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open The Town That Friendship Forgot

Samurai Equine

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@Courageous Thunder Dash, @Dynamo Pad

For now, Alhimar sits back down, feeling as if he was purposefully ignored.


Samurai looks over his shoulders and waves at Thundy. "Thank you for the help, Thundy-niisan. However, if it's all the same with you, I'd like to talk with Cosmic privately."

He turns back to face Cosmic, taking in everything he has to say. The gamer codename thing does make Samurai scratch his chin, but it doesn't seem like a complete lie. "...Interesting. I can't say that I completely agree with your thoughts about friendship and kindness. It has opened up a world of opportunities for me, more than I have ever dreamed, and has given me plenty reason to carry on. But do you truly feel that way? Aren't the three of you friends? You are united under common ideals and mutual understanding; that is usually the basis for friendship. Would none of you care if something bad were to happen to one of your teammates?" Samurai asks, speaking once again out of genuine curiosity.

But something else Cosmic says really makes Samurai go stoic. "...Your destiny? What ever could that be?"


@Dynamo Pad

The scene playing in front of everyone really has the judges interested. "Did Dynamo Pad really call himself an up-and-coming gamer?" Mayor White commentates. "No! I REFUSE to accept that! To all the new comers to Friendshire, Dynamo Pad is the head of the local arcade and has even helped many of our citizens get excited about gaming, not to mention he has showed a natural ability for it. In this town, Dynamo has all ready proven to all of us that he's a great gamer." Elusive adds.

Lightning shakes his hoof in agreement then floats away from Dynamo. "Get ready, curly! I might not be Rainbow Dash, but I've developed my own skill." After giving final warning, Lightning flies straight up into the sky. Once she's up a good distance, she spins into a small, tight loop-de-loop. The next one is bigger, and she flies faster too. The next is bigger and faster still; and so on and so on until her loops are bigger and faster than any ferris wheel you've ever seen! And when Lightning Dust is happy with her speed, she uses it to catapult herself even higher. So high that the audience gasps because everyone has lost sight of her.

And then, she turns around and begins to fly straight down, gaining enough speed to break her maximum. "SONIC THUNDER STORM!!!!" Once she exceeds past speeds of 750 MPH, a huge explosion rips across the sky! But instead of forming into a wave of rainbows, the blast forms into a dark storm that starts shooting blasts of electricity wildly in every direction! Tournament staff have to act fast to make protective magic barriers to protect the frightened audience. As for Dynamo, he can maybe dodge a bunch of these randomly scattered lightning bolts, but not forever. And by the look of that cloud, it will be a while before it stops on its own accord. It's too dangerous to just be left alone!



Mayor Black nods. "See any interesting places in your travels?" He doesn't even flinch when the thunder storm begins. "If that Lightning Dust isn't careful, she could fry everyone here."


@UI Tails

(For context, it's about mid-day, give or take)

"Oh, hello there. You've arrived in a place called Friendshire. And I'm..." Before Final can help him stand or finish the introductions, Necrozma runs off. "HEY! WAIT!!" The tournament grounds is mostly closed off, but there is at least one ticket seller waiting near the entrance. His sudden presence nearly scares the humble ticket salespony. Final catches up to him. "It's just... It's just... Oh boy." Final catches his breathe. "It's just a civilized fighting tournament. No real danger or anything! Everything is perfectly fine. ...Not sure why we suddenly have a thunderstorm in the sky, but it's fine. Now, as I was saying... My name is Final Premonition. I'm a time traveler. And who are you, if I may be so bold?'

Edited by Samurai Equine
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@Samurai Equine @Dynamo Pad

Thundy breathed a sigh of relief as the hoofshake was indeed legit, but gathered some electricity and created the same magnetic field, keeping his feet glued to the floor. However, when he saw the storm forming, he shuddered. "Oh boy...this is it..." He said as he created a shield of electricity around him. "Dynamo! Can you hear me? This is your chance! If you bounce a few of those bolts into Lightning, it could deal quite a bit of damage!" Thundy shouted the best he could. 

@ExplosionMare @Ragland Tiger @Samurai Equine

Chelsea looked up and saw the storm forming. She gasped, and gathered a load of water energy. She created a massive barrier that protected the staff, Elusive, Straightaway, and all the others. 

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@Samurai Equine

"It's interesting because you've never competed in competitions like we have! If you ever competed in video game tournaments, then you would understand it more." Cheap commented, Cosmic holding up a hoof to silence the earth pony. Whatever Samurai wanted to say, it seemed like it was between the two of them. "Only a pony or creature that sides with friendship would say such babble. If only you knew of what I or the others went through to reject such formalities." At the mention of the three being friends, Cosmic could only laugh with a scoff. "Ha! Us? Friends? You couldn't even be more far from the truth. The only thing that we all agree upon is that we detest the idea of friendship or camaraderie. Being united under the same common goal and ideal is only a fuel to drive us. That's no basis to friendship as we exist to destroy the very foundation of friendship, love and harmony. To rule with an iron hoof and show that friendship is nothing except a sin that holds you back." Cosmic simply shrugged his shoulders, while shaking his head. "Would I care? Have you not met me, fool? I couldn't care less what happens to them, or to even Calhoun. If they meet the ideals that I'm fighting for, then that's all the more reason to get them to join. If they aren't able to meet that expectation, then they weren't worth being on the team. There's always other out there that will replace them, in the end. If not, then I'll just get them to join and see the true light."

