessly. 

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@Oni Equine @Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare @Ragland Tiger

Thundy spread his wings and took to the air, not even feeling the bite, pulling a loop. His blade was still in the air. “Sorry Bingo, but I got a match to win! Steel Wing!” Thundy called out. His wings glowed a bright white and were enveloped in hard steel plating that if the hit landed could be enough to send Bingo flying. 

“This is it guys! Thundy could win it right here!” Chelsea cheered. 

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@Oni Equine

As Cosmic was about to respond, the trio watched as Fold had vanished within the shadows. "Oh, well. I guess we shall see when the time does come. Hopefully it's sooner rather than later." He sighed, knowing that he wasn't going to get any answers from his potential ally. For now, the only thing the trio could do in the meantime was to wait and strategize.

@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Oni Equine @Courageous Thunder Dash @Starforce

Upon learning that damage could be done to the ring, Dynamo blinked in surprise as to what had been told. He wasn't sure if those rules were mentioned before, but now he felt a bit more nervous. Especially with how Bingo was destroying the ring in order to attack Cosmic. "I have to give Bingo creativity to using the ring to his advantage, but he has to be careful. If the ring is destroyed, then how can the other fighters battle in the ring? Unless there's a way to improvise." He wondered, knowing that he wasn't good at fight magic. He was impressed that the diamond dog had caught Thundy's punch with his teeth, but the punch still pushed Bingo back. Wincing at the yelp, he soon saw Bingo stand, but was unable to see due to his shirt being stuck over his eyes. Seeing that Thundy had an opening presented to him, he watched as the male griffon flew towards his opponent. Blinking to take away the quick flash of light that shined in anyone's direction. The gaming unicorn soon saw that Thundy's wings had glowed a bright light, before enveloping into steel-like wings. Upon calling out the attack, Dynamo was able to put two and two together. "Hey. That's a move from the Pokemon game known as Steel Wing. Based on the typing being steel, I wonder if he's trying to use the typing to his advantage. Given that Bingo's body is durable like a giant stone/rock." He says, pondering on the idea as it was pretty sound. "I know that steel is strong against rock, but I'm not sure if type advantage would work in this way. At any rate, this might be his best chance. You've got this, bro!" He called out to give his support to his friend and brother.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad@Ragland Tiger@Courageous Thunder Dash@Oni Equine

"I hope so, too," Pencil agreed. "I at least hope they realize how much chaos they cause. They're far more aggressive than all the other fighters, at least in my perspective."

"You are welcome," Sparkly responded to Dynamo. "I will always offer my perspectives, especially on important matters. In this case, I hope everypony plays fair and does not try to start anything. If they do, I will not hesitate to sort things out. I wish you the best of luck when it is your turn to fight once again."

The two unicorns turned their heads towards Chelsea who was gleefully shouting. Thundy was very close to winning, from the looks of things. Pencil scooted herself towards the edge of her seat and Sparkly craned her neck to get a better view.

"Yay, go Thundy! Looks like he's got a good chance at winning!" Pencil cheered.

"I see this resulting in a fair turnout," Sparkly commented. "Both fighters are good, but I can see how the odds are for Thundy, here."



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@Dynamo Pad

@Courageous Thunder Dash

The attack connects, making Bingo pull his head through his shirt as he is sent flying up, over, and... Boom! He falls onto the grassy knoll outside of the arena. "Ladies and gentlecolts, I do believe this was the fastest match we've seen so far!" Elusive commentates. "Bingo has fallen out of bounds. His strong hyde, made for tunneling underground and uprooting gems, made him a tough opponent in the preliminaries. However, it's Thundy who is advancing to the next round. Bingo is eliminated." Straightaway says. Naturally, there is cheering for Thundy's win.

Bingo grunts painfully from the attack. It takes a few solid seconds before he sits up. The tournament staff come up, but Bingo waves them away as he rubs his chest. "Ooh... Guess this means Bingo not be town hero... No one love Bingo after all." He looks up at Thundy, defeated. "Thundy bird, will you do it for Bingo? Will you defeat Cosmic pony and save town? Bing can't anymore..."



"Well, one thing's for sure, the dog can take a hit. I wouldn't have been able to take one." Mayor Black checks the time. "If the matches end that fast, then we'll be out of here in  no time."


