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searching [OOC] The Æther Project

Illiad Easle

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Based loosely on the inciting events of Five Score Divided By Four.

Ever since Discord betrayed Celestia to her death, turning the tide of the onslaught in favor of the spawn of Tartarus, those who remained were constantly in hiding or on the run. If the spawn didn't tear you to bits, you had Discord's bands of loyal raiders to watch out for, and, if you were really unlucky, Discord himself snatching up creatures and sending them to Faust knows where.

It's been a year since Canterlot fell, you and a few others have been lucky so far, dodging patrols and the roving herds of spawn while still finding enough food to stay alive. You've lost a few members of your group over time, and found new ones as well. A few have told of certain strongholds, "Bastions of Civilization" they called them, hidden away in the discordant wasteland that was once Equestria.

Your group was headed in the vague direction of where one might be when your luck finally ran out. The forest you had been using as cover suddenly blew away like so much dandelion fluff, revealing your position to a nearby herd of spawn.

And so you ran, trying with all your strength to outrun the spawn. But inwardly you knew you wouldn't be able to outrun them forever, or even outfly them as some took to the sky in pursuit. You knew that you, and everyone else in your group would soon be overtaken and killed. Until...


Something small but heavy flew past your ear, not unlike a brick, then...


A small explosion rocks the ground behind you, and from above a large shape appears, it's a crude vehicle, little more than a large metal box with a pair of wings and large propellers. The back is open with a ramp extending down. A mare stands in the opening with a large rifle, she motions for you to jump onto the ramp, "Get in!"

They wait for as many of your group who survived to get on, helping in any who couldn't jump in on their own, and firing back at any of the spawn who got too close. Once they're all in the ramp closes behind them and the vehicle lifts higher into the sky.


That's the basic premise there, feel free to ask any questions about the specifics.

The ship you get in will take you to the Æther, a cloud city serving as one of these Bastions of Civilization that the other survivors spoke of.

All races, including some OC races within reason, are acceptable.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Depends on who you want to submit for consideration, I don't think Cali would be a good fit considering her power level in our other RP. Provided you have a character with more tame abilities I see no issue with it.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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4 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:


Depends on who you want to submit for consideration, I don't think Cali would be a good fit considering her power level in our other RP. Provided you have a character with more tame abilities I see no issue with it.

I wouldn't use Cali in this one. I have some ideas.

Magnolia - Powerful unicorn mare who can use dark magic and spells, wants to rule the world in order to ensure no suffering. Is extremely cold and can capture ponies and creatures in order to drain their magic to fuel her own.

Spiral Lulamoon - A combination of an ancient legend and Trixie, Trixie wanted REAL magic and revived the soul of an ancient legend and merged her soul with it. She is a friend of Cali.



Spiral Spell was once a unicorn with astounding magical ability. Starswirl took her as one of his students however she was always jealous of others and wanted more for herself. More than she could get, she kept that hidden and further focused on her ability. She would rarely spend time with others, fully consuming herself in her studies in order to be the strongest magic user in all the land. She eventually was cast out by Starswirl due to this and in her independence, honed the dark side of magic which consumed and corrupted her mind further. She created crystalline wings from spell and created the alicorn Amulet however it's power overwhelmed her and resulted in an accident, that killed her and she was buried with some sort of obelisk over it in the everfree forest, since then, it had been forgotten and the alicorn Amulet was passed onto to other users later down the line.

Trixie uncovered the legend of Spiral Spell from a forbidden library and eventually learned of where the grave was. She had learned of a spell that would allow her to revive the dead and she wanted Spiral Spell to teach her magic, when she attempted to revive her the spell went wrong, digging up Spiral's soul from the realm of the dead and combining it with her own, the 2 souls merged to create a new personality.

Trixie was turned into Spiral Lulamoon, a powerful mare who could use various dark magics and destructive energies at her whims. She had Trixie's mischievous and stage persona but combined with Spiral's dark personality and obsession.

She looks something like this but with a different cutie mark.



  • Brohoof 1



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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I think I may have a character that could fit with this...I may have to make some adjustments.

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Either of them could work. Given the main arc of the story is a power struggle between two factions on the Æther I could see them providing some interesting conflict. I could be convinced to allow both if you can write them distinctly, they do seem rather similar.