As he listened to Samurai's question about destiny, Cosmic's eyes narrowed. Almost eliciting a growl from his throat. "All cutie marks hold within them a destiny. The same goes for one's magic if they are a unicorn. Growing up, I was shown to have a talent that one has never seen before. Almost to the level of Star Swirl the Bearded, himself. I didn't need to practice as everything came so easily to me. However, the moment I got my cutie mark. Everything had begun to change and not for the better. I could still use my magic like always, but it wasn't enough. You see this!?" He shouts, turning to show and point his cutie mark towards the asian pony. "This is the mark that I got when I was younger! This isn't the mark I was destined to wield. I wanted a video game controller. My destiny? My dream? Is to be the greatest video game pony in all of Equestria. To rule the gaming world and to put others in their place. To show how unmatched and out of their league they are against me. Yet that punching bag? That loser? That failure? That stinking Kyubiki!? He was born with nothing! No magic, no potential, no nothing! The day he stood up against us as he gained his mark and magic was infuriating! He gained the mark that I rightfully deserved! Even with that mark, he still can't even do magic all that well! It's so pathetic that it gets on my nerves! That's why I want to make sure that he never forgets his place and that he doesn't hold a candle against me. His kindness is nauseating that I made certain that he never had a friend, or even a chance for a special someone. That's his destiny as my destiny is to take his cutie mark away. Once I defeat him, no. Once I destroy him, I'll take what's rightfully mine and be rid of him once and for all. It's only a matter of time as destiny has planned it all out. The stars have aligned and I'm ready to take back what was rightfully mine from the beginning."

@Ragland Tiger @Samurai Equine @ExplosionMare @Kronos the Revenant @Courageous Thunder Dash @Starforce @PawelS

After shaking hooves, Dynamo watched as Lightning had floated away from both him and the ring. He wondered what she was up to, but stopped as he felt his pendant starting to glow again. Glancing over to Bluebell, he watched as his girlfriend clutched her pendant as if she was in pain. "Bluebell..." Seeing someone he truly cared about be in pain had caused his breathing to increase. He felt worried as he wanted to go over to comfort her, but knew that he couldn't due to fighting Lighting Dust. The way she was in pain had made the gaming unicorn feel emotionally worried. To the point he felt he could feel that very same pain as she did. Knowing what he had to do, he looked back up towards the sky. 'I have to end this now. Right now!' Closing his eyes, he allowed one of the abilities of this form to manifest. 






Upon opening his eyes, Dynamo's amber/orange eyes had changed to a reddish color. In his eyes, three tomoe were within a circle. As he finished setting himself up, Dynamo had noticed Lightning, who was spinning bigger and faster loops to pick up both speed and power. It was as if a giant Ferris wheel was taking place within the sky, itself. He narrowed his eyes as he tried to keep track of her, but Lightning was too far gone to track. Just as soon as she had disappeared, she had begun flying back like a jet. His ears fell at the sound of an explosion ripping through the sky, while blasts of electricity went flying in multiple directions. His eyes widening, Dynamo jumped to any area that wasn't struck by the attack. Even as he landed, he had to keep moving to avoid any and all attack that were created by Lightning Dust. Thanks to his Sharingan eyes, he could see the attacks moving in slow motion. They were still fast enough to still hit him, but he had to be careful. 'I can't keep dodging forever. If I slip up, then I'm a goner. If that happens, then...' He shuddered at the idea of losing Bluebell, before disregarding the thought. 'I can't allow that to happen. Even so, what can I do? How do I stop an attack like that?'

As he tried to think, he thought he had heard someone yelling out to him. With how loud the claps of thunder were, it was hard to make out. He glanced briefly to see that it was Thundy, who mentioned something about bouncing the bolts back to Lightning. 'Is that even possible? I can't bounce attack with Sasuke's abilities.' It was then that the idea of bouncing the bolts back had given him an idea. 'What if I didn't have to bounce them back? I have a chance, but I have to be fast. Otherwise, it's over.' Concentrating his magic, he summoned two more cartridges this time. One of them being orange and the other being a lighter shade of purple. With a click of the buttons, both devices came to life.


Disengaging the cartridge he had been using, his appearance turned back into that of his natural self with his gaming jacket. As a bolt of lightning had rushed towards him, Dynamo hurried as he quickly inserted the two cartridges into the belt. Pulling the lever back as he pulled the lever once more to transform.


"I'm not gonna run away and I never go back on my word! That's my nindo! My ninja way! UZUMAKI NARUTO!"
"It's not gonna work. Because I'm made of rubber! GOMU GOMU NO MI!"



As the bolt struck the gaming unicorn, a blinding flash of light had filled the entire ring. After a moment, the light had slowly faded to reveal Dynamo, who didn't seem to be affected by the lightning strike. In fact, it looked like there wasn't a scratch on him. "Whew! That was close! I can't believe it actually worked." He smiled, the effects of the gum gum fruit had caused his body to gain rubber like properties. Remembering a certain fight, he recalled that rubber doesn't conduct electricity. Meaning, that he was able to avoid one major problem or dodging any lightning attack. His appearance had changed once more into an orange and black jacket with orange pants. A headband was placed upon his forehead underneath his horn, while he also wore a red jacket with black flames at the bottom. As he allowed the lightning strikes to hit the ring and him, he closed his eyes as he allowed himself to finally concentrate. Just like he had remembered, he felt himself being in tune with nature as nature energy began to surround him. Upon opening his eyes, he once amber colored eyes were replaced by yellow eyes. Gaining toad-like pupils, while orange pigmentation around his eyes.



Bringing his front hooves up, he brought them together in a cross like formation/pose. "Shadow clone jutsu!" As he spoke, three other Dynamo's had appeared out of smoke and thin air. Looking towards each other, the original and clones all nodded as they got into position. Holding his front right hoof out, one of the clones began to spin his front hooves rapidly as a ball of energy was being formed. The second clone had held his front hooves out as his horn began to glow as he made the ball of energy change shape and appearance. The third and final clone had stood guard, so Lightning would not attempt to stop what Dynamo had in mind. Once the preparations had been made, both clones assisting the real Dynamo had stood back. The original gaming unicorn had lifted his front right hoof up as the ball of energy transformed into a giant shuriken.