@Reality Check, @Frisk

As Final continues to check on Necry's condition, he sees someone coming up into the town not far away. "Excuse me, Necry. Seems we have MORE company. Or, you know, come with if you like! This can also be a day of introductions." Final says before trotting off really quickly towards the town entrance.

The teenage blue pony with a black mane, braces, and edgy clothing walks up to the visitor. "Hello there! Yes, over here please. Hello, my name is Final Premonition. This place may seem like a ghost town right now, but I swear there are citizens here, and I'll be happy to show them to you! And you are?"

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@Oni Equine

Opia looked at the events in the arena and sighed deeply. "I'll give you a hint about me. I may have never been a fighter but I am never someone would want to fight. What that exactly means is for me to know, and hopefully you'll never have to find out about it." she was disappointed that Thundy had won, but it was out of her control after all. Not that she was invested in what was going on.

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@Oni Equine

Reality sees a resident calling out to him before deciding to walk up to him. He took note of Final Premonition's clothing and appearance and figured that he might be around the same age as himself.

"Oh, um... I'm Reality Check and uh, did you said there are citizens here?" Reality said with a bit of insecurity in his voice

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Oni Equine @Courageous Thunder Dash @Starforce

"You can say that, Pencil." Dynamo responded, nodding in agreement. "They're the type of ponies who don't know when enough is enough. That, or those three just keep going until they are satisfied. The only problem is that they don't ever seem to be satisfied with what they've done." He explained, turning towards Sparkly, who gave her support alongside Pencil. "Thanks again, Sparkly. This tournament feels as if it's all about fighting fair and having fun. So, hopefully it can continue to turn out that way. I'm not hoping for that result to happen. However, if it does, then I'm glad to have your support, as well as everyone else's." He smiled at both Pencil and Sparkly, before looking back towards the fight. As the attack connects, Dynamo watched as Bingo was sent upwards, before landing onto the grass on the outside of the ring. Bingo was able to get his shirt back to normal, but it looked like he wasn't able to right himself to land in the ring.

The gaming unicorn smiled as he was happy for his friend and brother was able to achieve victory. He felt bad that Bingo had lost, but he felt Thundy's opponent had put up a really good fight. "Great job, bro! You were great too, Bingo! You both were awesome out there." He cheered, trying to show support to both fighters.

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@Oni Equine  @Reality Check

Necry came with Final and saw Reality but asked Final, "Is inside that dome a tournament? I do know battle skills somewhere...its slowly coming back in my memory...But if im late that is fine..."

Then he told Reality, "Hi Im Necrozma, the....Prism? Yeah the Prism Pokemon...but I was called Necry...and you are?"

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@Oni Equine@Frisk

Reality was pretty surprised to see Necry for the first time, mostly due to the fact that he's looking at someone who isn't a pony or any kind of species that he knows of. He did however pick up on when he called himself the prism pokemon.

Reality just stares at Necry for a short while before responding. "Um... I'm Reality Check, and uh... Necry, was it?"

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2 minutes ago, Reality Check said:

@Oni Equine@Frisk

Reality was pretty surprised to see Necry for the first time, mostly due to the fact that he's looking at someone who isn't a pony or any kind of species that he knows of. He did however pick up on when he called himself the prism pokemon.

Reality just stares at Necry for a short while before responding. "Um... I'm Reality Check, and uh... Necry, was it?"

"Yes? Im sorry for intruding, but, Ive completely lost my memory...and I do remember being a dusk mane form...but unexpectedly im a dawn wing Necrozma...I need to know why  my memory's gone..." Necry started to cry..." Anyway, what did you need?"

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@Oni Equine @Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare

Thundy looked down at Bingo and smiled at him with compassion. He gently helped up Bingo and bright him in for a tender and sweet hug, letting out a slow and warm energy current that healed Bingo. “I will do whatever it takes Bingo. Don’t be sad. Even though I won, I’d love to have a friend like you around. We could be the best of buddies.” Thundy said breaking the hug and holding Bingo’s paw, looking at Elusive, awaiting the interview. 