@C. Thunder Dash

Feel free to present them and I can help with any alterations you may need to make.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Moments ago, Illiad Easle said:


Either of them could work. Given the main arc of the story is a power struggle between two factions on the Æther I could see them providing some interesting conflict. I could be convinced to allow both if you can write them distinctly, they do seem rather similar.

@C. Thunder Dash

Feel free to present them and I can help with any alterations you may need to make.

I could use both, but I would likely use the other one in a later date. Since I am using Magnolia in other rps, I will likely use Spiral Lulamoon. Although she isn't the 'friends' type if you know what I mean...

  • Brohoof 1



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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Moments ago, Illiad Easle said:


Sounds good, the premise allows for characters to join in later easily, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Do recommend this RP to anyone you think might be interested in it.

I'm afraid I don't really know anyone on here besides Blitz Boom, Kujamih and some others. I'll have to ask them.

So Spiral Lulamoon would have been with / known the other characters or is it like a first meeting?



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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2 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:


By the premise, everyone was in the same area when the forest blew away, whether that was your first encounter with the group, or if you've been traveling with the group for some time now, is up to you.

I think it makes more sense for her to 'join' the group now as I find that easier to work with. We can say the reason for her merging with an ancient legend, is the events of the lore itself. 



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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I can't seem to access the Character archives, which is where all my characters are. I am considering one of two of my griffons: Thundy or Chelsea. 

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4 minutes ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

I can't seem to access the Character archives, which is where all my characters are. I am considering one of two of my griffons: Thundy or Chelsea. 

Neither can I. It still seems to be bugged at this point.



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Illiad Easle

Good to see this is up. :)

As we discussed, I would like to add in Briar Trapjaw, and Brittle Buzz.



To summarize it here for everyone, I will give a description of each, starting with Brittle, as hers is the shortest.

Brittle is a changeling, hatched from a damaged egg, that somehow got in possession of a freak show circus. Either due to the damage, or the lack of proper care/education from other changelings, she is currently incapable of controlling her transformative powers, though she have learned how to fly and use basic telekinesis. She does not fly more than a half meter above ground though, out of fear of standing out.

Fear drives her every move. The circus treated her horribly. Putting her in arenas where they made other performers scare her, or used varied objects or stunts to do so as well, to cause her to go into rampant transformations. Her only break from this, were between performances, when she'd be locked in a cage with a heavy cloth covering it. If she wanted to get emotions to eat, she'd have to go into the arena, so even if it were torture for her, she had to go back again and again. Feeding to survive, while her self worth and perception of others darkened.

Briar saved her from this, when he came across the circus, found this act disgusting, and broke her out of the cage she were in. He told her to go home, and then proceeded to *educate* the circus owners on his opinion.

She ran off, having no home, or anything to work with, but just knowing she did not want to stay there. After running for a few months, and only going into smaller towns at night, when no one were awake, to rummage for things in the trash cans and scrape what love she could get to, without breaking in anywhere, she'd eventually run into Briar again, near Ponyville. After she eventually told him that she had no home, or knew what to do with herself, he lamented his decision to let her run off, before she could explain herself, and took it upon himself to act as her protector, and legal guardian. He aims to help her get self esteem, find trust in others, and eventually, begin to see that the world is kinder than what she have gotten to know it as. And may every deity protect those who tries to harm her. He does not take kindly to that.

As she does not have anything resembling a good start of life with other creatures - seeing them either tormenting her, or laughing down at her from the stands - she inherently does not trust any creature, and constantly fears they are going to hurt her. You can see it in her stance, as she most often looks at others with her head near the floor, and peering upwards. Like an abused dog, thinking it is about to get hit. She also shakes, stutters a lot, and if she gets intimidated enough, or her emotions peaks in some fashion, she undergoes a randomized full or partial transformation. Rarely a beneficial one. She reverts to this *base form* when her nerves have calmed down enough.

She have the regular changeling holes, and a changeling horn, but the creator I used at the time couldn't make that. So imagine them there. :) And yes, she does have the hair and tail, as well as spotty colored exoskeleton. She does not know her true, actual baseline changeling form, and for some reason it have settled on this. That is what Briar thinks is the reason anyway.