The clones smiled at the original, before disappearing in a puff of smoke. Leaving only the original Dynamo standing in the ring. Nodding, he looked back up as he prepared to launch his technique. "Sage art: Wind Style Rasen Shuriken!" As he threw the giant shuriken, he made sure to throw it at the storm clouds above. If the attack worked, then the power of the wind he made would take down the bolts of lightning. At the same time, the attack of the shuriken would tear the storm clouds to shreds to cancel out Lightning's attack. He recalled seeing a chart that wind was stronger against Lightning. He wasn't sure if it would work in this situation. However, Dynamo knew that he would have to try his best, while hoping that this plan would work.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Samurai Equine

After the form changing when Final caught up Necrozma introduced himself." Im Necry, the Prism Pokemon. I dont know anything else about myself, cause I just remembered the Dawn WIng species erased my Memories. As you can tell, I was once a Dusk Mane, but somehow I can change forms..." He stretched his claw for a handshake."And you are?"

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@Dynamo Pad @Samurai Equine

Thundy watched as Dynamo changed into Naruto and performed the clone technique. “Come on bro! You got this!!” This wasn’t any cheer. It sounded like a thousand voices calling out to Dynamo. A change was starting to occur inside Thundy’s spirit…maybe his heart…

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@Dynamo Pad

Though Cosmic responds with short-tempered, aggressive responses, Samurai stays ever calm. Like a parent being patient with an irate child. When Cosmic denounces the idea that they are all friends and that everyone else on the team is either disposable or easily replaced, he glances toward Cheap and Frozen to see how they'll react. Are they okay with that? Still, he listens in full to Cosmic's back story and against all odds, Samurai smiles. "I thank you for sharing that story, but if there is one thing I cannot agree with, it's the idea of destiny. Though we all have our own cutie marks, I believe them to be a guide, not a rule. I believe we all can carve out our own destiny. And as long as there is a tomorrow, we all have a chance to start over and make things better!" Samurai says with undefeatable optimism.

"The last time we talked, you called me a freak because of my curved horn, but I'm not sure why. I'm an asian pony, and all asian ponies have curved horns like this. Dynamo might have a little asian blood in his ancestry. Does that really make us freaks to you? Because when I first learned that non-asian ponies had straight horns, I thought you and your kind were the freaks, if I'm being honest. But I learned to accept the differences, because every new discovery is an adventure, a chance to learn something amazing. The princess is amazing, the friends I've made in Friendshire are each unique and amazing, and if I may continue being honest... I thought all of you are amazing too! I would be honored if we could all learn from each other and maybe have friendly sparing matches. In my eyes, you're holding yourselves back by focusing on one narrow target like Dynamo. Cosmic, your astrology magic is like nothing I've ever seen before! I saw Frozen's preliminary match, and I know his intelligence is a force to be reckoned with; and Cheap's tactics make him both sly and ruthless. You don't need to put anypony down, because all four of you are all ready great and accomplished. You don't need to do anything to prove it, and also... I really do hope you'll reconsider."

Samurai momentarily sits at an angle and looks at his hoof. "I know someone who felt the same way as you. Someone who felt as if everything in life that was due to him was stolen; taken away before he had a chance. I pride myself on having saved the lives of countless numbers, and I did my best to be his friend, but he was the one creature I couldn't save. In the depths of his despair, he decided to cast off his mortal identity, and he become a monster. A complete corruption of what he use to be. He gained power, but he lost himself because of it. Ever since then, though I've clashed with and tried to reach out to him, he has only slipped further into madness. It's a constant struggle that I may never know the end of..." Samurai looks back at Cosmic and his gang with hope. "But I want to believe that it's not too late for either of you. Dynamo doesn't have to be your enemy; none of us do. I might not fully know what you've gone through, but you don't realize what you're missing out on. Please, consider joining us. We can show you all a new way, a better way. The ways of friendship and love are not your enemy; they can be your greatest asset. They can show you the way to a better tomorrow." Facing them fully once more with hope in his heart, he extends a hoof to them, hoping they'll take him up on his offer.

All the while, Fold is glaring daggers at Samurai, trying to hold back his own rage while one of his tarsi slowly turns into a sharp blade.


@Dynamo Pad

At first, the judges are startled. They are safe thanks to Chelsea and the staff, but they begin deliberating amongst themselves. They come to an agreement and say something, but their words are drowned out by the super heavy amount of thunder and lightning coming from one kaiju-sized cloud!

However, it soon won't matter. Thanks to Dynamo's powers, he is able to summon a Rasen Shuriken! As it is thrown, the wind-based attack pierces into the cloud. And with an explosion just as big as the last one, the storm cloud is destroyed, turning into dozens of smaller, calmer clouds that just casually float away. The skies are clear once more. The staff are able to lower their guard because nopony is in danger anymore.

Lightning Dust finally managed to fly low enough that she is able to gracefully fly up and away from the ring. However, before she can fully admire her handiwork, she sees Dynamo turning into clones and using an anime attack of some kind to clear the skies. "Woah! You actually did it! I didn't think ANYPONY could put out my best attack. I was actually going to use that as the show-stopper in my Washouts show. Maybe now I need to find something else to replace it." When things have calmed down, Lightning floats over and pats Dynamo on his shoulder.  "Well done, cur--I mean, Dynamo Pad. You bested my best attack, and just as we agreed on, I'm going to forfeit. I've got nothing that can top what you do. Maybe I'll send you a free ticket to my next show, with a plus one if you like. Guys like you really challenge me to do better." Lightning lands on the ring, trots over the edge, and is moments away from stepping out of bounds when suddenly--!