“Awww, so sweet. As I said, Thundy may be rough along the edges, but once you get to know him well, he’s the sweetest friend you’ve ever met.” Chelsea stated. 

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@Dynamo Pad

@Courageous Thunder Dash

Bingo's eyes go wide when Thundy gives him a hug, but he smiles and returns the hug. Surprisingly, not as vice-grippy as one would expect. "Bingo is loved after all?! Okay!! Bingo will be friends with Thundy bird. You make sure Cosmic pony is beaten; I know it." Bingo puts a paw on Thundy's shoulder and nods, reassured. "Bingo will not forget a friend. Bingo will try to find the rest of his pack, but Bingo will meet you again someday! Bingo promises!!" With a promise made, Bingo leaps towards the ground and begins burrowing a tunnel, making his exit via digging. "And let's get some staff in here to fix the damage, please?" Mayor White asks immediately after; which is the staff's cue to come in and start magically rebuilding the arena and any damage to the surrounding area.

Elusive Facts gets up and joins Thundy in the arena. "What a fantastic show! For those who don't know, Thundy's been helping to organize surprise events here in Friendshire, he's fought to defend this town, and now he's just won his first victory in the Finals. The audience wants to know; was it a hard-won victory? And what is your reason for competing in the tournament today?" Elusive asks, holding up her mic.



Mayor Black nods. "You know, I feel like you could say something similar about me. I'm not a fighter, but as the mayor of this town, you don't want to pick a fight with me." He looks around to make sure no one heard that.


@Reality Check, @Frisk

Taken by surprise, Final quickly pats Necry on the back and tries to calm him down. "There, there; my new friend. We'll get you all the help you could need. I promise. You won't go alone in this town."

He turns back to Reality. "Nice to meet you, Reality Check. As my esteemed friend here was saying, yes, there is a civilized, friendly battle tournament happening today. It has caught the attention of the majority of this town's residents. Well, what few it has anyways." Final points. "See there? Not far in the distance is the center of the town. Normally, it's an open square; but today, they've built a large building to house a fighting tournament. They just started the finals; but a few matches have all ready been completed." Final explains. "The movers and shakers of this town are all here. Reality, Necry, I would be more than honored to show you who they are. See, I'm just a time traveler, and I don't usually stay here very long. Most of the time, I'll be away from this place. The ones you want to meet are the best. They are the entertainers, the creators, and the heroes that will always be there for a citizen in need."

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@Oni Equine

Opia agrees with him and was glad to find someone that she could relate to. It was a comforting feeling if anything to find someone who could finally understand who you were. “Indeed. It looks like the events here are winding down. What do you normally do around here?”

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@Oni Equine@Frisk

Hearing that there are entertainers here, as well as creators and heroes, immediately caught Reality's attention. Feeling intrigued, he want to see who the ones Final Premonition wants them to meet are.

"Alright, I'm interested, where do we meet them?" Reality asked.

Edited by Reality Check
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@Oni Equine @Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare

Thundy waved to Bingo as he made his departure, hoping he will be back soon. Be then turned to Elusive. “Oh yes. It took thinking to win this match. Most say it’s just a brains and brawn thing, but I say, it’s also a heart thing. Sadly, a certain trio of punks tried to break my friend Dynamo, and I almost lost it…because Dynamo means the whole world to me, along with my many other friends. It was all thanks to my wonderful friend Chelsea who saved me from my blind rage. Now everyone knows just how bad that evil troupe is. I’m not just fighting for myself, I’m fighting with a greater purpose. See my heart may still be impure, but I already feel a change. And that’s a sign. I can change…you can change…” Thundy proclaimed pointing to Elusive. “…Everyone can change!” Thundy declared spreading his arms out. “…but it starts…right here…” Thundy said putting a fist against his chest right where his heart was. 

Chelsea stood up and applauded with a few stray tears in her eyes. 

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@Dynamo Pad @Courageous Thunder Dash @Oni Equine @Ragland Tiger

“Satisfaction is only temporary, seeking it out in hopes to achieve it infinitely is what causes that group to engage in negative behaviors,” Sparkly commented. “Cosmic and his friends expect to find happiness in the same repeated actions, rather than appreciating what they already have around them and what they can do with it.”