Now then, as for Briar... Here is a lengthy one, but the backstory is important to understand the interaction between his kind, and that of ponies, as well as his stance on certain things, view on Brittle, etc. Also, some repetition will be there with what is said about Brittle, as I am copying to save time. :)

He is about 25 years old, and his kind lives on average about one and a half times as long as a regular equine, if old age is what gets them.

He's what is referred to, as an Evergrown. A race with a short history, spanning only around 600 years, before the crisis, with the first reported cases coming from a vast jungle, that one day suddenly sprouted in the midst of a desert, far south from Equestria. Though in the years following, they were found in other places too, including primarily Equestria, and a few nearby countries with fertile dirt, and always around large, magical trees, where they build their villages around.

They're made entirely of plant matter, with their hides usually being bark and moss, with straw-like hair, random vegetation growth, depending on the tribe and sub species, and root like hooves. The flower they all have in their hair, are the source of their magic, like unicorns have, and are nature based. It can function like telekinesis, but is weaker than the raw arcane power of unicorns, and as such, in an even fight, a unicorn would beat them handily. They also have a rather special ability running through them, yet that will be covered in the history following this. So will why Briar have sharp teeth, despite his kind normally having normal flat ones, more suitable for eating vegetables.

Back in the day, they were very social, and as a young race, curious to interact with the world around them. As they were close in looks with ponies, that were the race they connected with the most, and for a time, things went well. The two had no issues living in harmony, and especially the earth ponies welcomed them favorably, as it were shown that they had a skill for making plants grow, since the *blood* that ran through them, are actually a highly nutrient packed fertilizer, that can cause plants to grow incredibly fast. A drop alone, could cause a seed to sprout into a full grown corn cob plant, with ripe cobs on the stilks. As the Evergrown had little to offer otherwise, they were willing to drain small portions and trade with the ponies, in exchange for knowledge, and varied goods. Though only minor portions, as much like with blood, they'd die if they lost too much.

This would end being the downfall of their relation. Some ponies became too greedy, and wanted to make a mint selling this fertilizer, or to simply grow their fields better than any of their neighbors. As such, some evergrown began to get kidnapped and drained to a husk, while the black market and some greedy farmers, got well off from their deaths. Princess Celestia, and leaders of other countries they were well established in, attempted to mend fences with the obviously outraged tribes, but their trust had been broken, and soon enough, they all retracted to their villages, shrouded them off in illusions, and separated themselves fully from the lives of the Equines. As few had been allowed into their villages to begin with, it weren't many who could even point to where to start looking for them again, and the ones who tried, or had been in their towns when they fled from equine society, were never heard from again. Some were killed, and others were merely told they could never leave, which means there is a few family lines of equines within a few select tribes. Before the crisis.

That is their backstory though, and it took place centuries before the crisis. Whoever is left now, will have had no chance but to run away from their villages, carrying what seeds from the great trees they could, and huddle with the ponies, hoping to survive both them, and the war. Those who remains are praying to the earth mother that one day, it will be over, and they can regrow their kind once more. Though on the plus side, they're getting along better with the other races now. Necessity to work together can do wonders, and their ability can come in great handy when there is a need for food. Long as a balance is struck, of course. :) 

As for Briar, he's from the epicenter far down south, where the first tree one bloomed (Yes, my draconequui made them. No, they are not aware, and have never had contact with her. Frankly, she have long since forgotten). There, they have three sub species of evergrown:

The Lotus Casters, who are the ones they have that are strongest in magic, and also have the biggest flowers. They are seen as the higher ups, and general leaders of their kind. New one who are born like this, are raised up as leaders and general *nobility*.

Vinemasters. They're known by the outgrowths on their back, which hides long tendril like vines within their hides, that they use to move things around with. Think a little like Doctor Octopus, except the arms are vines, and the grippers are sturdy, leathery flower petals. These are usually their builders, who tend to work on keeping their town intact and flourishing.

Simmerbarks: The muscle of the tribe. Thicker bark, larger in size, and with tough outgrowths on their hooves to hit hard and mercilessly, if need be. They are their protectors, and deal with any perceived threat. Be it within, or outside of the village.

