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private The Æther Project

Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle @Windy Breeze

On 1/29/2021 at 6:05 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Whole you say? You want them skinned at least?" The griffon would provide a bass either with scales or without depending on what Briar said to that. "Don't have eel though, no demand for it so we don't farm them or fish for them."

Once the fish was passed over to Briar the griffon looked over at Brittle, "Anything for you? We've got some changeling emotion gel around here somewhere, I think it's determination but I can't tell by taste."

"A pity about the eel, yet I understand. No need to spend resources, unless there is a sizeable enough demand to make it worthwhile. The bass will do fine on it's own regardless,  and you needn't worry about spending time skinning it. I am quite capable at digesting them down to the last scale. Before the incident, I tended to eat them just as I fished them, so I can say from experience."

He could eat them cooked, and at times prefered that, but right now, he could just really do with something raw. Bone, meat, scales, organs- Everything from it, that were on offer. It had been a while since he had the chance to indulge himself so.

As for Brittle, she'd hide behind Briar when attention where put on her, and whimper. Though much as she were scared, and unable to say anything, she'd still look up towards the griffon with one eye shown. One filled with a little want, and hunger, mixed in with the terror.

"If you could add a portion for her, I would be most grateful. She should also be allowed to feed a little more than she normally does.

And please forgive her for not speaking for herself. She's been through much."

On 1/29/2021 at 5:26 AM, Windy Breeze said:

“Briar, nice to meet you again!" She greeted, “You can say that. Even if my job is a bit difficult, the stallions me and Shadow gone with is not that strict” she looked around him to look for his companion, “Where's Brittle?”

"Though our adventure have been somewhat short, I still feel confident in saying that you can do what you set your mind to. In the time I have known you, I always thought you were quite capable, at anything you may set your mind to.

As for Brittle, she is behind me. This place seems safe, but she will still need much time I fear, before she begins to poke out from her shell."

If Briar had gotten a plate for Brittle, he'd carry that with his other vine, as he spoke with, and complimented, Windy.

And as for Brittle herself, she were covering behind Briar again. She knew Windy a little, so she were marginally less terrified of the mare, compared to her companion. A current unknown. Which meant that if she had to choose who to hide from the most, she'd go with an angle keeping Briar more from Tables,  than Windy.

On 1/29/2021 at 6:05 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Tables looked surprised when she saw Briar, "A plant pony? They really have gathered from all parts of the world here, I mean a llama was one thing..."


On 1/29/2021 at 6:43 AM, Windy Breeze said:

Windy smiled at Tables “Same. I never know a pony like him exist. He looks handsome and cute”

"Your words are most kind, Windy. Had I eyes, I am sure I could compliment you greatly on your visage as well. Yet I can still compliment how you feel most radiant, and a great deal less weighed down, and smelling of concern, than usual. It fits you quite well.

As for your companion-"

Briar would give a gracious bow towards Tables. One who did not know anything about him, yet as Windy did, she at least, should be able to tell that Briar were more calm now than usual. With him acting more galantly, and speaking more, among other things.

"I greet you warmly, madamme. The name is Briar Trapjaw, and this is my ward, Brittle Buzz. I'd ask that you please respect her need for personal space, if you would be so kind."

He hadn't said this to others thus far, but where Windy had gone to, when they had to split up, had been with those he'd consider more... Confrontational. So he'd give a very polite request towards Tables, to please steer clear of Brittle. Just in case.

"And I do hope I will not be the last evergrown that you will ever meet. I would very much enjoy to feel the presence of others of my kind once more.

Ah, but I feel as if I may have interrupted something. If nothing else, then your need for food. Please, go ahead and find yourselves something to fill your bellies. If you wish to accompany us later, we will be sitting in the corner."