"Lightning Dust is DISQUALIFIED!" Mayor White announces, which nearly makes Lightning fall over herself. "What?! Why?! I haven't even stepped out of the ring yet!" She says back at them, defensively. "Due to how that last attack potentially put everypony here in danger, we came to unanimous decision that such attack was grossly against the rules." Elusive states. "What--?! But I-- I didn't mean--!" Lightning begins, tripping over her own words. "We realize you never intended to attack the audience; your aim was against your opponent. Usually, that would save you from disqualification. We can forgive an accidental stray blast here and there; we know how precarious this tournament can be. However, that attack was simply to dangerous to let slip. If anything had happened to our staff, the attack would have also harmed many of the spectators who came here today. Gross negligence that endangers the audience, purposefully or otherwise, is against the rules. And for that, you're out." Straightaway explains.

"But I-- I didn't-- I was all ready going to--!" In this one exchange, Lightning Dust goes from surprised, to defensive, to pleading. Then she looks at Dynamo, followed by the judges. In that moment, she has a crest-fallen expression on her face. "Guess I was bound to lose after all... Well, if anypony enjoyed that show, feel free to catch the Washouts' tour to see even more?" Lightning tries to turn this moment into another advertisement, but the crowd has no response for her. All she can do is hang her head and fly away. Her time here is over.

"And with that, Dynamo Pad is the winner!" Elusive says, giving the crowd a reason to cheer before she joins Dynamo on stage. "So, Dynamo Pad, owner of the Friendshire Arcade... First you help out the entire town during a virtual reality nightmare, and now this. You must be feeling pretty accomplished, am I right? How does it feel to score your first victory in the finals so far?" Elusive holds up her microphone.



"It better." Mayor White says. But then the tournament plays out, and she is indeed disqualified for her last stunt. "Guess that answers your question."


@UI Tails

Final gladly shakes hooves with him, but then looks at him confused. "Who am I? I... I just told you. My name is Final Premonition. Hmm... Could it be that whatever has brought you here has also messed with your short term memory?" Final begins to inspect Necrozma, "Hmm... You don't seem to have suffered any trauma. Perhaps we need to get you to a doctor just to make sure. Because like I said earlier, I'm a time traveler, not a doctor." Final lightly pokes fun at himself.

Edited by Samurai Equine
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@Samurai Equine

As his team listened to Cosmic's outrage, Cheap had looked off to the side. Almost as if he didn't care as he had heard of his boss' ranting before. Frozen, on the other hoof, looked conflicted at what he had heard. Usually, he'd roll his eyes at his leader's venting, but this time felt different. The mention that throwing them away if they failed was something that was used as an empty threat. Given that they all shared the same desire of revenge and they they were indispensable. The same couldn't have been said for Calhoun, who hadn't even shared an interaction with Dynamo. Not only that, but he was fairly new and joined under different reasons of sorts. Looking towards the ground, the lenses of his glasses shined from the reflection of the ceiling lights. As if hiding his gaze away from Samurai. Cosmic took a couple of deep breaths as he let a bit of his anger out. What he didn't expect was for Samurai to thank him for what the neon green unicorn had said. "What?" He asks, screeching up his eyebrows in both confusion and anger. "Y-You're thanking me? You've got to be kidding! I've done all that I've done so far and now you go and thank me!? You're crazy, right? Unless you've got a couple of screws loose like that rust bucket." He says, referring to Kronos as they met during the preliminaries.

"Oh? If cutie marks are actually something that guides us, then why? Why was I given a mark that I never wanted! Why did a failure like Kyubiki receive a mark that is too good for a pony like him, huh!?" As he heard Samurai's speech, Cosmic groaned as he used his front hooves as if they were a pony's mouth talking. Almost as if he was mocking the asian pony's ideals. Upon hearing the mention of calling Samurai a freak, Cosmic's expression turned into a sly smirk. "Oh, I remember that all too well. I stand by what I say that both you and Kyubiki are freaks of nature. As for why I think that? Well, it's quite simple, really. You and him don't have a horn like I do, or any other unicorn for that matter. It's called the norm, or have you not heard of it? If you aren't normal, then you're not fit for living in society. We made sure to have Kyubiki remember that as we labeled him a cursed individual. From what we see, it looks like he either cursed you to look that way. Or better yet, he found his big bwother to help protect him." He chuckled, gaining a chuckle from Cheap. "Asian blood in Kyubiki? Oh, don't tell me that you believe in that ridiculous mare's tale like he does. About the whole Mistmane nonsense? What? Do you think he's related to her? Oh, that'll be the day." Raising an eyebrow at the mention of being called the freaks had gotten Cosmic's attention. "You have a weird way of looking at things. Discoveries bring an adventure and to learn something amazing? Who in their right mind looks forward to something like that?"