Pencil was fascinated by Sparkly’s insight. She stayed silent for a few moments, letting the words sink in. She did not stay silent for long, however, because she did not want Dynamo to think he was being ignored.

“We’ll definitely support you, Dynamo. We’re all rooting for you, even if you don’t win. As long as you enjoy yourself and stay safe, that’s all that really matters.” Pencil said.

She turned her attention towards Thundy who was getting closer and closer to achieving a pure heart. Pencil figured he might have a long way to go, but judging by the compassion he had for Bingo out on the ring, he already had a good start. Pencil clapped alongside Chelsea and Sparkly wore a satisfactory smile.

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@ExplosionMare @Courageous Thunder Dash @Oni Equine @Dynamo Pad


4 hours ago, Pencil Pouch said:

She turned her attention towards Thundy who was getting closer and closer to achieving a pure heart. Pencil figured he might have a long way to go, but judging by the compassion he had for Bingo out on the ring, he already had a good start. Pencil clapped alongside Chelsea and Sparkly wore a satisfactory smile.

"I-I-I said he had a g-good h-heart," said Bluebell, smiling.

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Oni Equine @Courageous Thunder Dash @Starforce @PawelS

As Thundy pulled Bingo into a hug, Dynamo smiled at the heartwarming moment between both fighters. Even after a fight had been finished, a friendship can be formed. "I really hope that we'll get to see Bingo again." He says, watching as the diamond dog had made his exit by digging into the ground. He wasn't sure what to make of Bingo, at first. However, after everything was said and done. Dynamo knew that Bingo was a kind and loyal friend. Upon hearing about fixing the damage for the ring, the gaming unicorn breathed a sigh of relief. "That's reassuring to hear. I'd hate for a fight to just be over because of the whole out of bounds. At least in terms of a technicality where the ring is ultimately destroyed or damaged. In a way, it takes the fun out of the fight. Since it looks like some fights have lead to friendships." He explains, noticing the connections formed throughout the tournament. If that's what the goal was, then the tournament was doing a great job in helping to make friendships become formed or to grow stronger.

Listening to Thundy's response to Elusive's question, Dynamo had frowned at how the bullies had affected his friend and brother. It might have been awkward for others to hear of what the bullies had done, but Dynamo remembered what Sledge Hammer had said to him. It was still worrying at times, but he knew things would get better in due time. Given that he had teleported away, Dynamo hadn't known that Chelsea was able to help Thundy in a time of need. Upon hearing the mention of change, Dynamo felt something stir in his heart. "Change, huh?" He muttered softly to himself, but it was able to be picked up by those around him. With everything that's happened recently, Dynamo never really expected himself to change, in a way. With how Cosmic and his team treated him and the others, it almost felt like nothing had really changed. That was, until, his true friends showed their true selves to the gaming unicorn. It was within those moments that he felt that maybe he could change. Or, at the very least, be true to himself. Glancing towards Bluebell, Dynamo looked back over to Thundy, who had put a fist against his chest to where his heart was. 

"Y-Yeah. You're right, Bluebell. I think he has a good heart, as well. I just hope he'll be okay and that he'll be able to achieve that pure heart." He smiled softly, before hearing Sparkly and Pencil has spoken their thoughts. Allowing their words to sink in, Dynamo nodded to let them know that he heard the duo. "When you put it that way, then it makes perfect sense. If they never stop until they are satisfied, then they won't ever be satisfied. No matter what they try to do or what they try to achieve. It's better to appreciate what you have instead of what you don't. Otherwise, you stop seeing what's important to you is standing right in front of you." He explained, while realizing that what he said was true for him. All he ever truly wanted was indeed standing right around him. "Thank you, Pencil and thank you Sparkly. I think what you all and what Thundy had said really helped me to come to a decision." He says, moving one of his front hooves up, before placing it over his chest where his heart was. "I know it might be foolish or crazy, but I-I have to try. I know I wanted to enter the tournament to have better practice with the belt and to practice my magic, but I think it's different now. I want to have fun as that's what the tournament was all about. However, I have to stand up to Cosmic, or I'm never going to move on from the past. That, and I want to protect what's important to me." He says, before lowering his front hoof and joining in on giving Thundy an applause for his speech.

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