If there were nothing else, Briar would excuse Brittle and himself, before moving to a corner seat, where Brittle could sit with her back, and hopefully side, to the wall. Corners were easier to defend for Briar, so it made her feel a little safer.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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(Now that everyone is settling in to their roles I'll allow you to take some liberties on what you want to do and where you want to go. Just indicate that your character wants to go somewhere or look for something and I'll give you an idea of what they see along the way.)



The stallion nervously waited as Trixie and Maud looked over the room they had been assigned, "If I might ask, Miss. Trixie, What sort of crowds do you prefer to perform for? Foals? Young ponies? Adults? Some mix of them? You might benefit from seeing how some of the other performers work upstairs, just a suggestion of course, I'm sure the two of you are looking forward to some real rest and real food after all you've been through. So I'll leave you to that unless there's something else I can help you with?"


@C. Thunder Dash

Thundy would be able to find a pad of paper and a selection of writing implements in the desk in his room, on several maps that they passed there were references to a library as well as a research area if he felt inclined to investigate.


@Windy Breeze

The dog shook her head, "I've been here for about a cycle as they call it, got picked up the last one in my group. I thought the monsters were going to eat me too when they saved me. I wasn't in a good place for a long time, which is why I'm still here instead of somewhere else on the ship, seeing your family get killed around you... not something that does a dog good you know? Mrs. Lining says I should be ready to help out in a few more days. How about you? You look a little sad, but not too distressed."



The minotaur sighed, "Amnesia you say? Well, we have ways to help with that. If you are from another world, it would mean some rather significant things. But there's no use wondering on such conjecture until it can be proven. Why don't you come with me to the lab and we'll see if we can't fix that amnesia of yours? Of course, you're free to go back to the barracks if you would rather not know."


@Blitz Boom

The griffon would bring out a bowl of a thick amber liquid not unlike honey, but a little wetter. "Here you are little one, full of all the nutrients a changeling needs to thrive, or so they tell me." If Brittle didn't seem inclined to get it herself he would add it to the tray that Briar's bass was on.

Briar would find that the bass had everything but the organs, it looked like they removed the internals, likely as a way to keep the fish fresh for longer without fully preparing them.

@Windy Breeze @Blitz Boom

Tables shrugged at Windy calling Briar handsome, "Have you gone so long without a proper stallion? No offence, I'm just too much a city pony to see the appeal of something as... natural, as yourself."

She turned back to Windy, "I'd be happy to grab food for the both of us if you want to catch up with your friends, just save me a seat. You want anything in particular?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

"Trixie likes to perform for anyone, any age! The more the merrier!" Trixie said as Maud plopped onto the bed and then looked back up at the stallion. "Hm. Tell us about the design of this sky city. Maybe there are windows we can look out." Maud said emotionlessly before Trixie raised an eyebrow. "Wouldn't mind seeing other performers! Although we should get a general tour of this place to see where everythings at!" Trixie said with a sly-ish grin.

Trixie's expression then went to a more curious, analytical one. "I would like to see blueprints. I find such a marvelous...creation such as this to be out of the realm of most possibility. I'd like to learn how it came to be and all that, too." 

  • Brohoof 1



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Illiad Easle

Serene listened to the dog's own story of how he got into Æther and by the sound of it, he was in the same situation as him, but one thing made his heart stop for a moment.

The dog's family was killed.

Serene's mind wandered back to his mom. The dog's family died, they were helpless and outnumbered. His mom is no different from them: outnumbered, helpless, if she could fight it would Ie like a fly buzzing around its pursuer in an attempt to confuse it. He felt a minor pinching headache behind his head, but he managed to get his composure when the dog noticed his expression.

He sadly smiled “I was worried of my mom, I haven't seem her ages, I don't even know what happened to my hometown and all my love ones living there”

@Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom

Windy frowned at Tables as she and Briar spoke to each other before remembering the latter lives in a city. She quickly erased any sign of disagreement but spoke one word in her thoughts City Dwellers she mentally rolled her eyes before smiling at Briar.

“I hope you do find residents from your kind, I don't want to think you're the only one in this large flying city.