The neon green unicorn din't expect to be given compliments by the asian pony. Nor did Frozen or Cheap expect to receive their own remarks of kindness either. "I'm all for sparring, but I'm more of a gamer. So, you're out of luck there. If you only knew what my astrology magic is capable of, then you'd know the truth." He smirked, his eyes flashing red briefly as Cheap jumped into the conversation. "Yeah! I'm a gamer too! However, I love a good fight to see how far I can break someone. You flatter me." He gave a mock bow with a cheeky grin, while Frozen had looked up to meet Samurai's gaze. "I pride myself on my intelligence. There is no strategy of mine that can't be beaten. Even if it fails, I'll continue to find a strategy that cannot be stopped." He explained, not realizing he had unintentionally mentioned Calhoun with his codename of Pride. As Samurai said, the three listened as the asian pony recollected on his past struggles. "Sounds as if you live in the past like we do. There's no need for the present or future. What you need is in the past and it looks like you can't move on. The one that you speak of does sound intriguing. Maybe I should find him to have him join us. We're always looking for those that desire to shape the world to how we see fit." Cosmic could only roll his eyes once more as he saw Samurai's expression of hope. "Oh, please. Even if we did change, then what then? What would be there for us besides an empty feeling? If you think I'm siding with that failure you call a friend, then you're out of your mind. The day I become his friend is the day I lose my unicorn horn. Friendship and love are nothing but a sin and will cost you everything. You may not understand, but you will someday." He responds, smacking Samurai's hoof away. Cheap gave a cheer as he agreed with Cosmic's ideals without hesitation. Frozen continued to stay stuck in place as Samurai's words, as well as Calhoun's presence, had seemed to have gotten to the pegasus.

@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Samurai Equine @Kronos the Revenant @Courageous Thunder Dash @Starforce @PawelS

As Dynamo's giant shuriken exploded in the sky, the cloud had dispersed and was destroyed into dozens of smaller clouds. The new clouds, themselves, looked calm in comparison to before. Just as the wind had caused them to casually float away throughout the sky. Dynamo breathed a sigh of relief as the orange pigmentation had disappeared. At the same time, his eyes went from yellow back to amber/orange and his pupils returned to normal. Looking over at Lightning, Dynamo couldn't help himself as he chuckled. "You can say that again. To be honest, I didn't think it would work, to be honest. I guess I was taking a gamble as I wasn't sure if an idea like that would be possible to break the sea of clouds apart. I'm just glad my idea worked out, in the end." Upon hearing the showstopper she had performed was to be in the Washout's performance, Dynamo nodded in understanding at the idea of changing it. "I would consider replacing that idea too. If that's okay, that is. If the performance is to have the audience participating, then I can see what you were trying to do. If not, then I'd be worried about the safety of others involved."

As Lightning floated down, Dynamo was surprised as he felt a pat upon his shoulder. He was even surprised when he heard the pegasus call him by his full name. Shaking his head, he still smiled at his opponent. "You don't have to call me by my full name. If anything, you call me Dynamo as all friend's call me that. It's like I had said before, as well. It's okay if you call me Curly every now and then. It's a nickname that wasn't being used as a put down or insult. I've had my fair share of names being thrown at me by ponies that I had some issues with in the past. So, what you said is honestly a nice change of pace." Nodding at the mention of her forfeiting, he watched as she was about to step out of bounds. However, Dynamo nearly trips and falls to the ground as he heard that Lightning was disqualified.  He wanted to ask why the judges had decided such an option. Even though he knew that Lightning would have forfeited if he had chosen to stop her attack. As much as he didn't want to hurt the pegasus mare's feelings, he felt that the judge's made a fair point. If he didn't manage to stop the attack, then what would have happened then? He could have gotten hurt, or worse. Bluebell and the others could have gotten hurt, as well. 'Bluebell...' Glancing to the side, he was thankful that Bluebell, as well as the others, were safe from any harm. However, he could have gotten hurt and that, in turn, would have affected her too.

Glancing back towards Lightning Dust, Dynamo had seen the look of defeat on her face as if everything was taken from her. Just as she was starting to fly away, Dynamo had decided to call out to her. "Hey, Lightning! I hope we can battle again sometime. I'm glad I was able to challenge you, but you made me think on my hooves. I still have a lot to learn, but I'm glad you helped me to discover more about what's important to me. So, thank you, my friend." He says, giving an honest and sincere smile as he wanted her to know that he spoke the truth. His ears suddenly perking at the applause, Dynamo had blinked, before looking around to see the crowd was cheering for him. It was then that he had realized that he had won just as Elusive had joined him on stage. Pulling the lever back and removing the cartridges, Dynamo had turned back to his normal appearance. At the same time, the cartridges disappeared in case he needed to use them again if ever the emergency. With the microphone held up to him, Dynamo would have answered Elusive's question. However, he still wanted to check up on Bluebell. "I hope you can forgive me, Miss Elusive. I want to say that I feel accomplished for making it this far. To say that I'm glad I was able to win and keep everyone safe. However, I hope you can forgive me, but there's something more important than this interview. I really want to see someone that's very important to me. If you'll please excuse me." He gave a bow as he gave the reporter an apologetic expression. Just before he made his way out of the ring towards the spectator area. Climbing the steps, he started making his way towards the others as he saw that there was an empty seat. Allowing him to have a chance to sit and talk with them.

"Bluebell!" He called out to her as the barrier was still held up. "Bluebell! Are you okay? It's me, Dynamo." He could feel his heart racing as he wasn't sure what he could say or do from what had happened in his fight against Lightning. The fact that he felt her pain was worrying to the gaming unicorn. "C-Chelsea? Is it okay if you can heal me? I was hit in the stomach by Lightning and I just wanted to heal up just in case. If that's okay, that is." He wasn't sure if him being healed would ease any pain that he had caused Bluebell, but he still wanted to be sure.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad @Samurai Equine

Chelsea put the water barrier down. "Phew...glad all that's over. Seriously, what in the world was that Lightning Dust thinking?? This is why she got kicked out of the Wonderbolt Academy..." Chelsea said. 

"Way to go Dynamo! I knew her recklessness was gonna be her downfall." Thundy cheered. 

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@Dynamo Pad @Courageous Thunder Dash @Samurai Equine @ExplosionMare @PawelS

Blluebell slowly got up and walked toward Dynamo.  Her face was careworn.  It was almost as if she had taken the blow herself.  "I-I'm sorry," she said. "I d-d-didn't mean to make you w-worry.  I'm g-g-g-glad you w-won.  I l-l-l-love y-y-you."