However, there is also a rare chance, that when one of them grow from the great trees, (parents add a fertilized seed to the trees, which then gets absorbed, and in time, a pod will fall from the tree, containing their offspring), it will be a mutated variant. Carnivorous and blind, these mutations are dubbed Snaproots, and they are considered the lowest of their society. Usually the parents disown them instantly when they are seen, and they are thrown into the pit along with the rest of them, where they go through the days, desperately seeking out any sliver of sunlight that comes their ways, and snap at the few meals headed down their way.

They are treated as such, so that in time, when one of the others in town comes to pick one up to use as a menial worker, or servant (more or less a slave), they will be eager to follow, and do whatever they can to please their owners, so that they are not returned. So too were it with Briar, who is a mutated Vinemaster, and as such, can work like one. One of their bulder leaders picked him out, and set him to do hard, grueling work day in and day out, with no complaining from Briar's side. Though to try and incentivize him to work harder, the master that picked him, would on occasions, compliment him on a job well done, if he worked exceedingly hard, and even gave him a name. Something that were rare for their kind, as they were seen more as things, than members of their society.

In time, the master died, and one of the lotus casters, took over Briar. She stood tall in town, and proclaimed Briar as her property, stripped him of his name, and loudly proclaimed that if anyone referred to her thing as an individual again, they would be punished. As he had gotten used to have some sort of personality, he grew bold, and struck her in the head with one of his vines, causing her to tumble down from the balcony, and towards the ground. She were saved though, sad as that were.

She wanted him to be burned to his very core for daring to hurt her, but the Grove Mother, who lead them, proclaimed that they would not stoop to such savagery. Instead, Briar had several colored rings grafted into his legs and tied around his neck, before he were exiled. As they saw the outside world as a violent, dangerous place, it were seen as the harshest punishment one could give their own kind, and the circles would mark him as a criminal, if he ever tried to return.

He'd stumble out of the jungle and around areas for a while, before one day, running across an elderly stallion, who took pity of the confused, scared predatory creature, and took him in. Over the next few years, he'd teach Briar how to behave, build his confidence, and vastly increased his vocabulary. As the pony had once been a higher up from Equestria, who tired of city life, the words Briar have learned from him, does tend to come off as rather high society because of it, though with a kind nature to it. Unless he have to warn others off.

Eventually, the old pony died, and Briar made his way into the world to explore. After burying his friend that were, in as traditional a way for Equines as he were able to.

Years later, after crossing into the lands of Equestria, he'd stumble upon the circus, release Brittle, and in time, meet her again. Though when he did, he found her clinging to him, begging him to not leave her again. When she managed to slowly tell him what had gone on, and how she did not know of a life outside the circus, nor had any home to run to, he embraced her, and swore that he would keep her safe, and never leave her again. At the point of the crisis, he would have maintained that oath for two years.

Brittle is not well, frankly. She can barely talk above a whisper, she walks with her head held low to the floor when others address her, and look up at them like a scared dog, expecting to be beaten. She also rarely veers far from Briar's side, who does his work as her protector, and tried his best to slowly make her able to see that there are good in the world, and build her confidence, as his once had been. Though he is soft spoken and kind, his large, razor-sharp teeth and vines, can work well in being both intimidating, and effective to fight with, if need be. And though he cannot see, he moves mostly fluently around regardless, as he can feel out the world around him, and guide himself by that feeling, and sounds. Though he have issues registering plates of metal, unless they are creaking, or the wind hits them from a good direction, so he does at times hit his head on shop signs.

I know it seemed like he have eyes, but there are only eyelids. If he opened up, there is literally just a blank, green surface, and no sockets. There's no hope of him seeing like others do.

Also, he does not eat ponies or the like. He have sworn that he will not eat higher sentient beings, even if he does need proteins, and will voluntarily rather starve, than even nibble on the carcass of say, a pony. As for the vines, they are spread around his body when inside, and when he extends them, the varied smaller vines, intertwine to make a sturdy, bigger one on either side, stretching upwards of two and a half meters. Sorta like a braid, I suppose.

And a last point I just remembered, the cape is there to hide the two flower buds on his back (one on each side) that the vines are connected to. He figures the sharp teeth already puts others off, and he does what he can to hide both features if he just wanders around, experiencing things. It causes less questions, though if some start getting close, and asking questions, he is more than happy to answer any they may have. He figures the more knows of his kind, the better the chance of one day, having them return to the world they cut themselves off from.