“Have a nice day, Briar” she turned to Tables to reply, “Does the cafeteria sell blueberry cheesecakes?”


  • Brohoof 1



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@Illiad Easle

Thundy decided to get up and have a look around, He was really interested in a place where he could forge stuff, like weapons or create tech that would help this Aether Project. Firstly, he wanted to do a bit of reading about this project, and sought to find a library or the research area. He was more interested in the research area. He therefore, went to look for someone to help him find the research area. 

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"I'm actually quite interested on how you would able to fix me... Please, by all means.... Fix me." Light some how couldn't control his emotions and said it menacingly at the minotaur.

This way i can easily manipulate and gain their trust easier. But if it works... I might get some of my lost memories i erased for a reason...

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@Illiad Easle @Windy Breeze

On 1/31/2021 at 4:26 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Have you gone so long without a proper stallion? No offence, I'm just too much a city pony to see the appeal of something as... natural, as yourself."

She turned back to Windy, "I'd be happy to grab food for the both of us if you want to catch up with your friends, just save me a seat. You want anything in particular?"

"I'd have you know that I can be quite charming, if need be, madamme. And with no ulterior motives either, I might add, as our kinds are not compatible in a romantic sense. I merely try to be kind and polite to those whom I interact with, as I would assume any civilized being should be, upon meeting someone new. Wouldn't you agree?"

He were bashing back at Tables a little here, and doing so with a warm smirk, plastered on his face. She had not spoken of him in the kindest way, and so, it seemed funny to him, to somewhat present that as her being uncivilized towards another creature. A minor, harmful jest in his mind, though it might not even register as him trying to tease her. It weren't meant to be biting or cruel after all, but rather more playful, and potentially subtle. He had no wish, nor need of, making enemies in this place, which may end housing him in many years to come. Who knew how long the world below would be ravaged after all, no? He certainly didn't, though this place may have someone who knew. A seer with true sight, or some rather smart beings, who had found a way to calculate exact numbers. Other options were also there, which he did not think of right now, but it were hardly important either, as it seemed it were about time to part ways, for the time being.

On 1/31/2021 at 5:29 AM, Windy Breeze said:

“I hope you do find residents from your kind, I don't want to think you're the only one in this large flying city.

“Have a nice day, Briar” she turned to Tables

Briar would bid his farewells, then wander to the corner he had sought out, for Brittle and himself to get something to eat. She'd be rather tentative in even trying to eat any of the goo at first, as she weren't sure if it were poisonous in some way, but she'd eventually reach out, and try a few droplets. As it didn't seem to hurt her - though the taste were weird, as she weren't usually around determined beings, when she had fed off of regular ponies - she'd eventually start to slowly munch it down, though never at great speeds. Just in case something happened, like her having a late reaction to the food.

Briar on the other hoof, would eat calmly, yet without hesitation. That there were no organs were not really an issue with him, as it were the least important part of the fish, in his opinion. So rather than dwell on that, he'd much rather enjoy what he did have, and just eat calmly through it. No need to present himself as some ravenous beast. He could be civilized here, and enjoy his food at a leisurely pace. It would give him some time to soak in their surroundings, and if Tables and Windy wished to, interact with them some more. Though he were fine with them simply sitting in silence for a time, and think of what to do next. Quite honestly, he'd like to get to work. Been a long time since he could put in an honest day's work, and quite honestly, he were looking forward to it. Nothing like feeling productive to get the mood up, in his opinion. Long as he were not treated like a slave, that were. His willingness to be a hard worker stopped, the second he were treated like that again.

"A safe haven, in this war-torn world... Heh Will wonders ever cease?"

He were mostly talking to himself then, and shook his head before going back to feasting.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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The stallion looked a little overwhelmed by all the questions, but nodded. "There aren't much in the way of windows I'm afraid, have to keep as much of the exterior covered as possible to keep the spawn and their master from finding us so easily. But if you go to the top decks you'll be able to look out at the landscape we pass."