Edited by Ragland Tiger




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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Starforce @Courageous Thunder Dash @PawelS

"I'm glad that whole lightning storm had ended. I honestly didn't think my idea was going to work. If anything, I guess I should consider myself lucky that I thought about using the properties of the gum gum fruit. If I didn't turn my body into a rubber pony, then I don't think I'd have taken those bolts of lightning well." He explained, shuddering slightly at the idea of taking an attack like that. "Now I think I get why you, Thundy and the Wonderbolts had told me why she was kicked out of the academy. I'm still not sure on the whole Washouts or what they are, but she doesn't seem bad. To me, she seemed more misunderstood. I guess in a way I could understand how she was treated and labeled when it happened to me. So, in a way, I felt like I could understand what she went through. I just hope she'll be able to change and put the safety of others first instead of acting reckless." He would say, before noticing Bluebell walking up towards him. With how her expression looked, it was as if she was tired and worn out. "You don't have to apologize, Bluebell. If anyone has to apologize, then it should be me." Shaking his head at her apology, he looked towards the ground with an expression of worry in his eyes. 

"I'm glad I won, but at what cost? I mean, because of me I got your hurt. Even if you weren't in the ring or it was unintentional, it felt like I still hurt you. I don't know the exact reason as to why that had happened, but I guess it might have something to do with the pendants that we wear." Looking towards his pendant, he lifted it up, while holding the jewelry in his front right hoof. "I guess if I had to guess, then maybe the pendant also shares the pain. Maybe like a phantom pain of sorts? So, the pendant shares our affections, feelings and maybe any pain we might have. Sort of like sharing a powerful connection between us, or something along those lines." He says, unsure of the exact answer. There was still some things he hadn't understood about the pendant, but he knew he valued being by Bluebell's side. With this fight he went through, however, he worried if he deserved to be by her side. It was then that a sudden though occurred to Dynamo. Looking up to meet Bluebell's gaze, Dynamo had a look of concern. "When my hooves went numb and I had that collar around my neck, did you experience that same kind of pain? My pendant was ripped away from Cosmic, so I wasn't wearing them at the time when it happened." He says, worried that she was hurt just as badly before as she was now because of him. 

As he heard his girlfriend say that she loved him, Dynamo was surprised. At first, he wanted to believe that she was only saying that to reassure him. However, it all changed when he recalled their talk from their date the night prior. Along with how she kept him from leaving town, as well as hearing her say that he wasn't leaving that easily. Nodding with a soft smile, he leaned over and kissed Bluebell. "I love you too, Bluebell. I love you so much." He reached over as he brought his girlfriend into a tight, yet comforting hug. Making sure to not hurt or cause her any discomfort. "I know I should head back to the waiting area, but I don't really want to go back. If it's okay, can I stay and keep you company? I'm worried about you and I want to make sure that you're okay, Bell." He says, knowing that he should ask Chelsea if she could heal him, while wanting to be close to his girlfriend after everything that had happened.

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Courageous Thunder Dash

As Dynamo was lead over towards Chelsea and the others, Dynamo nodded as he had a thankful expression upon his face. "The same can be said for me. Thank you for keeping Bluebell safe, Chelsea. Thank you to everyone else, as well for making sure that Bluebell would be alright." He says, his ears falling slightly at Bluebell's mention of possibly passing out. He knew he shouldn't worry, but he still felt like he had hurt her. Taking her hoof into his own, the gaming unicorn looked over towards his girlfriend. "How are you feeling now, Bluebell? Are you okay? You're not hurt anywhere, are you?" He asks, genuine concern on both his face and in his voice. He was suddenly brought into a hug by Chelsea, before returning the embrace. "I'm glad it's all over too. I hope you all don't mind if I stay here for a little while. I know I should probably head back, but I wanted to keep Bluebell company." He says with a blush upon his cheeks. Just then, he looked up as he turned towards Chelsea. "Hey, Chelsea? If it's okay, then can you heal me from where Lightning punched me?" He asks, pointing towards his stomach. "I knew she was reckless based on what Thundy had said, but I didn't know she would hit that much force." 

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@Ragland Tiger @Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare 

"Sure thing Dynamo." Chelsea said as she gently picked up Dynamo and placed him on her lap. She then gathered some water energy and her talons glowed a warm aqua blue. She resteed them on the affected area. Soft healing pulses could be felt. Chelsea then massaged Dynamo's back lovingly, easing the tensions away. "There you go...all better." Chelsea said smiling at Dynamo.

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Courageous Thunder Dash

As Dynamo was picked up by Chelsea, he blinked as he found himself in her lap. As he felt the warm water energy on his stomach, Dynamo could feel the physical pain was starting to fade away. He took a deep breath and sighed softly, before he felt as if his energy was being restored. Upon finishing the healing, Dynamo smiled softly as he got out of Chelsea's lap. "Thank you so much for the help, Chelsea. It really means a lot, you know?" He turned to give the female griffon a kind and thankful smile, before meeting his girlfriend's eyes. "How do you feel, Bluebell? Is there anything different after Chelsea's healing?" He asks, wondering if the healing he had received had affected the damage the bespectacled mare had received prior.

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54 minutes ago, Dynamo Pad said:

"How do you feel, Bluebell? Is there anything different after Chelsea's healing?" He asks, wondering if the healing he had received had affected the damage the bespectacled mare had received prior.

"I'll be al-alright," said Bluebell, putting her forelegs around his neck and holding him close.