As for their contributions: Brittle can do little, but she will try and help out, if she's not surrounded by others. Yet she will not be able to find the strength to work if she cannot be close to Briar, as she'd simply be too fearful around strangers, without having him there. Briar however, are more than happy to work her part too if need be, and due to his vine, and general build, are a good menial worker. Whatever other way he can be utilized, he will abide by too, as long as it does not cause his death, or too much stress for Brittle to witness. It is generally advised to either have her confined in a room somewhere, while he work, or have them work together, with little interaction with others at first. She'll need time to deal well with others. Especially after going on this odd trip, after monsters suddenly attack everywhere.

Briar will hold the thig they might find most valuable though: His blood. Due to its properties, it could help tremendously for helping growing the food they'd need, and he will oblige to having this essence drained from him, in reasonable quantities. Give him some time between harvests, and he could provide this technically indefinitely. Though keep in mind that he does need proteins, but that can also come from bugs. So he'll need some sort of sustained meat source for vital proteins and vitamins, or a specialized supplement of some kind. He needs roughly what amounts to a regular sized bass, every four days. If harvesting his essence is important, he can speed up the recovery of this a little, by getting more meat, or the correct supplements. Not overly much so though, but every little helps.

So yeah... There you go. :) As discussed with you some weeks ago, Illiad, and now for everyone else to see. ^^ If there are any questions by anyone, feel free to ask.

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle

Spiral Lulamoon is kinda like 2 characters in one. Sometimes Trixie and Spiral may argue verbally but in most cases their true nature is hidden. It will be interesting to see this RP kick off for sure.

  • Brohoof 1



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Blitz Boom @Califorum @C. Thunder Dash

I'm hoping to start on Wednesday, let your friends know so they can get in by then.

@C. Thunder Dash

If I could get a character description of whoever you've decided to use by then that would be helpful. No sweat though, you can always give it in your first post.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Backstory: Thundy was born...on earth. He started out as a regular human being, and lived his life normally. That is...until he turned five years old.

On a day when rain and thunder was predicted, the human Thundy decided to go out on his bicycle, just before the storm came. It was still sunny out side, but the grey clouds could be seen coming. Little human Thundy rode down to a friend's down to play basketball for a little bit. Twenty minutes passed and soon, the first rumble of thunder could be heard. Thundy's friends all readied to return home, and so did Thundy. However, the storm came faster than anyone expected. Thundy tried to make his way back to his home, but his bike was too show. Lighting and thunder flashed through the sky, and unfortunately, a strike made its way to Thundy, knocking him off his bike. However, the strike hit a certain area in his body that hit deep into his cells, sort of supercharging them. This completely changed Thundy's genetic code and make up, enabling him to not only wield electricity, but something greater.

Thundy felt himself transform. His body was changing slowly but surely. His hands were becoming talons and his hooves becoming paws. Thundy was afraid of what was happening, but he could not reverse it. He was transforming...into a griffon...not just a griffon...but a griffon-pony mix.

Thundy had to get out the storm before something even worse happened. He didn't know how to fly, so he did his best to walk his bike home. His parents were sick worried, and were just about to call 911. Suddenly, Thundy made it inside calling out that he was home. He was all soaking wet. However, his parents didn't recognize him...and forced him back outside while he was begging and chirping loudly.

Thundy almost had to spend the entire night out in the storm. That is, until his mother realized what she had done. With tears in her eyes, she went out and picked up little sleeping Thundy, who sniffled every now and then. All little Thundy could do was hug his pony mother.

The next day was the first day of school. Thundy didn't know what to do, neither his mother. Thundy didn't even know of his abilities. It was hard for Thundy as a feral talking griffon-pony, as some of the older kids bullied him. He did not want to use his little talons to scratch them or else he would get in trouble. A little colt however, did understand where Thundy was coming from, because he had a disability, just like Thundy.

The day went on with Thundy trying to cope with his new form. That night however, would bring up a new sign. In a dream, Thundy met a mysterious being, who explained to him what happened. It stated that there were other ponies just like him, who went through the same problem. The being then revealed to Thundy his first action of his abilities: shapeshifting. Thundy was now able to shapeshift into an anthro form.