"As to a tour, I suppose I could show you around the leisure and entertainment areas if you don't want to look around by yourselves."

"Per blueprints though, they are a closely guarded secret, available only to those with a need to know about the inner workings. As to how it came to be, there are several books about the process in the library if you want a detailed explanation, I could give you a cursory summary if you would prefer."


@Windy Breeze

The dog smiled, "I'm sure she's fine wherever she may be. I know my family is in a better place now. I've made peace with that, all I can do is work to do the best with what I have until it's my turn to join them." She sighed, "Have they given you a job yet? Mrs. Lining is going to have me help her with grief counseling due to how well I received her instruction."


On 1/30/2021 at 9:29 PM, Windy Breeze said:

Tables to reply, “Does the cafeteria sell blueberry cheesecakes?”

Tables stuck her nose up to sniff the air, "Frankly I wouldn't be surprised, but I don't smell anything like it. We're probably better off starting with staple foods first, get used to a regular diet before getting back into more complicated foods. I'll get us a small selection of things from what they have."


Tables would come back to wherever Windy was with a tray loaded with bread, cheese, and salad, as well as some clean water. "They said to start with this and see how it agrees with us."


@C. Thunder Dash

There were maps at most of the larger intersections in the hallways, the research division was indicated as being a few floors down, about the same floor he had been taken down to when he got scanned by the deer. No one would give him a second look as he walked his way down to the research division.

Once there it had an atmosphere similar to an academic building, a few scattered creatures pouring over notes and walking from room to room delivering reports and supplies to the researchers in the rooms. According to the map there was a reception area to one side of the research wing, that would likely be his best bet of getting into research officially.

A minotaur sat at the desk, smaller in build than the minotaur who was the deputy, but still comically large for the desk that appeared to have been designed for ponies. He looked up over his half moon glasses at Thundy as he approached, "Can I help you?"



The minotaur looked back at Light with an appraising eye, "I'd be careful if I were you. We don't need troublemakers on this project. Follow me if you would."

The minotaur would lead the way horizontally to the research division, coincidentally passing by reception at the same time Thundy would be.

@C. Thunder Dash

Bright and the Minotaur deputy would come up behind him at reception, the minotaur would call ahead to the receptionist, "Is the memory crawler in their office right now?"

The receptionist looked down the hallway, "Should be, went in about an hour ago."

The deputy paused as he passed Thundy, "I see you're still here, glad to see you weren't... what I feared you were... You had some interesting readings on your deep scan like this one here. You wouldn't happen to be from another world would you?"

The receptionist rolled his eyes.


@Blitz Boom

9 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"I'd have you know that I can be quite charming, if need be, madamme. And with no ulterior motives either, I might add, as our kinds are not compatible in a romantic sense. I merely try to be kind and polite to those whom I interact with, as I would assume any civilized being should be, upon meeting someone new. Wouldn't you agree?"

Tables was taken aback, "O- Of course! I'm sorry, it's been a while since I was last in a social situation, even before everything fell apart."

Brittle and Briar would be left alone to their food.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

"A summary will do nicely. After all such as grand masterpiece such as this doesn't come out of nowhere after all. Lead the way." Trixie said with the stage-like tone she always used, while Maud got up and they would simply follow after him.

"I see. The top deck should provide a...view of what remains of the surface after all this time." Maud said with a slight twitch. She hated what had happened and had tried to hide that feeling for all this time. Yet still, her calm monotone voice hasn't failed her yet.

"I didn't get your name by the way." Spiral spoke up, in a bit of a rude manner though. She was the fallen student of Starswirl after all, and she was never a nice pony. She had tried to be in the past year or so, but still, she is far from it.



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Illiad Easle

Thundy saw the minotaur as he entered the library. He heard as the minotaur asked if he needed help. "Why yes actually. I was coming here to learn more about this place and its history. With that information, I'd then like to see how I can contribute to the better of this project." Thundy answered. 