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Courageous Thunder Dash

Dynamo smiled as he breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good to know and reassuring. I know that you're strong and capable of taking care of yourself, but I'll always worry about you, Bell." He says, nuzzling his girlfriend gently as she placed her forelegs around his neck. He wrapped his forelegs around her to hold her close and to return the embrace. As he thought back to the bespectacled mare mentioning that she was okay, a sudden thought had occurred to Dynamo. "Hey, Bluebell? I was just wondering something. I remember when I felt my pendant and how you were in pain. When I got healed by Chelsea, did it have the same effect, yet opposite? Sort of like if I'm healed, then you were healed, as well?" He hoped he wasn't ruining the moment between him and his girlfriend. He was still enjoying the moment with Bluebell, but he was also curious if his idea was also true.

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@Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare @Courageous Thunder Dash

23 minutes ago, Dynamo Pad said:

I remember when I felt my pendant and how you were in pain. When I got healed by Chelsea, did it have the same effect, yet opposite? Sort of like if I'm healed, then you were healed, as well?" He hoped he wasn't ruining the moment between him and his girlfriend. He was still enjoying the moment with Bluebell, but he was also curious if his idea was also true.

"Chelsea cast a-a h-h-h-healing spell on m-m-me, so I'm not-not sure. It went a l-long way in re-relieving my p-pain.  Any-anything is possible."

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Courageous Thunder Dash

"Oh, okay and that's good to know. I was thinking that if one is hurt and the other receives the pain, then the opposite could be true. Where if one is healed, then the other would be too. I guess it's still just a guess as I didn't expect the pendants to do something like that. I thought I saw the pendant react when Cheap tried to break it as it shocked him. I know we both can feel each other's emotions and affection for each other, but I guess there's more to it." He explained his thoughts out loud, before shrugging his shoulders as he wasn't entirely sure. At the very least, he was thankful that things were okay for the meantime. "I'm just glad to know that you'll be okay, Bell." He smiled softly, leaning forwards as he kissed her cheek. "Thank you again for making sure that Bluebell is okay, Chelsea."

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@Ragland Tiger @Dynamo Pad

"You're very welcome...anything for great friends like you two..." Chelsea said as she noticed that Lightning Dust had left a while ago. "Gee, I hope that Lightning Dust is going to be okay. She sure was really sad she lost, but at the same time, it was an expensive lesson. Thundy told me about something called liability, which is a thing back in his world..." Chelsea explained. 

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@Dynamo Pad, @Courageous Thunder Dash

Samurai would have loved to explain how their very actions and words prove how they aren't beyond saving. However, his hoof is slapped away by Cosmic. Samurai is rather saddened by this. "...Is there truly nothing I can do to convince you otherwise? Was there never a moment where friendship and love did anything for you? Have none of you felt the warmth of a mother's hug, the generosity of a freely given present, nor the joy of seeing someone else defend you and your beliefs? ... Well, I guess that's it then. But I won't give up hope, not that easily. In my heart, it's still not too late for you. Remember what I said here today. Don't let your ambitions turn you into something you don't want to be. It's never too late to reconsider." Samurai says before bowing. As he is about to leave, he hears someone mutter "False hero!". He looks over at Fold. "Excuse me, did you say something to me? You seem familiar." Samurai says to Fold, who looks away and ignores the asian pony for now, secretly turning the blade back into his tarsus.

With no response, Samurai just shrugs and takes his leave. Once out of the gym, Fold aggressively throws three white shuriken, which stab into the door frame. "How DARE he speak so casually of him. I will defeat you in this tournament, Samurai Equine! And when I do, I will present your head to my master as tribute." Fold says with a blood-thirsty rage.

As Samurai leaves the gym, he runs into Alhimar. They cross paths, and Alhimar says nothing. Instead, Alhimar just looks into the gym, spying on Cosmic and the rest while secretly taking notes.

Back at the entrance to the arena,

Samurai finds Thundy again. "Hi there, Thundy-niisan. Sorry for leaving like that. The good news is, I think there is hope for Cosmic and his followers. They seem bent on defeating Dynamo, but I don't think they are pure evil. I think they are just suffering from something bad that happened in their past. Did I miss much?" Samurai asks.


@Dynamo Pad, @Courageous Thunder Dash

Elusive looks a little confused when Dynamo leaves the arena. "Well, I ha more questions, but I guess some fighters are just in a hurry. Next up in the arena is Thundy VS Bingo! Would Thundy and Bingo please report to the arena! I repeat, would Thundy and Bingo please report to the arena!" Elusive announces.



Mayor Black just shrugs. "Good riddance." He looks back at Opia and thinks for a hot second. "...I suppose if it means that much to you, I could have one of my field agents do some investigating, maybe get you a copy of the Washouts tour. I suppose she wasn't so bad."

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@Dynamo Pad'" @Samurai Equine @Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare

"Something...bad..." Thundy said to himself. "The case for the majority of bullies. THey just can't seem to...let...go..." Thundy said, his voice seeming to trail off. All of a sudden, he heard Elusive call his name. 

"Hah! That's my cue! Let's go!" Thundy shouted excitedly, spreading his wings. However, Thundy's energy radiated towards the speakers and a song began to play from them as Thundy soared into the air and landed with an impact in the fighting area, going into a fighting pose. 

"Thundy's up! Go Thundy!" Chelsea cheered as she heard the song. "Wait what? How'd that song start to...oh my gosh! You guys! I think I know what's happening!" Chelsea cheered. 