The next day, Thundy woke and tried his new shapeshifting ability and surprisingly, it worked. After, Thundy wondered what else he was capable of, but still did not understand why he was transformed. On the second day of school, Thundy's classmates were amazed at Thundy's new form. Thundy slowly began to gain a little bit of confidence in himself, but was still worried about the older kids bullying him. Sure enough, they tried again. Thundy was able to fend them off. However, they would be back more fierce next time.

As Thundy grew up, he started to discover new things and new tricks with his abilities. On the night after his 12th birthday however, something happened...that would impact his life.

He was whisked away by some mysterious energy and found himself in Equestria. He did not know what happened, and was very worried that he may not see his pony world again, despite being a griffon-pony. It was this time that he learned...that he was never able to be a pony again. Thundy was upset at first, because this may cause problems in the future. However, the being reminded him that he is who he is. His personality carried over to his griffon form, and was heightened.

Thundy stayed in Equestria for three days in order to gain his confidence. He was able to win a flying competition in Cloudsdale. Meanwhile, back on earth, his parents were frantic. They called the police and detectives to find Thundy. After the three days were up, Thundy reappeared in his house and reunited with parents.

It was at this moment that Thundy had to tell the truth. It was hard for his parents to understand. Thundy was great at a lot of things, but he just could not pinpoint a specific place in the world.

So, Thundy started his quest to find his place, his destiny. He had picked up music and had shown one of his amazing abilities, but knew that he had a lot more that he could do.

Personality: Thundy is an outgoing griffon who loves to talk. He's very quirky and giggly. He can be very silly at times. He's kind and gentle. Though he looks tough on the outside, he's a soft snuggly teddybear on the inside. When it comes to anger and standing up for others, Thundy can sometimes cross the line, and when he does, he gets upset, because in his heart, he doesn't want to hurt no one, but wants to stand up for those in need. When he gets very angry, it is as if a dark side of him shows. The only thing that can reverse this is to remind him who he is. Though Thundy is brave and courageous, he gets startled easily, which ends up in him letting out a loud squawk, so loud that it could be heard a mile away. Thundy can sometimes come across as a little cocky and boastful, when he celebrates, but apologizes if he offends anyone. If things don't go his way, he becomes upset, but is able to shake it off soon after.

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I think I should add a different pegasus stallion. All of the OCs I've used in the other OCs are mares, so I'll give this guy a chance.


His name is Serene Spring, a son of a loving parent, cheerful, naive, and social. He once lived in an isolated town named Richville but immigrated to Canterlot, where he witnessed the carnage brought upon the city. He survived but was separated from his friends. Scarred by the destruction, he joined a group of ponies, his mind thinking about his home and his mom, the pony whose fate is still unknown.

Serene is a former weather pegasus. 

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@Windy Breeze

I can see a few potential threads for how either option fits in to the narrative, so I'll let you pick, or even use both if you're so inclined.

Sounds great! Welcome aboard!

@C. Thunder Dash

I can see what you meant by may need to make some adjustments. Your character, as is, falls into much of the same issues for why I didn't let Califorum use Cali. I'm not saying that you can't use Thundy, and perhaps the only issue is that I misunderstand exactly what his abilities are, and what exactly he even is.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but here's what I understood:

Thundy was a human, became a griffon-pony (or a hippogriff) that can control lightning, and can also shapeshift, except can't become a pony? And his mother is a pony? And there are other ponies in his world where he was a human?

Then he was magically sent to Equestria for three days, then came back to his world. Does he have the ability to move through the multiverse at will?

Could you give a simpler description, perhaps more directed on how he relates to the plot hook? As to his abilities: Control Lightning, acceptable so long as it is not too powerful, I won't allow that he could simply strike anyone with lightning on a whim without restraints. Shapeshifting, pushing it but acceptable, I think this could be used reasonably. Move through multiverse, hard no.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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1 minute ago, Illiad Easle said:

I can see a few potential threads for how either option fits in to the narrative, so I'll let you pick, or even use both if you're so inclined.

Sure. I'll add the two mares! 

Edited by Windy Breeze
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