Thundy turned and saw the other creature. "Hm? Oh it was nothing." He simply answered. 

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"It's nice to meet you light. I'm Thundy...and sure...what's your specialty? I'm a forger, engineer, magic-user and mechanic. What about you? What stuff can you do?" Thundy asked Light as he continued to browse the area. 

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@Illiad Easle

Serene felt sympathy for the dog, and gratitude for assuring him of his mother's safety. When he was asked if he had any job, he replied “No, but I will soon going to have one after a long rest from all that running outside”

“So what's your name? I found it very offensive to just simply calling you dog”


Windy would make a downcast look for only a few seconds, openly showing her dismay and sadness of not getting to eat her favorite food, and dessert. At least they have food so she didn't took it too seriously. When Tables left to get some food, she sat down on one of the tables, and waited.

On 2/4/2021 at 1:35 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Tables would come back to wherever Windy was with a tray loaded with bread, cheese, and salad, as well as some clean water. "They said to start with this and see how it agrees with us."

“Okay” she said with a small smile. The first thing she did is to cut one of the bread into two, then put the cheese and some salad, squeezing them between the two buns before taking a huge bite “Mm, I haven't got a decent breakfast since the invasion started” she muttered her herself, satisfaction evident in her voice. She started ar her food before lolkingbat Tables “What was your job before the invasion started? I heard Canterlot has several available jobs before it's fall”




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"Oh, just doing a little research on this here Aether Project. I wanna know it's history and just what is it that I'm getting myself into." Thundy stated as he continued to look for a book or catalog that documented the history of the Aether Project. 

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@Illiad Easle

As it were evident that Tables and Windy were minding their own business for now, Briar would consider it best to catch up at a different date, and for now, simply move on to something else.

As such, once they were done eating, he would go and deposit the plates where they were supposed to, and if it were near the griffon that ensured Brittle and him got fed, comment on the meal being delicious.

As they then left the room, he'd stand silently, and think of where they might go. A small part of him thought it also an idea to go and explore some, but considering everything, it was probably best to follow his original plan. Brittle shouldn't be exposed to too much at once, so it were best if they wandered in the same areas for a little while, lest they had a reason to go elsewhere.

As such, they would wander towards the gardens once more, and if they were not stopped at any point, Briar would get to work. Be it tending to the plants with water, ripping out weeds, cutting dead leaves, or lifting various equipment around to make it more clean there, he'd go at it with a smile on his face.

Brittle would help too, and would even wander upwards of a meter from him, if there were not others there, to pick up things, or pull weeds. Small scale stuff, but it were a start, and weight wouldn't matter much. She may not be able to control her transformation, but general telekinesis, and flying, wasn't really an issue for her. She'd just never win a race, as she were afraid to fly too quickly, or too high up, in case of a random transformation. And a battle of magic? She'd crumble mentally if it even seemed like someone wished to fight her. A unicorn filly half her age could realistically take her out with ease.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@C. Thunder Dash.... 

" Me too... But i tried getting it from people...but they seem to have lost their trust to strangers." 

Light noticed Thundy looking through books for his answers.

" You do know that books aren't that relyable and is inaccurate for information.... And i don't think youd find a book about the aether project here..."

Light then asked a question to the minautor

" Hey... They said theyve prepared this project before this chaos has happened?... So who in the hay is that someone?

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"Hmmm, you're on to something Light. Perhaps once we know who that someone is, then we could find out the answer to the reason why the Aether Project came to be." Thundy said as he looked for a table to sit at. 

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The stallion nodded and began to lead the way to the upper decks through the rather monotone hallways. "From my best recollection, the story of the project begins with the Oracle Delphi. Over a thousand years ago, before Nightmare Moon's first appearance, she predicted a number of events in the distant future, including Nightmare Moon's return. She wasn't much believed until long after her death, when her prophecies started coming true. One of her prophecies was the incident, and so our researchers began the construction of this air city. A prototype, The Pericles was instrumental in winning the summer war, and improvements on that design gave our researchers the ability to retrofit the Æther from a cloud city to this supreme air ship we have today. It is composed of a large portion of the former city of Æther, the floating gardens of Alphyns, recovered pieces of the Pericles, and a slew of spells and enchantments holding it all together."