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@Oni Equine

Seeing the saddened expression from the asian pony had brought joy to the neon green unicorn. "Please. Like you could convince me to change. I thought friendship and love were something, but it was nothing more than a lie. Friendship and love bring you nothing but pain, sadness, despair and your ultimate destruction." Upon hearing the mention of a mother's hug, Frozen decided to chime in. "A mother's hug does wonders, but it can only go so far. Just like when it came to my father. The two were separated after some time and they never really stayed good friends. When I was younger, I was subjected from going from one to the other. Over and over in an endless cycle that it was without end. The moment I was old enough, I told that old buzzard that he meant nothing to me and I never looked back. So, what good is a parental hug if all it brings is suffering?" Hearing this, Cosmic chuckled as he felt his point was being made. "Couldn't have said that better myself. Very wise words from my teammate." He says, Frozen, however, felt disgusted to bring up a past memory. "We had to fight to get what we want. Nothing is ever given to you for free. Who defends our beliefs, huh? What happiness can we hope to attain if everything was forcibly taken away from us? If we can't have that happiness, then nobody deserves it either. Just like when we made an example out of Kyubiki. We at least found those that believe that friendship is wrong and should be extinguished. So, we'll see how long you and those other fools last with Kyubiki. Just know that if you get in our way, then it's the biggest mistake you'll ever make." He huffed, listening to Samurai, who continued to mention that he wouldn't give up on them. Once the asian pony took his leave, Cosmic gave a look of disgust. "You're wasting your time and your breath, loser. I won't reconsider as I will never change." He muttered under his breath, his ears perking at the sound of shurikens flying through the air, before impaling the door frame. Looking back, he noticed that it was Fold, who sounded as if he mentioned Samurai was a "Fake Hero" of sorts. "Judging by that reaction, it seems as if we know who you have a strong dictate for. Care to explain to us?" Frozen asks, who was watching the event unfold with a trained eye on the giant arachnid.

@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Courageous Thunder Dash @Starforce 

Back in the arena, Dynamo smiled with a nod at Chelsea's comment of great friends. With everything that had happened, the gaming unicorn was thankful towards those that he considered important to him. "I hope Lightning will be okay too. In a way, it was as if she was just like me. Misunderstood and labeled without getting to know her. It was like that with the crowd, but I'm really grateful that you all heard me out. I remember what Thundy and the Wonderbolts said about Lightning, but she seemed different. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and she seems like a nice friend." He frowned, looking towards Chelsea at the mention of liability. "With how she used that move, then I think it was a very important lesson. I just hope that she won't try to use something like that in any performance. I still don't really know what the Washouts are all about. Unless it's a show like the Wonderbolts, or something along those lines. Also, Chelsea? I hope it's okay to ask, but what did you mean by the word liability. Does the word mean to bring a disadvantage to a team, or does that meant there are multiple meanings to the word liability?" He asks, curious as he only knew only one meaning to the word.

His question was interrupted as Elusive had made the announcement that Thundy would be up next against someone named Bingo. "It looks like Thundy is up next to fight. I just hope that he'll be okay." He says, worried for his friend and brother. Once the male griffon soared into the stadium, Dynamo's ears perked as music began to play on the speaker. "Were we allowed to pick a theme song before we entered the ring? If I knew that, then I might have considered looking through the songs." He wondered, before raising an eyebrow and tilting his head slightly at Chelsea's discovery. "Is everything okay, Chelsea? What's going on?" 


Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad @Courageous Thunder Dash @Oni Equine @Ragland Tiger

Pencil nodded in agreement with Chelsea. Final was going to be just fine. He knew what he was doing after all. Feeling calmer now, Pencil focused her attention on Dynamo and his opponent, Lightning Dust. The fight was getting intense, making it hard to look away.

In an almost desperate attempt to win, Lighting created a huge storm that surrounded the entire area. Pencil shook a bit in fear and Sparkly scowled with her wings outstretched and her horn in the air. Chelsea had created a force field just in case anything were to happen. Sparkly kept her defenses up just in case the force field wasn’t strong enough.

Dynamo was able to counter the attack with a series of anime-related powerups but at the cost of his own health. He managed to take a few hits in the process, drawing concern from the group. Sparkly grit her teeth but soon relaxed her stance once she realized that Lightning was disqualified. As reckless as she was, giving her a win would be more than unfair. Pencil looked up to see if Dynamo was okay. She thought of shouting out to him but Bluebell was the first to get to him.

The couple shared a heart-aching moment together. Pencil felt sad for them but at the same time, was happy that they cared so much for one another. She was also relieved that Chelsea was able to work her healing magic.

The level of concern the group had for Dynamo made Pencil think: Even if this tournament was made to establish peace, was it really worth all this injury? It seemed to her that the more Dynamo fought, the more his limits were pushed. While that could leave room for learning, it could also leave room for injury if he wasn’t careful. She didn’t want to see him get hurt, especially after seeing the reaction of the group.

“Hey, Dynamo, do you still have to fight after this?” she asked with concern.

Sparkly, meanwhile, observed the area to make sure no other dangers were present. She was quite finished with the tournament herself. It only seemed to pose as more and more of a threat the more it went on. She didn’t want to see anyone get seriously injured, especially Dynamo, since he had already suffered many physical injuries today.

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Starforce @Courageous Thunder Dash

Perking his ears, Dynamo turned his attention back towards the group. More specifically, Pencil, who had asked if he had to fight after this. "I don't believe I should. At the moment, I guess I'm waiting for the next round." He sighed as he realized that winning his fight had meant it would happen soon enough. "I think I know who my next opponent will be. Since they won before me and I won my fight, then I'm going to have to go up against Cosmic. Someone that I'm honestly not looking forward to fighting." He shivered slightly as Cosmic was the type of pony that could set fear into the hearts of others. Being the gaming unicorn's bully didn't help either. Shaking his head to erase any type of worry or doubt, he looked back towards the purple unicorn mare. "Why do you ask, Pencil? Is everything okay?"

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