The stallion nodded at the end of his summary, "I hope that summary satisfies you? My name is Lemon Zest by the way."

With that they reached the upper deck, which was not too unlike that of a cruise ship, in that it was a long flat area with raised areas to either side, so they weren't on the very top deck. They could see sections that seemed mostly composed of cloud extending far to either side of the project like giant wings, a number of pegasi and griffons moving about on and around them. They could also see some of the large artillery still in the process of shooting down any of the spawn that got too close to the project.

If they were to look down they would find themselves very high off the ground, they would be able to spot out a few spots where cities had once been, but not too much else.


@Kujamih @C. Thunder Dash

(I'll do my best to work with everything you've posted. I remind Thundy that he indicated a course towards the Research wing, not the library, which is why Light was able to be near him.)

On 2/4/2021 at 3:49 AM, Kujamih said:

"And what the hay is a memory crawler!?...it better not lay eggs on me..."

The minotaurs chuckled, "Just a normal unicorn-zebra half breed, she'll use a combination of magic, potions, and mysticism to root out the most repressed aspects of your memory, got a 75% success rate of memory recovery so far, we'll see how much she can help you remember."

On 2/4/2021 at 8:36 AM, C. Thunder Dash said:

"Why yes actually. I was coming here to learn more about this place and its history. With that information, I'd then like to see how I can contribute to the better of this project."

The receptionist nodded, "For information and history you'd have better luck in the library. For how you might contribute... we're always in need of more researchers and test subjects."

On 2/5/2021 at 12:18 PM, Kujamih said:

" You do know that books aren't that relyable and is inaccurate for information.... And i don't think youd find a book about the aether project here..."

Light then asked a question to the minautor

" Hey... They said theyve prepared this project before this chaos has happened?... So who in the hay is that someone?

The minotaurs were taken aback by that, "Books not trustworthy? What sacrilege is this? Books are our most trusted source of information here on the project, and you'd do well to respect them. Unlike the late Equestria, we don't edit books to our favor, especially not here in the research division."

The minotaur smiled though at the question, "As to who prepared this project, we were known as TrUST before the incident, a group of the best and brightest minds in all of Equis. One of the head researchers is our captain at the moment, Apollo the 13th. Most of the researchers and mechanics here helped build the project themselves, I myself was one of them. I'd be happy to answer your questions on the subject, after we run some confirmatory tests on the two of you. If my hypothesis is correct, then we may know the answer as to how we have survived so long."


@Windy Breeze

The dog chuckled, "And I would take offence to being called dog, pony. You can call me Gypsum, I should let you rest. I'm going to the cafeteria myself, can I bring anything back for you?"


Tables ate one of everything individually before doing as Windy and combining all of the items. She ate like she hadn't eaten properly in days, and judging by her frame it might well be the truth. When asked about her job she paused a moment, "Logistics, I kept the Canterlot guard stocked up on everything they needed, made sure they got paid and any widows and orphans got their stipend. I was very busy when it was all going down, trying to keep the guard organized as the spawn attacked, I was one of the first to hear that Celestia had fallen, and I left the city first chance I got. Not a moment too soon, the whole castle got warped away by... not five minutes after I got out of there. At least it felt like only five minutes. It was the royal wedding all over again." She shuddered at the memories. "We shouldn't dwell on the past though, best to keep moving forward right?"


@Blitz Boom

Brittle and Briar would find that there were hardly any weeds to speak of, maybe a half dozen in the whole field they looked through. It seemed they were quite good at keeping foreign seeds out of their growing areas, maximizing efficiency and yield of productive crops. While the workers there were wary at first, they soon warmed up to Briar and their efforts to help out. One earth pony, a somewhat elderly mare, approached them after a bit, "I heard of creatures like you from my grandmother, thought they were just an old tale like she always told. Is it true you've got even better plant magic than us earth ponies?" Her expression was one of curiosity. The other workers in earshot seemed interested in knowing more as well.


Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

(I'm using Maud for this as my profile, since I can't do more than one profile for one thread. Lemon zest is the name of an Equestria girls character by the way.)

The two of them, or rather the 3 of them looked down over the landscape below and what had been revealed upon them all standing on the deck. They weren't really sure what to say as they surveyed the various sights of what they had just seen now. "I find that very interesting. Must have needed a plenty of powerful ponies and spells to create such a thing. Not even in my time did we do that." Spiral spoke with a hoof to her chin and sort of musing at the information that they were given. She looked down at the area there the  cities once were, in more of intrigue and interest rather than sorrow. 

While Maud just simply glanced at Lemon Zest. "That is very interesting to say the least." Maud spoke in a monotone, yet interested tone.

  • Brohoof 1

Maud Pie signature

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@Illiad Easle

"... Hmm....our enemy is discord right?... He can easily manipulate time and space right? So why can't he do it with a book?... I mean i can easily sabotage this book.... And usually people think differently and see differently... Meaning the information one gets is sometimes different from person to person... And how sure are we that we understand what the writer is actually portraying?"

Light gave a bit of a pause and continued.

" Tsk look at me trying to be smart... What am i? An egg head!?... You know what? let's just go on with the test..."

Edited by Kujamih
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@Illiad Easle

On 2021-02-07 at 2:09 PM, Illiad Easle said:

The dog chuckled, "And I would take offence to being called dog, pony. You can call me Gypsum, I should let you rest. I'm going to the cafeteria myself, can I bring anything back for you?"

“I think a tray of food is sufficient. Thank you, Gypsum” Serene smiled and bowed slightly to the dog, showing his gratitude for Gypsum's generosity. He went inside a room he randomly picked; the room next to the Gypsum's making them neighbors.


As she ate with atleast with some manners to conceal the hunger, Windy listened to Tables as the mare told her job, and explained the day when she escaped Canterlot's impending doom. She was saddened, yet it was in the past, forever will remain unchanged until Discord is brought to justice.

On 2021-02-07 at 2:09 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"We shouldn't dwell on the past though, best to keep moving forward right?"

“Yeah. Having to remember our selfish decisions can leave an overwhelming headache and a heart full of guilt. It's best to forget the memories of the past” Windy agreed, looking at Tables with a small smile, “what may not be ever forgotten is that I have friends who are at Ponyville at the time of the invasion. I may come and find help to... whoever is in charge of reuniting ponies from their missing loved ones”

Edited by Windy Breeze
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@Illiad Easle

Even if there weren't many weeds, Briar would still seek those out that he did feel, and uproot them, and then eat the weeds themselves. He still needed his greens, and there really wasn't any reason to let it go to waste, no? Not the best tasting things of course, but he had worse. Especially in the last year, where you couldn't afford to be picky with what you ate. Though there wasn't a lot of energy in these things, so it wouldn't contribute much to his diet. Maybe next time in the cafeteria, he should try and not just indulge in his meat eater side, but remember to add some salad, as an example.

Brittle would be highly wary of those around them, and stay close to Briar as he worked on pulling up weeds, or whatever other labor he were in the area to deal with. Be it watering, planting, etc. If there were planting to be done for example, Brittle could help, as she'd at least be able to carve some holes into the ground, and watering. Small things, but he hoped that getting her into a routine again, would help her. All the chaos from the last years, had not done her any good, to put it mildly.

She'd scurry over to keep him between herself, and the somewhat aging mare that came towards them though, as they were approached. Briar were not sure what kind of approach this would be, as it could be one wanting to insult Brittle, but he wanted to think the best, and were happy to hear that it were indeed a friendly encounter. How pleasant that thus far, no one had been overtly hostile towards Brittle up here.

On 2021-02-07 at 7:09 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"I heard of creatures like you from my grandmother, thought they were just an old tale like she always told. Is it true you've got even better plant magic than us earth ponies?" Her expression was one of curiosity. The other workers in earshot seemed interested in knowing more as well.

"I would not be so bold as to consider myself to be better than you, madamme. Rather, my kind of magic are simply expressed in different ways. Whereas yours are passive, and does not drain much from you, if I understand correctly - though do feel free to correct me if I am wrong - my own have a more concentrated, active role. It does however, also take more out of me, as it does require me to give of myself, in a quite literal sense.

In a way, I believe the more correct thing would be to say that I am perhaps more specialized in a rapid approach to tending to plants, whereas a more steady, long term stability, is the forte of the earth ponies.

Though I do have the usage of nature magic in a way similar to telekinesis, even if the force are meager compared to the arcane crafts of your average unicorn.

I am Briar Trapjaw, madamme. Might I ask who you are, and to what I owe the pleasure of your company?"

Sharp teeth or not, Briar radiated a kind of warmth that tended to make him seem quite approachable, long as you were able to look past the predatory aspects. So it shouldn't be much of an issue to have a conversation going, though he'd like to know the name of the one whom he spoke with. It made things more civilized, in his opinion.

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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That would be the word I'd use to describe my first couple hours on this... "project", as the denizens here loved to describe it. The moment I got off the aircraft that had rescued me I had my sword and repeater taken away and was scanned for any evidence that might point me to being a Discord loyalist of some kind. Which was great and all, until the scans had picked up some sort of huge magic aura around me; caused by the new friend I had recently made. I then spent the next ten minutes trying to convince them that I wasn't a loyalist, and that hunting the spawn of Tartarus, as well as Discord's lackeys for too long may have caused some sort of magic anomaly to appear around me. Because these are strange times we live in; who knows what could happen to anyone living down there right? Very convincing, I know.

Either way, they let me pass, and before I had a chance to take in my surroundings I had the pleasure of choosing one of the project director's deputies to follow, so as to efficiently help forward the project's cause. It wasn't that hard to pick; I'm a fighter, so I fight. I decided to follow the earth pony stallion, who gave me a quick rundown of the place, then showed me my living space before telling me to report to the quartermaster to begin my training. Before he left, he quickly introduced himself as General Quarters. What a name.

I had barely settled in when my stomach let out a huge growl, reminding me how long it had been since I had eaten anything. Using the maps posted across the facility I managed to find my way to the nearest cafeteria, and I ordered some grub and sat down. 

And now, here I am, finally able to relax and collect my thoughts. I had joined this place on a whim. So much had happened over the last week, and after having two close run-ins with death, not to mention the encounter with my new friend, I thought to myself, "might as well."


Speaking of which...


What an interesting turn of events this has been... A deep voice echoed in my head. To think their metal constructs would be able to sense my presence...

It's called technology, Than, and it happens to be pretty advanced, I thought back to him as I ate. You seem pretty calm about it though. If they thought I was a loyalist, we could've gotten thrown out. Or even worse, shot on sight. Oh wait, this doesn't really apply to you does it? With you being a spirit and all... you'll be just fine.

The opposite, I'm afraid, Thanatos said. You and I are soul-bound. If you were to perish, so would I. It is why the pact we made carries a deep significance, and why we guardian spirits are very particular of whom we choose to serve. I am putting my very life in your hands...


How comforting to know... I said to him as I continued to eat. I glanced around the cafeteria, eyeing a couple of Pegasus mares, one of them having a prosthetic. I could overhear their conversation. One of them was a Wonderbolt, eh? And here I thought none of them made it out...


((Damn autocorrect))

@Windy Breeze @Illiad Easle

Edited by Jack Baker
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Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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